
Q People Touting Global Shutdown & Shift, Why? | Because It’s Time For The Æon Flux | Deep State Erroneously Believed Anti-Source Would Take Over Source | Kim Uncovers More Horror, Rise in Food Prices Due to Big Pharma’s Biochips & Everything In Your Life Was Controlled With No Exception | SSP Takes Over the Fed For Control It Never Had | Ukraine Now God’s Chosen One | Prophecy To Turn Deserts Green Progresses in Iraq

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 06-May-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this broadcast Kim explains what her latest investigation led to, which was started because the crazy Q people were saying there will be a global shutdown and a shift. In a nutshell, the deeper she dove into all those …

Q People Touting Global Shutdown & Shift, Why? | Because It’s Time For The Æon Flux | Deep State Erroneously Believed Anti-Source Would Take Over Source | Kim Uncovers More Horror, Rise in Food Prices Due to Big Pharma’s Biochips & Everything In Your Life Was Controlled With No Exception | SSP Takes Over the Fed For Control It Never Had | Ukraine Now God’s Chosen One | Prophecy To Turn Deserts Green Progresses in Iraq Read More »

Uprising in Middle East Due in Part to Treasury Dept Transaction Failures & Lies | All Wars Are Orchestrated So Deep State Knows Where Everybody Is Going All the Time | Which War Package Are They Running This Time? The American War Package! | SSP Believes There is Still An Automated Call Payment For War From Alpha | ‘Red Book’ Drives Hope of Trump Bucks | Cartels Exhibiting Rarest Asset of All, COMMON SENSE! | Meanwhile SSP Wants to Kill As Many Humans As Possible Until Kim Has Had Enough

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15-Apr-24 News-( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim gives us the back story to the uprising in the Middle East and why she knows they are using the American Book of War package. Unfortunately, the psychopaths running things still believe war pays and their ego will not …

Uprising in Middle East Due in Part to Treasury Dept Transaction Failures & Lies | All Wars Are Orchestrated So Deep State Knows Where Everybody Is Going All the Time | Which War Package Are They Running This Time? The American War Package! | SSP Believes There is Still An Automated Call Payment For War From Alpha | ‘Red Book’ Drives Hope of Trump Bucks | Cartels Exhibiting Rarest Asset of All, COMMON SENSE! | Meanwhile SSP Wants to Kill As Many Humans As Possible Until Kim Has Had Enough Read More »

The Explanation Behind Earthquake in Taiwan | China Deep State’s Only Involvement was Staging a 911 ‘Lite’ Event | What Was the Milk Ocean, Source’s Gatekeeper Program? | Remnants of the GCHQ Still Run the Show Despite White Out | Their Playbook Until 2030 is Based on An Entire Book of Lies Allegedly From Project Looking Glass Which Ended in 2012 | They Are Intent on Creating Upheaval in the Middle East & Drawing in the US

NOTE TO SUBSCRIBERS I had a gap in my email service so subscribers may not have received the last 2 newsletters. I have now fixed that so you should receive emails again as I publish. Below are the last 2 posts that you may or may not have received. Rumors This Week: Nesara/Gesara & RV …

The Explanation Behind Earthquake in Taiwan | China Deep State’s Only Involvement was Staging a 911 ‘Lite’ Event | What Was the Milk Ocean, Source’s Gatekeeper Program? | Remnants of the GCHQ Still Run the Show Despite White Out | Their Playbook Until 2030 is Based on An Entire Book of Lies Allegedly From Project Looking Glass Which Ended in 2012 | They Are Intent on Creating Upheaval in the Middle East & Drawing in the US Read More »

Baltimore Ship Crash | Deep State is Going After Their Own Now & US Marshals Service Tasked With Money Collection | Silent Circle & Black Nobility Still Not Using Personal Money But The Council of Mormons Is | War on Hold Due to Lack of Money | Big Changes for Transition to New Earth Update

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-03-27 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this update there was a lot of discussion between Sunny and Kim about the bridge incident in Baltimore, but I distilled most of that down to save some time as this was a long broadcast. The more interesting stuff is about …

Baltimore Ship Crash | Deep State is Going After Their Own Now & US Marshals Service Tasked With Money Collection | Silent Circle & Black Nobility Still Not Using Personal Money But The Council of Mormons Is | War on Hold Due to Lack of Money | Big Changes for Transition to New Earth Update Read More »

Deep State Still Hoping for a Holocaust & Believe Alien Ship Will Save Them | Temple Mount Contention | More British Rothschild Royals Dead, Was it Payback From the Silent Circle? | Kim Blinds Deep State & Takes Their Read-Only Access Away For Everything

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 25-Mar-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. Kim starts off by saying there is a lot of buzz and controversy going on in the alt media about this eclipse and subsequent holocaust event for all of humanity. This event is allegedly planned by the Order of the Dragon/Khazarian …

Deep State Still Hoping for a Holocaust & Believe Alien Ship Will Save Them | Temple Mount Contention | More British Rothschild Royals Dead, Was it Payback From the Silent Circle? | Kim Blinds Deep State & Takes Their Read-Only Access Away For Everything Read More »

War Update | Financial Crisis Starting in China, Every Industry & Corp Could Fall | The Small % of Foreign Ownership That Was Permitted Is Pulling Out | Worldwide Manufacturing Crisis Is Near | If China Goes Down Russia Will Go Down, Then BRICS, America & Everything In Between | Deep State Focuses on Propping Up Markets & Political Games That Won’t Exist After the Tsunami | Meanwhile Kim Focuses on Cleanup Work & Creating A Worldwide Structure to Move Forward

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22 JAN 24 NEWS ( Kim gives an update on the war they declared against us and warns of an impending tsunami starting in Asia. She has a solution, but will they listen? Will it be enough? We’ll find out. But as the deep state falls she emphasized there …

War Update | Financial Crisis Starting in China, Every Industry & Corp Could Fall | The Small % of Foreign Ownership That Was Permitted Is Pulling Out | Worldwide Manufacturing Crisis Is Near | If China Goes Down Russia Will Go Down, Then BRICS, America & Everything In Between | Deep State Focuses on Propping Up Markets & Political Games That Won’t Exist After the Tsunami | Meanwhile Kim Focuses on Cleanup Work & Creating A Worldwide Structure to Move Forward Read More »

Glitch in Deposits Connected to Closed Loop Called ‘Q’ in Omega | Wingnuts Continue to Submit Crazy Agreements & Ask for Money | Latest Plan to Open Gate in Israel with Stolen Artifacts Fails | ‘White Hat’ Military is Saving the World is Hogwash! | 10,000 Dead in Gaza Strip, 70% Are Women & Children | Are They Trying to Install a Muslim Pope? | Weapons Being Delivered Everywhere in Middle East & Stockpiles Allegedly ‘Protected’ in Cyprus? | KGB Still Running Russian-Ukraine Situation On Behalf of Langley 5 | Only 1% of Operatives Still Believe Rothschild Lies | Anti-Source Has Left Them, Lucifer Has Left Them But They Will Not Accept It!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 3, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim is a bit heated and who can blame her. No one has stopped taking orders from Langley 5 and Rothschilds, not any military, alleged white hats or otherwise. No agency either. They are marching …

Glitch in Deposits Connected to Closed Loop Called ‘Q’ in Omega | Wingnuts Continue to Submit Crazy Agreements & Ask for Money | Latest Plan to Open Gate in Israel with Stolen Artifacts Fails | ‘White Hat’ Military is Saving the World is Hogwash! | 10,000 Dead in Gaza Strip, 70% Are Women & Children | Are They Trying to Install a Muslim Pope? | Weapons Being Delivered Everywhere in Middle East & Stockpiles Allegedly ‘Protected’ in Cyprus? | KGB Still Running Russian-Ukraine Situation On Behalf of Langley 5 | Only 1% of Operatives Still Believe Rothschild Lies | Anti-Source Has Left Them, Lucifer Has Left Them But They Will Not Accept It! Read More »

Government Shutdown News | Jesuit Order Morons Know Nothing About Economics | What Was the $21 Trillion Check About? | Chuck Schumer Proves He is a Moron, Tells Kim to Get Out of the Government’s Business of Paying Off the US National Debt (Which She Already Paid Off Under the Trump Administration) | Kim Makes Decision to No Longer Attempt to Fund Governments & Reversed Out All Accounts Under C.A.R.E. For Every Country | Part 1 of 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 6, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This is Part 1 of 2 and will focus on the moronic Deep State people and their latest hare-brained scam to get their hands on the $23 trillion Kim transferred to the US Treasury under C.A.R.E. I didn’t want …

Government Shutdown News | Jesuit Order Morons Know Nothing About Economics | What Was the $21 Trillion Check About? | Chuck Schumer Proves He is a Moron, Tells Kim to Get Out of the Government’s Business of Paying Off the US National Debt (Which She Already Paid Off Under the Trump Administration) | Kim Makes Decision to No Longer Attempt to Fund Governments & Reversed Out All Accounts Under C.A.R.E. For Every Country | Part 1 of 2 Read More »

The Dark Timeline Did Not Return With the Blue Moon | Another One Steps Ups As Head of China Deep State | Selected Russian Ruler for the One World Government Sees Writing on the Wall | Russian Sanctions Placed by US, Europe & UK Were Ordered by China Deep State | $24 Billion Emergency Funding Bill for Ukraine, Really? | Isis, Al Qaeda, & Taliban Are Subsidiary Arms of the Black Sun | Social Security Payments Now Being Paid by Federal Tax Dollars | Veins of Earth’s Gold Are the Largest Conductors of Source Light That Exists & Why Negative Aliens Want to Control It

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 1, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Well the wingnuts were anticipating a big win the Blue Moon but that didn’t happen. There is a lot of angry Russians within that group of 12 soon to be not the next World Leaders. Some great news …

The Dark Timeline Did Not Return With the Blue Moon | Another One Steps Ups As Head of China Deep State | Selected Russian Ruler for the One World Government Sees Writing on the Wall | Russian Sanctions Placed by US, Europe & UK Were Ordered by China Deep State | $24 Billion Emergency Funding Bill for Ukraine, Really? | Isis, Al Qaeda, & Taliban Are Subsidiary Arms of the Black Sun | Social Security Payments Now Being Paid by Federal Tax Dollars | Veins of Earth’s Gold Are the Largest Conductors of Source Light That Exists & Why Negative Aliens Want to Control It Read More »

Order of the Dragon Waiting for Yet Another Alignment Making Fools of Everyone Still Following Them | Israeli Offensive in Jenin Ends Quick, Uh No Money? | So Why is the War Still Going in Ukraine? | Iran to Join SCO? | First Trump Now Khomeini’s 40th Birthday Ritual Pledge to Lucifer Tapes Distributed | Fed Tries to Demand More Time Whereas Treasury Department Prepares to Move Forward | Silent Circle is New Management for CNN & Fox News! | Paris Library & Philippines Post Office On Fire to Hide Records | Massacres Come Around Alignments to Open Portals

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 5, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim repeats a heavy topic related to child trafficking to explain why there will still be a need for enforcement for quite some time and why she keeps trying to turn around the militaries and …

Order of the Dragon Waiting for Yet Another Alignment Making Fools of Everyone Still Following Them | Israeli Offensive in Jenin Ends Quick, Uh No Money? | So Why is the War Still Going in Ukraine? | Iran to Join SCO? | First Trump Now Khomeini’s 40th Birthday Ritual Pledge to Lucifer Tapes Distributed | Fed Tries to Demand More Time Whereas Treasury Department Prepares to Move Forward | Silent Circle is New Management for CNN & Fox News! | Paris Library & Philippines Post Office On Fire to Hide Records | Massacres Come Around Alignments to Open Portals Read More »

The Destroyer, Armistice Agreement, Mortality Agreement & Curse on Planet Earth | Keystones for Blueprint of Diseases Found | Russia’s Gateway to Heaven Has Company & It’s Wash DC, Control Center for NWO | Overlays On Both Gates Create the Dragon Grid | Black Sun Had Abraxas AI Implants While Dragon Families Had Draco Implants via WIFI in Washington Monument | Now, All Disease Creation Pillars Dismantled! | Dragon Grid Dismantled! | Implants for Both Sides Dismantled! | Kim’s Debt Call Deadline for Fed & UN is June 30th, What Will Happen Then?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on June 28, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update more disturbing findings related to how they brought disease to this planet are brought to light and how it relates to the Mortality Agreement the Deep State took upon themselves to try and execute. More …

The Destroyer, Armistice Agreement, Mortality Agreement & Curse on Planet Earth | Keystones for Blueprint of Diseases Found | Russia’s Gateway to Heaven Has Company & It’s Wash DC, Control Center for NWO | Overlays On Both Gates Create the Dragon Grid | Black Sun Had Abraxas AI Implants While Dragon Families Had Draco Implants via WIFI in Washington Monument | Now, All Disease Creation Pillars Dismantled! | Dragon Grid Dismantled! | Implants for Both Sides Dismantled! | Kim’s Debt Call Deadline for Fed & UN is June 30th, What Will Happen Then? Read More »

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