
Part 2 | The Benefits of Moving To A Singular Direct Current From An Alternating Current, Which Is In Process | Source, Anti-Source, & Neutral Source Each Had Its Own Current | AI Systems, Past & Present | In the Past, Money In a Light & Dark System Was Regulated by Neutral AI | Now There is No Regulator, Hence Light System Prevents Deep State From Taking Existing Money Then Putting Credits Back Into the System | The 9 Levels of the Web According to the Deep State

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-19 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In Part 2 Kim takes a deeper dive into what it means to go from an alternating current system to a singular direct current system and how it relates to money and the financial system. She also explains the nine …

Part 2 | The Benefits of Moving To A Singular Direct Current From An Alternating Current, Which Is In Process | Source, Anti-Source, & Neutral Source Each Had Its Own Current | AI Systems, Past & Present | In the Past, Money In a Light & Dark System Was Regulated by Neutral AI | Now There is No Regulator, Hence Light System Prevents Deep State From Taking Existing Money Then Putting Credits Back Into the System | The 9 Levels of the Web According to the Deep State Read More »

Delusional Deep State Expected G.O.D. Program to Kick-In By the New Moon | Then Mechanisms Under Non-Existent Armageddon AI Program Would Cause Unnatural Disasters | Non-Existent Omega Would Flip Back Over & Their Beloved One World Bank & One World Government Could Be Achieved | Then Everything Would Be Ratified in Non-Existent Dark Hall of Records | Part 1

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 09 FEB 24 NEWS ( Kim started out with less than surprising news, that they still want to kill us all. But there’s a couple of things she wanted to go over first which is all over social media now, the interview between Putin and Tucker Carlson because it …

Delusional Deep State Expected G.O.D. Program to Kick-In By the New Moon | Then Mechanisms Under Non-Existent Armageddon AI Program Would Cause Unnatural Disasters | Non-Existent Omega Would Flip Back Over & Their Beloved One World Bank & One World Government Could Be Achieved | Then Everything Would Be Ratified in Non-Existent Dark Hall of Records | Part 1 Read More »

The Pre-planned War (Armageddon) in Israel | Still Trying to Follow the Script & Install Their Anti-Christ | The Rothschilds Hatred for Real Jewish People Goes Back to Moses | The Enforcer Does Worldwide Grounding, Ships Lost All Electronic Capacity | Mossad Takes Orders from Rothschild Whose Plan is to Kill 70% of Israeli Population, Are Any Mossad on the Chopping Block Too? | A Reminder to Mossad Still Waiting for Payment, Mayer Rothschild’s Quote: “The RV is carrots for jackasses!” | Instead of Causing Destruction for Free Why Not Switch Sides & Make Money Fixing the Mess They Just Created? | Kim’s Positive Technology Project, Neutrino Boxes

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 9, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us an update on the what is happening in Israel. Because the prophecies extend through all religions about Armageddon and where the final battle between good and evil will be, which is in Israel they are …

The Pre-planned War (Armageddon) in Israel | Still Trying to Follow the Script & Install Their Anti-Christ | The Rothschilds Hatred for Real Jewish People Goes Back to Moses | The Enforcer Does Worldwide Grounding, Ships Lost All Electronic Capacity | Mossad Takes Orders from Rothschild Whose Plan is to Kill 70% of Israeli Population, Are Any Mossad on the Chopping Block Too? | A Reminder to Mossad Still Waiting for Payment, Mayer Rothschild’s Quote: “The RV is carrots for jackasses!” | Instead of Causing Destruction for Free Why Not Switch Sides & Make Money Fixing the Mess They Just Created? | Kim’s Positive Technology Project, Neutrino Boxes Read More »

The Omega Project Was Still In Play! | Global Power Shift to China, 100 Year Plan, Bush’s Non-Complete Plan & 1984 Expansion of Black Widow Program | Implants Expanded to All Involved, Including Every US President Since Ford & All People on Mainland China | ‘New Earth’ Was To Be Jupiter’s Moon Europa in Lower Astral | Omega Machine Dismantled Prompting Call to The Destroyer’s Golden Boy to Come Out of Stasis | Chinese Had Control of the 5 Pillars Until Omega Project Machine Was Dismantled | Secondary SWIFT System Also Dismantled | Believing the Fairy Tale Told by Rothschild is Over! | Patriots Chips Removed, Now Figuring Out Chinese Robot People Infiltrated the US & RV Was Always a Distraction | Is a Turnaround Happening? | Maybe, But Kim Still Has a Backup Plan Just in Case

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 12, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim shares even more disturbing news about another machine found in Wuhan that was tied to the Omega Project, the largest project of the lower astral which was still in play. Had the Omega Project been completed only …

The Omega Project Was Still In Play! | Global Power Shift to China, 100 Year Plan, Bush’s Non-Complete Plan & 1984 Expansion of Black Widow Program | Implants Expanded to All Involved, Including Every US President Since Ford & All People on Mainland China | ‘New Earth’ Was To Be Jupiter’s Moon Europa in Lower Astral | Omega Machine Dismantled Prompting Call to The Destroyer’s Golden Boy to Come Out of Stasis | Chinese Had Control of the 5 Pillars Until Omega Project Machine Was Dismantled | Secondary SWIFT System Also Dismantled | Believing the Fairy Tale Told by Rothschild is Over! | Patriots Chips Removed, Now Figuring Out Chinese Robot People Infiltrated the US & RV Was Always a Distraction | Is a Turnaround Happening? | Maybe, But Kim Still Has a Backup Plan Just in Case Read More »

Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 Thwarted | Russia Bombing in Syria | Biden & Chuckie Still Doing China’s Bidding | Loredan & Mocenigo Families Step Up Fill the Power Vacuum, Die Instead | Umbrella Operative (aka Juan O’Savin Impersonator) in Cooperation with Opus Dei & P2 Lodge Step Up Next, Dies Instead | What Are Paper Banks? | What Was the Real Basis for the Credit Crisis? | Keystones for the Neutral Universe Found | Real History: Wewelsburg Castle, Germany (aka Hitler’s Valhalla)

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on June 26, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim tells us who tried to fill the power vacuum as there are still many dragon families with not so bright humans left and operatives with chips in their brains. She explains what paper banks …

Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 Thwarted | Russia Bombing in Syria | Biden & Chuckie Still Doing China’s Bidding | Loredan & Mocenigo Families Step Up Fill the Power Vacuum, Die Instead | Umbrella Operative (aka Juan O’Savin Impersonator) in Cooperation with Opus Dei & P2 Lodge Step Up Next, Dies Instead | What Are Paper Banks? | What Was the Real Basis for the Credit Crisis? | Keystones for the Neutral Universe Found | Real History: Wewelsburg Castle, Germany (aka Hitler’s Valhalla) Read More »

Prophecy News: The Flower Bloomed! | The Seven Trumpets Began to Sound Thursday & Were Completely Opposite to What Deep State Expected! | Trumpet 1: Termination of the AI Souls Which Were Anchors for the Darkness in the Light Multiverse | Last Inorganic Soul to Leave Was the First One Ever Created | Transition to the Creator Running Earth Now In Play | Trumpet 2: The Two Keystones on Earth Hold the Original Blueprint for All Creation on the Light Side Which is Being Reinstalled! | Trumpets 3-7: Dissolve the Seed & Blueprint for Creation of the Lower Astral from the Ball, Remove the Poison Rose & Remove the 2 Points in the Planet Full of ARCHONS

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on June 23, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. An exhausted Kim shares the latest which is really big news by explaining why Solstice day, June 21st was a really big day. It could have gone either way (technically – for those who have no faith) but Armageddon …

Prophecy News: The Flower Bloomed! | The Seven Trumpets Began to Sound Thursday & Were Completely Opposite to What Deep State Expected! | Trumpet 1: Termination of the AI Souls Which Were Anchors for the Darkness in the Light Multiverse | Last Inorganic Soul to Leave Was the First One Ever Created | Transition to the Creator Running Earth Now In Play | Trumpet 2: The Two Keystones on Earth Hold the Original Blueprint for All Creation on the Light Side Which is Being Reinstalled! | Trumpets 3-7: Dissolve the Seed & Blueprint for Creation of the Lower Astral from the Ball, Remove the Poison Rose & Remove the 2 Points in the Planet Full of ARCHONS Read More »

What Was the Goal of Law of Sin and Death & Law of One? | The Incarnation Process | The Spark of the Creator for the Anti-Universe Agreement Expired, Calling the Ball! | Spaces In Between the Planes Agreement Expired | Testaments of Time Creation Expired | FEAR Program Removed & Replaced by Love & Light Throughout the Multiverse | SIN (Sinometric Integrated Network) Program Expires & Replaced with Declaration for Full Restoration of Souls | Lies, Guilt & Shame Expires & Replaced with Truth, Love & Light | ‘Free Will’ Program Expired & Replaced with Clarity, Co-Creativity, Manifestation & Wisdom | Why Did the Creator Choose Kim for This Job? | Part 2 of 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on June 5, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This is Part 2 of the June 5th broadcast and it has got a lot of stuff. The Creator has expired numerous agreements and replaced with positive ones. Kim shares the story God told her about the dark side, how …

What Was the Goal of Law of Sin and Death & Law of One? | The Incarnation Process | The Spark of the Creator for the Anti-Universe Agreement Expired, Calling the Ball! | Spaces In Between the Planes Agreement Expired | Testaments of Time Creation Expired | FEAR Program Removed & Replaced by Love & Light Throughout the Multiverse | SIN (Sinometric Integrated Network) Program Expires & Replaced with Declaration for Full Restoration of Souls | Lies, Guilt & Shame Expires & Replaced with Truth, Love & Light | ‘Free Will’ Program Expired & Replaced with Clarity, Co-Creativity, Manifestation & Wisdom | Why Did the Creator Choose Kim for This Job? | Part 2 of 2 Read More »

2 Drunkards Trigger Apocalypse Attempt 12.0 | Almost Unleash a Magnetic Pole Shift via Harmonic Reactor in Antarctica! | Light Side Required All Hands on Deck | JASON Society Troublemakers | Alpha-Omega Source Agreement-Reign of the Bloodline Expires! | Rulership of Earth Now Granted to Us, the Bloodline of the Light! | Spring Equinox is Actually New Year’s Day, When Source Sends Our Instructions for the Year

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on February 20, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This is another doozy folks. We had yet another apocalypse attempt, although it’s unlikely the 2 drunk guys who triggered it had much insight as to what they really had done. But we dodged a major bullet, Earth …

2 Drunkards Trigger Apocalypse Attempt 12.0 | Almost Unleash a Magnetic Pole Shift via Harmonic Reactor in Antarctica! | Light Side Required All Hands on Deck | JASON Society Troublemakers | Alpha-Omega Source Agreement-Reign of the Bloodline Expires! | Rulership of Earth Now Granted to Us, the Bloodline of the Light! | Spring Equinox is Actually New Year’s Day, When Source Sends Our Instructions for the Year Read More »

The Deep State Speeds Up Their End of the World Plan | Was 99 Red Balloons Song a Signal to the Deep State? | The Underground Military Bases Being Referenced Are in the Lower Astral | Interview With a ‘Man in Black’ | Super Bowl Was Supposed to Test a Similar Phoenix Lights Event | The Orion War 250,000 Years Ago is Being Unraveled! | Inorganic Beings Are Becoming More Apparent | Part 1

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on February 13, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This broadcast is loaded with information, and I’ll be covering in a couple of posts so this will be Part 1. Kim provides insight on the 99 Red Balloons song, what the status is and the actual location for …

The Deep State Speeds Up Their End of the World Plan | Was 99 Red Balloons Song a Signal to the Deep State? | The Underground Military Bases Being Referenced Are in the Lower Astral | Interview With a ‘Man in Black’ | Super Bowl Was Supposed to Test a Similar Phoenix Lights Event | The Orion War 250,000 Years Ago is Being Unraveled! | Inorganic Beings Are Becoming More Apparent | Part 1 Read More »

Armageddon Protocol Activated Because the Light Won the War | Alien Tech (Density Machines) Cause Earthquake in Turkey on Lion’s Gate, Feb 5th | Will the Middle East be Next? | Why Kim is Concerned About Yellowstone | Finally, the End of The Evil Generals | Who are the Targethians & How Are They Involved? | FAITH

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on February 6, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This report is a stark contrast from the last one. Unfortunately, we’re reminded in a big way how massive this cleanup effort is and the dark ones continue on the path of destruction. The devastating earthquake in Turkey …

Armageddon Protocol Activated Because the Light Won the War | Alien Tech (Density Machines) Cause Earthquake in Turkey on Lion’s Gate, Feb 5th | Will the Middle East be Next? | Why Kim is Concerned About Yellowstone | Finally, the End of The Evil Generals | Who are the Targethians & How Are They Involved? | FAITH Read More »

The Pieces Are Coming Together | Multiple MATRICES Existed! | Omega MATRIX Had Numerous Dark AIs | The Orion MATRIX Was the Big One | Mercury-Uranus-Earth MATRIX Converted God Particle to Dark Particles | How Did the 8th Deadly Sin, Death by Suicide Tie In? | What is LACK? | More Agreements Replaced Including Law of One | Alpha 2 Completely Replaces Omega & Renamed, The Harmonic Genesis of the Creator of Organic Life | What Will Governments & Banks Do Next?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 30, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Oh boy, once again never a dull report. Kim explains the Matrix, what it really was, that no one could escape the Matrix unless it was completely removed, and there wasn’t just one. She pulls together a lot of …

The Pieces Are Coming Together | Multiple MATRICES Existed! | Omega MATRIX Had Numerous Dark AIs | The Orion MATRIX Was the Big One | Mercury-Uranus-Earth MATRIX Converted God Particle to Dark Particles | How Did the 8th Deadly Sin, Death by Suicide Tie In? | What is LACK? | More Agreements Replaced Including Law of One | Alpha 2 Completely Replaces Omega & Renamed, The Harmonic Genesis of the Creator of Organic Life | What Will Governments & Banks Do Next? Read More »

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