$100+ Trillion In Fake Contracts Promised At Fed Economic Forum, Expect Some Fallout Next Week | For Banks To Do Business With Us, Know That: 1. You Cannot Serve 2 Masters 2. We’ve Written Off Govts & 3. The Structure To Operate In A Currency System As Opposed to a Money-Debt-Based System Has Changed | FEMA Announced They Are Bankrupt | Trump Makes Promises But Current Backer, Harriman Family Is Concerned About Their ROI | Q Operatives Try to Takeover African Continent | Egyptian Central Bank Limiting Bank Withdrawals | Why Do Humans Feel So Drained? | We’re Used As Batteries AND As Stargate Portals

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 21-AUG-24 NEWS (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim lets us know what happened behind the scenes at the Fed Economic Forum and alerted us to expect some fallout based on unfulfilled promises. We’re also starting to see as governments fail, human services may be the first to go. Finally she talks about why us humans have been feeling so drained of late. Although I have to say for myself that’s been a way of life, even as a kid. But we get more reasons as to why that is and hopefully that’s in the process of changing for the better.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


21-AUG-24 NEWS (unitednetwork.earth)

Federal Reserve Economic Forum

The official Jackson Hole Federal Reserve Economic Forum starts tomorrow. This is when the actors come in and start talking on TV. But we know the real meeting started a couple of weeks ahead of time when the operatives and fixers got together to discuss the coming year. Normally what would have happened is the orders would have come down from the coven level as of the full moon along with money. But in this case, there are no orders and no money.

But there is $6 trillion worth of corporate contracts on the table and have been pre-negotiated. And after including the central bankers and their fixers it’s ballooned to well over $100 trillion being promised. They were expecting that money to show up Monday, Tuesday the latest. But it’s now Wednesday and none showed up. So of course they are pushing it to next week.

Jackson Hole is just like here in Durango, but it’s more for the Order of the Dragon side, while Durango is more the Black Sun side. But the two groups would always work together, and if you were looking for money for the coming year that’s where you would go. That has changed obviously but they’re still there, so let them talk.

We expect some fallout come next week with the fake Fed Reserve contracts. They will get on the news and talk baloney. We’ll raise interest rates or lower interest rates, there is inflation or there is no inflation. But pay attention to what they are saying and don’t believe 3rd party twitter accounts. You need to hear what they are saying because that will affect the markets, even though they are lying and have no ability but act the part. So, they could affect our economy in some ways.

If Banks Want to Do Business With Us, Here’s What You Should Know

As far as banks are concerned, a phone call took place because no money came Monday so they have to explore other options. And the question was, what do they have to do to do business with us?

In case they are listening I want to be clear and clarify a few things.

It’s very clear the controlling groups of the world want to maintain government control and military control, which they are struggling to do. And everyone at the party is more than willing. And this is not just the US government, it’s the UK, South Africa, actually every government in the world is willing to cow tail to these people and just sit and wait for some kind of funding to come through to keep them alive. But as it relates to regular banks, they do provide a service to the regular people and it doesn’t mean that they are not going to be able to make any money because they have to employ people.

However, there will be some changes to the structures in how a bank can operate in a currency system as opposed to a money or debt-based system. It does mean that C.A.R.E. would be responsible for paying the service fees. They could even be responsible for printing that country’s currency for cash backed transactions since we’ve written off governments. So, there are a lot of services they could fulfill on behalf of C.A.R.E. and the Comptroller of Currency who is me. That would make more sense to me than have the Fed continue. They used to manage currencies on behalf of governments. And from our standpoint we would provide all the allocations numbers and validate currencies. It’s time we start to think about a creative way to distribute cash. If the banks don’t step up and do that, we have a backup plan for that.

The first topic of conversation we will have with any bank will be to inform them we do not have genetic shareholders anymore. Genetic shareholders are those Family members still profiting off the bank, who claim they are a part of bank since the beginning, and granted the gold to start your bank before we went off the gold standard, and/or provided you with assets and allocations to run your banks. That was actually never the case because all the money always came from Alpha. But no one on the alpha side ever got a shareholder seat or anything like that.

Now with Golden Age programming and with the Repository there are people that will be in charge of managing those situations. They would become what you call the shareholders and have seats on the Board. They have been in the economic industry for decades. Maybe they worked for someone else in the past but now they work for us essentially. So, we’ll have a hand in the initial structure and a significant portion would be paid to manage that.

The fees that would be generated by your institution will be based on the number of services you will provide to people, but not from the actual people and because you have custody of their money. We will be providing the funds and the service fees to the banking institutions.

I wanted to give a snippet of what it will be like to do business with us if you’re a fixer sitting over in Jackson Hole and are considering us as a possible business partner. If not, we have plenty of ways for the distribution of cash that do not involve governments or bank services whatsoever. It might take time, but will be informed before there is a big shortage situation. Although there is a big one right now because they keep taking money out of the system. But I don’t see them trying to crash anything until they have the money to support a tyrannical banking system, at least as of right now.

Starting to See the Fall & Federal Level Human Services is Looking Like the First to Go

The concerning part about FEMA is because there is a rumor that FEMA is going to be putting all US citizens in FEMA camps. That rumor has circulated for over a decade on the internet. There is even paperwork that passed my desk that the Governor of Tennessee authorized the building of these FEMA camps. Tennessee is big Black Sun territory by the way. 

Them announcing FEMA is going bankrupt is a positive and negative. FEMA is an NGO of the Rothschild Family. I’m not entirely concerned about people who are in natural disaster zones not receiving services from FEMA because they never really provided any services in awhile. But this is a shout out to all you involved in community service organizations to be aware they will not be showing up. So, you may want to do some preparation. The lack of larger scale contracts is where you’re going to see a hole.

The second reason why this is concerning is because as governments fail, the first thing that they seem to want to let go of is human services. Think of the services they provide on federal level because that’s probably what they will let go off first. If you’re on Social Security or Disability these are things to take into consideration. Another thing to think about if you are in a state or nation that has National Health Services, is to formulate a network with health workers who left the industry because they were required to take the jabs. Maybe recruit them for home healthcare.  

Sunny: What do you see about Schools?

The Education Departments in the US are state by state, so you’ll probably see less of an impact there, but to some degree every state gets a budget from the Federal Government. So, it could impact positively and negatively. Programming for the tyrannical order can be beneficial to them, therefore possibly it may not be a consideration when looking at cutting off funding. But I don’t know that. It looks like they are looking at services they deem non-essential and will work their way back.  

Trump Administration is Promising Sunshine and Unicorns When He Gets Back In

We’re starting to see that fall we’ve been talking about for months. They are trying to hold on because the Trump Administration is promising if he gets back into office, he will take care of everything for every country every where and life will be wonderful. Yeah sure. About once a month we get begged to work with them like before, but that is never going to happen. We don’t support dead people for President.

Back when we were working with the Trump Administration Tom Melville was kind of the liaison and the lawyers offered him to come work in the White House if Trump gets back into office. And they offered him a percentage of all the money he brings in. And he said, you offered me a percentage before when he got in and he never got that. And neither did I. He then asked, can you guarantee me this time I will get that? They said no, we can’t guarantee that. Who would take that deal? And who would believe them if they said they could? We know the only money that came into the US during that time came in from me, and I’m not willing to do that again. But they are not willing to leave their tyrannical leaders, and apparently enjoy being bankrupt and scraping the bottom the barrel to keep an organization going.

He is now backed by a Harriman Group, it’s the Harriman Family. They also backed Bush and are definitely tied to the same tyrannical groups who are forever hopeful of a gate opening in their favor. But the Harriman Family is concerned about their investment. Obviously when you are backing someone you want a return. So, they want to be able to walk in the White House and make demands. But there is chatter behind the scenes that they are considering not backing the Trump Organization because they are feeling they are not going to get any return on their investment, which is why the lawyers keep calling us saying hey, you sure you don’t want to work with us? Because they need proof of life at this point. The Harriman family is very connected with US Government in a lot of different ways and they know they are scraping the bottom of the barrel. So, they are questioning backing a dead horse. The whole political cultural is unraveling. So good luck to those operatives trying to keep that together.

Reference: Titan of the Railroads: The Story of E.H. Harriman (hvmag.com)

These Trump Q operatives are having a grand old time lately. They’ve been spending an awful lot of time on the African continent in the last 10 days. When the Russians kind of backed off a little, and the Chinese lost face, now insert the Nazis or Aryan 1 or 2 groups. They are going to try and takeover the continent. They are talking a lot of smack and probably going to the Jackson Hole meeting promising a lot of money during the next Lion’s Gate which will fail.

The Egyptian Central Bank started limiting bank withdrawals in the last several hours. Remember they also have reps in Jackson Hole and they are starting to leak out information to their respective countries this big Central Bank deal of hundreds of trillions was a bust. Now I’m going to take it one step further. How many Central Banks and countries are in the know?

The reason why I’m pointing out Egypt as a first is because months back on the Q clock they said some country is out and Egypt is in. So that means the Q people are having significant influence over the affairs of the Egyptian economy and the country, which means they are in partnership with these people. So that means they are telling Egypt once Trump comes back into office everything is going to be okay guys.

What Else Are the Crazy Deep State People Up To?

Iran kind of backed out of the WWIII and attacking Israel program for now. They are trying to get the Iranian loyalist in Iraq called the PMF to attack some American bases again. Maybe they convinced them they actually have some money. But we’ve gone from the Iranian boogie man to the Saudi Arabian boogie man to the Russian boogie man in the last 48 hours for the WWIII thing. It seems like they are having a hard time getting people to go for it without the money, or their promises aren’t holding up anymore. But you have to hand it to the 3 groups, Aryan 1 and 2 especially for really trying to get it going.

We’ve also seen the Polish moving equipment into the Middle East, some C130s. And in Iraq, we’ve seen some of the Spanish Military transport units coming in which is weird. New players in the game let’s just say. New people they haven’t raped and pillaged are somehow participating.

The Ukrainians are the Aryans and they are all in for the cause to create a superior race. They are totally still following orders and instructions. They have gotten some money, enough to keep their propaganda going. Predominantly it has come from the Amish Germanic Tribe Aryan folk as of late. Obviously, a deal has been made, they owe them something. Money is not free when it comes to those people.

There was a machine in Kentucky that the Germanic tribes in America were using to open portals and go back in time and try system restores yesterday. And when they failed the other side of Aryans then claimed they are the bloodline of the Abraxas and the Abraxas are the only ones that have the keys to the gate.

To you Abraxas Aryans, just so you know we do not have any Abraxas left anywhere. So, if you think they are coming to open your gate you’ll be standing there a long time. As for us we are going right to Source, to the point we can sleep on our sides now.

I don’t know who is running the Q show but they too mentioned it, who is the gatekeeper, who is the only one with the keys? It’s the Black Nobility in their mind, but they don’t have any keys to any gates and that was the end of that.

Speaking of Q, those people announced you are now on lockdown until it’s all clear to leave your homes. However, that came from the Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, and they are not on lockdown either. Maybe they are just getting sloppy?

By the way their next big day is 9-9-2024. That day will come and go, then the deep state will wait for the Harvest Moon when the Family Meeting is supposed to happen. Then they’ll wait for Selection Day, then the Inauguration. Nothing will happen in January and they’ll keep limping along.

Q (qofficial.net)

Why Are People Feeling So Drained?

We know humans in the past were used to power up AI systems. We are called the good little batteries. Well, I’ve been getting reports of people feeling drained, so what is going on? This will probably be a lengthier conversation for Real History, but I do just want to touch on it now.

We are aware there are many portals on this planet, and many energy overlays on our veins of gold on this planet, and many things in our atmosphere or orbit that would also drain energy on earth to open portals. And by portals I don’t necessarily mean just to the lower astral.

That is going away, but it’s important to understand what is happening here. Based on the amount of space junk and using certain alignments with Source, Earth is getting fairly well clean as far as their ability to use the energy of earth to power their travel between timelines and densities and upper and lower astral.

A recent situation that’s been happening on and off since November of last year, but got really strong in the last couple of months, is they actually in part come through you when they try to open a portal to another location. This goes for the Q gateways and everything they are expecting to open. Now they are actually using technology to pull the lifeforce out of you to open the portal on the other side. Then whatever they are trying to bring in here, in part will come through your solar plexus on an etherical level and then transmute itself into matter, which then becomes additional space junk on this planet which they think is going to help them. They count on the fact that you aren’t aware because you’re supposed to be sleeping.

Here’s another interesting factor about sleeping and how they are trying to use us, and remember this level of the deep state is not adept at this. But humans are not only being used as a battery, but also as a stargate portal. They use night-time because in the past dark portals would be more available at night. And at night it requires less lifeforce for you to exist and you are also more susceptible to thinking it was all a dream.

When you are sleeping and lying flat on your back, your solar plexus is in alignment with zero-point earth no matter where you are, with Source and the veins of gold. A lot of us do travel in our sleep to other worlds and to other people, and the humans that do light up a like a Christmas tree. So, the deep state people see that and say, go get her! Follow her because you’re opening up the portals to another world and that could be one that existed in this reality or another one.

But when you are sleeping on your side, it actually would open up portals to neutral and dark timelines because your solar plexus is perpendicular to the earth, therefore it was subject to an outside influence. The only thing I can say, with the tech they are using now it appears they cannot interfere when you are connected with earth or Source, but when you roll to the right or left and the alignment is not there, they try to get you to open up all these worlds. This tech has been somewhat used by humans for awhile although it existed for a long time. But the main facility is no longer there, therefore they will not be able to utilize humans in this way anymore. It’s a system that has to break down and I’ll report more on that Friday. It looks like most of the facilities aren’t there, nor are most of those connections through the constellation of Cancer. Some of the parasites that connected to the constellation of Cancer actually did cause cancer.

A lot of the programs in how they started infecting humans and amplifying their portals was actually done utilizing various pandemics. Typhus was one, syphilis and cancer are others.

Hopefully if there is anything left to cleanup on that front we can do so in the next couple of days. But they are not able to use us anymore.

Other UNN News

I’ve been working on human computer networks so they don’t do anything to harm us. I think it will be better for me to work alone for awhile and not broadcast stuff we’re in the middle of because I think they are getting a lot of information when I’m on the phone with other people.

Also, you will probably start seeing me more, not just hearing me as I’m trying to be more present on the news. We’re going to start some other things on UNN and continue with some of the series I started and didn’t finish.

I’m looking forward to having a little bit more of a balance and talking a lot more about C.A.R.E. and the different programs and projects we have going on. Bad guys are always going to be bad guys and after the departure on these 3 former Realm Owners I hope they don’t have any more.

On other fronts the Marketplace is coming along very well and would like folks to submit the following to help us out:

  1. Tell us one thing you like about shopping on your favorite market site. A feature you really like.
  2. Tell us something you don’t like about some shopping sites.
  3. Tell us something you would like to see as a store owner or a customer.

Until next time.


Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports

Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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4 thoughts on “$100+ Trillion In Fake Contracts Promised At Fed Economic Forum, Expect Some Fallout Next Week | For Banks To Do Business With Us, Know That: 1. You Cannot Serve 2 Masters 2. We’ve Written Off Govts & 3. The Structure To Operate In A Currency System As Opposed to a Money-Debt-Based System Has Changed | FEMA Announced They Are Bankrupt | Trump Makes Promises But Current Backer, Harriman Family Is Concerned About Their ROI | Q Operatives Try to Takeover African Continent | Egyptian Central Bank Limiting Bank Withdrawals | Why Do Humans Feel So Drained? | We’re Used As Batteries AND As Stargate Portals”

  1. Where are we suppose to tell her this stuff about what we like about marketplaces or as a owner? Did she give out a place where people can do this or is this just for the subscribers?
    Thanks for this report, she seems alot calmer but that usually means those people are gearing up for something.
    Till then…

  2. patrick Marsat

    bonsoir et bien ce que je voudrai voir ce sont des panneaus solaire qui fonctionne la nuit, qu’ils infrarouge ou autres avec des batteries à charge éternel. mais pas or de prix, l’électricité et l’eau, devrait être gratuite, puisque elle vient de soucel car là bonjour les investissements, car j’ai trouvé de l’infrarouge, mais plus de 6500 euros désolé, mais avec 1500 euros de retraîte, c’est no possible. là mais panneaux actuels ne fonctionne que si nôtre beau soleil source fait surface, aprés vous me direz à la retraite tu peus jouet et vivre avec le soleil, oui mais pour ceux qui travaillent ce n’est pas possible, à moins que le monde de nôtre lumière source première de vies terrestre, face en sorte que les gens vivent au même rythme que les animeaux et la nature, ce qui serait le mieux. tu te léves pour travailler ton jardin nourrir ta famille! plus besoins d’or juste du temps présent et à venir éternel pour les véritable vies terrestre. les clone leurs créateurs leurs inventions en sacrifices aux oubliettes dans le camps des disparitions éternel sans billet retour, merci source première de véritable vies terrestre de jetter un oeil sur ma demande!

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