G7 Meeting Ends With Empty Promises | Deep State Q-Crew Posts Aliens Are Here Because Thousands of Cyborg Beings Were In Fake Moons Ready to Soul Swap Out Humans | Countries Complain As Backdoor Deals & Empty Promises Related to Treasury Takeover Go Awry | 108,729 Brute Force Attacks Made Against the Light System | Marduk Left More Gifts in Hong Kong for Future Events To Regain Control of Financial System | Ridiculous Claims Military Is In Control, 10-Days of Darkness & EBS Falls Flat Again | Rise in the Schumann Resonances Tied to Hacking in Hong Kong & Attempted Alien Invasion

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-17 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. Kim updates us on what sounds like an utterly dreadful weekend, but ends by saying we had some excellent finds and they found out why some things would come back. Leave it to her to put a positive spin on the …

G7 Meeting Ends With Empty Promises | Deep State Q-Crew Posts Aliens Are Here Because Thousands of Cyborg Beings Were In Fake Moons Ready to Soul Swap Out Humans | Countries Complain As Backdoor Deals & Empty Promises Related to Treasury Takeover Go Awry | 108,729 Brute Force Attacks Made Against the Light System | Marduk Left More Gifts in Hong Kong for Future Events To Regain Control of Financial System | Ridiculous Claims Military Is In Control, 10-Days of Darkness & EBS Falls Flat Again | Rise in the Schumann Resonances Tied to Hacking in Hong Kong & Attempted Alien Invasion Read More »