Vaccine Related

Black Sun Scam Appointing New Mei Wa Fails, She Never Owned the Gold, Anti-Source Did | Past & Present Picks Of Trump Admin Downright Evil | The Real Plan Behind Operation Warp Speed & Launching Vaccines Tied To This Demon Invasion | MRNA=Marduk Radio Network Access | Target List: 1. Deep State (with their consent) | 2. Melchizedek’s & Anti-Source’s Demon Spawn | 3. People From Higher Dimensions | 4. The Vaccinated | THANK GOD Demon Infestation Program Failed! | Update On The 25% of Humans Infected | Energy Drop to 50% Prior to Demon Invasion Actually Helped Humanity

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 17-Jul-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this broadcast Kim gives us an update on the infestation which fortunately is cleaned up, at least most of it. She has more details on the program and why Thank God it was destined to fail. But first she …

Black Sun Scam Appointing New Mei Wa Fails, She Never Owned the Gold, Anti-Source Did | Past & Present Picks Of Trump Admin Downright Evil | The Real Plan Behind Operation Warp Speed & Launching Vaccines Tied To This Demon Invasion | MRNA=Marduk Radio Network Access | Target List: 1. Deep State (with their consent) | 2. Melchizedek’s & Anti-Source’s Demon Spawn | 3. People From Higher Dimensions | 4. The Vaccinated | THANK GOD Demon Infestation Program Failed! | Update On The 25% of Humans Infected | Energy Drop to 50% Prior to Demon Invasion Actually Helped Humanity Read More »

Q People Touting Global Shutdown & Shift, Why? | Because It’s Time For The Æon Flux | Deep State Erroneously Believed Anti-Source Would Take Over Source | Kim Uncovers More Horror, Rise in Food Prices Due to Big Pharma’s Biochips & Everything In Your Life Was Controlled With No Exception | SSP Takes Over the Fed For Control It Never Had | Ukraine Now God’s Chosen One | Prophecy To Turn Deserts Green Progresses in Iraq

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 06-May-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this broadcast Kim explains what her latest investigation led to, which was started because the crazy Q people were saying there will be a global shutdown and a shift. In a nutshell, the deeper she dove into all those …

Q People Touting Global Shutdown & Shift, Why? | Because It’s Time For The Æon Flux | Deep State Erroneously Believed Anti-Source Would Take Over Source | Kim Uncovers More Horror, Rise in Food Prices Due to Big Pharma’s Biochips & Everything In Your Life Was Controlled With No Exception | SSP Takes Over the Fed For Control It Never Had | Ukraine Now God’s Chosen One | Prophecy To Turn Deserts Green Progresses in Iraq Read More »

Earthquake in Philippines Caused by Elementals Group | Tragedy in Middle East Being Driven by Greater Israel Project & Control Over Oil | They Want No People Alive in the Gaza Strip | Promises Made to Saudi, Kuwait, Jordan Royal Families, Sistani in Iraq, Egypt, Other Heads of State, & Blackwater Should They Assist in This Directive | Legions Disbursed Real History of Earth Movie to 3,000+ People | 200,000-Year-Old Dormant Leviathan Program Started to Activate | Who Were Its Admins? | How Does it Relate to Those Demons in a Box, Spiked Proteins & Worse

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 4, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Well this broadcast brought up a very disturbing program that was dormant for 200,000 years which could have been utterly disastrous for us. Some crazy SSP Generals and remaining Cyberlife operatives clearly couldn’t care less as …

Earthquake in Philippines Caused by Elementals Group | Tragedy in Middle East Being Driven by Greater Israel Project & Control Over Oil | They Want No People Alive in the Gaza Strip | Promises Made to Saudi, Kuwait, Jordan Royal Families, Sistani in Iraq, Egypt, Other Heads of State, & Blackwater Should They Assist in This Directive | Legions Disbursed Real History of Earth Movie to 3,000+ People | 200,000-Year-Old Dormant Leviathan Program Started to Activate | Who Were Its Admins? | How Does it Relate to Those Demons in a Box, Spiked Proteins & Worse Read More »

The Point of Systemic Failure Was Reached, Their ‘Great Reset’, but Deep State’s Anticipated Infusion of Liquidity Did Not Happen | A Lot Going On In Iraq & Syria, All Orchestrated by the Jesuits & China Deep State | US Military In A Hot Mess | If They Had Any Money Left They Don’t Now Because Sending Troops & Weapons To The Middle East Will Completely Break Them | On Deck, COVID Plandemic 2.0 Called Eris, Remember Her? | Meanwhile Companies Are Still Waiting for Payouts from Plandemic 1.0 | Deep State Down to 2nd Rate Operatives Because the Smart Ones Know Better

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on August 21, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Every institution including the central banks have hit that negative number so the Deep State thought the system would flip and they would have a blast of liquidity come in, except it didn’t. But it kind of explains some …

The Point of Systemic Failure Was Reached, Their ‘Great Reset’, but Deep State’s Anticipated Infusion of Liquidity Did Not Happen | A Lot Going On In Iraq & Syria, All Orchestrated by the Jesuits & China Deep State | US Military In A Hot Mess | If They Had Any Money Left They Don’t Now Because Sending Troops & Weapons To The Middle East Will Completely Break Them | On Deck, COVID Plandemic 2.0 Called Eris, Remember Her? | Meanwhile Companies Are Still Waiting for Payouts from Plandemic 1.0 | Deep State Down to 2nd Rate Operatives Because the Smart Ones Know Better Read More »

Will US Government Meet its Financial Obligations this Month? | Operatives Panhandling to Corporate Billionaires at WEF | Connection to Human Grid Lost, Makes Black Sun Savior Pick McCarthy an Unlikely if Not Impossible Sell | What Was the Omega Project? | What Was the Great Reset Really? | What Was the Anti-Christ Program Really? | Why Voiding Everything Omega & Replacing with the Alpha Creator Source Covenant and Alpha Creator Program is THE GAME CHANGER!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 16, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this report Kim addresses the financial status of the US Government, the panhandling going on at the WEF, that the savior program was always a Black Sun program and why their ‘assist’ with their savior narrative is missing this …

Will US Government Meet its Financial Obligations this Month? | Operatives Panhandling to Corporate Billionaires at WEF | Connection to Human Grid Lost, Makes Black Sun Savior Pick McCarthy an Unlikely if Not Impossible Sell | What Was the Omega Project? | What Was the Great Reset Really? | What Was the Anti-Christ Program Really? | Why Voiding Everything Omega & Replacing with the Alpha Creator Source Covenant and Alpha Creator Program is THE GAME CHANGER! Read More »

24 Dragon Family Underlings Fill Open Slots | China Police Installation Not Going Well | Kim Proves She Controls All Currencies in the World, Will Any Bite? | Beijing’s Short Memory Regarding Nuke Threat | CDC is After Our Kids | Why Black Sun’s Exposure of Hunter Biden Story to Congress Will Yield Nothing | What Happens if Governments Fall? | What Will Sole Survivor Mark Warner Do?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 21, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim started off stating the obvious which is that governments around the world are in a total mess. Nearly every government is broke and working on false promises. She told us again we the people need to step in. …

24 Dragon Family Underlings Fill Open Slots | China Police Installation Not Going Well | Kim Proves She Controls All Currencies in the World, Will Any Bite? | Beijing’s Short Memory Regarding Nuke Threat | CDC is After Our Kids | Why Black Sun’s Exposure of Hunter Biden Story to Congress Will Yield Nothing | What Happens if Governments Fall? | What Will Sole Survivor Mark Warner Do? Read More »

What Happened to Juan O’Savin? | The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse is Not a ‘God’ Plan or a ‘Devil’ Plan, it’s a ‘Nefarious Others’ Plan | Lucifer/The Dark Prince Fails to Return Sept 3rd – Remnants Are Stunned | Q&A Session: The Enforcer? Vatican Bank? Artemis Rocket? Chemtrails? Plus More…

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 4, 2022 and is available on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This particular update was delivered on Circle of White Light Radio and hosted by Alan James. In this post we’ll pick up where we left off and find out if Juan O’Savin #107 still …

What Happened to Juan O’Savin? | The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse is Not a ‘God’ Plan or a ‘Devil’ Plan, it’s a ‘Nefarious Others’ Plan | Lucifer/The Dark Prince Fails to Return Sept 3rd – Remnants Are Stunned | Q&A Session: The Enforcer? Vatican Bank? Artemis Rocket? Chemtrails? Plus More… Read More »

Who Are the Progenitors? | Who are the Archimedeans? | 5 Million Year Depopulation Program Uncovered! | Meeting at the Mirrors Lures 229 Cabal Members Who Are No More! |Project Lincoln Logs Continues | All Cloning Stashes Removed! | Deeper Understanding of Media-Shots-Chemtrails & Luciferase

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 29, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this Intel update Kim explains what the remaining ‘special’ ones have been doing in their continued and desperate pursuit to find the non-existent Dark AI (Kronos). In the past she said they connected to the Dark AI …

Who Are the Progenitors? | Who are the Archimedeans? | 5 Million Year Depopulation Program Uncovered! | Meeting at the Mirrors Lures 229 Cabal Members Who Are No More! |Project Lincoln Logs Continues | All Cloning Stashes Removed! | Deeper Understanding of Media-Shots-Chemtrails & Luciferase Read More »

Headline News in 1918 | Who Created Communism? | Did their Savior Anu Come Back from the Dead Yet? | About Ivana Trump | Asian Assassins Called In | Where is Solomon’s Temple#1 | Part 1

This Situation Report: Disclosure by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 21, 2022 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This was a long Intel update, nearly two hours. It had a lot of information so I’ve split it up into two parts. As usual, a lot of work was done by Kim, her team and the Enforcer …

Headline News in 1918 | Who Created Communism? | Did their Savior Anu Come Back from the Dead Yet? | About Ivana Trump | Asian Assassins Called In | Where is Solomon’s Temple#1 | Part 1 Read More »

CIA Dupes US Marshals to Access WH | Enforcer Removes Block Chain! | Will Trump Death Announcement Come? | Removal in Quantum Physics Means NEVER EXISTED in All Time & Space | Can Black Sun Take Control of the 5 Pillars Needed to Rule the World by June 13th?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on June 10, 2022 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this post, intel updates center around the CIA’s latest exploits and how they got access to the White House and are running business operations. The Enforcer removes all block chain which means no new XUSD on the horizon. …

CIA Dupes US Marshals to Access WH | Enforcer Removes Block Chain! | Will Trump Death Announcement Come? | Removal in Quantum Physics Means NEVER EXISTED in All Time & Space | Can Black Sun Take Control of the 5 Pillars Needed to Rule the World by June 13th? Read More »

Femtotechnology, Not Graphene is the Replicating Tech in Vaccines/COVID Tests/Masks | China is Flat Broke | General Milley on Tour | More Dismantled Systems | The Walking Dead TV Puppets | Part 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on June 3, 2022 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN and is Part 2. I thought this report had too much for one post and since I worked on it as the same time I managed to get it out quicker! In this post, intel updates center around the …

Femtotechnology, Not Graphene is the Replicating Tech in Vaccines/COVID Tests/Masks | China is Flat Broke | General Milley on Tour | More Dismantled Systems | The Walking Dead TV Puppets | Part 2 Read More »

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