Marduk’s Final Plan

More Public Indication of Systems Breaking Down | William & Harry Won’t Attend Satanic Ceremonies? | Recordings on Diplomatic Line Prove Trump Lied, Will Militaries Walk Away & Join Restoration Plan? | Plandemic 2.0 on Deck, Will They Succeed? | Rothschilds File Declaration of War in Hall of Records Against the Guardian | Do They Expect Kim to Ratify a War Against Herself? | Pelosi Dead According to Her Aids!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on April 5, 2023 news on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim is hearing many in the military are walking away from Trump since they’ve been researching all of her meetings with him which were recorded on the diplomatic line. She addresses the China Deep State’s Plandemic 2.0, and why …

More Public Indication of Systems Breaking Down | William & Harry Won’t Attend Satanic Ceremonies? | Recordings on Diplomatic Line Prove Trump Lied, Will Militaries Walk Away & Join Restoration Plan? | Plandemic 2.0 on Deck, Will They Succeed? | Rothschilds File Declaration of War in Hall of Records Against the Guardian | Do They Expect Kim to Ratify a War Against Herself? | Pelosi Dead According to Her Aids! Read More »

Did Anu Come Back from the Dead This Time to Save the Day for the Deep State? | Rituals in Syria Didn’t Raise Anu but Eliminated Some Order of the Dragon Members Instead | Deep State’s Plan for Crashing the $ and Installing Central Bank Digital Currency All Predicated on Raising a Dead Guy | Hall of Records & Akashic Records Are Now One | All Steps to Seal the G.O.L.D. Agreement Are Nearing Completion!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on April 3, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim updates us on yet another Deep State Savior that was a no show. Once again, they anticipated they could crash the dollar, implement their central bank digital currency and get their systems back. Except it was all predicated …

Did Anu Come Back from the Dead This Time to Save the Day for the Deep State? | Rituals in Syria Didn’t Raise Anu but Eliminated Some Order of the Dragon Members Instead | Deep State’s Plan for Crashing the $ and Installing Central Bank Digital Currency All Predicated on Raising a Dead Guy | Hall of Records & Akashic Records Are Now One | All Steps to Seal the G.O.L.D. Agreement Are Nearing Completion! Read More »

Planetary Alignment Fortifies Our Oneness with Source! | Escalation in Middle East Despite China & American Deep States Failures | Equipment No Longer Functions As Expected | Nuclear Weapons Turned Around to Face Tel Aviv | Kim’s Plan to Save the $ | Kim’s Proposal to the Military Industrial Complex | Will it Fall on Deaf Ears? — Probably

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on March 31, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim updates us on the recent planetary alignment which in the past was not positive for us, but this time it was. She addresses the escalation in the Middle East and why the militaries will not succeed in starting …

Planetary Alignment Fortifies Our Oneness with Source! | Escalation in Middle East Despite China & American Deep States Failures | Equipment No Longer Functions As Expected | Nuclear Weapons Turned Around to Face Tel Aviv | Kim’s Plan to Save the $ | Kim’s Proposal to the Military Industrial Complex | Will it Fall on Deaf Ears? — Probably Read More »

Another Round of Bank Codes Sent Out Identifying 18,729 Loyalists of the Order, Kim Says THANK YOU! | Chuck Grassley Chastises Kim but Gives Her Credibility Instead for Creating New Money Bypassing the Fed, Kim Says THANK YOU! | Kim Puts a Hold on Her 2 Deposits at Wells Fargo & JP Morgan Chase While Useful Idiot/Jackass General Milley & Company Chase Carrots, Kim Says THANK YOU! | ‘The Plan’ of Changing Global Power Center of Earth is Impossible Without Control of Money, Intelligence, Militaries & Soon Media!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on March 10, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This week Kim updates us on the Order of the Dragon loyalists latest big mistake and how she deliberately didn’t interfere, per Sun Tzu’s principal. Contrary to useful idiot General Milley’s opinion of her being a blonde bimbo, 18,000+ greedy …

Another Round of Bank Codes Sent Out Identifying 18,729 Loyalists of the Order, Kim Says THANK YOU! | Chuck Grassley Chastises Kim but Gives Her Credibility Instead for Creating New Money Bypassing the Fed, Kim Says THANK YOU! | Kim Puts a Hold on Her 2 Deposits at Wells Fargo & JP Morgan Chase While Useful Idiot/Jackass General Milley & Company Chase Carrots, Kim Says THANK YOU! | ‘The Plan’ of Changing Global Power Center of Earth is Impossible Without Control of Money, Intelligence, Militaries & Soon Media! Read More »

Backstage at the Order of the Black Sun – Part 2 | What Deal Was Made Between the Black Eagle and Khazarian Mafia? | Who is Being Played by Their ‘Alleged Partners’? | Who Is the Reptoid in Charge of Volcanos? | What Does the System and Hall of Records Say About Marduk’s Final Plan?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 7, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this Intel update Kim returns us to that Senatus Consultum group on Senate ( site which got my attention right away because I troll that site fairly regularly. And she cleared up some questions I’ve had since she …

Backstage at the Order of the Black Sun – Part 2 | What Deal Was Made Between the Black Eagle and Khazarian Mafia? | Who is Being Played by Their ‘Alleged Partners’? | Who Is the Reptoid in Charge of Volcanos? | What Does the System and Hall of Records Say About Marduk’s Final Plan? Read More »

Latest Wannabe Chinese Queen Now Dead | New Black Sun Head Dead Too | US Rolls Out Welcome Mat for China | US Government Gets Help to Traffic Children from Texas Rangers and US Marshals | Marduk’s Plan Says 2022 is When it’s All to Be Completed

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 5, 2022 and is available on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this post we find out the Queens waiting in the wings are no more, along with the replacement head of the Order of the Black Sun, the US is also rolling out the welcome mat for …

Latest Wannabe Chinese Queen Now Dead | New Black Sun Head Dead Too | US Rolls Out Welcome Mat for China | US Government Gets Help to Traffic Children from Texas Rangers and US Marshals | Marduk’s Plan Says 2022 is When it’s All to Be Completed Read More »

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