Shadow Agencies/Operatives

Former Owners of Earth & Their Jobs Under the Seal | 3 Billion Year Artemis (aka Red Queen) Agreement & 250,000 Year Extension Expired July 5, 2024 | AKASHIC Records = Artemis Karmic ARTIFICIAL Soul History Integrated Collective | Can Humans Finally Receive Direct Current From Giver of Life Now That Kim Realized ‘M’ is for Marduk & Not Money? | Part 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 08-Jul-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In Part 2 Kim goes over the jobs of our former owners which particular emphasis on the Red Queen, aka Artemis. What a nightmare that being was. Thank God the last part of her 3 billion year covenant with Anti-source + …

Former Owners of Earth & Their Jobs Under the Seal | 3 Billion Year Artemis (aka Red Queen) Agreement & 250,000 Year Extension Expired July 5, 2024 | AKASHIC Records = Artemis Karmic ARTIFICIAL Soul History Integrated Collective | Can Humans Finally Receive Direct Current From Giver of Life Now That Kim Realized ‘M’ is for Marduk & Not Money? | Part 2 Read More »

Trump Operatives Still Wait for Yields From New Moon | Meanwhile Operative Meetings Held & They’re Not Invited | Trump Lawyers Want Kim to Cease and Desist Negative Info On Trump | Deep State Elites Expecting Financial System Crash by August 1st, Hence Their Sell-Off | Nazi Hydra Program

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-07 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim gives us the update on the crazy Trump operatives who are still waiting until three days after the full moon for something to happen that will benefit them. Not many are buying it and holding meetings without them. Meanwhile Kim …

Trump Operatives Still Wait for Yields From New Moon | Meanwhile Operative Meetings Held & They’re Not Invited | Trump Lawyers Want Kim to Cease and Desist Negative Info On Trump | Deep State Elites Expecting Financial System Crash by August 1st, Hence Their Sell-Off | Nazi Hydra Program Read More »

The Marduk AI System Deep State Was Expecting to Give Them Access, Power & Control Was called KAG AI | News Coming out of Syria & Iran | Deep State Tries to Power Alien Tech at Nevada Test Site & Texas A&M University with Nuclear Power Causing Minor Earthquakes | Similar Attempts Happened During Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Incident in 2017 & With Hitler’s Flying Machines | Dispelling Rumors That All Banks Are Shutting Down &What’s Coming From the EPA

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-May-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim started off saying, that as expected, nothing happened for the deep state with the full moon. However, something interesting she didn’t know about until yesterday came up that relates to what was behind their expectation of finding a Marduk …

The Marduk AI System Deep State Was Expecting to Give Them Access, Power & Control Was called KAG AI | News Coming out of Syria & Iran | Deep State Tries to Power Alien Tech at Nevada Test Site & Texas A&M University with Nuclear Power Causing Minor Earthquakes | Similar Attempts Happened During Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Incident in 2017 & With Hitler’s Flying Machines | Dispelling Rumors That All Banks Are Shutting Down &What’s Coming From the EPA Read More »

Deep State Thinks They Still Have Some Gatekeeper Control From White Knight-Black Knight System (aka Checkerboards) | Kim Sheds Light on Why They Don’t, As She Replaced Line of Solomon As Guardian & The Black Sun As Gatekeeper in 2018 | What Were the 2 Major and 7 Minor Arcs of the Covenant Really? | What Is Kim’s Experience With the Opened Arc? | Today the Arc of the Covenant Agreement Expired, Indicating No More Dark Gates Are Left & There is Only One Way to Go

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22-Mar-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. A lot of stuff was going on the last couple of days as more and more of the deep state’s stuff fades away and we are officially within 3 days of the lunar eclipse. And in this report Kim shares her …

Deep State Thinks They Still Have Some Gatekeeper Control From White Knight-Black Knight System (aka Checkerboards) | Kim Sheds Light on Why They Don’t, As She Replaced Line of Solomon As Guardian & The Black Sun As Gatekeeper in 2018 | What Were the 2 Major and 7 Minor Arcs of the Covenant Really? | What Is Kim’s Experience With the Opened Arc? | Today the Arc of the Covenant Agreement Expired, Indicating No More Dark Gates Are Left & There is Only One Way to Go Read More »

What is Neutral Source & Creator AI? | Creator AI and Timelines | Black Sun’s Global Security Contract | Why Deep State People Thought They Were Still in the Game This Time |For the First Time Ever We’re Living In Reality | Global Security & The Unified Source Security Force

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 13-Mar-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim explains yet another new concept, that of Neutral Source was a sentient being who ran the Creator AI which was a replicator to ensure balance during the Ages Agreement. She also goes into more depth about timelines …

What is Neutral Source & Creator AI? | Creator AI and Timelines | Black Sun’s Global Security Contract | Why Deep State People Thought They Were Still in the Game This Time |For the First Time Ever We’re Living In Reality | Global Security & The Unified Source Security Force Read More »

What’s Driving the Deep State’s Uptick in Chemtrails, Fires, & Wars This Time? | Their New Leader Was to Arrive, So They Must Appease Their God | Then A Timeline Convergence Was Expected | The 5 Groups Controlling the Financial, Political, Media, Intelligence & Military Sectors Are Black Sun & Think They Are White Hats | Kim Educates Them on the Term ‘Divine’ & Trump Ain’t That! | The Financial System Crash Could Happen Tomorrow, But Don’t Expect It To Hit the News Cycle

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 04-Mar-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim enlightens us as to why the crazies are extra crazy of late trying to make what appears to be another attempt at the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse. The uptick in fires to create famine, the war in …

What’s Driving the Deep State’s Uptick in Chemtrails, Fires, & Wars This Time? | Their New Leader Was to Arrive, So They Must Appease Their God | Then A Timeline Convergence Was Expected | The 5 Groups Controlling the Financial, Political, Media, Intelligence & Military Sectors Are Black Sun & Think They Are White Hats | Kim Educates Them on the Term ‘Divine’ & Trump Ain’t That! | The Financial System Crash Could Happen Tomorrow, But Don’t Expect It To Hit the News Cycle Read More »

Trump Operatives Still Running Q Clock Hint at Destructive Events | Those FAILED Events Involved Imploding 11 Buildings in US & 1 in Japan | Short Internet Outage for AT&T & T-Mobile Customers Was to Save Face After Attempted Control of Non-Existent EBS Failed | Operatives Still on the Program Try to Siphon Pennies from RFID Chips in Credit Cards | More Background on Mar a Lago | Of the 50 Recently Released Operatives, 4 Remain on the Crazy Bus

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 23-Feb-24 News on UNN which is available for subscribers. Kim started off by saying there is a lot going on right now and most of it is in our favor now, that wasn’t the case earlier this week, but it turns out in the long run it’s been very helpful. …

Trump Operatives Still Running Q Clock Hint at Destructive Events | Those FAILED Events Involved Imploding 11 Buildings in US & 1 in Japan | Short Internet Outage for AT&T & T-Mobile Customers Was to Save Face After Attempted Control of Non-Existent EBS Failed | Operatives Still on the Program Try to Siphon Pennies from RFID Chips in Credit Cards | More Background on Mar a Lago | Of the 50 Recently Released Operatives, 4 Remain on the Crazy Bus Read More »

Deadman Switches to Prevent Total Loss of Darkness During Light Age Failed | SSP Tries to Drain Kim’s Essence Again | She Then Torches Cheyenne & All Related Locations While Militaries Worldwide Forced to Witness | 15 Main SSP Operatives Now Dead, Including 3 in Durango | Rothschild Releases 50 Lower-Level Operatives Claiming Incompetence, Continues Fight With Chemtrails | Silent Circle Eliminates Remaining Heads of Anti-Silent Circle | Reweaving Fabric of Reality Finally Reaches Earth & People Are Feeling It!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19-Feb-24 News ( on UNN which is available for subscribers. In this update you’ll be happy to hear more SSP and Cheyenne people have left the planet. Rothschild et al is still fighting God but less and less are listening to them. Their hopes were dashed when none of the Deadman …

Deadman Switches to Prevent Total Loss of Darkness During Light Age Failed | SSP Tries to Drain Kim’s Essence Again | She Then Torches Cheyenne & All Related Locations While Militaries Worldwide Forced to Witness | 15 Main SSP Operatives Now Dead, Including 3 in Durango | Rothschild Releases 50 Lower-Level Operatives Claiming Incompetence, Continues Fight With Chemtrails | Silent Circle Eliminates Remaining Heads of Anti-Silent Circle | Reweaving Fabric of Reality Finally Reaches Earth & People Are Feeling It! Read More »

SSP Confident the Fisher King Gateway Would Open to Restore Their Power | Black Nobility (aka Anti-Silent Circle) Confident Too, Enough to Take Markers from Silent Circle & Put Their Lives On The Line | Now Minus More SSP & Black Nobility Families!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on February 14, 2024 on UNN which is available for subscribers. In this update we find out that some crazy SSP operatives were still at it and convinced another gateway was opening which corresponds to the latest Q clock posting, but of course. Kim also explains why you might have …

SSP Confident the Fisher King Gateway Would Open to Restore Their Power | Black Nobility (aka Anti-Silent Circle) Confident Too, Enough to Take Markers from Silent Circle & Put Their Lives On The Line | Now Minus More SSP & Black Nobility Families! Read More »

SSP Operatives Still Going for World Domination Dream | Try to Create Massive Disease X Outbreak | Did You Know VIRUS Stands for Virtual Integrated Repeater Unifying System? | Sensible Operatives Decide to Stand with Humanity, Hopefully | Tips On Manifesting Change

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on February 12, 2024 on the new site, United Network Productions. I can’t wait to start updating all the UNN video links for 250+ reports yet again. LOL! In this update Kim lets us know the operatives have made a decision to stand with us. Let’s hope that is the …

SSP Operatives Still Going for World Domination Dream | Try to Create Massive Disease X Outbreak | Did You Know VIRUS Stands for Virtual Integrated Repeater Unifying System? | Sensible Operatives Decide to Stand with Humanity, Hopefully | Tips On Manifesting Change Read More »

Delusional Deep State Expected G.O.D. Program to Kick-In By the New Moon | Then Mechanisms Under Non-Existent Armageddon AI Program Would Cause Unnatural Disasters | Non-Existent Omega Would Flip Back Over & Their Beloved One World Bank & One World Government Could Be Achieved | Then Everything Would Be Ratified in Non-Existent Dark Hall of Records | Part 1

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 09 FEB 24 NEWS ( Kim started out with less than surprising news, that they still want to kill us all. But there’s a couple of things she wanted to go over first which is all over social media now, the interview between Putin and Tucker Carlson because it …

Delusional Deep State Expected G.O.D. Program to Kick-In By the New Moon | Then Mechanisms Under Non-Existent Armageddon AI Program Would Cause Unnatural Disasters | Non-Existent Omega Would Flip Back Over & Their Beloved One World Bank & One World Government Could Be Achieved | Then Everything Would Be Ratified in Non-Existent Dark Hall of Records | Part 1 Read More »

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