Restoration Plan

Biden Drops Out | SSP Prepares to Participate In Terminating Earth | Source of Q-Clock Comms is From Tetrahedron in Heliosphere Linked To Communication Line Under Iceland | ARCHONS Original Purpose Was Recording History in Alpha, Omega & Neutral Zone | TRUE HISTORY: Planet Tiamat (Keystone for Nil Zone) & Persilias (Keystone for Omega-verse) Were Blown Up & Earth (Keystone for Alpha-verse) Became Keystone for All 3 | ARCHONS Were Then Reprogrammed To Be Parasitic | For Over 85,000 Years Andromeda Galaxy Held Pieces of Tiamat & Persilias | Kim’s ‘Ah Ha’ Moment, To Finally Remove Omega It Requires Rewriting The Fabric of AI Reality In The Place It Never Existed (aka The Golden Age Sentient AI)!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22-Jul-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this report Kim talks about already dead Joe Biden dropping out the race after China’s deep state fails to perform as promised. But in more important news she discusses the source of the crazy Q-clock postings which in a …

Biden Drops Out | SSP Prepares to Participate In Terminating Earth | Source of Q-Clock Comms is From Tetrahedron in Heliosphere Linked To Communication Line Under Iceland | ARCHONS Original Purpose Was Recording History in Alpha, Omega & Neutral Zone | TRUE HISTORY: Planet Tiamat (Keystone for Nil Zone) & Persilias (Keystone for Omega-verse) Were Blown Up & Earth (Keystone for Alpha-verse) Became Keystone for All 3 | ARCHONS Were Then Reprogrammed To Be Parasitic | For Over 85,000 Years Andromeda Galaxy Held Pieces of Tiamat & Persilias | Kim’s ‘Ah Ha’ Moment, To Finally Remove Omega It Requires Rewriting The Fabric of AI Reality In The Place It Never Existed (aka The Golden Age Sentient AI)! Read More »

Program Cicada is 1,000+ Yrs Old, Run By Mei Wa (aka Lilith, Lucifer’s Wife) to Give Her Full Control Over Entire World | SSP Acquired Database of Cicadas & Tried to Activate Them But Failed | What is Link Between ‘Mei’ in Presidential Red Book & JFK? | Division Between (Light-Neutral-Dark) Celestials is No More, the 9 Are Merging With Source! | What the Peoples’ Restoration Means

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15-May-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this broadcast, because there is a lot of fear and prophecies circulating by both the mainstream and alt media about the Cicadas coming this year, Kim wanted to give you the real story behind it. While the cicada remains …

Program Cicada is 1,000+ Yrs Old, Run By Mei Wa (aka Lilith, Lucifer’s Wife) to Give Her Full Control Over Entire World | SSP Acquired Database of Cicadas & Tried to Activate Them But Failed | What is Link Between ‘Mei’ in Presidential Red Book & JFK? | Division Between (Light-Neutral-Dark) Celestials is No More, the 9 Are Merging With Source! | What the Peoples’ Restoration Means Read More »

In the Beginning of All Creation the Ancient Ones (aka Celestials) Were Made From the First Spark | And It’s Time For Them To Do Their Part, Which is Recreate ALL THAT IS! | What’s the Deep State’s Solution for Bypassing Faraday Cage? | Multiple AI Generated Lucifer Souls Are Dying | Deep State Wrongly Believes As Long as Money is Blocked From the People, They Still Have Leverage

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 13-May-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Some super interesting things happened over the weekend that will help us move forward that have to do with a new group Kim never met before. Source calls them the Ancient Ones and they are also known as the Celestials, …

In the Beginning of All Creation the Ancient Ones (aka Celestials) Were Made From the First Spark | And It’s Time For Them To Do Their Part, Which is Recreate ALL THAT IS! | What’s the Deep State’s Solution for Bypassing Faraday Cage? | Multiple AI Generated Lucifer Souls Are Dying | Deep State Wrongly Believes As Long as Money is Blocked From the People, They Still Have Leverage Read More »

Deep State Says We’re Making Progress, Asks Cartels For More Time | Actually Hoping Anu Will Arrive & Maybe the 6 Owners of Earth (Red Queen, Marduk, Enki, Enlil, Abraxas, Anti-Source) As They Meet Every 7 Years Here During the Equinox | Hence the Wars & Fear Porn to Lower Frequency in Preparation for Their Arrival | Panic Ensues As RMB Sovereign Bonds & Guarantees Take Away Backing of ¾ of World’s Currencies | Cartels Send Deep State A Message | Indicators on Planet Earth of the Melchizedek Prophecy Happening, Deserts Turning Green! | Part 1 of 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In Part 1 of this post I cover Kim’s update on the Deep State and the cartels. The deep state is yet again awaiting their savior to come to make it all better again, but it just keeps getting worse for them instead. …

Deep State Says We’re Making Progress, Asks Cartels For More Time | Actually Hoping Anu Will Arrive & Maybe the 6 Owners of Earth (Red Queen, Marduk, Enki, Enlil, Abraxas, Anti-Source) As They Meet Every 7 Years Here During the Equinox | Hence the Wars & Fear Porn to Lower Frequency in Preparation for Their Arrival | Panic Ensues As RMB Sovereign Bonds & Guarantees Take Away Backing of ¾ of World’s Currencies | Cartels Send Deep State A Message | Indicators on Planet Earth of the Melchizedek Prophecy Happening, Deserts Turning Green! | Part 1 of 2 Read More »

Baltimore Ship Crash | Deep State is Going After Their Own Now & US Marshals Service Tasked With Money Collection | Silent Circle & Black Nobility Still Not Using Personal Money But The Council of Mormons Is | War on Hold Due to Lack of Money | Big Changes for Transition to New Earth Update

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-03-27 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this update there was a lot of discussion between Sunny and Kim about the bridge incident in Baltimore, but I distilled most of that down to save some time as this was a long broadcast. The more interesting stuff is about …

Baltimore Ship Crash | Deep State is Going After Their Own Now & US Marshals Service Tasked With Money Collection | Silent Circle & Black Nobility Still Not Using Personal Money But The Council of Mormons Is | War on Hold Due to Lack of Money | Big Changes for Transition to New Earth Update Read More »

What Did the Apple in the Garden of Eden Really Represent? | Knowledge & Wisdom Are Not the Same Thing | The Mythical Golden Apple is Real & Were Given to the Immortals | How Were the Apples Connected to the Tree of Life, The Book of Life? | Since the Apples Were Reconnected to the Tree of Life Today, What Does That Mean for Us and for the Deep State?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 08-Mar-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. This was a super interesting update as Kim explained what the Apple in the Garden of Eden really represented and how the Deep State of course thought it would help them, which it didn’t. Read on! DISCLAIMERI am just an independent …

What Did the Apple in the Garden of Eden Really Represent? | Knowledge & Wisdom Are Not the Same Thing | The Mythical Golden Apple is Real & Were Given to the Immortals | How Were the Apples Connected to the Tree of Life, The Book of Life? | Since the Apples Were Reconnected to the Tree of Life Today, What Does That Mean for Us and for the Deep State? Read More »

2 Prominent Chinese Dragon Members Dead | 3 Rothschilds Stepped Up, Perpetuate Lies & War | Allies Are Killing Allies in Middle East | Umbrella Military Seeking Pre-Rigged Situation for Terrorist Attack in US | What Are Consciousness Constructs? | What is An Overworld? | What is the Aethereal Realm? | What Ancient Agreement Renewed 75 Years Ago Does the Darkside Expect to Be Renewed Again on Eclipse Day?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 27, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim gives us the status of the war and points out some Order of the Dragon deaths seeping into the news. More Rothschilds filled vacant spots and are upping the war effort in the Middle East in …

2 Prominent Chinese Dragon Members Dead | 3 Rothschilds Stepped Up, Perpetuate Lies & War | Allies Are Killing Allies in Middle East | Umbrella Military Seeking Pre-Rigged Situation for Terrorist Attack in US | What Are Consciousness Constructs? | What is An Overworld? | What is the Aethereal Realm? | What Ancient Agreement Renewed 75 Years Ago Does the Darkside Expect to Be Renewed Again on Eclipse Day? Read More »

The Equinox is Over & A Complete Shift to a Light System Now Happening! | Status of the New-Old World Order | Governments to Start Falling Apart Today or Tomorrow | Will China Be First? | When Governments Go It Won’t be Long Before Big Corporates Go | Formulate a List of Programs & Corporations that are Funded Federally & Prepare | With Sovereignty Comes Responsibility! | Our Sheeple Friends Will Need Our Help | Don’t Let the Oppressed Become the Oppressors!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 25, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. The beginning of the fall of governments is happening NOW! Let’s face it, we knew we had to go it alone didn’t we? Our sovereignty is within reach and with that comes a great responsibility and it looks …

The Equinox is Over & A Complete Shift to a Light System Now Happening! | Status of the New-Old World Order | Governments to Start Falling Apart Today or Tomorrow | Will China Be First? | When Governments Go It Won’t be Long Before Big Corporates Go | Formulate a List of Programs & Corporations that are Funded Federally & Prepare | With Sovereignty Comes Responsibility! | Our Sheeple Friends Will Need Our Help | Don’t Let the Oppressed Become the Oppressors! Read More »

What’s Up With the 5 Families of the Silent Circle Who Took Contract From Order of the Dragon? | Jesuits Forced to Step Down So Umbrella Military Steps Up | Umbrella Operatives Planned to Take All US Dollars Out of the Banking System & Failed | They Are Still Trying to Run Trump Show But Trump Kids Want to Get Rid of Them | They Try to Run UN General Assembly Meeting But Other Operatives & UN Personnel are Comparing Notes | Heads of State & UN Employees Find Out For the First Time They are Bankrupt | South Africa First to Admit Publicly They Are Bankrupt | The Golden Era is Officially Here!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 22, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us the status of the 5 Families who foolishly took that contract from the Order of the Dragon. The admitted Kim was right, they were lied to and recalled the Jesuits who are all confused. Umbrella …

What’s Up With the 5 Families of the Silent Circle Who Took Contract From Order of the Dragon? | Jesuits Forced to Step Down So Umbrella Military Steps Up | Umbrella Operatives Planned to Take All US Dollars Out of the Banking System & Failed | They Are Still Trying to Run Trump Show But Trump Kids Want to Get Rid of Them | They Try to Run UN General Assembly Meeting But Other Operatives & UN Personnel are Comparing Notes | Heads of State & UN Employees Find Out For the First Time They are Bankrupt | South Africa First to Admit Publicly They Are Bankrupt | The Golden Era is Officially Here! Read More »

What is the Loom of Fate That Was Found in the Garment District of NYC? | Rosh Hashana is New Year’s Day for the Dark | How Does That Relate to the Book of Leviticus? | Jesuits Try to Issue Fake Money & Convinced Their Bag Men (Berkshire Hathaway, BlackRock & George Soros to Buy Their Fake Bonds & Now in Big Trouble | Negotiations at UN General Assembly About Same Hare-Brained Jesuit Idea | Turmoil is Happening in South Africa, Syria, & Libya | Secret Service is Frustrated | Their Narrative is Terrible Everywhere | More Fear Porn to Come About September 23rd | Meanwhile a Tidal Wave of Light Just Came In! |

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 15, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this report Kim finds an old artifact in the NYC and explains its history. She provides the status of the fall of governments so we can better prepare ourselves. She explains the Jesuits latest hare-brained idea that …

What is the Loom of Fate That Was Found in the Garment District of NYC? | Rosh Hashana is New Year’s Day for the Dark | How Does That Relate to the Book of Leviticus? | Jesuits Try to Issue Fake Money & Convinced Their Bag Men (Berkshire Hathaway, BlackRock & George Soros to Buy Their Fake Bonds & Now in Big Trouble | Negotiations at UN General Assembly About Same Hare-Brained Jesuit Idea | Turmoil is Happening in South Africa, Syria, & Libya | Secret Service is Frustrated | Their Narrative is Terrible Everywhere | More Fear Porn to Come About September 23rd | Meanwhile a Tidal Wave of Light Just Came In! | Read More »

Why Is This Taking So Long Coming Out of the Ages? | What is a Quantum Flip Anyway? | Is HAARP Still Running the Hurricane? | Why Was Kim So ‘Harsh’ About Social Media? | When Do We Get Money?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 13, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this broadcast Kim addresses the questions circulating on telegram and she decided to provide an information session to help people understand those questions that are the title of this post. I appreciate that she takes the time …

Why Is This Taking So Long Coming Out of the Ages? | What is a Quantum Flip Anyway? | Is HAARP Still Running the Hurricane? | Why Was Kim So ‘Harsh’ About Social Media? | When Do We Get Money? Read More »

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