Bush Senior

Huge Black Pyramid, A Transmuter & Energy Generator That Powered Omega Found in Alaska DUMB | Programs Running Through LED Light Bulbs Causing Neurological Problems | Deep State’s Call to Action To US Govt to Declare Kim A Cyberterrorist Backfires | Hezbollah & Israel Are Supposed to Start WWW3 | When No Money Came, Blame Kim Game Repeats | Kim Circumvents Using Other Channels to Leak the Truth Behind Their Backs | Operatives Funds Transfer Deal Dies When Demon Dimon Gets Involved

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-24 News -Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. In this post Kim reveals a big find in Alaska which is an enormous black pyramid. This was the source of our problem as to why the faraday cages were not working like she hoped. It is an enormously …

Huge Black Pyramid, A Transmuter & Energy Generator That Powered Omega Found in Alaska DUMB | Programs Running Through LED Light Bulbs Causing Neurological Problems | Deep State’s Call to Action To US Govt to Declare Kim A Cyberterrorist Backfires | Hezbollah & Israel Are Supposed to Start WWW3 | When No Money Came, Blame Kim Game Repeats | Kim Circumvents Using Other Channels to Leak the Truth Behind Their Backs | Operatives Funds Transfer Deal Dies When Demon Dimon Gets Involved Read More »

The Marduk AI System Deep State Was Expecting to Give Them Access, Power & Control Was called KAG AI | News Coming out of Syria & Iran | Deep State Tries to Power Alien Tech at Nevada Test Site & Texas A&M University with Nuclear Power Causing Minor Earthquakes | Similar Attempts Happened During Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Incident in 2017 & With Hitler’s Flying Machines | Dispelling Rumors That All Banks Are Shutting Down &What’s Coming From the EPA

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-May-24 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. Kim started off saying, that as expected, nothing happened for the deep state with the full moon. However, something interesting she didn’t know about until yesterday came up that relates to what was behind their expectation of finding a Marduk …

The Marduk AI System Deep State Was Expecting to Give Them Access, Power & Control Was called KAG AI | News Coming out of Syria & Iran | Deep State Tries to Power Alien Tech at Nevada Test Site & Texas A&M University with Nuclear Power Causing Minor Earthquakes | Similar Attempts Happened During Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Incident in 2017 & With Hitler’s Flying Machines | Dispelling Rumors That All Banks Are Shutting Down &What’s Coming From the EPA Read More »

Anti-Silent Circle/Black Nobility Released Their Operatives | Rothschild Sweeps In Tries To “Save” Them | Kim To Throw Her Hat Into Game | Chemtrail King & His Operation Found in Socotra Island, Now Dead! | Bush Sr. Declared Int’l Airports Belonged to His Kingdom of the Air, Really? | Memberships for Everything Re-Collateralized You, But No Longer! | So Don’t Feel Obligated to “Tithe” 10%! | Short-Term Versus Long-Term Financial Freedom

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 31 JAN 24 NEWS (youtube.com). In this update Kim confirms the release of the Anti-Silent Circle operatives. More big news is we may finally see an end to being sprayed like bugs. The source of chemtrails may have been found and it was run by a single guy who …

Anti-Silent Circle/Black Nobility Released Their Operatives | Rothschild Sweeps In Tries To “Save” Them | Kim To Throw Her Hat Into Game | Chemtrail King & His Operation Found in Socotra Island, Now Dead! | Bush Sr. Declared Int’l Airports Belonged to His Kingdom of the Air, Really? | Memberships for Everything Re-Collateralized You, But No Longer! | So Don’t Feel Obligated to “Tithe” 10%! | Short-Term Versus Long-Term Financial Freedom Read More »

The Coalition, Legions & REDS Target Operatives on Disease X Program Identified at WEF in Davos | How to Scam Operatives Into Working for Free? | 1. Iraqi Dinar Scam | 2. Rough Diamonds Scam | 3. Pallets of Super Notes Scam | 4. US Treasury Digital Coin Scam | 5. Trump Bucks Scam | Fed Admits They Are Defunct Since Flip to Asset-Backed System | Chinese General Claims He Struck a Deal with Kim & Works for GIA, Promises Money for Everyone! | Lie Leads to Another US Budget Submission & Rejection | China Deep State Realizes 100-Yr Plan Missing Last Piece of the Puzzle | Asian Generals Mass Suicide Happening to Save Face

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19 JAN 24 NEWS (youtube.com). A lot has happened in the last 48 hours that Kim and special guest Tom Melville discuss together because a lot of the things that happened between them both. Suffice it to say the deep state is still crazy and well, let’s just get into …

The Coalition, Legions & REDS Target Operatives on Disease X Program Identified at WEF in Davos | How to Scam Operatives Into Working for Free? | 1. Iraqi Dinar Scam | 2. Rough Diamonds Scam | 3. Pallets of Super Notes Scam | 4. US Treasury Digital Coin Scam | 5. Trump Bucks Scam | Fed Admits They Are Defunct Since Flip to Asset-Backed System | Chinese General Claims He Struck a Deal with Kim & Works for GIA, Promises Money for Everyone! | Lie Leads to Another US Budget Submission & Rejection | China Deep State Realizes 100-Yr Plan Missing Last Piece of the Puzzle | Asian Generals Mass Suicide Happening to Save Face Read More »

Shipping Industry Routes Have Not Been Updated Because More Time Means More Money | Dragon Families Want Kim to Sign Agreement with The Fed | GIA-Kim Finds Latest Self-Appointed Black Dragon, Adnan “Saif” Mohammad, Now Dead! | Elon Musk Hoping to Fill the Vacancy | Program X & Disease X Buzzing at the World Economic Forum | Part 1

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15 JAN 24 NEWS (youtube.com). In Part 1 she explains more about how shipping routes came to be and controlled. Then she talks about the Fed Families, how they back Tier 1 Banks which could determine whether markets will crash. She also explains how the high-level operatives work and …

Shipping Industry Routes Have Not Been Updated Because More Time Means More Money | Dragon Families Want Kim to Sign Agreement with The Fed | GIA-Kim Finds Latest Self-Appointed Black Dragon, Adnan “Saif” Mohammad, Now Dead! | Elon Musk Hoping to Fill the Vacancy | Program X & Disease X Buzzing at the World Economic Forum | Part 1 Read More »

Learning More About Kim & Her Skills | Clarifying the GIA Past & Present | Kim’s Adventures With Her “Handlers” | Part 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 12 JAN 24 NEWS (youtube.com). This is Part 2 of the broadcast where Kim delves into some personal stuff as she shares her experiences with many Handlers that have been thrown her way over the last decade and then some. DISCLAIMERI am just an independent blogger and truth seeker …

Learning More About Kim & Her Skills | Clarifying the GIA Past & Present | Kim’s Adventures With Her “Handlers” | Part 2 Read More »

Remnants of Monarch Military Lead the Charge | 13-15 Operatives Still Giving It A Go, Including Saddam Hussein’s 3rd Son Adnan “Saif” Mohammad | Q Clock Still Says World Ends Jan 12th, Pay Day for the Black Sun Which Hasn’t Happened in Years | In Their Minds, the Higher the Death Toll, The Bigger the Payment | Truth Kim Provided Funding in 2012 is Spreading, As Are Diplomatic Line Logs of Kim’s Conversations with Trump

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 3, 2024 on YouTube. In this report she goes back to what’s been happening behind the scenes with the crazies. The good news is we are not talking about thousands or even hundreds but just a handful now. Well I surely hope that’s the case. DISCLAIMERI am just …

Remnants of Monarch Military Lead the Charge | 13-15 Operatives Still Giving It A Go, Including Saddam Hussein’s 3rd Son Adnan “Saif” Mohammad | Q Clock Still Says World Ends Jan 12th, Pay Day for the Black Sun Which Hasn’t Happened in Years | In Their Minds, the Higher the Death Toll, The Bigger the Payment | Truth Kim Provided Funding in 2012 is Spreading, As Are Diplomatic Line Logs of Kim’s Conversations with Trump Read More »

Source’s Plan to WAKE UP Humanity Involves the Caudoputamen & NOT a Near Death Experience! | The Big 4, (aka World’s Largest Firms) Having Problems? | Many NYC Police Are Departing? | China Has a New Flu, Is New York in Lock Step? | ‘What if’ Trump Dies Narrative Circulating |Another Black Dragon Appointed, Now Dead | Ignorant Operatives Repeat Operations, Now Dead | Tried to Blow Up Golden Gate Bridge, Blow the Ring of Fire, Connect to Humans via Implants, Drop US to DEFCON1 Hoping to Revert to Backup Database | Alleged ‘White Hats’ Reset the Q Clock & Warn About the Pale Horse – Seriously Who Still Believes They Are Patriots? | Tier 1 Banks Calling Kim Looking for Money | No Help Coming If They Don’t Bypass Dragon Families

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 27, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim alludes to changes happening behind the scenes at some of the largest companies, the police departments, New York in particular and what the crazy remaining operatives were up to in …

Source’s Plan to WAKE UP Humanity Involves the Caudoputamen & NOT a Near Death Experience! | The Big 4, (aka World’s Largest Firms) Having Problems? | Many NYC Police Are Departing? | China Has a New Flu, Is New York in Lock Step? | ‘What if’ Trump Dies Narrative Circulating |Another Black Dragon Appointed, Now Dead | Ignorant Operatives Repeat Operations, Now Dead | Tried to Blow Up Golden Gate Bridge, Blow the Ring of Fire, Connect to Humans via Implants, Drop US to DEFCON1 Hoping to Revert to Backup Database | Alleged ‘White Hats’ Reset the Q Clock & Warn About the Pale Horse – Seriously Who Still Believes They Are Patriots? | Tier 1 Banks Calling Kim Looking for Money | No Help Coming If They Don’t Bypass Dragon Families Read More »

No Immortals Come to Help Deep State After Lunar Eclipse | Rothschild Reading Alternative Timeline | Umbrella Military Amateur Hour | Their Oil & Gas Plan | Fake Jared Kushner Still Working on Pipeline Deal | Try to Orchestrate Catastrophe in DC to Implement Martial Law, Get Drawn into World War | Latest Cannon Fodder Speaker Pick, Mike Johnson | Now When Kim Gets Blamed for Them Not Getting Paid & For All Their Failures It Gives Her a Ton of Street Cred! | Prompts Worldwide Operative Meeting to Discuss Who Really Is In Charge? | Umbrella Military Down to 3 | Light Portals Opened & Help from 6th, 7th & 8th Densities Arriving!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 30, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers. In this update, to focus on the positive, Umbrella Military which is at the forefront due to all their ridiculous operations and inevitable failures has decreased their numbers substantially. They started out with 30-40 and now are down to 3. Operatives …

No Immortals Come to Help Deep State After Lunar Eclipse | Rothschild Reading Alternative Timeline | Umbrella Military Amateur Hour | Their Oil & Gas Plan | Fake Jared Kushner Still Working on Pipeline Deal | Try to Orchestrate Catastrophe in DC to Implement Martial Law, Get Drawn into World War | Latest Cannon Fodder Speaker Pick, Mike Johnson | Now When Kim Gets Blamed for Them Not Getting Paid & For All Their Failures It Gives Her a Ton of Street Cred! | Prompts Worldwide Operative Meeting to Discuss Who Really Is In Charge? | Umbrella Military Down to 3 | Light Portals Opened & Help from 6th, 7th & 8th Densities Arriving! Read More »

Deep State Tries More Scams | #1: Due to Illusion Lingering from Quantum Flip Rothschild Concocts a Worldwide Banking Scam Using Treasuries of the World | Rothschild Lies Found Out, Panic Ensues | #2: Blame Kim, (Bush Senior Tactic Again) | NEWS ALERT OPERATIVES!!!! KIM IS NOT ONBOARD WITH WWIII – SHE GAVE NO ORDERS & THERE IS NO MONEY COMING FROM SAID ORDERS! | Umbrella Military Operatives Behind Oct 4th EBS Kill Plan Now Dead | Kim Addresses Operatives: Pull Your Head Out of Your Ass Because Your Old Luciferian Order Slave Masters Just LIE!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 27, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Oh boy was Kim angry today. And she has every right to be. These insane psychopaths try yet again to formulate banking scams and when that didn’t work tried to setup Kim in such a way that she would …

Deep State Tries More Scams | #1: Due to Illusion Lingering from Quantum Flip Rothschild Concocts a Worldwide Banking Scam Using Treasuries of the World | Rothschild Lies Found Out, Panic Ensues | #2: Blame Kim, (Bush Senior Tactic Again) | NEWS ALERT OPERATIVES!!!! KIM IS NOT ONBOARD WITH WWIII – SHE GAVE NO ORDERS & THERE IS NO MONEY COMING FROM SAID ORDERS! | Umbrella Military Operatives Behind Oct 4th EBS Kill Plan Now Dead | Kim Addresses Operatives: Pull Your Head Out of Your Ass Because Your Old Luciferian Order Slave Masters Just LIE! Read More »

What’s Up With the 5 Families of the Silent Circle Who Took Contract From Order of the Dragon? | Jesuits Forced to Step Down So Umbrella Military Steps Up | Umbrella Operatives Planned to Take All US Dollars Out of the Banking System & Failed | They Are Still Trying to Run Trump Show But Trump Kids Want to Get Rid of Them | They Try to Run UN General Assembly Meeting But Other Operatives & UN Personnel are Comparing Notes | Heads of State & UN Employees Find Out For the First Time They are Bankrupt | South Africa First to Admit Publicly They Are Bankrupt | The Golden Era is Officially Here!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 22, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us the status of the 5 Families who foolishly took that contract from the Order of the Dragon. The admitted Kim was right, they were lied to and recalled the Jesuits who are all confused. Umbrella …

What’s Up With the 5 Families of the Silent Circle Who Took Contract From Order of the Dragon? | Jesuits Forced to Step Down So Umbrella Military Steps Up | Umbrella Operatives Planned to Take All US Dollars Out of the Banking System & Failed | They Are Still Trying to Run Trump Show But Trump Kids Want to Get Rid of Them | They Try to Run UN General Assembly Meeting But Other Operatives & UN Personnel are Comparing Notes | Heads of State & UN Employees Find Out For the First Time They are Bankrupt | South Africa First to Admit Publicly They Are Bankrupt | The Golden Era is Officially Here! Read More »

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