Planes of Existence/Chakras

Black Nobility Pallavicini Family’s 65%-35% Deal With Order of the Dragon Predicated On Make Believe | Remember The 10-Year Extension of Budget Money Kim Authorized in 2012 But Wished She Didn’t? | Someone Else Is Making That Claim & Scammed Entire Deep State | What’s Behind Those Rumors of a Big Event on July 15th? | Kim Reviews Financial System With New Info That Surfaced | Revisits the Seal Established 250,000 Years Ago Outlining Ownership of Earth During the Dark Age | What Were Their Roles in the Financial System? | Part 1  

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 08-Jul-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In Part 1 of this post Kim talks about the video she did in the past of who controls the financial system because that was incomplete. A lot more that has come to light since then and there is mass confusion …

Black Nobility Pallavicini Family’s 65%-35% Deal With Order of the Dragon Predicated On Make Believe | Remember The 10-Year Extension of Budget Money Kim Authorized in 2012 But Wished She Didn’t? | Someone Else Is Making That Claim & Scammed Entire Deep State | What’s Behind Those Rumors of a Big Event on July 15th? | Kim Reviews Financial System With New Info That Surfaced | Revisits the Seal Established 250,000 Years Ago Outlining Ownership of Earth During the Dark Age | What Were Their Roles in the Financial System? | Part 1   Read More »

CELESTIALS TRUE HISTORY | 5 Tribes of Humanity | Colors Represented Densities of Creation, Areas Of The Universe & Races of Trinary Source | After Atlantean War Humans Became Solely Batteries | The Emerald Covenant & Halls of Amenti Were Birthed, Eagle & Dragon Bloodline Families Take Over Management of Human Tribes | But Spectrum Control Now Belongs to Source! | Worldwide Meeting Called, No One Shows Except Deep State Leaders | Human Interface Technology

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-May-31 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this update we get more true history on the origins of humanity, what the tribes represented in the beginning and what evolved since the Dark Ages which was in place until recently. Kim also points out for the first time …

CELESTIALS TRUE HISTORY | 5 Tribes of Humanity | Colors Represented Densities of Creation, Areas Of The Universe & Races of Trinary Source | After Atlantean War Humans Became Solely Batteries | The Emerald Covenant & Halls of Amenti Were Birthed, Eagle & Dragon Bloodline Families Take Over Management of Human Tribes | But Spectrum Control Now Belongs to Source! | Worldwide Meeting Called, No One Shows Except Deep State Leaders | Human Interface Technology Read More »

TRUE HISTORY ABOUT GUARDIAN MOSES: Passover & Parting The Red Sea Relates To His Opening the Gate to the Promise Land (aka Source) | How Did The Dark Side Take Advantage & Flip This Event 18,000+ Years Ago? | How Did Kim Flip It Back? | What Ritual Did SSP Crazies Hold In 2nd Temple With Solomon’s Throne? | Did Fake Trump, Their Chosen One Become Guardian For Anti-Source Or Die Trying? | Deep State Systems Will Continue To Crumble | Meanwhile Word Is Spreading Some Blonde Lady Really Is Ground Command

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 29-Apr-24 News-( which is available for subscribers. In this report Kim gives us some real history about Moses and that there is a lot more meaning to the parting the Red Sea. Unfortunately that event having taken place is why every Passover since then has been dark, until now …

TRUE HISTORY ABOUT GUARDIAN MOSES: Passover & Parting The Red Sea Relates To His Opening the Gate to the Promise Land (aka Source) | How Did The Dark Side Take Advantage & Flip This Event 18,000+ Years Ago? | How Did Kim Flip It Back? | What Ritual Did SSP Crazies Hold In 2nd Temple With Solomon’s Throne? | Did Fake Trump, Their Chosen One Become Guardian For Anti-Source Or Die Trying? | Deep State Systems Will Continue To Crumble | Meanwhile Word Is Spreading Some Blonde Lady Really Is Ground Command Read More »

Deep State Makes Water Usage & Retention More Difficult | Did the Deep State Put Down Their Flags? | Alleged Patriot Community Members Still In The Dark About Trump | Revisiting Story About the Chinese Man With Machine to Cure Covid | Becoming Legally Dead, A Deep State Tactic | Kim Schools Joint Chiefs of Staff As To Why They Are Not Qualified To Run Security | Money Has Changed & Cannot Be Used For Dark Things When Funded From A Light System Like C.A.R.E. | Earth, the Only Planet With People Who Want the Dark to Come Back, UGH!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 26-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim let’s us know no flags were put down by the deep state. What a surprise. But the Joint Chiefs of Staff arrived in Durango expecting that was a possibility and were put in place for something. But Kim …

Deep State Makes Water Usage & Retention More Difficult | Did the Deep State Put Down Their Flags? | Alleged Patriot Community Members Still In The Dark About Trump | Revisiting Story About the Chinese Man With Machine to Cure Covid | Becoming Legally Dead, A Deep State Tactic | Kim Schools Joint Chiefs of Staff As To Why They Are Not Qualified To Run Security | Money Has Changed & Cannot Be Used For Dark Things When Funded From A Light System Like C.A.R.E. | Earth, the Only Planet With People Who Want the Dark to Come Back, UGH! Read More »

Deep State Says We’re Making Progress, Asks Cartels For More Time | Actually Hoping Anu Will Arrive & Maybe the 6 Owners of Earth (Red Queen, Marduk, Enki, Enlil, Abraxas, Anti-Source) As They Meet Every 7 Years Here During the Equinox | Hence the Wars & Fear Porn to Lower Frequency in Preparation for Their Arrival | Panic Ensues As RMB Sovereign Bonds & Guarantees Take Away Backing of ¾ of World’s Currencies | Cartels Send Deep State A Message | Indicators on Planet Earth of the Melchizedek Prophecy Happening, Deserts Turning Green! | Part 1 of 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In Part 1 of this post I cover Kim’s update on the Deep State and the cartels. The deep state is yet again awaiting their savior to come to make it all better again, but it just keeps getting worse for them instead. …

Deep State Says We’re Making Progress, Asks Cartels For More Time | Actually Hoping Anu Will Arrive & Maybe the 6 Owners of Earth (Red Queen, Marduk, Enki, Enlil, Abraxas, Anti-Source) As They Meet Every 7 Years Here During the Equinox | Hence the Wars & Fear Porn to Lower Frequency in Preparation for Their Arrival | Panic Ensues As RMB Sovereign Bonds & Guarantees Take Away Backing of ¾ of World’s Currencies | Cartels Send Deep State A Message | Indicators on Planet Earth of the Melchizedek Prophecy Happening, Deserts Turning Green! | Part 1 of 2 Read More »

Rumors This Week: Nesara/Gesara & RV is Happening, CERN Has Demon Visitors, The Simpsons Now Predicts Trump’s Death in 2024, The Eclipse is Changing Course, & Expect Biowarfare Right Before | What Does All That Focus On Death Do to the Planet On Good Friday? | The Christ–Anti-Source Covenant, Christ Died So You Did Not Have To? | The Aftermath of Christ’s Decent to Hell Made It Worse | The Serpent Represents Tree of Death | Why Are Red & Black Favorite Colors of Satanist Churches? | Ultimate Slavery Agreement to Utilize Your Christ Energy/Love To Create In Lower Astral Ends

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 01-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this report Kim addresses the latest rumors being reported on by the alt media. The bigger news however is around The Christ-Anti-Source covenant that expired. We learn what that was about, why the Christ (the being we know as Jesus) died …

Rumors This Week: Nesara/Gesara & RV is Happening, CERN Has Demon Visitors, The Simpsons Now Predicts Trump’s Death in 2024, The Eclipse is Changing Course, & Expect Biowarfare Right Before | What Does All That Focus On Death Do to the Planet On Good Friday? | The Christ–Anti-Source Covenant, Christ Died So You Did Not Have To? | The Aftermath of Christ’s Decent to Hell Made It Worse | The Serpent Represents Tree of Death | Why Are Red & Black Favorite Colors of Satanist Churches? | Ultimate Slavery Agreement to Utilize Your Christ Energy/Love To Create In Lower Astral Ends Read More »

Deadman Switches to Prevent Total Loss of Darkness During Light Age Failed | SSP Tries to Drain Kim’s Essence Again | She Then Torches Cheyenne & All Related Locations While Militaries Worldwide Forced to Witness | 15 Main SSP Operatives Now Dead, Including 3 in Durango | Rothschild Releases 50 Lower-Level Operatives Claiming Incompetence, Continues Fight With Chemtrails | Silent Circle Eliminates Remaining Heads of Anti-Silent Circle | Reweaving Fabric of Reality Finally Reaches Earth & People Are Feeling It!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19-Feb-24 News ( on UNN which is available for subscribers. In this update you’ll be happy to hear more SSP and Cheyenne people have left the planet. Rothschild et al is still fighting God but less and less are listening to them. Their hopes were dashed when none of the Deadman …

Deadman Switches to Prevent Total Loss of Darkness During Light Age Failed | SSP Tries to Drain Kim’s Essence Again | She Then Torches Cheyenne & All Related Locations While Militaries Worldwide Forced to Witness | 15 Main SSP Operatives Now Dead, Including 3 in Durango | Rothschild Releases 50 Lower-Level Operatives Claiming Incompetence, Continues Fight With Chemtrails | Silent Circle Eliminates Remaining Heads of Anti-Silent Circle | Reweaving Fabric of Reality Finally Reaches Earth & People Are Feeling It! Read More »

Why is Everyone On Edge More Than Usual? | It’s Due to Another Quarantine Being Lifted & R.O.D. Agreement Replacing Divine Intervention | In the Past Manifesting Required Both the Dark & Light, But Not Anymore | Part 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 09 FEB 24 NEWS ( This is Part 2 where Kim explains more on what quarantine is being lifted and what the R.O.D. agreement that us expiring is about. Apparently this is why everybody’s been a bit on edge more than usual. Manifesting only with light is the way …

Why is Everyone On Edge More Than Usual? | It’s Due to Another Quarantine Being Lifted & R.O.D. Agreement Replacing Divine Intervention | In the Past Manifesting Required Both the Dark & Light, But Not Anymore | Part 2 Read More »

Who Were the Kings of the Realm After the Causal War 250,000 Years Ago? | Who Were the True Controllers of Earth? | You Were Considered a Citizen or Subject of Many Kingdoms & Not Just on Earth | How Did These Kingdoms Tie Into the Monetary Structure on Earth?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24 JAN 24 NEWS ( In this update Kim explains in detail the structure of the collateral pools that are disappearing. This explanation was explained within the context of the controller structure which was established 250,000 years ago after the Causal War which related to Atlantis. However Atlantis is …

Who Were the Kings of the Realm After the Causal War 250,000 Years Ago? | Who Were the True Controllers of Earth? | You Were Considered a Citizen or Subject of Many Kingdoms & Not Just on Earth | How Did These Kingdoms Tie Into the Monetary Structure on Earth? Read More »

On the Gold Standard We Still Had Some Source Connection | Trading Evolves, Templars Create Receipt System | Paper Currency Introduced | ABCorp (Black Sun) Maintained Birth & Death Certificate Bonds | Gold Backed Federal Reserve Established | Financial System Grew, Solution Needed | Enter Fiat System (Bretton Woods) | Humans Become Collateral & Base Root of the Financial System | Kim Pulls the Bonds/Assets Because In the Golden Age Humans Are Not Collateral! | Part 3

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 8, 2024 on YouTube. In Part 3 Kim explains how the Gold Standard started, where we still had some connection to Source. Then she explained how that evolved as the financial system grew and the problems the growth had caused, which brought us to the ultimate human enslavement …

On the Gold Standard We Still Had Some Source Connection | Trading Evolves, Templars Create Receipt System | Paper Currency Introduced | ABCorp (Black Sun) Maintained Birth & Death Certificate Bonds | Gold Backed Federal Reserve Established | Financial System Grew, Solution Needed | Enter Fiat System (Bretton Woods) | Humans Become Collateral & Base Root of the Financial System | Kim Pulls the Bonds/Assets Because In the Golden Age Humans Are Not Collateral! | Part 3 Read More »

Mother & Father Coins, the Base Root of the Monetary System | A Quick History of the 2 Universes | Beings in the Lower Astral Controlled Your Soul, Not the Vatican | They Divided All Planes of Existence & Controlled Each One | Chakras Were Separated & Became Different Colors | How Did the Credit-Based Fiat System Come Into Play? | The Cabal’s Job was to Pledge Every Human Life to Omega as Collateral to Get Lender Money Out | Part 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 8, 2024 on YouTube. In Part 2 of this broadcast Kim reviews again, but always with more detail and hopefully clarity, the structure of the alpha-verse and the omega-verse, the base root structure of the money system and how it evolved into a credit-based fiat system. She is …

Mother & Father Coins, the Base Root of the Monetary System | A Quick History of the 2 Universes | Beings in the Lower Astral Controlled Your Soul, Not the Vatican | They Divided All Planes of Existence & Controlled Each One | Chakras Were Separated & Became Different Colors | How Did the Credit-Based Fiat System Come Into Play? | The Cabal’s Job was to Pledge Every Human Life to Omega as Collateral to Get Lender Money Out | Part 2 Read More »

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