Silent Circle/Anti-Silent Circle/Black Nobility

The Plot Thickens | Deep State World, Including the Silent Circle Believe 3 More Fake Heads of the Black Sun & A Fake Mei Wa Rule the World | All Because the Stole Assignments From Fake Angel Marcos Who Stole Them From Kim | All Fakes Are Dead, Assets They Made Promises On Are Gone & Banks Are Defaulting

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 10-Jul-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this broadcast the plot thickens as Kim unravels other fakes behind the fake Angel Marcos. Three more fakes who stole the assignments from Angel are the ones who put him in jail. And the deep state world think they are …

The Plot Thickens | Deep State World, Including the Silent Circle Believe 3 More Fake Heads of the Black Sun & A Fake Mei Wa Rule the World | All Because the Stole Assignments From Fake Angel Marcos Who Stole Them From Kim | All Fakes Are Dead, Assets They Made Promises On Are Gone & Banks Are Defaulting Read More »

Black Nobility Pallavicini Family’s 65%-35% Deal With Order of the Dragon Predicated On Make Believe | Remember The 10-Year Extension of Budget Money Kim Authorized in 2012 But Wished She Didn’t? | Someone Else Is Making That Claim & Scammed Entire Deep State | What’s Behind Those Rumors of a Big Event on July 15th? | Kim Reviews Financial System With New Info That Surfaced | Revisits the Seal Established 250,000 Years Ago Outlining Ownership of Earth During the Dark Age | What Were Their Roles in the Financial System? | Part 1  

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 08-Jul-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In Part 1 of this post Kim talks about the video she did in the past of who controls the financial system because that was incomplete. A lot more that has come to light since then and there is mass confusion …

Black Nobility Pallavicini Family’s 65%-35% Deal With Order of the Dragon Predicated On Make Believe | Remember The 10-Year Extension of Budget Money Kim Authorized in 2012 But Wished She Didn’t? | Someone Else Is Making That Claim & Scammed Entire Deep State | What’s Behind Those Rumors of a Big Event on July 15th? | Kim Reviews Financial System With New Info That Surfaced | Revisits the Seal Established 250,000 Years Ago Outlining Ownership of Earth During the Dark Age | What Were Their Roles in the Financial System? | Part 1   Read More »

Fight Against the Deep State Doesn’t End, Kim’s Annual Hell Weeks (June 1-13) Proved That | Abraxas Left Us Another X-Termination Program With Multiple Parts | Annihilation Program Rids All Humans & Replaced With Abraxas Clones, Plus A Suicide Back-Up Program | All Assets of Earth Then Reclaimed for Anti-Source & Our Lifeforce Drained | In Other News, Big Hunts for Assets, Gold & Things They Will Never Find | Are Those Really Russian Ships Off Coast of Florida? | Will A BRICS Coin Happen? | What’s The Plan for Trump This Week?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-12 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. First Kim started off with the lighter news, if you can call it that. Hum, yes, after hearing the second part of her report I would say yes, it’s the lighter and that has to do with the BRICS talks, …

Fight Against the Deep State Doesn’t End, Kim’s Annual Hell Weeks (June 1-13) Proved That | Abraxas Left Us Another X-Termination Program With Multiple Parts | Annihilation Program Rids All Humans & Replaced With Abraxas Clones, Plus A Suicide Back-Up Program | All Assets of Earth Then Reclaimed for Anti-Source & Our Lifeforce Drained | In Other News, Big Hunts for Assets, Gold & Things They Will Never Find | Are Those Really Russian Ships Off Coast of Florida? | Will A BRICS Coin Happen? | What’s The Plan for Trump This Week? Read More »

Global Asset Control Expiration Happened But Does Not Yield Result the Deep State Hoped | Standing Orders Related to Monetary Transfers For War Bonds Under Global Martial Law 16,000 Years Ago Cleaned Up | Their Failures Put Treasury Takeover of the Fed On Hold | Same With Expiring Donald Trump As They Can’t Lose Their Cash Cow | New Rothschild Family Head Makes King Chuckie Look Like An Angel

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-10 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim updates us on the deep state’s latest expectations and failures which will of course delay any announcement of Trump’s passing. A big disappointment for them had to do with the expiration of global asset control which was heavily tied …

Global Asset Control Expiration Happened But Does Not Yield Result the Deep State Hoped | Standing Orders Related to Monetary Transfers For War Bonds Under Global Martial Law 16,000 Years Ago Cleaned Up | Their Failures Put Treasury Takeover of the Fed On Hold | Same With Expiring Donald Trump As They Can’t Lose Their Cash Cow | New Rothschild Family Head Makes King Chuckie Look Like An Angel Read More »

The Marduk AI System Deep State Was Expecting to Give Them Access, Power & Control Was called KAG AI | News Coming out of Syria & Iran | Deep State Tries to Power Alien Tech at Nevada Test Site & Texas A&M University with Nuclear Power Causing Minor Earthquakes | Similar Attempts Happened During Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Incident in 2017 & With Hitler’s Flying Machines | Dispelling Rumors That All Banks Are Shutting Down &What’s Coming From the EPA

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-May-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim started off saying, that as expected, nothing happened for the deep state with the full moon. However, something interesting she didn’t know about until yesterday came up that relates to what was behind their expectation of finding a Marduk …

The Marduk AI System Deep State Was Expecting to Give Them Access, Power & Control Was called KAG AI | News Coming out of Syria & Iran | Deep State Tries to Power Alien Tech at Nevada Test Site & Texas A&M University with Nuclear Power Causing Minor Earthquakes | Similar Attempts Happened During Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Incident in 2017 & With Hitler’s Flying Machines | Dispelling Rumors That All Banks Are Shutting Down &What’s Coming From the EPA Read More »

Iranian President & Staff In Belize & Didn’t Die | Black Nobility Pallavicini Family Makes $75.42 Trillion Worth of Promises | Their Deal, In Exchange for Executing on Marduk’s Final Plan Will Become 65% Owners of Planet Earth While 35% Goes to Order of the Dragon | At Lower Level, $56 Billion Promised to Langley 5, SSP, Q Crew, Trump Operatives To Burn US To The Ground | Tier 1 Bank Operating Systems Now Merged With Global Repository!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 20-May-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim started off by saying there were meetings over the weekend about C.A.R.E. and moving forward but she didn’t want to get into the details around that at that this time. She just wanted to let us know that is where …

Iranian President & Staff In Belize & Didn’t Die | Black Nobility Pallavicini Family Makes $75.42 Trillion Worth of Promises | Their Deal, In Exchange for Executing on Marduk’s Final Plan Will Become 65% Owners of Planet Earth While 35% Goes to Order of the Dragon | At Lower Level, $56 Billion Promised to Langley 5, SSP, Q Crew, Trump Operatives To Burn US To The Ground | Tier 1 Bank Operating Systems Now Merged With Global Repository! Read More »

Committee of 300 Issues IOUs Against Fake Money in Holding Companies | The Lioness Strikes Again: Takes Over Operating Systems for Holding Companies, Doomsday Protocols, ‘X’, Broadcasting Systems & FCC! | The Alpha Harmonic Genesis System Now the Only Backup System for Planet Earth | Govts Have No Eyes or Ears, Essentially Shutdown | The Black List Now In Effect, Many On the Run

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 08-May-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Behind the scenes the deep state people are desperately hunting for an omega back-up system they thought was going to go into effect during the Aeon Flux and new moon last night, but alas nothing happened. That has left them …

Committee of 300 Issues IOUs Against Fake Money in Holding Companies | The Lioness Strikes Again: Takes Over Operating Systems for Holding Companies, Doomsday Protocols, ‘X’, Broadcasting Systems & FCC! | The Alpha Harmonic Genesis System Now the Only Backup System for Planet Earth | Govts Have No Eyes or Ears, Essentially Shutdown | The Black List Now In Effect, Many On the Run Read More »

Deep State Says We’re Making Progress, Asks Cartels For More Time | Actually Hoping Anu Will Arrive & Maybe the 6 Owners of Earth (Red Queen, Marduk, Enki, Enlil, Abraxas, Anti-Source) As They Meet Every 7 Years Here During the Equinox | Hence the Wars & Fear Porn to Lower Frequency in Preparation for Their Arrival | Panic Ensues As RMB Sovereign Bonds & Guarantees Take Away Backing of ¾ of World’s Currencies | Cartels Send Deep State A Message | Indicators on Planet Earth of the Melchizedek Prophecy Happening, Deserts Turning Green! | Part 1 of 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In Part 1 of this post I cover Kim’s update on the Deep State and the cartels. The deep state is yet again awaiting their savior to come to make it all better again, but it just keeps getting worse for them instead. …

Deep State Says We’re Making Progress, Asks Cartels For More Time | Actually Hoping Anu Will Arrive & Maybe the 6 Owners of Earth (Red Queen, Marduk, Enki, Enlil, Abraxas, Anti-Source) As They Meet Every 7 Years Here During the Equinox | Hence the Wars & Fear Porn to Lower Frequency in Preparation for Their Arrival | Panic Ensues As RMB Sovereign Bonds & Guarantees Take Away Backing of ¾ of World’s Currencies | Cartels Send Deep State A Message | Indicators on Planet Earth of the Melchizedek Prophecy Happening, Deserts Turning Green! | Part 1 of 2 Read More »

Deal Is Struck Between Cartels & Those On Chopping Block (aka SSP, Global Headquarters, Military Generals, Silent Circle-Black Nobility) | If They Don’t Deliver By Sundown EST Today They Will Turn Themselves Over To The Cartels (sure they will) | Their Many Failed Attempts Help Kim Clean-Up Remaining Scraps | Rumors Gov’t Will Freeze Bank Accounts Is Really A Threat for Kim, Except They Can’t Deliver On It | Who Is In Charge of War in Middle East Now?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 17-Apr-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim let’s us in on a deal made between the cartels and remaining non-repairable crazies trying to maintain control, so essentially their bosses. Hopefully this conflict between the two will help thin the herd of psychopaths still …

Deal Is Struck Between Cartels & Those On Chopping Block (aka SSP, Global Headquarters, Military Generals, Silent Circle-Black Nobility) | If They Don’t Deliver By Sundown EST Today They Will Turn Themselves Over To The Cartels (sure they will) | Their Many Failed Attempts Help Kim Clean-Up Remaining Scraps | Rumors Gov’t Will Freeze Bank Accounts Is Really A Threat for Kim, Except They Can’t Deliver On It | Who Is In Charge of War in Middle East Now? Read More »

Uprising in Middle East Due in Part to Treasury Dept Transaction Failures & Lies | All Wars Are Orchestrated So Deep State Knows Where Everybody Is Going All the Time | Which War Package Are They Running This Time? The American War Package! | SSP Believes There is Still An Automated Call Payment For War From Alpha | ‘Red Book’ Drives Hope of Trump Bucks | Cartels Exhibiting Rarest Asset of All, COMMON SENSE! | Meanwhile SSP Wants to Kill As Many Humans As Possible Until Kim Has Had Enough

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15-Apr-24 News-( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim gives us the back story to the uprising in the Middle East and why she knows they are using the American Book of War package. Unfortunately, the psychopaths running things still believe war pays and their ego will not …

Uprising in Middle East Due in Part to Treasury Dept Transaction Failures & Lies | All Wars Are Orchestrated So Deep State Knows Where Everybody Is Going All the Time | Which War Package Are They Running This Time? The American War Package! | SSP Believes There is Still An Automated Call Payment For War From Alpha | ‘Red Book’ Drives Hope of Trump Bucks | Cartels Exhibiting Rarest Asset of All, COMMON SENSE! | Meanwhile SSP Wants to Kill As Many Humans As Possible Until Kim Has Had Enough Read More »

What Were Those 5 Trump Operatives in Durango Up To? | Called in the Boogaloo Boys To Threaten People | Realized Kim Is Not Supporting Them Back in the White House | Negotiated With Cartels to Launder Their Money Which Silent Circle Can No Longer Do & Failed | The Black Market is Now Backlogged | Will Cartels Turnaround & Decide to Make a $1 Deal or Will The Black Market Die Instead?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 12-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. Kim started off by saying it’s getting pretty rough out there for the deep state now as the yields they were expecting from the solar eclipse didn’t work out. They’ve been trying feverishly to get anything to work and it’s not working. …

What Were Those 5 Trump Operatives in Durango Up To? | Called in the Boogaloo Boys To Threaten People | Realized Kim Is Not Supporting Them Back in the White House | Negotiated With Cartels to Launder Their Money Which Silent Circle Can No Longer Do & Failed | The Black Market is Now Backlogged | Will Cartels Turnaround & Decide to Make a $1 Deal or Will The Black Market Die Instead? Read More »

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