False Reports Deep State Took Grid Down in Some European Countries | Cult-like Q Followers, It’s Concerning | Insider Admits Any Hope Of Launching Their New Currency is Dead | Solstice Not Only The Longest Day In the Northern Hemisphere, But When the Central Sun of Source & Anti-Source (when it was there) Aligns With the Zero Point of the Universe, Pushing Us Further Faster

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-21 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. Kim started out saying it’s been an interesting couple of days because whenever there is any kind of an alignment these guys go crazy and she didn’t think it’s over yet. Then she addressed regular news and some false reports …

False Reports Deep State Took Grid Down in Some European Countries | Cult-like Q Followers, It’s Concerning | Insider Admits Any Hope Of Launching Their New Currency is Dead | Solstice Not Only The Longest Day In the Northern Hemisphere, But When the Central Sun of Source & Anti-Source (when it was there) Aligns With the Zero Point of the Universe, Pushing Us Further Faster Read More »