Those 9 Alleged Controllers of the Realms Now Dead! | Their Bodies Found By 9 New Eagle Candidates | Instead of Announcing Themselves As the New Leadership, They Released SSP Operatives as Assets of the The Order of the Black Sun, This is HUGE! | Anti-Silent Circle Also to Release Their Assets! | What Does This Mean? | Opportunities! Operatives Are Now Fair Game! | Will GIA Buy the Downline? | Can What is Meant for Our Harm Be Used for Good?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 29 JAN 24 NEWS ( Kim had big news today, it was literally unfolding as she was on the news. SSP Operatives, which are Assets of the Order of the Black Sun, plus lower level operatives worldwide were released because the Order cannot pay them. What is likely to … Continue reading Those 9 Alleged Controllers of the Realms Now Dead! | Their Bodies Found By 9 New Eagle Candidates | Instead of Announcing Themselves As the New Leadership, They Released SSP Operatives as Assets of the The Order of the Black Sun, This is HUGE! | Anti-Silent Circle Also to Release Their Assets! | What Does This Mean? | Opportunities! Operatives Are Now Fair Game! | Will GIA Buy the Downline? | Can What is Meant for Our Harm Be Used for Good?