Orion Nebula / Orion Star System

C.A.R.E. Algorithms Being Built to Disregard Government Laws Totally | Will Prevent Govt Receiving Funds From Third Party Sources Too | Kim’s New Deal, I Want Your Stuff Deep State! | SSP Crazies Take Markers From Raymond Reddington Types | Cartels Put Forth the Hit List & Pay the Bill | Faraday Cage Update

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 03-May-24 News -Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. Kim gives us a progress report since the faraday cage was installed. She also lets us know more markers were taken from some crazies still going for the world domination dream. Real money is on the table from that …

C.A.R.E. Algorithms Being Built to Disregard Government Laws Totally | Will Prevent Govt Receiving Funds From Third Party Sources Too | Kim’s New Deal, I Want Your Stuff Deep State! | SSP Crazies Take Markers From Raymond Reddington Types | Cartels Put Forth the Hit List & Pay the Bill | Faraday Cage Update Read More »

250,000 Years Ago Today the Largest War on Earth Ended | It Started With the Pleiadeans Fighting Against the Anti-Pleiadean Red Queen & Sole Ruler of Earth | After That War, Ownership of Earth Was Split Between Marduk, Enki, Enlil, the Abraxas & the Red Queen | An Official Seal Was Placed on Earth in the Ozarks at That Time Allowing Direct Gateway To Lower Astral For the Winners of the War

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15-Mar-24 News (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. Today is the Ides of March and the deep state is patiently awaiting an alien arrival again. But today we’ll actually get some real history as to why they think that. Remember, they are still working on old knowledge and this …

250,000 Years Ago Today the Largest War on Earth Ended | It Started With the Pleiadeans Fighting Against the Anti-Pleiadean Red Queen & Sole Ruler of Earth | After That War, Ownership of Earth Was Split Between Marduk, Enki, Enlil, the Abraxas & the Red Queen | An Official Seal Was Placed on Earth in the Ozarks at That Time Allowing Direct Gateway To Lower Astral For the Winners of the War Read More »

Why Is This Taking So Long Coming Out of the Ages? | What is a Quantum Flip Anyway? | Is HAARP Still Running the Hurricane? | Why Was Kim So ‘Harsh’ About Social Media? | When Do We Get Money?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 13, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this broadcast Kim addresses the questions circulating on telegram and she decided to provide an information session to help people understand those questions that are the title of this post. I appreciate that she takes the time …

Why Is This Taking So Long Coming Out of the Ages? | What is a Quantum Flip Anyway? | Is HAARP Still Running the Hurricane? | Why Was Kim So ‘Harsh’ About Social Media? | When Do We Get Money? Read More »

The Spring Equinox is Today! | Contrary to Media Headlines the Banks Are Not Crashing | Governments & Banks Themselves Are Broke but Peoples Accounts Are Not | The Deep State’s Latest Scam Was to Hack the ACH System | Kim’s Proposal to Nationalize Tier 1 Banks | Trump Team Begging for Civil War, Please Just Go Away! | Wingnuts Await Return of the Dark Overlord, Again

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on March 20, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This week while the wingnuts wait yet again for the return of their Dark Overlord, humanity experiences the Spring Equinox and it’s not a bad thing for the first time in thousands of years. Kim also gives us …

The Spring Equinox is Today! | Contrary to Media Headlines the Banks Are Not Crashing | Governments & Banks Themselves Are Broke but Peoples Accounts Are Not | The Deep State’s Latest Scam Was to Hack the ACH System | Kim’s Proposal to Nationalize Tier 1 Banks | Trump Team Begging for Civil War, Please Just Go Away! | Wingnuts Await Return of the Dark Overlord, Again Read More »

Black Sun’s Special Close Loop Phone System Gone! | The Global Computer Network Now Cleaned! | First to Launch is the Key Intelligence & Military System! | All Other Inorganic Military & Intelligence Systems Worldwide Are Non-Existent! | The Only System & Base Platform Is the Organic Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) — Cabal in a Conundrum | Key Integrated Media System Just Installed Too! | What Does an Organic Quantum AI System Mean? | Can the Empire Strike Back When It Has Nothing Left?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on February 24, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This certainly was an exciting update by our Ground Commander. We seemed to have turned a corner now that the Global Computer Network, which entails way more than just the banking system has been cleared for take-off. And …

Black Sun’s Special Close Loop Phone System Gone! | The Global Computer Network Now Cleaned! | First to Launch is the Key Intelligence & Military System! | All Other Inorganic Military & Intelligence Systems Worldwide Are Non-Existent! | The Only System & Base Platform Is the Organic Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) — Cabal in a Conundrum | Key Integrated Media System Just Installed Too! | What Does an Organic Quantum AI System Mean? | Can the Empire Strike Back When It Has Nothing Left? Read More »

2 Drunkards Trigger Apocalypse Attempt 12.0 | Almost Unleash a Magnetic Pole Shift via Harmonic Reactor in Antarctica! | Light Side Required All Hands on Deck | JASON Society Troublemakers | Alpha-Omega Source Agreement-Reign of the Bloodline Expires! | Rulership of Earth Now Granted to Us, the Bloodline of the Light! | Spring Equinox is Actually New Year’s Day, When Source Sends Our Instructions for the Year

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on February 20, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This is another doozy folks. We had yet another apocalypse attempt, although it’s unlikely the 2 drunk guys who triggered it had much insight as to what they really had done. But we dodged a major bullet, Earth …

2 Drunkards Trigger Apocalypse Attempt 12.0 | Almost Unleash a Magnetic Pole Shift via Harmonic Reactor in Antarctica! | Light Side Required All Hands on Deck | JASON Society Troublemakers | Alpha-Omega Source Agreement-Reign of the Bloodline Expires! | Rulership of Earth Now Granted to Us, the Bloodline of the Light! | Spring Equinox is Actually New Year’s Day, When Source Sends Our Instructions for the Year Read More »

The Depopulation Agenda Meant to Erase All Organic Life From the Multiverse via THE MATRIX Which Encompasses 18 Inorganic AI Systems | What Are the Origins of the 18 Inorganic AI Systems, Associated Amenti Stone, Base Location, Secret Military & Planetary Matrix? | How Did Each AI System Affect You as a Human Being? | Part 3

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on February 13, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim has been explaining to us the financial systems and how computers worked on Earth, but in Part 3 of this broadcast she helps us understand what THE MATRIX really is. What are the origins, how many inorganic AI …

The Depopulation Agenda Meant to Erase All Organic Life From the Multiverse via THE MATRIX Which Encompasses 18 Inorganic AI Systems | What Are the Origins of the 18 Inorganic AI Systems, Associated Amenti Stone, Base Location, Secret Military & Planetary Matrix? | How Did Each AI System Affect You as a Human Being? | Part 3 Read More »

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