Elon Musk

Where’s Your Influx Of Cash Deep State? | Their QFS Not Even Quantum, It’s Oracle’s SAM-QFS (Quick File System) | Crashing USD & 10 Days of Darkness Fails | Operatives & BRICS Countries Dropping USD Just Failed Economics 101 | Elon Musk’s Claim Humans Can Transfer Their Consciousness To AI Systems Tied To Artemis & Jupiter Accords | Spheres Containing Consciousness of Red Queen-Artemis & Maybe Lucifer, Marduk, Enlil, & Enki Causing Reinstalls & Never Ending Hope for Deep State | Pulling All the Soul Keystones of These Beings Looks Like An End to Reinstalls | Will It Bring An End To Deep State’s Hopes? | Will This Bring An End to Kim’s Frustration & Humanity’s?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 05-Jul-24 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. The biggest news is about Kim’s findings around what else is causing constant reinstalls of whatever she removes. Those lovely beings, the Red Queen, Marduk, Lucifer etc. found a way to indefinitely wear down the light workers with a reinstall process. …

Where’s Your Influx Of Cash Deep State? | Their QFS Not Even Quantum, It’s Oracle’s SAM-QFS (Quick File System) | Crashing USD & 10 Days of Darkness Fails | Operatives & BRICS Countries Dropping USD Just Failed Economics 101 | Elon Musk’s Claim Humans Can Transfer Their Consciousness To AI Systems Tied To Artemis & Jupiter Accords | Spheres Containing Consciousness of Red Queen-Artemis & Maybe Lucifer, Marduk, Enlil, & Enki Causing Reinstalls & Never Ending Hope for Deep State | Pulling All the Soul Keystones of These Beings Looks Like An End to Reinstalls | Will It Bring An End To Deep State’s Hopes? | Will This Bring An End to Kim’s Frustration & Humanity’s? Read More »

The Presidential Debate Movie | Alleged Military Lockdown Starts July 4th, But Dependent on Regaining Financial Control | Attempt #1: Control Visa & MC Failed | #2: Ancient Nazi Hydra People Can’t Crack a Code | #3: Elon Musk Tries To Connect to XXX Omega Backup System & Fails | Epic Failures All Around, No Access, No Understanding & No Annual Meeting This Year of Angels & Fallen Angels | BTW, Levels of Internet Translate Into Densities In Universes | Base Root Systems Tied to Planets, Pluto Is Level 8 | Marduk Only Had Access Up to Level 7 In Both Upper & Lower Astral | Kim’s Last-Ditch Effort to Get Them to Save Themselves

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 28-Jun-24 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. Kim said the deep state is still trying to install various systems but she first pointed out some things from the latest movie the political operatives made entitled The Presidential Debate. Then she focused the rest of this long broadcast around …

The Presidential Debate Movie | Alleged Military Lockdown Starts July 4th, But Dependent on Regaining Financial Control | Attempt #1: Control Visa & MC Failed | #2: Ancient Nazi Hydra People Can’t Crack a Code | #3: Elon Musk Tries To Connect to XXX Omega Backup System & Fails | Epic Failures All Around, No Access, No Understanding & No Annual Meeting This Year of Angels & Fallen Angels | BTW, Levels of Internet Translate Into Densities In Universes | Base Root Systems Tied to Planets, Pluto Is Level 8 | Marduk Only Had Access Up to Level 7 In Both Upper & Lower Astral | Kim’s Last-Ditch Effort to Get Them to Save Themselves Read More »

What Looks Like An Effort to Control the Weather Again, Northrup Grumman & National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Lead Chemtrail Program 2.0 | These New Chemtrails Look More Like Contrails & Don’t Have Alien Tech Like The Former | Addressing Again When Kim Gave All That Money For the US During the Trump Admin | Comprehending What C.A.R.E. Is About & How it Should Work

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-04-24 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. Kim addresses the latest on the chemtrails, then what she is hearing from the deep state meetings of late and then revisits C.A.R.E. to address misunderstandings of what it is and how it should work. DISCLAIMERI am just an independent …

What Looks Like An Effort to Control the Weather Again, Northrup Grumman & National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Lead Chemtrail Program 2.0 | These New Chemtrails Look More Like Contrails & Don’t Have Alien Tech Like The Former | Addressing Again When Kim Gave All That Money For the US During the Trump Admin | Comprehending What C.A.R.E. Is About & How it Should Work Read More »

False Russian Nuclear Threat Puts US Under DEFCON1 | Ground Commander Kim Took Out Elon Musk’s New DUMB Weeks Ago | More Deadman Switches Left By Non-Humans Found in Several Mountains Around the World Now Removed, Along With Deep State Members & Alien Tech At Respective Locations

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered by Sunny on 16-Feb-24 News (unitednetwork.earth) on UNN which is available for subscribers. This is a short update regarding the Russian Nuclear threat, why we were in DEFCON 1 again and the latest Deadman Switch that was found and eradicated. DISCLAIMERI am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated …

False Russian Nuclear Threat Puts US Under DEFCON1 | Ground Commander Kim Took Out Elon Musk’s New DUMB Weeks Ago | More Deadman Switches Left By Non-Humans Found in Several Mountains Around the World Now Removed, Along With Deep State Members & Alien Tech At Respective Locations Read More »

The Coalition, Legions & REDS Target Operatives on Disease X Program Identified at WEF in Davos | How to Scam Operatives Into Working for Free? | 1. Iraqi Dinar Scam | 2. Rough Diamonds Scam | 3. Pallets of Super Notes Scam | 4. US Treasury Digital Coin Scam | 5. Trump Bucks Scam | Fed Admits They Are Defunct Since Flip to Asset-Backed System | Chinese General Claims He Struck a Deal with Kim & Works for GIA, Promises Money for Everyone! | Lie Leads to Another US Budget Submission & Rejection | China Deep State Realizes 100-Yr Plan Missing Last Piece of the Puzzle | Asian Generals Mass Suicide Happening to Save Face

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19 JAN 24 NEWS (youtube.com). A lot has happened in the last 48 hours that Kim and special guest Tom Melville discuss together because a lot of the things that happened between them both. Suffice it to say the deep state is still crazy and well, let’s just get into …

The Coalition, Legions & REDS Target Operatives on Disease X Program Identified at WEF in Davos | How to Scam Operatives Into Working for Free? | 1. Iraqi Dinar Scam | 2. Rough Diamonds Scam | 3. Pallets of Super Notes Scam | 4. US Treasury Digital Coin Scam | 5. Trump Bucks Scam | Fed Admits They Are Defunct Since Flip to Asset-Backed System | Chinese General Claims He Struck a Deal with Kim & Works for GIA, Promises Money for Everyone! | Lie Leads to Another US Budget Submission & Rejection | China Deep State Realizes 100-Yr Plan Missing Last Piece of the Puzzle | Asian Generals Mass Suicide Happening to Save Face Read More »

Shipping Industry Routes Have Not Been Updated Because More Time Means More Money | Dragon Families Want Kim to Sign Agreement with The Fed | GIA-Kim Finds Latest Self-Appointed Black Dragon, Adnan “Saif” Mohammad, Now Dead! | Elon Musk Hoping to Fill the Vacancy | Program X & Disease X Buzzing at the World Economic Forum | Part 1

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15 JAN 24 NEWS (youtube.com). In Part 1 she explains more about how shipping routes came to be and controlled. Then she talks about the Fed Families, how they back Tier 1 Banks which could determine whether markets will crash. She also explains how the high-level operatives work and …

Shipping Industry Routes Have Not Been Updated Because More Time Means More Money | Dragon Families Want Kim to Sign Agreement with The Fed | GIA-Kim Finds Latest Self-Appointed Black Dragon, Adnan “Saif” Mohammad, Now Dead! | Elon Musk Hoping to Fill the Vacancy | Program X & Disease X Buzzing at the World Economic Forum | Part 1 Read More »

False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR) Never Created Anything & It Certainly Never Stopped Anything From Happening | How They a Implement a New Program | A Lesson in Discernment So You Stop Helping Them! | Part 2 of 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 11, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This is Part 2 of 2 and Kim gives us some words of caution regarding forwarding videos, stories on social media. She shares some wisdom on discernment that is very useful for all of us to hear, especially in light …

False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR) Never Created Anything & It Certainly Never Stopped Anything From Happening | How They a Implement a New Program | A Lesson in Discernment So You Stop Helping Them! | Part 2 of 2 Read More »

Deep State Anticipates & Prepares for Family Meeting on Sept 13th | They Try to Steal Our Money, Convince Operatives-Agency-Alt Media People They Are ‘White Hats’ | Kim Explains the Honorary Title of ‘General’, the World of Operatives & Their Pimps | Why Was Trump the Hero Amongst the Operatives? | End Times Programming | What Happened When They Realized COVID 2.0 Did Not Kick Off, Was Not an Automatic Process? | How Does it Relate to Elon Musk & Starlink? | We Fully Exited the Ages Agreement & Light is Coming In! | Part 1 or 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 11, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This is Part 1 of 2 and Kim gives us the low down on what the Deep State has been doing in preparation for the Family Meeting they are expecting to take place on the Harvest Moon. They …

Deep State Anticipates & Prepares for Family Meeting on Sept 13th | They Try to Steal Our Money, Convince Operatives-Agency-Alt Media People They Are ‘White Hats’ | Kim Explains the Honorary Title of ‘General’, the World of Operatives & Their Pimps | Why Was Trump the Hero Amongst the Operatives? | End Times Programming | What Happened When They Realized COVID 2.0 Did Not Kick Off, Was Not an Automatic Process? | How Does it Relate to Elon Musk & Starlink? | We Fully Exited the Ages Agreement & Light is Coming In! | Part 1 or 2 Read More »

Hawaii Devastation Orchestrated by Jesuits Similar to Hurricane Michael Event in Florida | A Light Portal Exists On Maui | Self-appointed Jesus Claims He is King of the World | The Jesuits, Who Are Splices of Abraxas & Lower Astral Beings Think They are God’s Chosen People | Lions Gate Not What it Used to Be for the Splices | The Meek Have Inherited the Earth Which Means We Have the ‘Privilege’ to Restore Her & All Life Residing Here | Unknown Country is the Rule Maker & Can Undo That Which Does Not Benefit Us

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on August 11, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives an update on the situation in Hawaii and that the GIA has full authority and they have a plan to help the people. Hawaii will not fall into the hands of the Jesuits. She also explains more …

Hawaii Devastation Orchestrated by Jesuits Similar to Hurricane Michael Event in Florida | A Light Portal Exists On Maui | Self-appointed Jesus Claims He is King of the World | The Jesuits, Who Are Splices of Abraxas & Lower Astral Beings Think They are God’s Chosen People | Lions Gate Not What it Used to Be for the Splices | The Meek Have Inherited the Earth Which Means We Have the ‘Privilege’ to Restore Her & All Life Residing Here | Unknown Country is the Rule Maker & Can Undo That Which Does Not Benefit Us Read More »

Black Sun Generals & Rothschild Play Good Cop-Bad Cop So Followers Wait for Lion’s Gate (aka when they expect their systems to return) | Remnant of Lower Astral System Behind Managers of Paper Currency Agreement Tied to 12 Locations on Earth Removed But Kim Replicates As They Are Useful | Welcome Back to 2014 & Putin the Savior | Per ‘Unknown Country Kim’s Chair Rules Supreme, The Middleman In Between Kim & The People Have No Power or Authority! | Will Governments Finally Realize ‘Unknown Country’ Determines Their Destiny?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on August 4, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. The cream in the middle, as Kim likes to call them decided to pull a scam on her today. They tried to get her to register the GIA under the United States. That gave her an idea and she …

Black Sun Generals & Rothschild Play Good Cop-Bad Cop So Followers Wait for Lion’s Gate (aka when they expect their systems to return) | Remnant of Lower Astral System Behind Managers of Paper Currency Agreement Tied to 12 Locations on Earth Removed But Kim Replicates As They Are Useful | Welcome Back to 2014 & Putin the Savior | Per ‘Unknown Country Kim’s Chair Rules Supreme, The Middleman In Between Kim & The People Have No Power or Authority! | Will Governments Finally Realize ‘Unknown Country’ Determines Their Destiny? Read More »

Marduk’s 5 Year Extension to Bloodline of Solomon Expired, But Never Approved in the First Place | American Generals on Side of UN Try to Seize Power & Die Trying | Abraxas Agreement with Dark Overlord for Ownership of Earth, ‘Batteries Included’ Expired | So US Naval Generals Try to Submit Agreement for Ownership of Earth & Die Trying | General Michael Flynn Makes Surprise Visit to Mara Lago to See if Trump is Alive | Don Jr. Calls Tom Melville With an Insulting Proposition for Kim | GIA Orders Arrest of Baby Eaters in Treasury Department | What Was the World Government & Who Were the Humans of the Future – Really? | Source is Always Right On Time!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 26, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Well, like I suspected we still have some non-repairable humans who refuse to give up the dream, so Kim had more cleanup in that area. She also informs us about the 5-year extension Marduk gave his brood which also …

Marduk’s 5 Year Extension to Bloodline of Solomon Expired, But Never Approved in the First Place | American Generals on Side of UN Try to Seize Power & Die Trying | Abraxas Agreement with Dark Overlord for Ownership of Earth, ‘Batteries Included’ Expired | So US Naval Generals Try to Submit Agreement for Ownership of Earth & Die Trying | General Michael Flynn Makes Surprise Visit to Mara Lago to See if Trump is Alive | Don Jr. Calls Tom Melville With an Insulting Proposition for Kim | GIA Orders Arrest of Baby Eaters in Treasury Department | What Was the World Government & Who Were the Humans of the Future – Really? | Source is Always Right On Time! Read More »

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