Advanced/Alien Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO)

Trump Operatives Still Wait for Yields From New Moon | Meanwhile Operative Meetings Held & They’re Not Invited | Trump Lawyers Want Kim to Cease and Desist Negative Info On Trump | Deep State Elites Expecting Financial System Crash by August 1st, Hence Their Sell-Off | Nazi Hydra Program

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-07 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim gives us the update on the crazy Trump operatives who are still waiting until three days after the full moon for something to happen that will benefit them. Not many are buying it and holding meetings without them. Meanwhile Kim …

Trump Operatives Still Wait for Yields From New Moon | Meanwhile Operative Meetings Held & They’re Not Invited | Trump Lawyers Want Kim to Cease and Desist Negative Info On Trump | Deep State Elites Expecting Financial System Crash by August 1st, Hence Their Sell-Off | Nazi Hydra Program Read More »

The Explanation Behind Earthquake in Taiwan | China Deep State’s Only Involvement was Staging a 911 ‘Lite’ Event | What Was the Milk Ocean, Source’s Gatekeeper Program? | Remnants of the GCHQ Still Run the Show Despite White Out | Their Playbook Until 2030 is Based on An Entire Book of Lies Allegedly From Project Looking Glass Which Ended in 2012 | They Are Intent on Creating Upheaval in the Middle East & Drawing in the US

NOTE TO SUBSCRIBERS I had a gap in my email service so subscribers may not have received the last 2 newsletters. I have now fixed that so you should receive emails again as I publish. Below are the last 2 posts that you may or may not have received. Rumors This Week: Nesara/Gesara & RV …

The Explanation Behind Earthquake in Taiwan | China Deep State’s Only Involvement was Staging a 911 ‘Lite’ Event | What Was the Milk Ocean, Source’s Gatekeeper Program? | Remnants of the GCHQ Still Run the Show Despite White Out | Their Playbook Until 2030 is Based on An Entire Book of Lies Allegedly From Project Looking Glass Which Ended in 2012 | They Are Intent on Creating Upheaval in the Middle East & Drawing in the US Read More »

Learning More About Kim & Her Skills | Clarifying the GIA Past & Present | Kim’s Adventures With Her “Handlers” | Part 1

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 12 JAN 24 NEWS ( In this broadcast Kim delves into some personal stuff as she shares her experiences with many Handlers that have been thrown her way over the last decade and then some. It’s quite a read and I’m really glad I don’t have her job! LOL! …

Learning More About Kim & Her Skills | Clarifying the GIA Past & Present | Kim’s Adventures With Her “Handlers” | Part 1 Read More »

Is Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Dead? | What Was the Shooting in Miami Really About & Were Those Beings Really Aliens? | Part 1

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 8, 2024 on YouTube. This was a very long and detailed broadcast, therefore I’m splitting it up and still have a lot of work to do, despite YouTube’s transcription feature. In Part 1 I’m just including a couple of news items that Kim started us out with. The …

Is Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Dead? | What Was the Shooting in Miami Really About & Were Those Beings Really Aliens? | Part 1 Read More »

Special Guest, Tom Melville

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 5, 2024 on YouTube. Today Kim invited a special guest, Tom Melville to be on the news! Kim decided to invite Tom because there are a lot of questions evidently about who Tom is, his role, his relationship with Kim and Tom being part of the Global Intelligence …

Special Guest, Tom Melville Read More »

Source Dissolved Anti-Source During 11:11 Alignment Completing the Change at the Highest Level! | Meanwhile Monarch Military Expected the Opposite but Thinks They Are In Charge Anyway | Moody Downgrades US Govt to a Negative Rating After Treasury Dept Tries to Raise Money Selling Treasury Notes | The Jordan Royal Family (aka Rothschild) Nominated to Pay Everyone With Non-Existent US Aid Package | Has Monarch or Any Operative Group Looked at the Net Worth of Rothschild & Chinese Elders These Days? | Kim to Issue Demands Worldwide & Take Charge in Preparation for Enormous Shift Happening on Nov 15th

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 13, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gave a very interesting update. This 11:11 alignment has not happened in 3 billion years and it was quite momentous for humanity. The deep state on the other hand is still on track for destruction, but there …

Source Dissolved Anti-Source During 11:11 Alignment Completing the Change at the Highest Level! | Meanwhile Monarch Military Expected the Opposite but Thinks They Are In Charge Anyway | Moody Downgrades US Govt to a Negative Rating After Treasury Dept Tries to Raise Money Selling Treasury Notes | The Jordan Royal Family (aka Rothschild) Nominated to Pay Everyone With Non-Existent US Aid Package | Has Monarch or Any Operative Group Looked at the Net Worth of Rothschild & Chinese Elders These Days? | Kim to Issue Demands Worldwide & Take Charge in Preparation for Enormous Shift Happening on Nov 15th Read More »

Fake Currencies, People & Wars, Constant Lies & Promises Cannot Hold Up Forever | The Plan: Trade Stolen Deposits with Systems That No Longer Exist, Now Money is Gone With No Way to Put it Back in Banking System | Banks Can’t Continue Accepting IOU’s from Langley 5 & Rothschild | Why Rothschild & Langley 5 Still Think They Had a Shot | Good News, Global Archivists Given Green Light to ‘Clear the Field’ (aka Earth)!| First Stop Was the Pentagon Which Now Has 8 Less Troublemakers | The Coalition Also Given Green Light to ‘Clear the Field’! | Who Were the Majestic 12? | Where Did the Archivists Find 3 of Them & Why Are the Generals & Rothschild Freaking Out?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 6, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update the remaining deep state continues to repeat past operations with less success. No money has operatives sitting on the sidelines. The IOUs are piling up and the banks can’t keep paying out as the bill …

Fake Currencies, People & Wars, Constant Lies & Promises Cannot Hold Up Forever | The Plan: Trade Stolen Deposits with Systems That No Longer Exist, Now Money is Gone With No Way to Put it Back in Banking System | Banks Can’t Continue Accepting IOU’s from Langley 5 & Rothschild | Why Rothschild & Langley 5 Still Think They Had a Shot | Good News, Global Archivists Given Green Light to ‘Clear the Field’ (aka Earth)!| First Stop Was the Pentagon Which Now Has 8 Less Troublemakers | The Coalition Also Given Green Light to ‘Clear the Field’! | Who Were the Majestic 12? | Where Did the Archivists Find 3 of Them & Why Are the Generals & Rothschild Freaking Out? Read More »

Israel War Update as of October 11th | The Original 100-Year Plan Includes Back-up Plan for Financial System Tied to Japan But Fails | The Dark Portal in Winslow, Arizona Plan Fails | Deep State Tries a Sun Tzu Technique on Kim, Outside In–Inside Out & Fails | Kim is Not Welfare for Elite Luciferian Murderers!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 11, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim continues to gives us the war update in Israel, the real reason for this war and the progress as we go. More deep state attempts to regain control which ended in failure. Langley 5 Generals and Rothschild continue to …

Israel War Update as of October 11th | The Original 100-Year Plan Includes Back-up Plan for Financial System Tied to Japan But Fails | The Dark Portal in Winslow, Arizona Plan Fails | Deep State Tries a Sun Tzu Technique on Kim, Outside In–Inside Out & Fails | Kim is Not Welfare for Elite Luciferian Murderers! Read More »

UN Moves to Create NWO | Jupiter & Artemis Accords Expire! | Kings of the Damned Agreement (Which Had Dead Presidents Popping up Alive) Expired! | Rain Storm Corp, Knights of the Kings of the Damned | FedNow System Using Fake Everything Goes Live, Allegedly | UN Security Council Tries to Entice Countries to Rejoin the UN | Najaf Scholars Report Event They Were Waiting For, Pool of Destiny in Cave of Moses Has Turned Light! | Kim Has Chat with God Followed by a Moses Moment | Kim Officially Declares UN & NATO Terrorist Organizations | That Resulted in 110 Dead Order Members & 86 Generals!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 21, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim was busy as usual. She explains the set back that occurred due to the enemy’s plan of implementing a mirror server to fake the FedNow system and get those they lost back onboard. Ultimately it was not …

UN Moves to Create NWO | Jupiter & Artemis Accords Expire! | Kings of the Damned Agreement (Which Had Dead Presidents Popping up Alive) Expired! | Rain Storm Corp, Knights of the Kings of the Damned | FedNow System Using Fake Everything Goes Live, Allegedly | UN Security Council Tries to Entice Countries to Rejoin the UN | Najaf Scholars Report Event They Were Waiting For, Pool of Destiny in Cave of Moses Has Turned Light! | Kim Has Chat with God Followed by a Moses Moment | Kim Officially Declares UN & NATO Terrorist Organizations | That Resulted in 110 Dead Order Members & 86 Generals! Read More »

More on the JASON Society & Related Groups Intent on World Domination | Apocalypse Attempt 13.0 | Focus on Egypt & the Middle East, Causing 5.8 Earthquake in Turkey but Fake Alien Invasion & Tsunami Prevented | Turns Out Alpha Centuari is a Black Sun & Proximus Centauri Used to Be Earth’s 2nd Sun | Source Creates Another Covenant to Speed up Light to Light Integration Removing the Space Time Matter Matrix! | Part 1

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on February 22, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Well it was a busy week for those arrogant JASON Society members trying to start Apocalypse 13.0. They did manage another earthquake in Turkey but fortunately failed on the worldwide tsunamis. Kim gives us more background and breaks …

More on the JASON Society & Related Groups Intent on World Domination | Apocalypse Attempt 13.0 | Focus on Egypt & the Middle East, Causing 5.8 Earthquake in Turkey but Fake Alien Invasion & Tsunami Prevented | Turns Out Alpha Centuari is a Black Sun & Proximus Centauri Used to Be Earth’s 2nd Sun | Source Creates Another Covenant to Speed up Light to Light Integration Removing the Space Time Matter Matrix! | Part 1 Read More »

So Many Train Derailments | Remnants of the 250,000 Year Long Orion War Gone! | Source’s Agreement for Existence of Deepest Level of the Lower Astral Transmutes to Light! | Law of War, Good versus Evil Source Agreement Cleared! | Where Does this Leave Our Remaining Enemies, Operatives of the 15 Secret Militaries? | We Are Now in the Transition!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on February 15, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this Situation Report we find out the status of the Shadow Government and those 1477 underground bases; and subsequently the status of the remnants of the 250,000 year Orion War. Also, what’s left of the 18 inorganic …

So Many Train Derailments | Remnants of the 250,000 Year Long Orion War Gone! | Source’s Agreement for Existence of Deepest Level of the Lower Astral Transmutes to Light! | Law of War, Good versus Evil Source Agreement Cleared! | Where Does this Leave Our Remaining Enemies, Operatives of the 15 Secret Militaries? | We Are Now in the Transition! Read More »

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