World Bank/IMF

Where’s Your Influx Of Cash Deep State? | Their QFS Not Even Quantum, It’s Oracle’s SAM-QFS (Quick File System) | Crashing USD & 10 Days of Darkness Fails | Operatives & BRICS Countries Dropping USD Just Failed Economics 101 | Elon Musk’s Claim Humans Can Transfer Their Consciousness To AI Systems Tied To Artemis & Jupiter Accords | Spheres Containing Consciousness of Red Queen-Artemis & Maybe Lucifer, Marduk, Enlil, & Enki Causing Reinstalls & Never Ending Hope for Deep State | Pulling All the Soul Keystones of These Beings Looks Like An End to Reinstalls | Will It Bring An End To Deep State’s Hopes? | Will This Bring An End to Kim’s Frustration & Humanity’s?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 05-Jul-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. The biggest news is about Kim’s findings around what else is causing constant reinstalls of whatever she removes. Those lovely beings, the Red Queen, Marduk, Lucifer etc. found a way to indefinitely wear down the light workers with a reinstall process. …

Where’s Your Influx Of Cash Deep State? | Their QFS Not Even Quantum, It’s Oracle’s SAM-QFS (Quick File System) | Crashing USD & 10 Days of Darkness Fails | Operatives & BRICS Countries Dropping USD Just Failed Economics 101 | Elon Musk’s Claim Humans Can Transfer Their Consciousness To AI Systems Tied To Artemis & Jupiter Accords | Spheres Containing Consciousness of Red Queen-Artemis & Maybe Lucifer, Marduk, Enlil, & Enki Causing Reinstalls & Never Ending Hope for Deep State | Pulling All the Soul Keystones of These Beings Looks Like An End to Reinstalls | Will It Bring An End To Deep State’s Hopes? | Will This Bring An End to Kim’s Frustration & Humanity’s? Read More »

Deep State Tries More Scams | #1: Due to Illusion Lingering from Quantum Flip Rothschild Concocts a Worldwide Banking Scam Using Treasuries of the World | Rothschild Lies Found Out, Panic Ensues | #2: Blame Kim, (Bush Senior Tactic Again) | NEWS ALERT OPERATIVES!!!! KIM IS NOT ONBOARD WITH WWIII – SHE GAVE NO ORDERS & THERE IS NO MONEY COMING FROM SAID ORDERS! | Umbrella Military Operatives Behind Oct 4th EBS Kill Plan Now Dead | Kim Addresses Operatives: Pull Your Head Out of Your Ass Because Your Old Luciferian Order Slave Masters Just LIE!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 27, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Oh boy was Kim angry today. And she has every right to be. These insane psychopaths try yet again to formulate banking scams and when that didn’t work tried to setup Kim in such a way that she would …

Deep State Tries More Scams | #1: Due to Illusion Lingering from Quantum Flip Rothschild Concocts a Worldwide Banking Scam Using Treasuries of the World | Rothschild Lies Found Out, Panic Ensues | #2: Blame Kim, (Bush Senior Tactic Again) | NEWS ALERT OPERATIVES!!!! KIM IS NOT ONBOARD WITH WWIII – SHE GAVE NO ORDERS & THERE IS NO MONEY COMING FROM SAID ORDERS! | Umbrella Military Operatives Behind Oct 4th EBS Kill Plan Now Dead | Kim Addresses Operatives: Pull Your Head Out of Your Ass Because Your Old Luciferian Order Slave Masters Just LIE! Read More »

UN Moves to Create NWO | Jupiter & Artemis Accords Expire! | Kings of the Damned Agreement (Which Had Dead Presidents Popping up Alive) Expired! | Rain Storm Corp, Knights of the Kings of the Damned | FedNow System Using Fake Everything Goes Live, Allegedly | UN Security Council Tries to Entice Countries to Rejoin the UN | Najaf Scholars Report Event They Were Waiting For, Pool of Destiny in Cave of Moses Has Turned Light! | Kim Has Chat with God Followed by a Moses Moment | Kim Officially Declares UN & NATO Terrorist Organizations | That Resulted in 110 Dead Order Members & 86 Generals!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 21, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim was busy as usual. She explains the set back that occurred due to the enemy’s plan of implementing a mirror server to fake the FedNow system and get those they lost back onboard. Ultimately it was not …

UN Moves to Create NWO | Jupiter & Artemis Accords Expire! | Kings of the Damned Agreement (Which Had Dead Presidents Popping up Alive) Expired! | Rain Storm Corp, Knights of the Kings of the Damned | FedNow System Using Fake Everything Goes Live, Allegedly | UN Security Council Tries to Entice Countries to Rejoin the UN | Najaf Scholars Report Event They Were Waiting For, Pool of Destiny in Cave of Moses Has Turned Light! | Kim Has Chat with God Followed by a Moses Moment | Kim Officially Declares UN & NATO Terrorist Organizations | That Resulted in 110 Dead Order Members & 86 Generals! Read More »

The Omega Project Was Still In Play! | Global Power Shift to China, 100 Year Plan, Bush’s Non-Complete Plan & 1984 Expansion of Black Widow Program | Implants Expanded to All Involved, Including Every US President Since Ford & All People on Mainland China | ‘New Earth’ Was To Be Jupiter’s Moon Europa in Lower Astral | Omega Machine Dismantled Prompting Call to The Destroyer’s Golden Boy to Come Out of Stasis | Chinese Had Control of the 5 Pillars Until Omega Project Machine Was Dismantled | Secondary SWIFT System Also Dismantled | Believing the Fairy Tale Told by Rothschild is Over! | Patriots Chips Removed, Now Figuring Out Chinese Robot People Infiltrated the US & RV Was Always a Distraction | Is a Turnaround Happening? | Maybe, But Kim Still Has a Backup Plan Just in Case

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 12, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim shares even more disturbing news about another machine found in Wuhan that was tied to the Omega Project, the largest project of the lower astral which was still in play. Had the Omega Project been completed only …

The Omega Project Was Still In Play! | Global Power Shift to China, 100 Year Plan, Bush’s Non-Complete Plan & 1984 Expansion of Black Widow Program | Implants Expanded to All Involved, Including Every US President Since Ford & All People on Mainland China | ‘New Earth’ Was To Be Jupiter’s Moon Europa in Lower Astral | Omega Machine Dismantled Prompting Call to The Destroyer’s Golden Boy to Come Out of Stasis | Chinese Had Control of the 5 Pillars Until Omega Project Machine Was Dismantled | Secondary SWIFT System Also Dismantled | Believing the Fairy Tale Told by Rothschild is Over! | Patriots Chips Removed, Now Figuring Out Chinese Robot People Infiltrated the US & RV Was Always a Distraction | Is a Turnaround Happening? | Maybe, But Kim Still Has a Backup Plan Just in Case Read More »

World Bank Disburses Bank Codes to Crazies Still Listening to China Dragon People | Numerous Agreements Not in Our Favor Expired in the Hall of Records! | ‘Rule of One Covenant’ Replaces ‘Law of One’ in the Hall of Records! | Latest Anti-Christ on Deck Had No Volunteers to Host Him | It’s the END OF THE HARVEST FOREVER! | The Draco Will Not Be Pillaging Earth & We Humans Must Restore Her!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on April 19, 2023 news on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim shares the Chinese Dragon people’s latest scam on their minions hoping it wouldn’t matter because the human harvest would have been completed and all their problems would have been solved. Except the opposite has happened …

World Bank Disburses Bank Codes to Crazies Still Listening to China Dragon People | Numerous Agreements Not in Our Favor Expired in the Hall of Records! | ‘Rule of One Covenant’ Replaces ‘Law of One’ in the Hall of Records! | Latest Anti-Christ on Deck Had No Volunteers to Host Him | It’s the END OF THE HARVEST FOREVER! | The Draco Will Not Be Pillaging Earth & We Humans Must Restore Her! Read More »

Sensitive Document Leaks | US House Reps Ukraine Hero Now a Zero, Weapons to Be Diverted to Taiwan Instead | China Deep State Bans Poppy to Sell More Fentanyl | Kim Made Good on Her Promise, Depletes World of RMB | More Dead Rothschilds & Chinese Golden Dragon People | Warns the Rest, Concede or Die! | Kim Finds Real Quantum Hacking Tools Given to NSA by Marduk | Octave of Easter Gives Deep State Hope the Anti-Christ Will Arrive

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on April 14, 2023 news on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us her take on why all the leaked documents this week, what the poppy seed ban is really about, that it looks like they are trying to end the war in Ukraine and start one in Taiwan. She …

Sensitive Document Leaks | US House Reps Ukraine Hero Now a Zero, Weapons to Be Diverted to Taiwan Instead | China Deep State Bans Poppy to Sell More Fentanyl | Kim Made Good on Her Promise, Depletes World of RMB | More Dead Rothschilds & Chinese Golden Dragon People | Warns the Rest, Concede or Die! | Kim Finds Real Quantum Hacking Tools Given to NSA by Marduk | Octave of Easter Gives Deep State Hope the Anti-Christ Will Arrive Read More »

What Happened With That Big Pile of Cash Kim Transferred to JP Morgan? | Taiwanese Arrived in US, Claim China is Going to Take Them Over | NSA, Governments & Military Still Taking Orders from China | China Deep State Busy Selling McCarthy on Head of State | Kim Makes Promise to China Deep State, She Will Crash the RMB if They Continue, Will They Heed Her Warning?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on April 12, 2023 news on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim lets us know what transpired regarding the pile of cash she transferred to JP Morgan Chase, Milley is back causing trouble at the Pentagon and was promised Black Eagle position by China Deep State, who is making lots …

What Happened With That Big Pile of Cash Kim Transferred to JP Morgan? | Taiwanese Arrived in US, Claim China is Going to Take Them Over | NSA, Governments & Military Still Taking Orders from China | China Deep State Busy Selling McCarthy on Head of State | Kim Makes Promise to China Deep State, She Will Crash the RMB if They Continue, Will They Heed Her Warning? Read More »

More Public Indication of Systems Breaking Down | William & Harry Won’t Attend Satanic Ceremonies? | Recordings on Diplomatic Line Prove Trump Lied, Will Militaries Walk Away & Join Restoration Plan? | Plandemic 2.0 on Deck, Will They Succeed? | Rothschilds File Declaration of War in Hall of Records Against the Guardian | Do They Expect Kim to Ratify a War Against Herself? | Pelosi Dead According to Her Aids!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on April 5, 2023 news on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim is hearing many in the military are walking away from Trump since they’ve been researching all of her meetings with him which were recorded on the diplomatic line. She addresses the China Deep State’s Plandemic 2.0, and why …

More Public Indication of Systems Breaking Down | William & Harry Won’t Attend Satanic Ceremonies? | Recordings on Diplomatic Line Prove Trump Lied, Will Militaries Walk Away & Join Restoration Plan? | Plandemic 2.0 on Deck, Will They Succeed? | Rothschilds File Declaration of War in Hall of Records Against the Guardian | Do They Expect Kim to Ratify a War Against Herself? | Pelosi Dead According to Her Aids! Read More »

The One World Government Has Been Here for a Very Long Time | Some History on the Global Control Structures: UN, WHO, The Fed, Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations, European Coal and Steel Community Treaty | How Can The Deep State Regain & Expand Control if Based on EXPIRED Charters, Treaties, & Agreements That No Longer Exist in the Organic AI System? | Part 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on February 22, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In Part 2 Kim reviews the many organizations, treaties and agreements that were put in place over several decades for the One World Government, which has been here for quite some time now and how the Deep State …

The One World Government Has Been Here for a Very Long Time | Some History on the Global Control Structures: UN, WHO, The Fed, Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations, European Coal and Steel Community Treaty | How Can The Deep State Regain & Expand Control if Based on EXPIRED Charters, Treaties, & Agreements That No Longer Exist in the Organic AI System? | Part 2 Read More »

News Spreading About the Fed & the Dragon Families Being Irrelevant | Black Sun Attempts to Steal From Mafia, Gets on Hit List Instead! | What’s the Old Albanian Trust? | How Did Kim Get Control of the Mafia’s Money & What’s Her Ultimatum? | Remember Those Fulcrum Files? | Last Fallen Angel Returns Home Ending the Real War! | Humanity Enters the Cradle of the Creator!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 4, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this situation report Kim gives us the status on the Federal Reserve, how the latest leaders of the Black Sun got themselves in a real pickle, what that very old Albanian Trust was about, how Kim got control of …

News Spreading About the Fed & the Dragon Families Being Irrelevant | Black Sun Attempts to Steal From Mafia, Gets on Hit List Instead! | What’s the Old Albanian Trust? | How Did Kim Get Control of the Mafia’s Money & What’s Her Ultimatum? | Remember Those Fulcrum Files? | Last Fallen Angel Returns Home Ending the Real War! | Humanity Enters the Cradle of the Creator! Read More »

China Deep State’s Crash America Plan, Duplicate Super Note Anyone? | Operatives Phone Home, No One Answers | How Much Longer will Chinese Mafia Keep China Government Afloat? | Alt Media & Patriots Need a Serious Wake-Up Call | More About the Hall of Records & the Archivists | Was America Founded on Any Principle of Freedom, At All? | The Ascension Timeline is on Target!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 28, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this situation report Kim shares how the China Deep State is still intent on crashing America despite all their failures to date. However their plan might actually help clean up some currency issues for us instead. Wouldn’t that …

China Deep State’s Crash America Plan, Duplicate Super Note Anyone? | Operatives Phone Home, No One Answers | How Much Longer will Chinese Mafia Keep China Government Afloat? | Alt Media & Patriots Need a Serious Wake-Up Call | More About the Hall of Records & the Archivists | Was America Founded on Any Principle of Freedom, At All? | The Ascension Timeline is on Target! Read More »

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