Fallen Angelics

Fake Assassination of Fake Trump | Deep State Expects Same Event That Extended Dark Age 250,000 Yrs | More Dark Matter Was Coming In Than Leaving | Relates To Beings Who Could Not Only Do A Consciousness Transfer, But Split Like a Starfish | Which Beings? Former Earth Owners & Demons Of Course: Lucifer, Baal, Belial, Baphomet, Asmodeus, Andromalius, Beelzebub, Mammon, Astaroth, & Azazael | They Infected 25% of the Population | As we Reconnect to the Soul Plane, Events Happen to Keep Your Attention In 3D | BTW, Demons Love When You Celebrate/Mourn the Death of Any Light Being (Good Friday, Ashura)

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15-Jul-24 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. This broadcast was quite disturbing to say the least. Darkness was coming back at a rapid rate according the gauge that measures that. Kim was on an expedition which led her to some very disturbing discoveries, the heavy hitters, the …

Fake Assassination of Fake Trump | Deep State Expects Same Event That Extended Dark Age 250,000 Yrs | More Dark Matter Was Coming In Than Leaving | Relates To Beings Who Could Not Only Do A Consciousness Transfer, But Split Like a Starfish | Which Beings? Former Earth Owners & Demons Of Course: Lucifer, Baal, Belial, Baphomet, Asmodeus, Andromalius, Beelzebub, Mammon, Astaroth, & Azazael | They Infected 25% of the Population | As we Reconnect to the Soul Plane, Events Happen to Keep Your Attention In 3D | BTW, Demons Love When You Celebrate/Mourn the Death of Any Light Being (Good Friday, Ashura) Read More »

Deep State Wingnuts Still Anticipating Big Cash Infusion on July 4th & They’ll Be In Contact With the Aliens | Alleged Breakaway Operatives Meet Briefly With Kim, Still Stumped How a Human Has This Job | Alien Programs to Manipulate Humans & Warfare 101 | People With Extraordinary Skills Rarely Can Be Read By Those Trained in Alien Programs | Dark Age Influences Override Logic | Regulators Around the World to Transmute Energy Removed

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 01-Jul-24 News -Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. In this post Kim shares her latest meeting experience with the breakaway operative group and that the delusional deep state is still expecting big bucks on the 4th of July. They are discussing how they are going to spend the …

Deep State Wingnuts Still Anticipating Big Cash Infusion on July 4th & They’ll Be In Contact With the Aliens | Alleged Breakaway Operatives Meet Briefly With Kim, Still Stumped How a Human Has This Job | Alien Programs to Manipulate Humans & Warfare 101 | People With Extraordinary Skills Rarely Can Be Read By Those Trained in Alien Programs | Dark Age Influences Override Logic | Regulators Around the World to Transmute Energy Removed Read More »

The Presidential Debate Movie | Alleged Military Lockdown Starts July 4th, But Dependent on Regaining Financial Control | Attempt #1: Control Visa & MC Failed | #2: Ancient Nazi Hydra People Can’t Crack a Code | #3: Elon Musk Tries To Connect to XXX Omega Backup System & Fails | Epic Failures All Around, No Access, No Understanding & No Annual Meeting This Year of Angels & Fallen Angels | BTW, Levels of Internet Translate Into Densities In Universes | Base Root Systems Tied to Planets, Pluto Is Level 8 | Marduk Only Had Access Up to Level 7 In Both Upper & Lower Astral | Kim’s Last-Ditch Effort to Get Them to Save Themselves

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 28-Jun-24 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. Kim said the deep state is still trying to install various systems but she first pointed out some things from the latest movie the political operatives made entitled The Presidential Debate. Then she focused the rest of this long broadcast around …

The Presidential Debate Movie | Alleged Military Lockdown Starts July 4th, But Dependent on Regaining Financial Control | Attempt #1: Control Visa & MC Failed | #2: Ancient Nazi Hydra People Can’t Crack a Code | #3: Elon Musk Tries To Connect to XXX Omega Backup System & Fails | Epic Failures All Around, No Access, No Understanding & No Annual Meeting This Year of Angels & Fallen Angels | BTW, Levels of Internet Translate Into Densities In Universes | Base Root Systems Tied to Planets, Pluto Is Level 8 | Marduk Only Had Access Up to Level 7 In Both Upper & Lower Astral | Kim’s Last-Ditch Effort to Get Them to Save Themselves Read More »

The Deep State Wants To Continue Their Way Of Life | An Impossibility Due to Source’s Decision To Remove the Parasitic Universe | Kim Creates Shield in Form Of Faraday Cages for Humans & Earth To Starve Remaining Parasites | Adam AI Narrative Being Fed to Alt Media | Dispelling the Rumors Of Their QFS | Cartels Hired Raymond Reddington Crew To Research Kim, What Did They Conclude? | Source Looks Through The Eyes of His Own Creation During Passover

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 01-May-24 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. For the new kids on the deep state block, who are in denial, uninformed or just plain stupid, Kim explains yet again why we can never go back. She also shares what Source is experiencing (as best as she can) during …

The Deep State Wants To Continue Their Way Of Life | An Impossibility Due to Source’s Decision To Remove the Parasitic Universe | Kim Creates Shield in Form Of Faraday Cages for Humans & Earth To Starve Remaining Parasites | Adam AI Narrative Being Fed to Alt Media | Dispelling the Rumors Of Their QFS | Cartels Hired Raymond Reddington Crew To Research Kim, What Did They Conclude? | Source Looks Through The Eyes of His Own Creation During Passover Read More »

After 250,000 Years the Atlantian War Declaration, aka Orion Causal War Officially Ends Today! | Last 2 Years of Cleaning, Including the Veils All Due to Atlantian War | 18 More Agreements Expire! | Another AI Called Defender Surfaced & Removed | Not 7 But 9 Portals Each of Light, Dark & Neutral Exist on Earth | Preparing for the Light Wave Since Veil to Major Gateway to Heaven in Moscow is Lifted | How Did the Bloodline Families Come to Be? | Are They Global Royalty or Demon Splices?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen on April 28, 2023 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim explains that much of the clean-up that has been going on over the last couple of years has to do with the Orion Causal War otherwise known as the Atlantian War that occurred here …

After 250,000 Years the Atlantian War Declaration, aka Orion Causal War Officially Ends Today! | Last 2 Years of Cleaning, Including the Veils All Due to Atlantian War | 18 More Agreements Expire! | Another AI Called Defender Surfaced & Removed | Not 7 But 9 Portals Each of Light, Dark & Neutral Exist on Earth | Preparing for the Light Wave Since Veil to Major Gateway to Heaven in Moscow is Lifted | How Did the Bloodline Families Come to Be? | Are They Global Royalty or Demon Splices? Read More »

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