Triad, Chinese Mafia

Learning More About Kim & Her Skills | Clarifying the GIA Past & Present | Kim’s Adventures With Her “Handlers” | Part 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 12 JAN 24 NEWS ( This is Part 2 of the broadcast where Kim delves into some personal stuff as she shares her experiences with many Handlers that have been thrown her way over the last decade and then some. DISCLAIMERI am just an independent blogger and truth seeker …

Learning More About Kim & Her Skills | Clarifying the GIA Past & Present | Kim’s Adventures With Her “Handlers” | Part 2 Read More »

Self-Appointed Black Dragon Dead! | Who Are the Watchers? | Is The Order of Dragon Really Standing Down? | Is the Black Nobility? | 100% Light System Has Been Reached!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 20, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. So we find out that Mr. Nay-sayer decided to make poor life choices therefore he is no longer with us. Other good news is that we reached a 100% light system, and supposedly the Order of the Dragon …

Self-Appointed Black Dragon Dead! | Who Are the Watchers? | Is The Order of Dragon Really Standing Down? | Is the Black Nobility? | 100% Light System Has Been Reached! Read More »

More Public Indication of Systems Breaking Down | William & Harry Won’t Attend Satanic Ceremonies? | Recordings on Diplomatic Line Prove Trump Lied, Will Militaries Walk Away & Join Restoration Plan? | Plandemic 2.0 on Deck, Will They Succeed? | Rothschilds File Declaration of War in Hall of Records Against the Guardian | Do They Expect Kim to Ratify a War Against Herself? | Pelosi Dead According to Her Aids!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on April 5, 2023 news on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim is hearing many in the military are walking away from Trump since they’ve been researching all of her meetings with him which were recorded on the diplomatic line. She addresses the China Deep State’s Plandemic 2.0, and why …

More Public Indication of Systems Breaking Down | William & Harry Won’t Attend Satanic Ceremonies? | Recordings on Diplomatic Line Prove Trump Lied, Will Militaries Walk Away & Join Restoration Plan? | Plandemic 2.0 on Deck, Will They Succeed? | Rothschilds File Declaration of War in Hall of Records Against the Guardian | Do They Expect Kim to Ratify a War Against Herself? | Pelosi Dead According to Her Aids! Read More »

Another Round of Bank Codes Sent Out Identifying 18,729 Loyalists of the Order, Kim Says THANK YOU! | Chuck Grassley Chastises Kim but Gives Her Credibility Instead for Creating New Money Bypassing the Fed, Kim Says THANK YOU! | Kim Puts a Hold on Her 2 Deposits at Wells Fargo & JP Morgan Chase While Useful Idiot/Jackass General Milley & Company Chase Carrots, Kim Says THANK YOU! | ‘The Plan’ of Changing Global Power Center of Earth is Impossible Without Control of Money, Intelligence, Militaries & Soon Media!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on March 10, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This week Kim updates us on the Order of the Dragon loyalists latest big mistake and how she deliberately didn’t interfere, per Sun Tzu’s principal. Contrary to useful idiot General Milley’s opinion of her being a blonde bimbo, 18,000+ greedy …

Another Round of Bank Codes Sent Out Identifying 18,729 Loyalists of the Order, Kim Says THANK YOU! | Chuck Grassley Chastises Kim but Gives Her Credibility Instead for Creating New Money Bypassing the Fed, Kim Says THANK YOU! | Kim Puts a Hold on Her 2 Deposits at Wells Fargo & JP Morgan Chase While Useful Idiot/Jackass General Milley & Company Chase Carrots, Kim Says THANK YOU! | ‘The Plan’ of Changing Global Power Center of Earth is Impossible Without Control of Money, Intelligence, Militaries & Soon Media! Read More »

Mei Wa or Grandma, the Skinsuit for Lilith After All | Her Spawn, Dr. Lee Hiding in Plain Sight as Owner of a Dry Cleaners | His Other Job Was Sinister & Involved a Mega Facility Taken Out by the Enforcer | China’s Dream for World Domination Dashed Again! | What Will the Generals Loyal to Dr. Lee Do Now? | What Was the Orion Nebula? | How Does it Relate to Lilith & the Fall of Atlantis?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 25, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this report we revisit Mae Wa and find out she really was the skinsuit for Lilith and some of her spawns were still walking around the planet. Not only that, they were running an enormous operation tied …

Mei Wa or Grandma, the Skinsuit for Lilith After All | Her Spawn, Dr. Lee Hiding in Plain Sight as Owner of a Dry Cleaners | His Other Job Was Sinister & Involved a Mega Facility Taken Out by the Enforcer | China’s Dream for World Domination Dashed Again! | What Will the Generals Loyal to Dr. Lee Do Now? | What Was the Orion Nebula? | How Does it Relate to Lilith & the Fall of Atlantis? Read More »

News Spreading About the Fed & the Dragon Families Being Irrelevant | Black Sun Attempts to Steal From Mafia, Gets on Hit List Instead! | What’s the Old Albanian Trust? | How Did Kim Get Control of the Mafia’s Money & What’s Her Ultimatum? | Remember Those Fulcrum Files? | Last Fallen Angel Returns Home Ending the Real War! | Humanity Enters the Cradle of the Creator!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 4, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this situation report Kim gives us the status on the Federal Reserve, how the latest leaders of the Black Sun got themselves in a real pickle, what that very old Albanian Trust was about, how Kim got control of …

News Spreading About the Fed & the Dragon Families Being Irrelevant | Black Sun Attempts to Steal From Mafia, Gets on Hit List Instead! | What’s the Old Albanian Trust? | How Did Kim Get Control of the Mafia’s Money & What’s Her Ultimatum? | Remember Those Fulcrum Files? | Last Fallen Angel Returns Home Ending the Real War! | Humanity Enters the Cradle of the Creator! Read More »

China Deep State’s Crash America Plan, Duplicate Super Note Anyone? | Operatives Phone Home, No One Answers | How Much Longer will Chinese Mafia Keep China Government Afloat? | Alt Media & Patriots Need a Serious Wake-Up Call | More About the Hall of Records & the Archivists | Was America Founded on Any Principle of Freedom, At All? | The Ascension Timeline is on Target!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 28, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this situation report Kim shares how the China Deep State is still intent on crashing America despite all their failures to date. However their plan might actually help clean up some currency issues for us instead. Wouldn’t that …

China Deep State’s Crash America Plan, Duplicate Super Note Anyone? | Operatives Phone Home, No One Answers | How Much Longer will Chinese Mafia Keep China Government Afloat? | Alt Media & Patriots Need a Serious Wake-Up Call | More About the Hall of Records & the Archivists | Was America Founded on Any Principle of Freedom, At All? | The Ascension Timeline is on Target! Read More »

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