Marduk’s Final Plan

Part 3 | Why The Deep State Can Never Pull Off Their Great Reset With MBridge & Global Depopulation Agenda | Why Getting Money Through In The New Light System Is So Important

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-19 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Part 3 Kim wraps up this broadcast and brings home why the Deep State can never succeed with their grandiose seven currency plan left for them by Marduk and their mass depopulation agenda and reminds humans they are not powerless! …

Part 3 | Why The Deep State Can Never Pull Off Their Great Reset With MBridge & Global Depopulation Agenda | Why Getting Money Through In The New Light System Is So Important Read More »

Kim’s Hell Week & Ours Continues | Marduk, Anu, & Abraxas, The Gift That Keeps On Giving | Multiple Replicator Earth System Surfaces Which Replicated DNA Blueprint for Universe 10,368,000 Times | Deep State Attempted to Twist Around Marduk’s 7 Currency Plan For The World To Suit Their Needs, Hence Defaulting The Program Saving Kim a Little Bit of Work

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-14 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Today marks the first day after hell week, but apparently it’s not over yet. Kim said things have been disappearing in rapid succession and then there are things they are anticipating to happen. She heard the chatter about a Russian nuclear …

Kim’s Hell Week & Ours Continues | Marduk, Anu, & Abraxas, The Gift That Keeps On Giving | Multiple Replicator Earth System Surfaces Which Replicated DNA Blueprint for Universe 10,368,000 Times | Deep State Attempted to Twist Around Marduk’s 7 Currency Plan For The World To Suit Their Needs, Hence Defaulting The Program Saving Kim a Little Bit of Work Read More »

Trump Operatives Still Wait for Yields From New Moon | Meanwhile Operative Meetings Held & They’re Not Invited | Trump Lawyers Want Kim to Cease and Desist Negative Info On Trump | Deep State Elites Expecting Financial System Crash by August 1st, Hence Their Sell-Off | Nazi Hydra Program

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-07 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim gives us the update on the crazy Trump operatives who are still waiting until three days after the full moon for something to happen that will benefit them. Not many are buying it and holding meetings without them. Meanwhile Kim …

Trump Operatives Still Wait for Yields From New Moon | Meanwhile Operative Meetings Held & They’re Not Invited | Trump Lawyers Want Kim to Cease and Desist Negative Info On Trump | Deep State Elites Expecting Financial System Crash by August 1st, Hence Their Sell-Off | Nazi Hydra Program Read More »

The Marduk AI System Deep State Was Expecting to Give Them Access, Power & Control Was called KAG AI | News Coming out of Syria & Iran | Deep State Tries to Power Alien Tech at Nevada Test Site & Texas A&M University with Nuclear Power Causing Minor Earthquakes | Similar Attempts Happened During Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Incident in 2017 & With Hitler’s Flying Machines | Dispelling Rumors That All Banks Are Shutting Down &What’s Coming From the EPA

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-May-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim started off saying, that as expected, nothing happened for the deep state with the full moon. However, something interesting she didn’t know about until yesterday came up that relates to what was behind their expectation of finding a Marduk …

The Marduk AI System Deep State Was Expecting to Give Them Access, Power & Control Was called KAG AI | News Coming out of Syria & Iran | Deep State Tries to Power Alien Tech at Nevada Test Site & Texas A&M University with Nuclear Power Causing Minor Earthquakes | Similar Attempts Happened During Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Incident in 2017 & With Hitler’s Flying Machines | Dispelling Rumors That All Banks Are Shutting Down &What’s Coming From the EPA Read More »

Earth’s ALL THAT IS Creation Keystone Had Light-Neutral-Dark Sides | Melchizedeks Represent Light Side of Celestials, Merovingians the Dark Side & Neutrals Can Go Either Way | The Rest of Humanity Are Organic Life Forms With Co-Creative Aspects of Both & Is Why Accessing $1 of Pure Source Energy Is A Big Deal | Earth’s ALL THAT IS Creation Keystone Going Forward Will be Light Celestials Only! | More On Marduk & His Manipulation of Power From Whom the Deep State Is Hoping To Be Saved

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22-May-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim didn’t have a whole lot to share on the Deep State as they seem to be awaiting a miracle from Marduk by Friday, the promised pay day. But in cleaning up anything she could see that could …

Earth’s ALL THAT IS Creation Keystone Had Light-Neutral-Dark Sides | Melchizedeks Represent Light Side of Celestials, Merovingians the Dark Side & Neutrals Can Go Either Way | The Rest of Humanity Are Organic Life Forms With Co-Creative Aspects of Both & Is Why Accessing $1 of Pure Source Energy Is A Big Deal | Earth’s ALL THAT IS Creation Keystone Going Forward Will be Light Celestials Only! | More On Marduk & His Manipulation of Power From Whom the Deep State Is Hoping To Be Saved Read More »

Iranian President & Staff In Belize & Didn’t Die | Black Nobility Pallavicini Family Makes $75.42 Trillion Worth of Promises | Their Deal, In Exchange for Executing on Marduk’s Final Plan Will Become 65% Owners of Planet Earth While 35% Goes to Order of the Dragon | At Lower Level, $56 Billion Promised to Langley 5, SSP, Q Crew, Trump Operatives To Burn US To The Ground | Tier 1 Bank Operating Systems Now Merged With Global Repository!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 20-May-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim started off by saying there were meetings over the weekend about C.A.R.E. and moving forward but she didn’t want to get into the details around that at that this time. She just wanted to let us know that is where …

Iranian President & Staff In Belize & Didn’t Die | Black Nobility Pallavicini Family Makes $75.42 Trillion Worth of Promises | Their Deal, In Exchange for Executing on Marduk’s Final Plan Will Become 65% Owners of Planet Earth While 35% Goes to Order of the Dragon | At Lower Level, $56 Billion Promised to Langley 5, SSP, Q Crew, Trump Operatives To Burn US To The Ground | Tier 1 Bank Operating Systems Now Merged With Global Repository! Read More »

Deep State Says We’re Making Progress, Asks Cartels For More Time | Actually Hoping Anu Will Arrive & Maybe the 6 Owners of Earth (Red Queen, Marduk, Enki, Enlil, Abraxas, Anti-Source) As They Meet Every 7 Years Here During the Equinox | Hence the Wars & Fear Porn to Lower Frequency in Preparation for Their Arrival | Panic Ensues As RMB Sovereign Bonds & Guarantees Take Away Backing of ¾ of World’s Currencies | Cartels Send Deep State A Message | Indicators on Planet Earth of the Melchizedek Prophecy Happening, Deserts Turning Green! | Part 1 of 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In Part 1 of this post I cover Kim’s update on the Deep State and the cartels. The deep state is yet again awaiting their savior to come to make it all better again, but it just keeps getting worse for them instead. …

Deep State Says We’re Making Progress, Asks Cartels For More Time | Actually Hoping Anu Will Arrive & Maybe the 6 Owners of Earth (Red Queen, Marduk, Enki, Enlil, Abraxas, Anti-Source) As They Meet Every 7 Years Here During the Equinox | Hence the Wars & Fear Porn to Lower Frequency in Preparation for Their Arrival | Panic Ensues As RMB Sovereign Bonds & Guarantees Take Away Backing of ¾ of World’s Currencies | Cartels Send Deep State A Message | Indicators on Planet Earth of the Melchizedek Prophecy Happening, Deserts Turning Green! | Part 1 of 2 Read More »

What is the Day of Destiny & Meeting Between the Angels & Demons? | Order Tries to Bring Anu Back at Mount Kilimanjaro & Drags Trump’s Dead Body to Temple of the Crystal Skulls | NATO Tries to Take Charge | Prophecy of 7 Sleepers Underneath Kaaba in Mecca About Demons (not Angels) | Kim Minimizes a Number of Attacks on US Embassies Across the Globe with Counter Frequencies | Kim, Now Called Anarchist by the Enemy After Taking Necessary Steps Against New World Order & Nationalizes US Treasury, US Mint & Appoints GIA Administrator for All Bankrupt Nations Under Global Martial Law | Who Knew Heads of State Take a 2nd Oath to the Hidden Constitution Filed in Dark Hall of Records?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 17, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us another loaded report that explains what the Day of Destiny was, that it was not operating as intended for a very long time but the Order is expecting big wins on their side and in …

What is the Day of Destiny & Meeting Between the Angels & Demons? | Order Tries to Bring Anu Back at Mount Kilimanjaro & Drags Trump’s Dead Body to Temple of the Crystal Skulls | NATO Tries to Take Charge | Prophecy of 7 Sleepers Underneath Kaaba in Mecca About Demons (not Angels) | Kim Minimizes a Number of Attacks on US Embassies Across the Globe with Counter Frequencies | Kim, Now Called Anarchist by the Enemy After Taking Necessary Steps Against New World Order & Nationalizes US Treasury, US Mint & Appoints GIA Administrator for All Bankrupt Nations Under Global Martial Law | Who Knew Heads of State Take a 2nd Oath to the Hidden Constitution Filed in Dark Hall of Records? Read More »

The Omega Project Was Still In Play! | Global Power Shift to China, 100 Year Plan, Bush’s Non-Complete Plan & 1984 Expansion of Black Widow Program | Implants Expanded to All Involved, Including Every US President Since Ford & All People on Mainland China | ‘New Earth’ Was To Be Jupiter’s Moon Europa in Lower Astral | Omega Machine Dismantled Prompting Call to The Destroyer’s Golden Boy to Come Out of Stasis | Chinese Had Control of the 5 Pillars Until Omega Project Machine Was Dismantled | Secondary SWIFT System Also Dismantled | Believing the Fairy Tale Told by Rothschild is Over! | Patriots Chips Removed, Now Figuring Out Chinese Robot People Infiltrated the US & RV Was Always a Distraction | Is a Turnaround Happening? | Maybe, But Kim Still Has a Backup Plan Just in Case

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 12, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim shares even more disturbing news about another machine found in Wuhan that was tied to the Omega Project, the largest project of the lower astral which was still in play. Had the Omega Project been completed only …

The Omega Project Was Still In Play! | Global Power Shift to China, 100 Year Plan, Bush’s Non-Complete Plan & 1984 Expansion of Black Widow Program | Implants Expanded to All Involved, Including Every US President Since Ford & All People on Mainland China | ‘New Earth’ Was To Be Jupiter’s Moon Europa in Lower Astral | Omega Machine Dismantled Prompting Call to The Destroyer’s Golden Boy to Come Out of Stasis | Chinese Had Control of the 5 Pillars Until Omega Project Machine Was Dismantled | Secondary SWIFT System Also Dismantled | Believing the Fairy Tale Told by Rothschild is Over! | Patriots Chips Removed, Now Figuring Out Chinese Robot People Infiltrated the US & RV Was Always a Distraction | Is a Turnaround Happening? | Maybe, But Kim Still Has a Backup Plan Just in Case Read More »

99% of the Questioners Now Onboard to Move Forward | 1% From Cheyenne Group Refuse; Believe They Are On Mission From Aliens | They Continue to Run Operations, Pushing Fake Trump, Agendas & Working with Soros | Silent Circle Begins to Work With the Onboarded 99% | Kim Throws Her Hat in the Ring Once Again Regarding Salvaging the Government | Blue Dragon Sector, Predominantly Rothschild & Sanhedrin Angry Because State Department Will Not Take Their Call | The Deep State Cannot Move Global Power to China with An Incomplete Plan | Part 1 of 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on June 12, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. I am splitting this broadcast into 2 parts. The first post covers what happened as a result of the meetings with the underlings over the weekend. It sounds like a lot of progress was made by both Kim and …

99% of the Questioners Now Onboard to Move Forward | 1% From Cheyenne Group Refuse; Believe They Are On Mission From Aliens | They Continue to Run Operations, Pushing Fake Trump, Agendas & Working with Soros | Silent Circle Begins to Work With the Onboarded 99% | Kim Throws Her Hat in the Ring Once Again Regarding Salvaging the Government | Blue Dragon Sector, Predominantly Rothschild & Sanhedrin Angry Because State Department Will Not Take Their Call | The Deep State Cannot Move Global Power to China with An Incomplete Plan | Part 1 of 2 Read More »

Sensitive Document Leaks | US House Reps Ukraine Hero Now a Zero, Weapons to Be Diverted to Taiwan Instead | China Deep State Bans Poppy to Sell More Fentanyl | Kim Made Good on Her Promise, Depletes World of RMB | More Dead Rothschilds & Chinese Golden Dragon People | Warns the Rest, Concede or Die! | Kim Finds Real Quantum Hacking Tools Given to NSA by Marduk | Octave of Easter Gives Deep State Hope the Anti-Christ Will Arrive

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on April 14, 2023 news on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us her take on why all the leaked documents this week, what the poppy seed ban is really about, that it looks like they are trying to end the war in Ukraine and start one in Taiwan. She …

Sensitive Document Leaks | US House Reps Ukraine Hero Now a Zero, Weapons to Be Diverted to Taiwan Instead | China Deep State Bans Poppy to Sell More Fentanyl | Kim Made Good on Her Promise, Depletes World of RMB | More Dead Rothschilds & Chinese Golden Dragon People | Warns the Rest, Concede or Die! | Kim Finds Real Quantum Hacking Tools Given to NSA by Marduk | Octave of Easter Gives Deep State Hope the Anti-Christ Will Arrive Read More »

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