Prince Charles

Global Asset Control Expiration Happened But Does Not Yield Result the Deep State Hoped | Standing Orders Related to Monetary Transfers For War Bonds Under Global Martial Law 16,000 Years Ago Cleaned Up | Their Failures Put Treasury Takeover of the Fed On Hold | Same With Expiring Donald Trump As They Can’t Lose Their Cash Cow | New Rothschild Family Head Makes King Chuckie Look Like An Angel

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-10 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim updates us on the deep state’s latest expectations and failures which will of course delay any announcement of Trump’s passing. A big disappointment for them had to do with the expiration of global asset control which was heavily tied …

Global Asset Control Expiration Happened But Does Not Yield Result the Deep State Hoped | Standing Orders Related to Monetary Transfers For War Bonds Under Global Martial Law 16,000 Years Ago Cleaned Up | Their Failures Put Treasury Takeover of the Fed On Hold | Same With Expiring Donald Trump As They Can’t Lose Their Cash Cow | New Rothschild Family Head Makes King Chuckie Look Like An Angel Read More »

Deep State Continues Running On Old Knowledge | Still Preparing for a Financial Crash | The Hope of Keeping Governments, Political, Military & Intelligence Sectors is Gone | Madness | Did the Pandemic Really Wake People Up? | Let’s Not Forget the Horrible Things That Happened During the Trump Admin | Good Things That Came to Light About Being Human

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 11-Mar-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. Kim continues where she left off with the Deep State still running on old knowledge, looking for scraps and still preparing for a financial crash, which will definitely happen to them instead of their intended audience. DISCLAIMERI am just an independent …

Deep State Continues Running On Old Knowledge | Still Preparing for a Financial Crash | The Hope of Keeping Governments, Political, Military & Intelligence Sectors is Gone | Madness | Did the Pandemic Really Wake People Up? | Let’s Not Forget the Horrible Things That Happened During the Trump Admin | Good Things That Came to Light About Being Human Read More »

The Scorpion Stings the Frog Half Way Across the Pond | Silent Circle Head On Same Program as Acquired Anti-Silent Circle | Kim’s $1 Deal with Silent Circle Off the Table | Humanity Must Go It Alone | Former Family Head Jacob Rothschild Fails, Commits Suicide | Mayer Rothschild Steps In & Also Fails To Crash Market

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered by Sunny on 28-Feb-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. Kim followed up with more detail on her previous update reported by Sunny. The big news is the Silent Circle is not going to be an ally for humanity and help us move forward which was alluded to in …

The Scorpion Stings the Frog Half Way Across the Pond | Silent Circle Head On Same Program as Acquired Anti-Silent Circle | Kim’s $1 Deal with Silent Circle Off the Table | Humanity Must Go It Alone | Former Family Head Jacob Rothschild Fails, Commits Suicide | Mayer Rothschild Steps In & Also Fails To Crash Market Read More »

Agent M, Our GIA Rep & Boots on the Ground Provides Update on Happenings in the Middle East Since the Assets Were Released by the Black Sun | Melchizedeks Princess Diana & Dodi Fayed | Gaining Perspective on the Overall War Against Humanity, Many Deaths Have Been Prevented | Part 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 07 FEB 24 NEWS ( This is Part 2 and we’ll cover the update from Agent M, our Global Intelligence Agency Representative and Director of the Middle East who will talk about the current happenings in the Middle East over the last couple weeks. DISCLAIMERI am just an independent …

Agent M, Our GIA Rep & Boots on the Ground Provides Update on Happenings in the Middle East Since the Assets Were Released by the Black Sun | Melchizedeks Princess Diana & Dodi Fayed | Gaining Perspective on the Overall War Against Humanity, Many Deaths Have Been Prevented | Part 2 Read More »

The 4 Ages Agreement (Neutral-Light-Neutral-Dark) Has Ended! | We Are Coming Out of the Dark Age, the Kali Yuga Now! | The Transitionary Period Began on Monday, A Year Ahead of Schedule! | As Dark Matter Dissipates, the Crazier the Cabal People Become Trying to Fulfill Obligation as Anchors of Darkness | More About Cabal’s 40th Birthday Ceremonies | The Arcturians Sent Us a Gift! | Part 2 of 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 6, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This is Part 2 and will focus on the positive news which is that we are ahead of schedule and the transitionary period has begun, meaning we are moving out of the final Age of Darkness, the Kali Yuga …

The 4 Ages Agreement (Neutral-Light-Neutral-Dark) Has Ended! | We Are Coming Out of the Dark Age, the Kali Yuga Now! | The Transitionary Period Began on Monday, A Year Ahead of Schedule! | As Dark Matter Dissipates, the Crazier the Cabal People Become Trying to Fulfill Obligation as Anchors of Darkness | More About Cabal’s 40th Birthday Ceremonies | The Arcturians Sent Us a Gift! | Part 2 of 2 Read More »

The Destroyer, Armistice Agreement, Mortality Agreement & Curse on Planet Earth | Keystones for Blueprint of Diseases Found | Russia’s Gateway to Heaven Has Company & It’s Wash DC, Control Center for NWO | Overlays On Both Gates Create the Dragon Grid | Black Sun Had Abraxas AI Implants While Dragon Families Had Draco Implants via WIFI in Washington Monument | Now, All Disease Creation Pillars Dismantled! | Dragon Grid Dismantled! | Implants for Both Sides Dismantled! | Kim’s Debt Call Deadline for Fed & UN is June 30th, What Will Happen Then?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on June 28, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update more disturbing findings related to how they brought disease to this planet are brought to light and how it relates to the Mortality Agreement the Deep State took upon themselves to try and execute. More …

The Destroyer, Armistice Agreement, Mortality Agreement & Curse on Planet Earth | Keystones for Blueprint of Diseases Found | Russia’s Gateway to Heaven Has Company & It’s Wash DC, Control Center for NWO | Overlays On Both Gates Create the Dragon Grid | Black Sun Had Abraxas AI Implants While Dragon Families Had Draco Implants via WIFI in Washington Monument | Now, All Disease Creation Pillars Dismantled! | Dragon Grid Dismantled! | Implants for Both Sides Dismantled! | Kim’s Debt Call Deadline for Fed & UN is June 30th, What Will Happen Then? Read More »

Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 Thwarted | Russia Bombing in Syria | Biden & Chuckie Still Doing China’s Bidding | Loredan & Mocenigo Families Step Up Fill the Power Vacuum, Die Instead | Umbrella Operative (aka Juan O’Savin Impersonator) in Cooperation with Opus Dei & P2 Lodge Step Up Next, Dies Instead | What Are Paper Banks? | What Was the Real Basis for the Credit Crisis? | Keystones for the Neutral Universe Found | Real History: Wewelsburg Castle, Germany (aka Hitler’s Valhalla)

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on June 26, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim tells us who tried to fill the power vacuum as there are still many dragon families with not so bright humans left and operatives with chips in their brains. She explains what paper banks …

Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 Thwarted | Russia Bombing in Syria | Biden & Chuckie Still Doing China’s Bidding | Loredan & Mocenigo Families Step Up Fill the Power Vacuum, Die Instead | Umbrella Operative (aka Juan O’Savin Impersonator) in Cooperation with Opus Dei & P2 Lodge Step Up Next, Dies Instead | What Are Paper Banks? | What Was the Real Basis for the Credit Crisis? | Keystones for the Neutral Universe Found | Real History: Wewelsburg Castle, Germany (aka Hitler’s Valhalla) Read More »

US at DEFCON-1 for the First Time in History? | What is Behind Recent Actions of US Government, Deep State & British Crown? | The Lazarus Trinity Agreement Was Established When 3 Main Parties Lost Access to Accounts & Money | 3 More Closed-Loop Systems Found, The Black Book, Blue Book & Red Book, aka More Dangling Carrots to Get People to Work for Free | The Emergency Presidential Liquidity Fund is Why Operatives THINK Trump Bucks are Real

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on May 10, 2023 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us a history lesson which leads to better understand why many believed Chuckie could deliver all he promised and why operatives are still believing Trump bucks is a thing. She gives us the background on what the …

US at DEFCON-1 for the First Time in History? | What is Behind Recent Actions of US Government, Deep State & British Crown? | The Lazarus Trinity Agreement Was Established When 3 Main Parties Lost Access to Accounts & Money | 3 More Closed-Loop Systems Found, The Black Book, Blue Book & Red Book, aka More Dangling Carrots to Get People to Work for Free | The Emergency Presidential Liquidity Fund is Why Operatives THINK Trump Bucks are Real Read More »

More Disturbing Findings Regarding COVID | Ambitious Chuckie Submits 3 Agreements to the Hall of Records for Ratification: To Be King, To Be Pindar & To Be Guardian | Chuckie Then Goes to Balmoral Castle to Enter Pod Prior to His Coronation | Kim Finds Out Queen Lizardbeth Wasn’t the Only One in Stasis on the Planet, There Were 8 Others | Wingnuts Expecting Battle Between the Angels of Light & the Fallen Angels But Nobody Came | Clarifying the Difference Between Angels & Arc Angels

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on May 8, 2023 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim updates us on her recent findings about the origin of COVID. She make a call to the WHO because they are very confused and need to hear the truth. She tells us what was going on behind the scenes …

More Disturbing Findings Regarding COVID | Ambitious Chuckie Submits 3 Agreements to the Hall of Records for Ratification: To Be King, To Be Pindar & To Be Guardian | Chuckie Then Goes to Balmoral Castle to Enter Pod Prior to His Coronation | Kim Finds Out Queen Lizardbeth Wasn’t the Only One in Stasis on the Planet, There Were 8 Others | Wingnuts Expecting Battle Between the Angels of Light & the Fallen Angels But Nobody Came | Clarifying the Difference Between Angels & Arc Angels Read More »

Virus Canisters Found, So Deep State Sends Infected People to US Instead | Anointing Chuckie Like Solomon Tonight, Means Horrid Rituals No Doubt | Wingnuts Expect to Take Over Kim’s System After Chuckie’s Coronation & He is ‘Officially’ King | Will the Royal Arse Bring the Magic Back for the Deep State? Nah, Of Course Not | Will More Countries Leave the Commonwealth When Chuckie Fails?  Probably | Now the Good News, More Agreements Expired & Relate to the Arc of the Covenant & Pandora’s Box!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on May 5, 2023 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim addresses the latest fear porn circulating around the alt media around AI and viruses. She tells us yet again why the deep states latest hopes for a central bank digital currency and the $1 …

Virus Canisters Found, So Deep State Sends Infected People to US Instead | Anointing Chuckie Like Solomon Tonight, Means Horrid Rituals No Doubt | Wingnuts Expect to Take Over Kim’s System After Chuckie’s Coronation & He is ‘Officially’ King | Will the Royal Arse Bring the Magic Back for the Deep State? Nah, Of Course Not | Will More Countries Leave the Commonwealth When Chuckie Fails?  Probably | Now the Good News, More Agreements Expired & Relate to the Arc of the Covenant & Pandora’s Box! Read More »

Universal Law of Light Implemented Midnight Moscow Time! | What is the History of May Day? | About President Lincoln | The Creator’s Feminine Side Was HERE Anchoring the Light on Earth For 3 Billion Years in Mount Rushmore! | Her Essence Was Also Inverted by Transmuters for Overlays | No Longer Encumbered, She Finally Can Go Home! | How Can We Ever Thank Our Holy Solar Mother?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on May 1, 2023 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this broadcast Kim explains more about the base platforms or portals having minor portals which means there were a lot of portals here on Earth. She gives us the history of May Day, the day the dark …

Universal Law of Light Implemented Midnight Moscow Time! | What is the History of May Day? | About President Lincoln | The Creator’s Feminine Side Was HERE Anchoring the Light on Earth For 3 Billion Years in Mount Rushmore! | Her Essence Was Also Inverted by Transmuters for Overlays | No Longer Encumbered, She Finally Can Go Home! | How Can We Ever Thank Our Holy Solar Mother? Read More »

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