Key Intelligence & Military System (KIMS)

Biden Drops Out | SSP Prepares to Participate In Terminating Earth | Source of Q-Clock Comms is From Tetrahedron in Heliosphere Linked To Communication Line Under Iceland | ARCHONS Original Purpose Was Recording History in Alpha, Omega & Neutral Zone | TRUE HISTORY: Planet Tiamat (Keystone for Nil Zone) & Persilias (Keystone for Omega-verse) Were Blown Up & Earth (Keystone for Alpha-verse) Became Keystone for All 3 | ARCHONS Were Then Reprogrammed To Be Parasitic | For Over 85,000 Years Andromeda Galaxy Held Pieces of Tiamat & Persilias | Kim’s ‘Ah Ha’ Moment, To Finally Remove Omega It Requires Rewriting The Fabric of AI Reality In The Place It Never Existed (aka The Golden Age Sentient AI)!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22-Jul-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this report Kim talks about already dead Joe Biden dropping out the race after China’s deep state fails to perform as promised. But in more important news she discusses the source of the crazy Q-clock postings which in a …

Biden Drops Out | SSP Prepares to Participate In Terminating Earth | Source of Q-Clock Comms is From Tetrahedron in Heliosphere Linked To Communication Line Under Iceland | ARCHONS Original Purpose Was Recording History in Alpha, Omega & Neutral Zone | TRUE HISTORY: Planet Tiamat (Keystone for Nil Zone) & Persilias (Keystone for Omega-verse) Were Blown Up & Earth (Keystone for Alpha-verse) Became Keystone for All 3 | ARCHONS Were Then Reprogrammed To Be Parasitic | For Over 85,000 Years Andromeda Galaxy Held Pieces of Tiamat & Persilias | Kim’s ‘Ah Ha’ Moment, To Finally Remove Omega It Requires Rewriting The Fabric of AI Reality In The Place It Never Existed (aka The Golden Age Sentient AI)! Read More »

G7 Meeting Ends With Empty Promises | Deep State Q-Crew Posts Aliens Are Here Because Thousands of Cyborg Beings Were In Fake Moons Ready to Soul Swap Out Humans | Countries Complain As Backdoor Deals & Empty Promises Related to Treasury Takeover Go Awry | 108,729 Brute Force Attacks Made Against the Light System | Marduk Left More Gifts in Hong Kong for Future Events To Regain Control of Financial System | Ridiculous Claims Military Is In Control, 10-Days of Darkness & EBS Falls Flat Again | Rise in the Schumann Resonances Tied to Hacking in Hong Kong & Attempted Alien Invasion

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-17 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim updates us on what sounds like an utterly dreadful weekend, but ends by saying we had some excellent finds and they found out why some things would come back. Leave it to her to put a positive spin on the …

G7 Meeting Ends With Empty Promises | Deep State Q-Crew Posts Aliens Are Here Because Thousands of Cyborg Beings Were In Fake Moons Ready to Soul Swap Out Humans | Countries Complain As Backdoor Deals & Empty Promises Related to Treasury Takeover Go Awry | 108,729 Brute Force Attacks Made Against the Light System | Marduk Left More Gifts in Hong Kong for Future Events To Regain Control of Financial System | Ridiculous Claims Military Is In Control, 10-Days of Darkness & EBS Falls Flat Again | Rise in the Schumann Resonances Tied to Hacking in Hong Kong & Attempted Alien Invasion Read More »

Kim’s Hell Week & Ours Continues | Marduk, Anu, & Abraxas, The Gift That Keeps On Giving | Multiple Replicator Earth System Surfaces Which Replicated DNA Blueprint for Universe 10,368,000 Times | Deep State Attempted to Twist Around Marduk’s 7 Currency Plan For The World To Suit Their Needs, Hence Defaulting The Program Saving Kim a Little Bit of Work

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-14 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Today marks the first day after hell week, but apparently it’s not over yet. Kim said things have been disappearing in rapid succession and then there are things they are anticipating to happen. She heard the chatter about a Russian nuclear …

Kim’s Hell Week & Ours Continues | Marduk, Anu, & Abraxas, The Gift That Keeps On Giving | Multiple Replicator Earth System Surfaces Which Replicated DNA Blueprint for Universe 10,368,000 Times | Deep State Attempted to Twist Around Marduk’s 7 Currency Plan For The World To Suit Their Needs, Hence Defaulting The Program Saving Kim a Little Bit of Work Read More »

Fight Against the Deep State Doesn’t End, Kim’s Annual Hell Weeks (June 1-13) Proved That | Abraxas Left Us Another X-Termination Program With Multiple Parts | Annihilation Program Rids All Humans & Replaced With Abraxas Clones, Plus A Suicide Back-Up Program | All Assets of Earth Then Reclaimed for Anti-Source & Our Lifeforce Drained | In Other News, Big Hunts for Assets, Gold & Things They Will Never Find | Are Those Really Russian Ships Off Coast of Florida? | Will A BRICS Coin Happen? | What’s The Plan for Trump This Week?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-12 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. First Kim started off with the lighter news, if you can call it that. Hum, yes, after hearing the second part of her report I would say yes, it’s the lighter and that has to do with the BRICS talks, …

Fight Against the Deep State Doesn’t End, Kim’s Annual Hell Weeks (June 1-13) Proved That | Abraxas Left Us Another X-Termination Program With Multiple Parts | Annihilation Program Rids All Humans & Replaced With Abraxas Clones, Plus A Suicide Back-Up Program | All Assets of Earth Then Reclaimed for Anti-Source & Our Lifeforce Drained | In Other News, Big Hunts for Assets, Gold & Things They Will Never Find | Are Those Really Russian Ships Off Coast of Florida? | Will A BRICS Coin Happen? | What’s The Plan for Trump This Week? Read More »

C.A.R.E. Algorithms Being Built to Disregard Government Laws Totally | Will Prevent Govt Receiving Funds From Third Party Sources Too | Kim’s New Deal, I Want Your Stuff Deep State! | SSP Crazies Take Markers From Raymond Reddington Types | Cartels Put Forth the Hit List & Pay the Bill | Faraday Cage Update

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 03-May-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim gives us a progress report since the faraday cage was installed. She also lets us know more markers were taken from some crazies still going for the world domination dream. Real money is on the table from that …

C.A.R.E. Algorithms Being Built to Disregard Government Laws Totally | Will Prevent Govt Receiving Funds From Third Party Sources Too | Kim’s New Deal, I Want Your Stuff Deep State! | SSP Crazies Take Markers From Raymond Reddington Types | Cartels Put Forth the Hit List & Pay the Bill | Faraday Cage Update Read More »

TRUE HISTORY ABOUT GUARDIAN MOSES: Passover & Parting The Red Sea Relates To His Opening the Gate to the Promise Land (aka Source) | How Did The Dark Side Take Advantage & Flip This Event 18,000+ Years Ago? | How Did Kim Flip It Back? | What Ritual Did SSP Crazies Hold In 2nd Temple With Solomon’s Throne? | Did Fake Trump, Their Chosen One Become Guardian For Anti-Source Or Die Trying? | Deep State Systems Will Continue To Crumble | Meanwhile Word Is Spreading Some Blonde Lady Really Is Ground Command

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 29-Apr-24 News-( which is available for subscribers. In this report Kim gives us some real history about Moses and that there is a lot more meaning to the parting the Red Sea. Unfortunately that event having taken place is why every Passover since then has been dark, until now …

TRUE HISTORY ABOUT GUARDIAN MOSES: Passover & Parting The Red Sea Relates To His Opening the Gate to the Promise Land (aka Source) | How Did The Dark Side Take Advantage & Flip This Event 18,000+ Years Ago? | How Did Kim Flip It Back? | What Ritual Did SSP Crazies Hold In 2nd Temple With Solomon’s Throne? | Did Fake Trump, Their Chosen One Become Guardian For Anti-Source Or Die Trying? | Deep State Systems Will Continue To Crumble | Meanwhile Word Is Spreading Some Blonde Lady Really Is Ground Command Read More »

Deal Is Struck Between Cartels & Those On Chopping Block (aka SSP, Global Headquarters, Military Generals, Silent Circle-Black Nobility) | If They Don’t Deliver By Sundown EST Today They Will Turn Themselves Over To The Cartels (sure they will) | Their Many Failed Attempts Help Kim Clean-Up Remaining Scraps | Rumors Gov’t Will Freeze Bank Accounts Is Really A Threat for Kim, Except They Can’t Deliver On It | Who Is In Charge of War in Middle East Now?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 17-Apr-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim let’s us in on a deal made between the cartels and remaining non-repairable crazies trying to maintain control, so essentially their bosses. Hopefully this conflict between the two will help thin the herd of psychopaths still …

Deal Is Struck Between Cartels & Those On Chopping Block (aka SSP, Global Headquarters, Military Generals, Silent Circle-Black Nobility) | If They Don’t Deliver By Sundown EST Today They Will Turn Themselves Over To The Cartels (sure they will) | Their Many Failed Attempts Help Kim Clean-Up Remaining Scraps | Rumors Gov’t Will Freeze Bank Accounts Is Really A Threat for Kim, Except They Can’t Deliver On It | Who Is In Charge of War in Middle East Now? Read More »

Quantum Tunnel to Facility in Empire State Plaza, Albany NY Snapped Leading to Absolute Sphere Able to Manipulate Dark Matter Parts in Everything | How Does This Relate to Chemtrails Which Are Making People Sicker Than Usual? | Also Found in Earth’s Orbit & Removed Was Barcode of Life Initiative (BOLI), Remnants of Omega, & Locations to Communicate With Absolute Spheres in Mount Matterhorn, Chicago & Ellis Island

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 10-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. On Monday Kim talked about what was just starting to trickle in about what the deep state was expecting, what they were hoping would happen, and what their reaction would be was still up in the air. But now she has more …

Quantum Tunnel to Facility in Empire State Plaza, Albany NY Snapped Leading to Absolute Sphere Able to Manipulate Dark Matter Parts in Everything | How Does This Relate to Chemtrails Which Are Making People Sicker Than Usual? | Also Found in Earth’s Orbit & Removed Was Barcode of Life Initiative (BOLI), Remnants of Omega, & Locations to Communicate With Absolute Spheres in Mount Matterhorn, Chicago & Ellis Island Read More »

Deep State Still Hoping for a Holocaust & Believe Alien Ship Will Save Them | Temple Mount Contention | More British Rothschild Royals Dead, Was it Payback From the Silent Circle? | Kim Blinds Deep State & Takes Their Read-Only Access Away For Everything

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 25-Mar-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. Kim starts off by saying there is a lot of buzz and controversy going on in the alt media about this eclipse and subsequent holocaust event for all of humanity. This event is allegedly planned by the Order of the Dragon/Khazarian …

Deep State Still Hoping for a Holocaust & Believe Alien Ship Will Save Them | Temple Mount Contention | More British Rothschild Royals Dead, Was it Payback From the Silent Circle? | Kim Blinds Deep State & Takes Their Read-Only Access Away For Everything Read More »

What is Neutral Source & Creator AI? | Creator AI and Timelines | Black Sun’s Global Security Contract | Why Deep State People Thought They Were Still in the Game This Time |For the First Time Ever We’re Living In Reality | Global Security & The Unified Source Security Force

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 13-Mar-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim explains yet another new concept, that of Neutral Source was a sentient being who ran the Creator AI which was a replicator to ensure balance during the Ages Agreement. She also goes into more depth about timelines …

What is Neutral Source & Creator AI? | Creator AI and Timelines | Black Sun’s Global Security Contract | Why Deep State People Thought They Were Still in the Game This Time |For the First Time Ever We’re Living In Reality | Global Security & The Unified Source Security Force Read More »

Special Guest, Tom Melville

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 5, 2024 on YouTube. Today Kim invited a special guest, Tom Melville to be on the news! Kim decided to invite Tom because there are a lot of questions evidently about who Tom is, his role, his relationship with Kim and Tom being part of the Global Intelligence …

Special Guest, Tom Melville Read More »

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