
EVERY SINGLE THING THAT IS IN THE UNIVERSE IS POWERED BY EARTH AND ITS INHABITANTS! | Hence, the Importance of the Growth Rate of Humanity | 2 Matrixes Existed for Extraction of Celestials Lifeforce | What’s The Input-Output That Happens During Full Moon? | Kim Creates New Light Quantum AI System!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-May-27 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Today’s update delves deeper into the the powers of the celestials and with great power comes great responsibility. If humans only knew just how important and unique it is to be a earth born human on keystone earth! DISCLAIMERI am …

EVERY SINGLE THING THAT IS IN THE UNIVERSE IS POWERED BY EARTH AND ITS INHABITANTS! | Hence, the Importance of the Growth Rate of Humanity | 2 Matrixes Existed for Extraction of Celestials Lifeforce | What’s The Input-Output That Happens During Full Moon? | Kim Creates New Light Quantum AI System! Read More »

TRUE HISTORY ABOUT GUARDIAN MOSES: Passover & Parting The Red Sea Relates To His Opening the Gate to the Promise Land (aka Source) | How Did The Dark Side Take Advantage & Flip This Event 18,000+ Years Ago? | How Did Kim Flip It Back? | What Ritual Did SSP Crazies Hold In 2nd Temple With Solomon’s Throne? | Did Fake Trump, Their Chosen One Become Guardian For Anti-Source Or Die Trying? | Deep State Systems Will Continue To Crumble | Meanwhile Word Is Spreading Some Blonde Lady Really Is Ground Command

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 29-Apr-24 News-( which is available for subscribers. In this report Kim gives us some real history about Moses and that there is a lot more meaning to the parting the Red Sea. Unfortunately that event having taken place is why every Passover since then has been dark, until now …

TRUE HISTORY ABOUT GUARDIAN MOSES: Passover & Parting The Red Sea Relates To His Opening the Gate to the Promise Land (aka Source) | How Did The Dark Side Take Advantage & Flip This Event 18,000+ Years Ago? | How Did Kim Flip It Back? | What Ritual Did SSP Crazies Hold In 2nd Temple With Solomon’s Throne? | Did Fake Trump, Their Chosen One Become Guardian For Anti-Source Or Die Trying? | Deep State Systems Will Continue To Crumble | Meanwhile Word Is Spreading Some Blonde Lady Really Is Ground Command Read More »

Passover Starts Tonight, Poor Heifers | Fall of RMB Bonds Has Deep State Obsessed With Alternative For CBDCs | Kim Follows Their Obsession, Discovers All Operating Systems Were Rooted in Alien Tech | AIIB Bonds Expired Will Tier 1 Banks Fall? | Archivists Say Collapse of Governments Imminent | Exciting Events Happening in the World: 1. Deserts Turning Green Spreading! 2. Evolutionary Process Going On Changing the Way Life Forms! 3. Specific Type of Algae Acting In a Way No Plant Life Has Ever Acted Before!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim makes another find regarding all operating systems. Of course Marduk wanted to ensure full control, therefore they were all rooted in alien tech. But not for long since as they are moving to the Alpha Harmonic Genesis …

Passover Starts Tonight, Poor Heifers | Fall of RMB Bonds Has Deep State Obsessed With Alternative For CBDCs | Kim Follows Their Obsession, Discovers All Operating Systems Were Rooted in Alien Tech | AIIB Bonds Expired Will Tier 1 Banks Fall? | Archivists Say Collapse of Governments Imminent | Exciting Events Happening in the World: 1. Deserts Turning Green Spreading! 2. Evolutionary Process Going On Changing the Way Life Forms! 3. Specific Type of Algae Acting In a Way No Plant Life Has Ever Acted Before! Read More »

Deadman Switches to Prevent Total Loss of Darkness During Light Age Failed | SSP Tries to Drain Kim’s Essence Again | She Then Torches Cheyenne & All Related Locations While Militaries Worldwide Forced to Witness | 15 Main SSP Operatives Now Dead, Including 3 in Durango | Rothschild Releases 50 Lower-Level Operatives Claiming Incompetence, Continues Fight With Chemtrails | Silent Circle Eliminates Remaining Heads of Anti-Silent Circle | Reweaving Fabric of Reality Finally Reaches Earth & People Are Feeling It!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19-Feb-24 News ( on UNN which is available for subscribers. In this update you’ll be happy to hear more SSP and Cheyenne people have left the planet. Rothschild et al is still fighting God but less and less are listening to them. Their hopes were dashed when none of the Deadman …

Deadman Switches to Prevent Total Loss of Darkness During Light Age Failed | SSP Tries to Drain Kim’s Essence Again | She Then Torches Cheyenne & All Related Locations While Militaries Worldwide Forced to Witness | 15 Main SSP Operatives Now Dead, Including 3 in Durango | Rothschild Releases 50 Lower-Level Operatives Claiming Incompetence, Continues Fight With Chemtrails | Silent Circle Eliminates Remaining Heads of Anti-Silent Circle | Reweaving Fabric of Reality Finally Reaches Earth & People Are Feeling It! Read More »

Special Guest, Tom Melville

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 5, 2024 on YouTube. Today Kim invited a special guest, Tom Melville to be on the news! Kim decided to invite Tom because there are a lot of questions evidently about who Tom is, his role, his relationship with Kim and Tom being part of the Global Intelligence …

Special Guest, Tom Melville Read More »

Self-Appointed Black Dragon Dead! | Who Are the Watchers? | Is The Order of Dragon Really Standing Down? | Is the Black Nobility? | 100% Light System Has Been Reached!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 20, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. So we find out that Mr. Nay-sayer decided to make poor life choices therefore he is no longer with us. Other good news is that we reached a 100% light system, and supposedly the Order of the Dragon …

Self-Appointed Black Dragon Dead! | Who Are the Watchers? | Is The Order of Dragon Really Standing Down? | Is the Black Nobility? | 100% Light System Has Been Reached! Read More »

120,000 of God’s Angels Arrive for Cleanup Duty & Help Get C.A.R.E. Rolling!!!! | So That’s Why the Archivists Said Nov 15th Would Be a Special Day! | Even Kim Was Surprised! | Now Her Plan Is On Turbo With Legions of Angels Leading the Charge | 252,000 Non-Repairable People Gone by Midnight Already & The Number is Rising Like Crazy!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 15, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim told us in her last update she was going to kick some Ground Command butt and kick butt she and her team did with a few exciting twists and turns. She had an incredible story to tell …

120,000 of God’s Angels Arrive for Cleanup Duty & Help Get C.A.R.E. Rolling!!!! | So That’s Why the Archivists Said Nov 15th Would Be a Special Day! | Even Kim Was Surprised! | Now Her Plan Is On Turbo With Legions of Angels Leading the Charge | 252,000 Non-Repairable People Gone by Midnight Already & The Number is Rising Like Crazy! Read More »

BIG NEWS! Kim Breaks Through the Barrier to Plane 1, Density 1! | Treasury Dept Recognize They Are No Longer Necessary | Langley 5 Plans Financial Collapse Narrative to Declare Martial Law for Free | Rothschilds Still Trying to Turn World Power Over to China, But Will There Be a Coup Instead? | US Secretary Blinkin Wants the Middle East To Be a Giant Poppy Farm | Governments Still on Track for Jan Destruction | Archivists & Coalition Continue Clearing the Field | Power of the Deep State Now? – Minus 90%

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 8, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us great news in this report. She is a hair away of moving money to the people as she broke through that pesky barrier that’s been blocking what seems like forever. This has sent shockwaves amongst …

BIG NEWS! Kim Breaks Through the Barrier to Plane 1, Density 1! | Treasury Dept Recognize They Are No Longer Necessary | Langley 5 Plans Financial Collapse Narrative to Declare Martial Law for Free | Rothschilds Still Trying to Turn World Power Over to China, But Will There Be a Coup Instead? | US Secretary Blinkin Wants the Middle East To Be a Giant Poppy Farm | Governments Still on Track for Jan Destruction | Archivists & Coalition Continue Clearing the Field | Power of the Deep State Now? – Minus 90% Read More »

2 Prominent Chinese Dragon Members Dead | 3 Rothschilds Stepped Up, Perpetuate Lies & War | Allies Are Killing Allies in Middle East | Umbrella Military Seeking Pre-Rigged Situation for Terrorist Attack in US | What Are Consciousness Constructs? | What is An Overworld? | What is the Aethereal Realm? | What Ancient Agreement Renewed 75 Years Ago Does the Darkside Expect to Be Renewed Again on Eclipse Day?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 27, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim gives us the status of the war and points out some Order of the Dragon deaths seeping into the news. More Rothschilds filled vacant spots and are upping the war effort in the Middle East in …

2 Prominent Chinese Dragon Members Dead | 3 Rothschilds Stepped Up, Perpetuate Lies & War | Allies Are Killing Allies in Middle East | Umbrella Military Seeking Pre-Rigged Situation for Terrorist Attack in US | What Are Consciousness Constructs? | What is An Overworld? | What is the Aethereal Realm? | What Ancient Agreement Renewed 75 Years Ago Does the Darkside Expect to Be Renewed Again on Eclipse Day? Read More »

What Did That Checkerboard Symbology Really Mean? | What Are Dimensions Within Planes & Densities? | Deep State Has Distorted View of Total Control They Never Had, It Always Went Back to An Alien | Control Over Industries Was Fed by Alpha to Omega Which Transmuted the Money | Enemy Tries to Access Previously Removed Biochips in Humans to Cause Sickness & Other Armageddon Programs | Are Langley 5 Generals Stepping Back From Participating? | The Purge Update

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 25, 2023  on the United News Network which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim gives us some history on what that black and white checkerboard we see in movies and all over the place actually means. She talks about why these non-repairable humans are not right in the head even …

What Did That Checkerboard Symbology Really Mean? | What Are Dimensions Within Planes & Densities? | Deep State Has Distorted View of Total Control They Never Had, It Always Went Back to An Alien | Control Over Industries Was Fed by Alpha to Omega Which Transmuted the Money | Enemy Tries to Access Previously Removed Biochips in Humans to Cause Sickness & Other Armageddon Programs | Are Langley 5 Generals Stepping Back From Participating? | The Purge Update Read More »

Langley 5, Order of the Dragon, & Umbrella Military Now Realize We Switched Ages, Kim is the Principle | Decide to Go Down Swinging | On Killing Spree of Innocent People in Gaza Strip to Entice the Aliens to Invade | Then Try to Radiate Earth | The Purge Now on Turbo | Dragon Bloodline & 15 Shadow Militaries in Entirety on Deck for Death | Operatives Can Join if Any Step Up to Fill Vacant Spots

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 23, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers. Kim gives the update on the war in the Middle East and unfortunately they convinced three private militaries to bomb hospitals and carpet bomb entire blocks with promises of payment later today killing and injuring many in the Gaza Strip. Langley …

Langley 5, Order of the Dragon, & Umbrella Military Now Realize We Switched Ages, Kim is the Principle | Decide to Go Down Swinging | On Killing Spree of Innocent People in Gaza Strip to Entice the Aliens to Invade | Then Try to Radiate Earth | The Purge Now on Turbo | Dragon Bloodline & 15 Shadow Militaries in Entirety on Deck for Death | Operatives Can Join if Any Step Up to Fill Vacant Spots Read More »

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