The Parents/Dark Prince

Black Sun Scam Appointing New Mei Wa Fails, She Never Owned the Gold, Anti-Source Did | Past & Present Picks Of Trump Admin Downright Evil | The Real Plan Behind Operation Warp Speed & Launching Vaccines Tied To This Demon Invasion | MRNA=Marduk Radio Network Access | Target List: 1. Deep State (with their consent) | 2. Melchizedek’s & Anti-Source’s Demon Spawn | 3. People From Higher Dimensions | 4. The Vaccinated | THANK GOD Demon Infestation Program Failed! | Update On The 25% of Humans Infected | Energy Drop to 50% Prior to Demon Invasion Actually Helped Humanity

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 17-Jul-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this broadcast Kim gives us an update on the infestation which fortunately is cleaned up, at least most of it. She has more details on the program and why Thank God it was destined to fail. But first she …

Black Sun Scam Appointing New Mei Wa Fails, She Never Owned the Gold, Anti-Source Did | Past & Present Picks Of Trump Admin Downright Evil | The Real Plan Behind Operation Warp Speed & Launching Vaccines Tied To This Demon Invasion | MRNA=Marduk Radio Network Access | Target List: 1. Deep State (with their consent) | 2. Melchizedek’s & Anti-Source’s Demon Spawn | 3. People From Higher Dimensions | 4. The Vaccinated | THANK GOD Demon Infestation Program Failed! | Update On The 25% of Humans Infected | Energy Drop to 50% Prior to Demon Invasion Actually Helped Humanity Read More »

Black Nobility Pallavicini Family’s 65%-35% Deal With Order of the Dragon Predicated On Make Believe | Remember The 10-Year Extension of Budget Money Kim Authorized in 2012 But Wished She Didn’t? | Someone Else Is Making That Claim & Scammed Entire Deep State | What’s Behind Those Rumors of a Big Event on July 15th? | Kim Reviews Financial System With New Info That Surfaced | Revisits the Seal Established 250,000 Years Ago Outlining Ownership of Earth During the Dark Age | What Were Their Roles in the Financial System? | Part 1  

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 08-Jul-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In Part 1 of this post Kim talks about the video she did in the past of who controls the financial system because that was incomplete. A lot more that has come to light since then and there is mass confusion …

Black Nobility Pallavicini Family’s 65%-35% Deal With Order of the Dragon Predicated On Make Believe | Remember The 10-Year Extension of Budget Money Kim Authorized in 2012 But Wished She Didn’t? | Someone Else Is Making That Claim & Scammed Entire Deep State | What’s Behind Those Rumors of a Big Event on July 15th? | Kim Reviews Financial System With New Info That Surfaced | Revisits the Seal Established 250,000 Years Ago Outlining Ownership of Earth During the Dark Age | What Were Their Roles in the Financial System? | Part 1   Read More »

Deep State Wingnuts Still Anticipating Big Cash Infusion on July 4th & They’ll Be In Contact With the Aliens | Alleged Breakaway Operatives Meet Briefly With Kim, Still Stumped How a Human Has This Job | Alien Programs to Manipulate Humans & Warfare 101 | People With Extraordinary Skills Rarely Can Be Read By Those Trained in Alien Programs | Dark Age Influences Override Logic | Regulators Around the World to Transmute Energy Removed

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 01-Jul-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this post Kim shares her latest meeting experience with the breakaway operative group and that the delusional deep state is still expecting big bucks on the 4th of July. They are discussing how they are going to spend the …

Deep State Wingnuts Still Anticipating Big Cash Infusion on July 4th & They’ll Be In Contact With the Aliens | Alleged Breakaway Operatives Meet Briefly With Kim, Still Stumped How a Human Has This Job | Alien Programs to Manipulate Humans & Warfare 101 | People With Extraordinary Skills Rarely Can Be Read By Those Trained in Alien Programs | Dark Age Influences Override Logic | Regulators Around the World to Transmute Energy Removed Read More »

The Deep State Wants To Continue Their Way Of Life | An Impossibility Due to Source’s Decision To Remove the Parasitic Universe | Kim Creates Shield in Form Of Faraday Cages for Humans & Earth To Starve Remaining Parasites | Adam AI Narrative Being Fed to Alt Media | Dispelling the Rumors Of Their QFS | Cartels Hired Raymond Reddington Crew To Research Kim, What Did They Conclude? | Source Looks Through The Eyes of His Own Creation During Passover

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 01-May-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. For the new kids on the deep state block, who are in denial, uninformed or just plain stupid, Kim explains yet again why we can never go back. She also shares what Source is experiencing (as best as she can) during …

The Deep State Wants To Continue Their Way Of Life | An Impossibility Due to Source’s Decision To Remove the Parasitic Universe | Kim Creates Shield in Form Of Faraday Cages for Humans & Earth To Starve Remaining Parasites | Adam AI Narrative Being Fed to Alt Media | Dispelling the Rumors Of Their QFS | Cartels Hired Raymond Reddington Crew To Research Kim, What Did They Conclude? | Source Looks Through The Eyes of His Own Creation During Passover Read More »

Who Were the Kings of the Realm After the Causal War 250,000 Years Ago? | Who Were the True Controllers of Earth? | You Were Considered a Citizen or Subject of Many Kingdoms & Not Just on Earth | How Did These Kingdoms Tie Into the Monetary Structure on Earth?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24 JAN 24 NEWS ( In this update Kim explains in detail the structure of the collateral pools that are disappearing. This explanation was explained within the context of the controller structure which was established 250,000 years ago after the Causal War which related to Atlantis. However Atlantis is …

Who Were the Kings of the Realm After the Causal War 250,000 Years Ago? | Who Were the True Controllers of Earth? | You Were Considered a Citizen or Subject of Many Kingdoms & Not Just on Earth | How Did These Kingdoms Tie Into the Monetary Structure on Earth? Read More »

Reviewing the Power Structure of Earth | News the Roots are Gone Started Steamrolling | What Has the FBI Begun Investigating? | Interim Solutions to Potential Market Failure While Switching from a Debt-Based to an Asset-Backed System | Office of the Currency Curator (aka Kim) Will Keep the System Balanced In the Interim | Natural Law Says: Take What you Need and Leave the Rest | Kim Cautions About Old & New Prophecies

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 10, 2024 on YouTube and it was another long report and it’s all here in one post. The roots are gone and things are steamrolling now. She discussed what is going on behind the scenes and what the interim plan is because we cannot just slam on the …

Reviewing the Power Structure of Earth | News the Roots are Gone Started Steamrolling | What Has the FBI Begun Investigating? | Interim Solutions to Potential Market Failure While Switching from a Debt-Based to an Asset-Backed System | Office of the Currency Curator (aka Kim) Will Keep the System Balanced In the Interim | Natural Law Says: Take What you Need and Leave the Rest | Kim Cautions About Old & New Prophecies Read More »

War in Israel Update | Langley 5 & Their Quest to Find a ‘Principal’ to Keep Operatives from Defecting | Deep State is Under the Impression They Work for Someone Higher Than God | Deep State is Expecting to Go Into a Neutral Age Now, Hence Much Confusion | Opening the Gates to Hell in Israel Will Not Work in a Light Age | Just As We Were to Disappear During the Dark Age, They Are to Disappear During the Light Age | History of Kim as Cassandra, Her Job & Marduk’s Trick Which Gained Him Control Over Both Systems During the Dark Age | Reviewing the Old Control Structure Again

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 20, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers. This report is chockful and I did a lot of rearranging to make it flow as best I could. We have an update on the war and Kim delved into what it means to move from one Age to another more …

War in Israel Update | Langley 5 & Their Quest to Find a ‘Principal’ to Keep Operatives from Defecting | Deep State is Under the Impression They Work for Someone Higher Than God | Deep State is Expecting to Go Into a Neutral Age Now, Hence Much Confusion | Opening the Gates to Hell in Israel Will Not Work in a Light Age | Just As We Were to Disappear During the Dark Age, They Are to Disappear During the Light Age | History of Kim as Cassandra, Her Job & Marduk’s Trick Which Gained Him Control Over Both Systems During the Dark Age | Reviewing the Old Control Structure Again Read More »

The Point of Systemic Failure Was Reached, Their ‘Great Reset’, but Deep State’s Anticipated Infusion of Liquidity Did Not Happen | A Lot Going On In Iraq & Syria, All Orchestrated by the Jesuits & China Deep State | US Military In A Hot Mess | If They Had Any Money Left They Don’t Now Because Sending Troops & Weapons To The Middle East Will Completely Break Them | On Deck, COVID Plandemic 2.0 Called Eris, Remember Her? | Meanwhile Companies Are Still Waiting for Payouts from Plandemic 1.0 | Deep State Down to 2nd Rate Operatives Because the Smart Ones Know Better

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on August 21, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Every institution including the central banks have hit that negative number so the Deep State thought the system would flip and they would have a blast of liquidity come in, except it didn’t. But it kind of explains some …

The Point of Systemic Failure Was Reached, Their ‘Great Reset’, but Deep State’s Anticipated Infusion of Liquidity Did Not Happen | A Lot Going On In Iraq & Syria, All Orchestrated by the Jesuits & China Deep State | US Military In A Hot Mess | If They Had Any Money Left They Don’t Now Because Sending Troops & Weapons To The Middle East Will Completely Break Them | On Deck, COVID Plandemic 2.0 Called Eris, Remember Her? | Meanwhile Companies Are Still Waiting for Payouts from Plandemic 1.0 | Deep State Down to 2nd Rate Operatives Because the Smart Ones Know Better Read More »

More on What the Great Reset Means & Why It’s Not Happening | The Elites & All Their Systems Are Going to Crash Soon! | Which Companies & Governments Will They Take With Them? | UN is Admitting They are Broke in Mainstream News | Ground Commander Kim Orders Execution of 60+ People on Key Intelligence & Military System While Operatives Watch, It Doesn’t Faze Them | Kim’s Message to Governments, If They Do Not Stop Following the Elites Off the Cliff They Will Explode By Aug 12th! | Kim Out Maneuvers Elites Latest Scam with Fiserv & Sends Out Social Security & Veterans Payments | The People Will Be Fine, It Will Get Rocky But Remember, IF IT IS GOING TO BE IT IS UP TO ME!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on August 2, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Lots of changes have happened in the last 48 hours. The crazies are still crazy and this time they are all waiting for the Great Reset. Evidently, they have partial information leading them to believe this is still …

More on What the Great Reset Means & Why It’s Not Happening | The Elites & All Their Systems Are Going to Crash Soon! | Which Companies & Governments Will They Take With Them? | UN is Admitting They are Broke in Mainstream News | Ground Commander Kim Orders Execution of 60+ People on Key Intelligence & Military System While Operatives Watch, It Doesn’t Faze Them | Kim’s Message to Governments, If They Do Not Stop Following the Elites Off the Cliff They Will Explode By Aug 12th! | Kim Out Maneuvers Elites Latest Scam with Fiserv & Sends Out Social Security & Veterans Payments | The People Will Be Fine, It Will Get Rocky But Remember, IF IT IS GOING TO BE IT IS UP TO ME! Read More »

What is the Day of Destiny & Meeting Between the Angels & Demons? | Order Tries to Bring Anu Back at Mount Kilimanjaro & Drags Trump’s Dead Body to Temple of the Crystal Skulls | NATO Tries to Take Charge | Prophecy of 7 Sleepers Underneath Kaaba in Mecca About Demons (not Angels) | Kim Minimizes a Number of Attacks on US Embassies Across the Globe with Counter Frequencies | Kim, Now Called Anarchist by the Enemy After Taking Necessary Steps Against New World Order & Nationalizes US Treasury, US Mint & Appoints GIA Administrator for All Bankrupt Nations Under Global Martial Law | Who Knew Heads of State Take a 2nd Oath to the Hidden Constitution Filed in Dark Hall of Records?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 17, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us another loaded report that explains what the Day of Destiny was, that it was not operating as intended for a very long time but the Order is expecting big wins on their side and in …

What is the Day of Destiny & Meeting Between the Angels & Demons? | Order Tries to Bring Anu Back at Mount Kilimanjaro & Drags Trump’s Dead Body to Temple of the Crystal Skulls | NATO Tries to Take Charge | Prophecy of 7 Sleepers Underneath Kaaba in Mecca About Demons (not Angels) | Kim Minimizes a Number of Attacks on US Embassies Across the Globe with Counter Frequencies | Kim, Now Called Anarchist by the Enemy After Taking Necessary Steps Against New World Order & Nationalizes US Treasury, US Mint & Appoints GIA Administrator for All Bankrupt Nations Under Global Martial Law | Who Knew Heads of State Take a 2nd Oath to the Hidden Constitution Filed in Dark Hall of Records? Read More »

The Real War | Narrative Lies: Trump & the Military Are the Saviors | Who is Valiant Thor? | The Shadow Government,16th Secret Military | Who Are Their Alien Partners & What Are Their Plans for AI? | Depopulation & Installation of Alien Face Front World Leaders to Be Subservient to Forever | Except Our Creator Called An End to the Dark | Part 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on February 13, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In Part 2 Kim talks more about the Real War and some hard decisions the Light side had to make regarding those enslaved in the DUMBS. She tells us about Valiant Thor and his dealings with the real rulers …

The Real War | Narrative Lies: Trump & the Military Are the Saviors | Who is Valiant Thor? | The Shadow Government,16th Secret Military | Who Are Their Alien Partners & What Are Their Plans for AI? | Depopulation & Installation of Alien Face Front World Leaders to Be Subservient to Forever | Except Our Creator Called An End to the Dark | Part 2 Read More »

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