Black Nobility

Deep State Makes Water Usage & Retention More Difficult | Did the Deep State Put Down Their Flags? | Alleged Patriot Community Members Still In The Dark About Trump | Revisiting Story About the Chinese Man With Machine to Cure Covid | Becoming Legally Dead, A Deep State Tactic | Kim Schools Joint Chiefs of Staff As To Why They Are Not Qualified To Run Security | Money Has Changed & Cannot Be Used For Dark Things When Funded From A Light System Like C.A.R.E. | Earth, the Only Planet With People Who Want the Dark to Come Back, UGH!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 26-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim let’s us know no flags were put down by the deep state. What a surprise. But the Joint Chiefs of Staff arrived in Durango expecting that was a possibility and were put in place for something. But Kim …

Deep State Makes Water Usage & Retention More Difficult | Did the Deep State Put Down Their Flags? | Alleged Patriot Community Members Still In The Dark About Trump | Revisiting Story About the Chinese Man With Machine to Cure Covid | Becoming Legally Dead, A Deep State Tactic | Kim Schools Joint Chiefs of Staff As To Why They Are Not Qualified To Run Security | Money Has Changed & Cannot Be Used For Dark Things When Funded From A Light System Like C.A.R.E. | Earth, the Only Planet With People Who Want the Dark to Come Back, UGH! Read More »

Deep State Tries to Counteract Solar Eclipse Which Will Be Positive for Humanity! | Setting Up Manmade Events Like Earthquakes | Hoping Base Root for Black Market Trade Facility Reopens | Try to Utilize Kim’s Essence to Open Portals | They Just Don’t Understand Organic Systems & Alpha Was A Co-Creation Between Kim & Source Long Before the Dark Age | Many More Deep State People Will Leave Earth This Weekend!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 05-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim gives a hint that the upcoming solar eclipse is a very positive thing for humanity which explains the setting up on the Deep State’s part of man-made events like earthquakes to derail it. The latest crew of crazies try …

Deep State Tries to Counteract Solar Eclipse Which Will Be Positive for Humanity! | Setting Up Manmade Events Like Earthquakes | Hoping Base Root for Black Market Trade Facility Reopens | Try to Utilize Kim’s Essence to Open Portals | They Just Don’t Understand Organic Systems & Alpha Was A Co-Creation Between Kim & Source Long Before the Dark Age | Many More Deep State People Will Leave Earth This Weekend! Read More »

Deep State Thinks They Still Have Some Gatekeeper Control From White Knight-Black Knight System (aka Checkerboards) | Kim Sheds Light on Why They Don’t, As She Replaced Line of Solomon As Guardian & The Black Sun As Gatekeeper in 2018 | What Were the 2 Major and 7 Minor Arcs of the Covenant Really? | What Is Kim’s Experience With the Opened Arc? | Today the Arc of the Covenant Agreement Expired, Indicating No More Dark Gates Are Left & There is Only One Way to Go

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22-Mar-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. A lot of stuff was going on the last couple of days as more and more of the deep state’s stuff fades away and we are officially within 3 days of the lunar eclipse. And in this report Kim shares her …

Deep State Thinks They Still Have Some Gatekeeper Control From White Knight-Black Knight System (aka Checkerboards) | Kim Sheds Light on Why They Don’t, As She Replaced Line of Solomon As Guardian & The Black Sun As Gatekeeper in 2018 | What Were the 2 Major and 7 Minor Arcs of the Covenant Really? | What Is Kim’s Experience With the Opened Arc? | Today the Arc of the Covenant Agreement Expired, Indicating No More Dark Gates Are Left & There is Only One Way to Go Read More »

250,000 Years Ago Today the Largest War on Earth Ended | It Started With the Pleiadeans Fighting Against the Anti-Pleiadean Red Queen & Sole Ruler of Earth | After That War, Ownership of Earth Was Split Between Marduk, Enki, Enlil, the Abraxas & the Red Queen | An Official Seal Was Placed on Earth in the Ozarks at That Time Allowing Direct Gateway To Lower Astral For the Winners of the War

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15-Mar-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. Today is the Ides of March and the deep state is patiently awaiting an alien arrival again. But today we’ll actually get some real history as to why they think that. Remember, they are still working on old knowledge and this …

250,000 Years Ago Today the Largest War on Earth Ended | It Started With the Pleiadeans Fighting Against the Anti-Pleiadean Red Queen & Sole Ruler of Earth | After That War, Ownership of Earth Was Split Between Marduk, Enki, Enlil, the Abraxas & the Red Queen | An Official Seal Was Placed on Earth in the Ozarks at That Time Allowing Direct Gateway To Lower Astral For the Winners of the War Read More »

The Scorpion Stings the Frog Half Way Across the Pond | Silent Circle Head On Same Program as Acquired Anti-Silent Circle | Kim’s $1 Deal with Silent Circle Off the Table | Humanity Must Go It Alone | Former Family Head Jacob Rothschild Fails, Commits Suicide | Mayer Rothschild Steps In & Also Fails To Crash Market

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered by Sunny on 28-Feb-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. Kim followed up with more detail on her previous update reported by Sunny. The big news is the Silent Circle is not going to be an ally for humanity and help us move forward which was alluded to in …

The Scorpion Stings the Frog Half Way Across the Pond | Silent Circle Head On Same Program as Acquired Anti-Silent Circle | Kim’s $1 Deal with Silent Circle Off the Table | Humanity Must Go It Alone | Former Family Head Jacob Rothschild Fails, Commits Suicide | Mayer Rothschild Steps In & Also Fails To Crash Market Read More »

Delusional Deep State Expected G.O.D. Program to Kick-In By the New Moon | Then Mechanisms Under Non-Existent Armageddon AI Program Would Cause Unnatural Disasters | Non-Existent Omega Would Flip Back Over & Their Beloved One World Bank & One World Government Could Be Achieved | Then Everything Would Be Ratified in Non-Existent Dark Hall of Records | Part 1

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 09 FEB 24 NEWS ( Kim started out with less than surprising news, that they still want to kill us all. But there’s a couple of things she wanted to go over first which is all over social media now, the interview between Putin and Tucker Carlson because it …

Delusional Deep State Expected G.O.D. Program to Kick-In By the New Moon | Then Mechanisms Under Non-Existent Armageddon AI Program Would Cause Unnatural Disasters | Non-Existent Omega Would Flip Back Over & Their Beloved One World Bank & One World Government Could Be Achieved | Then Everything Would Be Ratified in Non-Existent Dark Hall of Records | Part 1 Read More »

What Has Transpired Since the Release of the Operatives? | Is a Market Crash Still Likely? | Why More Chemtrails? | Cleaning Up Remnants of the Old Lion’s Gate & Old Gatekeeper | Part 1

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 07 FEB 24 NEWS ( Kim started off by giving us the update since operatives were released. It sounds like most heeded her warning and a market crash prevented now that they know their previous bosses plan. But time will tell of course. In Part 2 we’ll cover the …

What Has Transpired Since the Release of the Operatives? | Is a Market Crash Still Likely? | Why More Chemtrails? | Cleaning Up Remnants of the Old Lion’s Gate & Old Gatekeeper | Part 1 Read More »

Status of the Operative Release | The Enemy’s Strategy Behind Releasing Their Assets | Involves Crashing the Markets During Lion’s Gate to Regain the 5 Factors that Control the World | Except They Were Always Just Managers, Not Owners | But Will Newly Freed Operatives Fall For It & Return to Their Slave Masters?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 05 FEB 24 NEWS ( This broadcast was a bit of a challenge to follow in terms of strategy, at least for me. Freeing the operatives obviously has a catch and Kim tries to explain what that catch is in hopes of warning operatives because time is of the …

Status of the Operative Release | The Enemy’s Strategy Behind Releasing Their Assets | Involves Crashing the Markets During Lion’s Gate to Regain the 5 Factors that Control the World | Except They Were Always Just Managers, Not Owners | But Will Newly Freed Operatives Fall For It & Return to Their Slave Masters? Read More »

Anti-Silent Circle/Black Nobility Released Their Operatives | Rothschild Sweeps In Tries To “Save” Them | Kim To Throw Her Hat Into Game | Chemtrail King & His Operation Found in Socotra Island, Now Dead! | Bush Sr. Declared Int’l Airports Belonged to His Kingdom of the Air, Really? | Memberships for Everything Re-Collateralized You, But No Longer! | So Don’t Feel Obligated to “Tithe” 10%! | Short-Term Versus Long-Term Financial Freedom

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 31 JAN 24 NEWS ( In this update Kim confirms the release of the Anti-Silent Circle operatives. More big news is we may finally see an end to being sprayed like bugs. The source of chemtrails may have been found and it was run by a single guy who …

Anti-Silent Circle/Black Nobility Released Their Operatives | Rothschild Sweeps In Tries To “Save” Them | Kim To Throw Her Hat Into Game | Chemtrail King & His Operation Found in Socotra Island, Now Dead! | Bush Sr. Declared Int’l Airports Belonged to His Kingdom of the Air, Really? | Memberships for Everything Re-Collateralized You, But No Longer! | So Don’t Feel Obligated to “Tithe” 10%! | Short-Term Versus Long-Term Financial Freedom Read More »

Those 9 Alleged Controllers of the Realms Now Dead! | Their Bodies Found By 9 New Eagle Candidates | Instead of Announcing Themselves As the New Leadership, They Released SSP Operatives as Assets of the The Order of the Black Sun, This is HUGE! | Anti-Silent Circle Also to Release Their Assets! | What Does This Mean? | Opportunities! Operatives Are Now Fair Game! | Will GIA Buy the Downline? | Can What is Meant for Our Harm Be Used for Good?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 29 JAN 24 NEWS ( Kim had big news today, it was literally unfolding as she was on the news. SSP Operatives, which are Assets of the Order of the Black Sun, plus lower level operatives worldwide were released because the Order cannot pay them. What is likely to …

Those 9 Alleged Controllers of the Realms Now Dead! | Their Bodies Found By 9 New Eagle Candidates | Instead of Announcing Themselves As the New Leadership, They Released SSP Operatives as Assets of the The Order of the Black Sun, This is HUGE! | Anti-Silent Circle Also to Release Their Assets! | What Does This Mean? | Opportunities! Operatives Are Now Fair Game! | Will GIA Buy the Downline? | Can What is Meant for Our Harm Be Used for Good? Read More »

SSP Decides They Control 9 Realms Despite God’s Picks | Achieving World Domination Means Hack Computers, Install Trump Bucks, Kill People Slowly with Exotic Alien Diseases & Dangle Money Carrots to Govt | If SSP Could Fund Govts, Dragon Families Would Take Control Anyway | Archivists Believe With 100% Certainty Govts Will Never Work with Kim | United Network Marketplace

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 26 JAN 24 NEWS ( In this update Kim talks about those Secret Space Force operatives we love and their latest postings on the Q clock. Seems like they are piggybacking on Kim’s previous report about the owners of the nine realms because these crazies are claiming it’s them, …

SSP Decides They Control 9 Realms Despite God’s Picks | Achieving World Domination Means Hack Computers, Install Trump Bucks, Kill People Slowly with Exotic Alien Diseases & Dangle Money Carrots to Govt | If SSP Could Fund Govts, Dragon Families Would Take Control Anyway | Archivists Believe With 100% Certainty Govts Will Never Work with Kim | United Network Marketplace Read More »

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