Black Book | Blue Book | Red Book

The Mysterious Con Artist Revealed | Claims He is Long Lost Son of Former Pindar, Ferdinand Marcos | Part 3

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 08-Jul-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In Part 3 Kim reveals the mysterious con artist holding the deep state hostage, all from a jail cell. Yep, if he wasn’t already dead he could run for President. He seems to have a wrap sheet long enough to qualify. …

The Mysterious Con Artist Revealed | Claims He is Long Lost Son of Former Pindar, Ferdinand Marcos | Part 3 Read More »

Program Cicada is 1,000+ Yrs Old, Run By Mei Wa (aka Lilith, Lucifer’s Wife) to Give Her Full Control Over Entire World | SSP Acquired Database of Cicadas & Tried to Activate Them But Failed | What is Link Between ‘Mei’ in Presidential Red Book & JFK? | Division Between (Light-Neutral-Dark) Celestials is No More, the 9 Are Merging With Source! | What the Peoples’ Restoration Means

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15-May-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this broadcast, because there is a lot of fear and prophecies circulating by both the mainstream and alt media about the Cicadas coming this year, Kim wanted to give you the real story behind it. While the cicada remains …

Program Cicada is 1,000+ Yrs Old, Run By Mei Wa (aka Lilith, Lucifer’s Wife) to Give Her Full Control Over Entire World | SSP Acquired Database of Cicadas & Tried to Activate Them But Failed | What is Link Between ‘Mei’ in Presidential Red Book & JFK? | Division Between (Light-Neutral-Dark) Celestials is No More, the 9 Are Merging With Source! | What the Peoples’ Restoration Means Read More »

Uprising in Middle East Due in Part to Treasury Dept Transaction Failures & Lies | All Wars Are Orchestrated So Deep State Knows Where Everybody Is Going All the Time | Which War Package Are They Running This Time? The American War Package! | SSP Believes There is Still An Automated Call Payment For War From Alpha | ‘Red Book’ Drives Hope of Trump Bucks | Cartels Exhibiting Rarest Asset of All, COMMON SENSE! | Meanwhile SSP Wants to Kill As Many Humans As Possible Until Kim Has Had Enough

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15-Apr-24 News-( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim gives us the back story to the uprising in the Middle East and why she knows they are using the American Book of War package. Unfortunately, the psychopaths running things still believe war pays and their ego will not …

Uprising in Middle East Due in Part to Treasury Dept Transaction Failures & Lies | All Wars Are Orchestrated So Deep State Knows Where Everybody Is Going All the Time | Which War Package Are They Running This Time? The American War Package! | SSP Believes There is Still An Automated Call Payment For War From Alpha | ‘Red Book’ Drives Hope of Trump Bucks | Cartels Exhibiting Rarest Asset of All, COMMON SENSE! | Meanwhile SSP Wants to Kill As Many Humans As Possible Until Kim Has Had Enough Read More »

US at DEFCON-1 for the First Time in History? | What is Behind Recent Actions of US Government, Deep State & British Crown? | The Lazarus Trinity Agreement Was Established When 3 Main Parties Lost Access to Accounts & Money | 3 More Closed-Loop Systems Found, The Black Book, Blue Book & Red Book, aka More Dangling Carrots to Get People to Work for Free | The Emergency Presidential Liquidity Fund is Why Operatives THINK Trump Bucks are Real

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on May 10, 2023 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us a history lesson which leads to better understand why many believed Chuckie could deliver all he promised and why operatives are still believing Trump bucks is a thing. She gives us the background on what the …

US at DEFCON-1 for the First Time in History? | What is Behind Recent Actions of US Government, Deep State & British Crown? | The Lazarus Trinity Agreement Was Established When 3 Main Parties Lost Access to Accounts & Money | 3 More Closed-Loop Systems Found, The Black Book, Blue Book & Red Book, aka More Dangling Carrots to Get People to Work for Free | The Emergency Presidential Liquidity Fund is Why Operatives THINK Trump Bucks are Real Read More »

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