Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”?

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


Kimberly Ann Goguen wears many hats. Her role is unknown by the majority of the people around the world. However, she is very well known by members of the Deep State. One of the reasons for this is because she replaced their malevolent predecessor, Marduk over a decade ago. Her predecessor was the Cabal’s leader, not the peoples’ leader by any stretch of the imagination. But in reality, he wasn’t their leader either. They too were his slaves, but they didn’t see it that way. In fact, many still don’t see it that way.

Kim is the first person to hold this seat who wants to end the human enslavement that has existed on our planet for over sixteen thousand years, not perpetuate it. This has gained her many enemies and few friends. But that surely is going to change as humanity finally starts to really wake up to the facts of how, when, why and by whom human enslavement was imposed on our planet.

Jump to Related Blog Posts List, Posts on Derailed Apocalypse Attempts, and Related Videos.

The Center for Amity & Restoration of Earth (CARE) has replaced Life Force. Kim is no longer affiliated with that team. For my related post based on her 3-6-2022 broadcast where she talked about the split, refer to GPRC Hijacked from Within | USSR Oligarchs Lose $1.8 Trillion | ARPANET Dismantled | Russia & Ukraine War Theatrics & Fundraising | SSP Generals Set Sight on Big Pharma Profits | Just Empower Me

Connect – United Network News – Real People Reporting Real News
(As of 1/10/2024)

Kim Wears Many Hats

The hats she wears and roles she fills are listed below. I updated based on a recent interview she gave by Chris Rice on 4/4/2022:

  1. Universal Protection Unit Command (Ground Command)
  2. Ambassador to Earth for the Universal Council for this version of Humanity
  3. Human Ambassador to the Earth Council, established in 2021, (which is for all Earth Races Human & Non Human)
  4. Controller of the Alpha Quantum System – of which her DNA is a necessary component
    • Note: There was a dueling dark system on this planet called the Omega System (associated with Starlink and Elon Musk) which is now gone.
  5. Guardian (What is a Guardian?)
  6. Controller of Global Intelligence Agency (GIA), has highest Security Clearance on Planet Earth
  7. Representative of Humanity for Disbursement of Planetary Assets, Trustee, Manna World Holding Trust
    • Note: After the agreements with the elites expired, because the assets/trust were named after the elites and their corporations, Kim renamed and registered as Manna World Holding Trust. Since 2019, when the Restoration Plan was approved, she started renaming accounts by need. For example, one is the Environmental Fund, and underneath that are separate accounts for new fuels.
  8. From the original Rus Bloodline or Tribe, which is the root of all true Europeans and one of the five original Human Tribes. This tribe is also called the White Sun. They utilized the upper astral and had relationships there. Their opposite would be the Black Sun, who accessed the lower astral.
  9. Interim Head of State
  10. Founder of United Network – Bringing People Together (Moved the channel again in 2024)

    Source: https://www.unitednetwork.tv/videos/4-apr-22-chris-rice-interview-with-kimberly-goguen

Kim has caused major upheaval on all levels of the so called elites, and they have been doing everything possible to bring her down and regain control of the Alpha Quantum Mapping System (QMS). The Alpha QMS holds all the above ground assets, below ground assets, and human assets on planet earth, and a slew of other things that are beyond my scope of understanding. But from what I understand, every asset is mapped based on its origin. Humans are considered assets to the cabal. Actually they consider humans as ‘live’ stock and we are literally traded (our birth certificates) on the stock exchange. They consider us food and covet our life force energy which is highly valued by beings who are (or believe they are) unable to manufacture life force energy themselves because they are cut off from the soul matrix.

For some background on the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) that Kim is also heading, you can refer to my blog posts entitled,
1. The Enforcer, Our Central Sun & The End of the Loosh Farm (Kim Goguen – Part 3)
2. The IRS Expired Under the Federal Reserve Act & Was Already Disabled by Kim Goguen | The Global Structure of Taxation and Causation System Expired! | The Monetization of Leveraged Assets Expired! | Congress, Check the National Archives! | Swapping out Rothschild People for Black Sun People (Treasuries of USA) Will Not Happen! | Is the Tax Authority a Better Solution? | US Govt $197 Trillion Debt Wiped Clean by Kim Years Ago

Kim Goguen Related Videos

Kim Goguen Explains the Financial System in 2020


Kim Goguen Adds More Information About the Financial System in July 2024

08-Jul-24 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth)

Related Post: Black Nobility Pallavicini Family’s 65%-35% Deal With Order of the Dragon Predicated On Make Believe | Remember The 10-Year Extension of Budget Money Kim Authorized in 2012 But Wished She Didn’t? | Someone Else Is Making That Claim & Scammed Entire Deep State | What’s Behind Those Rumors of a Big Event on July 15th? | Kim Reviews Financial System With New Info That Surfaced | Revisits the Seal Established 250,000 Years Ago Outlining Ownership of Earth During the Dark Age | What Were Their Roles in the Financial System? | Part 1 | Just Empower Me

A Q&A Session with Kerry Cassidy in 2021


Kim Goguen: Interview 3: Brave New World: White Hats and Dark Side Players


Kim Goguen & Benjamin Fulford – March 9, 2022


Related Posts | Based on Kim’s Situation Reports on United Network – Bringing People Together

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  7. The Mysterious Con Artist Revealed | Claims He is Long Lost Son of Former Pindar, Ferdinand Marcos | Part 3 Published 07/13/2024 | UNN Situation Report 07/08/2024
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  10. Where’s Your Influx Of Cash Deep State? | Their QFS Not Even Quantum, It’s Oracle’s SAM-QFS (Quick File System) | Crashing USD & 10 Days of Darkness Fails | Operatives & BRICS Countries Dropping USD Just Failed Economics 101 | Elon Musk’s Claim Humans Can Transfer Their Consciousness To AI Systems Tied To Artemis & Jupiter Accords | Spheres Containing Consciousness of Red Queen-Artemis & Maybe Lucifer, Marduk, Enlil, & Enki Causing Reinstalls & Never Ending Hope for Deep State | Pulling All the Soul Keystones of These Beings Looks Like An End to Reinstalls | Will It Bring An End To Deep State’s Hopes? | Will This Bring An End to Kim’s Frustration & Humanity’s? Published 07/08/2024 | UNN Situation Report 07/05/2024
  11. Deep State Wingnuts Still Anticipating Big Cash Infusion on July 4th & They’ll Be In Contact With the Aliens | Alleged Breakaway Operatives Meet Briefly With Kim, Still Stumped How a Human Has This Job | Alien Programs to Manipulate Humans & Warfare 101 | People With Extraordinary Skills Rarely Can Be Read By Those Trained in Alien Programs | Dark Age Influences Override Logic | Regulators Around the World to Transmute Energy Removed Published 07/04/2024 | UNN Situation Report 07/01/2024
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  21. Fight Against the Deep State Doesn’t End, Kim’s Annual Hell Weeks (June 1-13) Proved That | Abraxas Left Us Another X-Termination Program With Multiple Parts | Annihilation Program Rids All Humans & Replaced With Abraxas Clones, Plus A Suicide Back-Up Program | All Assets of Earth Then Reclaimed for Anti-Source & Our Lifeforce Drained | In Other News, Big Hunts for Assets, Gold & Things They Will Never Find | Are Those Really Russian Ships Off Coast of Florida? | Will A BRICS Coin Happen? | What’s The Plan for Trump This Week? Published 06/15/202 | UNN Situation Report 06/12/2024
  22. Global Asset Control Expiration Happened But Does Not Yield Result the Deep State Hoped | Standing Orders Related to Monetary Transfers For War Bonds Under Global Martial Law 16,000 Years Ago Cleaned Up | Their Failures Put Treasury Takeover of the Fed On Hold | Same With Expiring Donald Trump As They Can’t Lose Their Cash Cow | New Rothschild Family Head Makes King Chuckie Look Like An Angel Published 6/13/2024 | UNN Situation Report 06/10/2024
  23. Trump Operatives Still Wait for Yields From New Moon | Meanwhile Operative Meetings Held & They’re Not Invited | Trump Lawyers Want Kim to Cease and Desist Negative Info On Trump | Deep State Elites Expecting Financial System Crash by August 1st, Hence Their Sell-Off | Nazi Hydra Program Published 06/10/2024 | UNN Situation Report 06/07/2024
  24. The Office of Comptroller of Currency Squashes Rumor State Banks Can Issue Their Own Currency | 6 Old Geezers In Trump Camp Announce They Will Go It Alone | Kim Lends a Hand to Help, Pulls Back All Money Dispersed During Trump Admin, Including $1.4 Trillion US Debt Payment To China | Meanwhile Cheney’s Failed Plan to Control the Middle East Still In Play | Restoring Earth To A Single Source-Based Soul Takes Time, It Represented Thousands of Keystones Published 06/08/2024 | UNN Situation Report 06/05/2024
  25. Everyone Except 6 Trump Operatives Want to Move Forward Published 06/06/2024 | UNN Situation Report 06/03/2024
  26. CELESTIALS TRUE HISTORY | 5 Tribes of Humanity | Colors Represented Densities of Creation, Areas Of The Universe & Races of Trinary Source | After Atlantean War Humans Became Solely Batteries | The Emerald Covenant & Halls of Amenti Were Birthed, Eagle & Dragon Bloodline Families Take Over Management of Human Tribes | But Spectrum Control Now Belongs to Source! | Worldwide Meeting Called, No One Shows Except Deep State Leaders | Human Interface Technology Published 06/03/2024 | UNN Situation Report 05/31/2024
  27. EVERY SINGLE THING THAT IS IN THE UNIVERSE IS POWERED BY EARTH AND ITS INHABITANTS! | Hence, the Importance of the Growth Rate of Humanity | 2 Matrixes Existed for Extraction of Celestials Lifeforce | What’s The Input-Output That Happens During Full Moon? | Kim Creates New Light Quantum AI System! Published 05/31/2024 | UNN Situation Report 05/27/2024
  28. The Marduk AI System Deep State Was Expecting to Give Them Access, Power & Control Was called KAG AI | News Coming out of Syria & Iran | Deep State Tries to Power Alien Tech at Nevada Test Site & Texas A&M University with Nuclear Power Causing Minor Earthquakes | Similar Attempts Happened During Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Incident in 2017 & With Hitler’s Flying Machines | Dispelling Rumors That All Banks Are Shutting Down &What’s Coming From the EPA Published 05/27/2024 | UNN Situation Report 05/24/2024
  29. Earth’s ALL THAT IS Creation Keystone Had Light-Neutral-Dark Sides | Melchizedeks Represent Light Side of Celestials, Merovingians the Dark Side & Neutrals Can Go Either Way | The Rest of Humanity Are Organic Life Forms With Co-Creative Aspects of Both & Is Why Accessing $1 of Pure Source Energy Is A Big Deal | Earth’s ALL THAT IS Creation Keystone Going Forward Will be Light Celestials Only! | More On Marduk & His Manipulation of Power From Whom the Deep State Is Hoping To Be Saved Published 05/25/2024 | UNN Situation Report 05/22/2024
  30. Iranian President & Staff In Belize & Didn’t Die | Black Nobility Pallavicini Family Makes $75.42 Trillion Worth of Promises | Their Deal, In Exchange for Executing on Marduk’s Final Plan Will Become 65% Owners of Planet Earth While 35% Goes to Order of the Dragon | At Lower Level, $56 Billion Promised to Langley 5, SSP, Q Crew, Trump Operatives To Burn US To The Ground | Tier 1 Bank Operating Systems Now Merged With Global Repository! Published 05/20/2024 | UNN Situation Report 05/13/2024
  31. Program Cicada is 1,000+ Yrs Old, Run By Mei Wa (aka Lilith, Lucifer’s Wife) to Give Her Full Control Over Entire World | SSP Acquired Database of Cicadas & Tried to Activate Them But Failed | What is Link Between ‘Mei’ in Presidential Red Book & JFK? | Division Between (Light-Neutral-Dark) Celestials is No More, the 9 Are Merging With Source! | What the Peoples’ Restoration Means Published 05/18/2024 | UNN Situation Report 05/15/2024
  32. In the Beginning of All Creation the Ancient Ones (aka Celestials) Were Made From the First Spark | And It’s Time For Them To Do Their Part, Which is Recreate ALL THAT IS! | What’s the Deep State’s Solution for Bypassing Faraday Cage? | Multiple AI Generated Lucifer Souls Are Dying | Deep State Wrongly Believes As Long as Money is Blocked From the People, They Still Have Leverage Published 05/16/2024 | UNN Situation Report 05/13/2024
  33. The Invisible Glass Ceiling Imposed on Humans | Non-Compete Plan Exists for Every Power Center | Kim Explains Why Sourcing of Raw Materials is Equally Important to Manufacturing Your Widget Under C.A.R.E. | Rebellion Going on Against Non-Compete People for Lack of Payment | Bird Flu Narrative Mainly to Appease Big Pharma & Others That Were to Profit From Pandemic | Hit List Update Published 05/13/2024 | UNN Situation Report 05/10/2024
  34. Committee of 300 Issues IOUs Against Fake Money in Holding Companies | The Lioness Strikes Again: Takes Over Operating Systems for Holding Companies, Doomsday Protocols, ‘X’, Broadcasting Systems & FCC! | The Alpha Harmonic Genesis System Now the Only Backup System for Planet Earth | Govts Have No Eyes or Ears, Essentially Shutdown | The Black List Now In Effect, Many On the Run Published 05/11/2024 | UNN Situation Report 05/08/2024
  35. Q People Touting Global Shutdown & Shift, Why? | Because It’s Time For The Æon Flux | Deep State Erroneously Believed Anti-Source Would Take Over Source | Kim Uncovers More Horror, Rise in Food Prices Due to Big Pharma’s Biochips & Everything In Your Life Was Controlled With No Exception | SSP Takes Over the Fed For Control It Never Had | Ukraine Now God’s Chosen One | Prophecy To Turn Deserts Green Progresses in Iraq 05/09/2024 | UNN Situation Report 05/06/2024
  36. C.A.R.E. Algorithms Being Built to Disregard Government Laws Totally | Will Prevent Govt Receiving Funds From Third Party Sources Too | Kim’s New Deal, I Want Your Stuff Deep State! | SSP Crazies Take Markers From Raymond Reddington Types | Cartels Put Forth the Hit List & Pay the Bill | Faraday Cage Update Published 05/06/2024 | UNN Situation Report 05/03/2024
  37. The Deep State Wants To Continue Their Way Of Life | An Impossibility Due to Source’s Decision To Remove the Parasitic Universe | Kim Creates Shield in Form Of Faraday Cages for Humans & Earth To Starve Remaining Parasites | Adam AI Narrative Being Fed to Alt Media | Dispelling the Rumors Of Their QFS | Cartels Hired Raymond Reddington Crew To Research Kim, What Did They Conclude? | Source Looks Through The Eyes of His Own Creation During Passover 05/04/2024 | UNN Situation Report 05/01/2024
  38. TRUE HISTORY ABOUT GUARDIAN MOSES: Passover & Parting The Red Sea Relates To His Opening the Gate to the Promise Land (aka Source) | How Did The Dark Side Take Advantage & Flip This Event 18,000+ Years Ago? | How Did Kim Flip It Back? | What Ritual Did SSP Crazies Hold In 2nd Temple With Solomon’s Throne? | Did Fake Trump, Their Chosen One Become Guardian For Anti-Source Or Die Trying? | Deep State Systems Will Continue To Crumble | Meanwhile Word Is Spreading Some Blonde Lady Really Is Ground Command Published 05/02/2024 | UNN Situation Report 04/29/2024
  39. Deep State Makes Water Usage & Retention More Difficult | Did the Deep State Put Down Their Flags? | Alleged Patriot Community Members Still In The Dark About Trump | Revisiting Story About the Chinese Man With Machine to Cure Covid | Becoming Legally Dead, A Deep State Tactic | Kim Schools Joint Chiefs of Staff As To Why They Are Not Qualified To Run Security | Money Has Changed & Cannot Be Used For Dark Things When Funded From A Light System Like C.A.R.E. | Earth, the Only Planet With People Who Want the Dark to Come Back, UGH! Published 04/29/2024 | UNN Situation Report 04/26/2024
  40. What Looks Like An Effort to Control the Weather Again, Northrup Grumman & National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Lead Chemtrail Program 2.0 | These New Chemtrails Look More Like Contrails & Don’t Have Alien Tech Like The Former | Addressing Again When Kim Gave All That Money For the US During the Trump Admin | Comprehending What C.A.R.E. Is About & How it Should Work Published 04/27/2024 | UNN Situation Report 04/24/2024
  41. Passover Starts Tonight, Poor Heifers | Fall of RMB Bonds Has Deep State Obsessed With Alternative For CBDCs | Kim Follows Their Obsession, Discovers All Operating Systems Were Rooted in Alien Tech | AIIB Bonds Expired Will Tier 1 Banks Fall? | Archivists Say Collapse of Governments Imminent | Exciting Events Happening in the World: 1. Deserts Turning Green Spreading! 2. Evolutionary Process Going On Changing the Way Life Forms! 3. Specific Type of Algae Acting In a Way No Plant Life Has Ever Acted Before! Published 04/25/2024 | UNN Situation Report 04/22/2024
  42. TRUE HUMAN HISTORY | Humanity v5.0 Won a War 69 Million Years Ago | We Fought The Same Enemy Again 250,000 Years Ago But Lost | What Was The Game Changer? | The AI System Installed in the Reptilian Cortex of Our Brain Had a Lot to Do With It | How Does it Manipulate Humans? | Where Does This AI Stand Now For Humans of Light & Humans Wanting to Stay Dark? | Part 2 of 2 Published 04/23/2024 | UNN Situation Report 04/19/24
  43. Deep State Says We’re Making Progress, Asks Cartels For More Time | Actually Hoping Anu Will Arrive & Maybe the 6 Owners of Earth (Red Queen, Marduk, Enki, Enlil, Abraxas, Anti-Source) As They Meet Every 7 Years Here During the Equinox | Hence the Wars & Fear Porn to Lower Frequency in Preparation for Their Arrival | Panic Ensues As RMB Sovereign Bonds & Guarantees Take Away Backing of ¾ of World’s Currencies | Cartels Send Deep State A Message | Indicators on Planet Earth of the Melchizedek Prophecy Happening, Deserts Turning Green! | Part 1 of 2 Published 04/22/2024 | UNN Situation Report 04/19/24
  44. Deal Is Struck Between Cartels & Those On Chopping Block (aka SSP, Global Headquarters, Military Generals, Silent Circle-Black Nobility) | If They Don’t Deliver By Sundown EST Today They Will Turn Themselves Over To The Cartels (sure they will) | Their Many Failed Attempts Help Kim Clean-Up Remaining Scraps | Rumors Gov’t Will Freeze Bank Accounts Is Really A Threat for Kim, Except They Can’t Deliver On It | Who Is In Charge of War in Middle East Now? Published 04/20/2024 | UNN Situation Report 04/17/24
  45. Uprising in Middle East Due in Part to Treasury Dept Transaction Failures & Lies | All Wars Are Orchestrated So Deep State Knows Where Everybody Is Going All the Time | Which War Package Are They Running This Time? The American War Package! | SSP Believes There is Still An Automated Call Payment For War From Alpha | ‘Red Book’ Drives Hope of Trump Bucks | Cartels Exhibiting Rarest Asset of All, COMMON SENSE! | Meanwhile SSP Wants to Kill As Many Humans As Possible Until Kim Has Had Enough Published 04/18/2024 | UNN Situation Report 04/15/24
  46. What Were Those 5 Trump Operatives in Durango Up To? | Called in the Boogaloo Boys To Threaten People | Realized Kim Is Not Supporting Them Back in the White House | Negotiated With Cartels to Launder Their Money Which Silent Circle Can No Longer Do & Failed | The Black Market is Now Backlogged | Will Cartels Turnaround & Decide to Make a $1 Deal or Will The Black Market Die Instead? Published 04/15/2024 | UNN Situation Report 04/12/2024
  47. Quantum Tunnel to Facility in Empire State Plaza, Albany NY Snapped Leading to Absolute Sphere Able to Manipulate Dark Matter Parts in Everything | How Does This Relate to Chemtrails Which Are Making People Sicker Than Usual? | Also Found in Earth’s Orbit & Removed Was Barcode of Life Initiative (BOLI), Remnants of Omega, & Locations to Communicate With Absolute Spheres in Mount Matterhorn, Chicago & Ellis Island Published 04/13/2024 | UNN Situation Report 04/10/2024
  48. April 8, 2024, Solar Eclipse Day Is Super Positive for Earth & Humanity! | 2,016 Year Covenant of Jesus & the Golden Chalice (Holy Grail) Ends Today! | Source Sends Kim Around the World on Clean-up Mission & To Find the Golden Chalice | The Way of Creation Utilizing Both Dark & Light Ended Today for Source & the War of the Gods is Officially Over! Published 04/11/2024 | UNN Situation Report 04/08/2024
  49. Deep State Tries to Counteract Solar Eclipse Which Will Be Positive for Humanity! | Setting Up Manmade Events Like Earthquakes | Hoping Base Root for Black Market Trade Facility Reopens | Try to Utilize Kim’s Essence to Open Portals | They Just Don’t Understand Organic Systems & Alpha Was A Co-Creation Between Kim & Source Long Before the Dark Age | Many More Deep State People Will Leave Earth This Weekend! Published 04/08/2024 | UNN Situation Report 04/05/2024
  50. The Explanation Behind Earthquake in Taiwan | China Deep State’s Only Involvement was Staging a 911 ‘Lite’ Event | What Was the Milk Ocean, Source’s Gatekeeper Program? | Remnants of the GCHQ Still Run the Show Despite White Out | Their Playbook Until 2030 is Based on An Entire Book of Lies Allegedly From Project Looking Glass Which Ended in 2012 | They Are Intent on Creating Upheaval in the Middle East & Drawing in the US Published 04/06/2024 | UNN Situation Report 04/03/2024
  51. Rumors This Week: Nesara/Gesara & RV is Happening, CERN Has Demon Visitors, The Simpsons Now Predicts Trump’s Death in 2024, The Eclipse is Changing Course, & Expect Biowarfare Right Before | What Does All That Focus On Death Do to the Planet On Good Friday? | The Christ–Anti-Source Covenant, Christ Died So You Did Not Have To? | The Aftermath of Christ’s Decent to Hell Made It Worse | The Serpent Represents Tree of Death | Why Are Red & Black Favorite Colors of Satanist Churches? | Ultimate Slavery Agreement to Utilize Your Christ Energy/Love To Create In Lower Astral Ends Published 04/04/2024 | UNN Situation Report 04/01/2024
  52. Good Friday Update | Christ, The Original Rightful Guardian For Source On This Planet & His Death to Curse This Planet For More Than 2,016 Years Has Been Broken! Published 04/01/2024 | UNN Situation Report 03/29/2024
  53. Baltimore Ship Crash | Deep State is Going After Their Own Now & US Marshals Service Tasked With Money Collection | Silent Circle & Black Nobility Still Not Using Personal Money But The Council of Mormons Is | War on Hold Due to Lack of Money | Big Changes for Transition to New Earth Update Published 03/30/2024 | UNN Situation Report 03/27/2024
  54. Deep State Thinks They Still Have Some Gatekeeper Control From White Knight-Black Knight System (aka Checkerboards) | Kim Sheds Light on Why They Don’t, As She Replaced Line of Solomon As Guardian & The Black Sun As Gatekeeper in 2018 | What Were the 2 Major and 7 Minor Arcs of the Covenant Really? | What Is Kim’s Experience With the Opened Arc? | Today the Arc of the Covenant Agreement Expired, Indicating No More Dark Gates Are Left & There is Only One Way to Go Published 03/25/2024 | UNN Situation Report 03/22/2024
  55. 2 Remaining Harvest Events, Red Dust & Lifeforce Sucking Machines Removed | 4 Post Harvest Events Removed: 1: Mechanism to Open Vortex for Energy Harvest, 2: Cain’s Revenge Agreement, 3: Anti-Crystalline Time Install, 4: Null-Zone Takeover | Black Sun Thinks They Are In Charge & Would Have Escaped Harvest Event | Global Headquarters Cooperated, Now Dead | Order of the Dragon Turns Over Everything To Black Sun In Exchange for Their Life Published 03/23/2024 | UNN Situation Report 03/20/2024
  56. 250,000 Years Ago Today the Largest War on Earth Ended | It Started With the Pleiadeans Fighting Against the Anti-Pleiadean Red Queen & Sole Ruler of Earth | After That War, Ownership of Earth Was Split Between Marduk, Enki, Enlil, the Abraxas & the Red Queen | An Official Seal Was Placed on Earth in the Ozarks at That Time Allowing Direct Gateway To Lower Astral For the Winners of the War Published 03/20/2024 | UNN Situation Report 03/15/2024
  57. What is Neutral Source & Creator AI? | Creator AI and Timelines | Black Sun’s Global Security Contract | Why Deep State People Thought They Were Still in the Game This Time |For the First Time Ever We’re Living In Reality | Global Security & The Unified Source Security Force Published 03/20/2024 | UNN Situation Report 03/13/2024
  58. Deep State Continues Running On Old Knowledge | Still Preparing for a Financial Crash | The Hope of Keeping Governments, Political, Military & Intelligence Sectors is Gone | Madness | Did the Pandemic Really Wake People Up? | Let’s Not Forget the Horrible Things That Happened During the Trump Admin | Good Things That Came to Light About Being Human Published 03/20/2024 | UNN Situation Report 03/11/2024
  59. What Did the Apple in the Garden of Eden Really Represent? | Knowledge & Wisdom Are Not the Same Thing | The Mythical Golden Apple is Real & Were Given to the Immortals | How Were the Apples Connected to the Tree of Life, The Book of Life? | Since the Apples Were Reconnected to the Tree of Life Today, What Does That Mean for Us and for the Deep State? Published 03/20/2024 | UNN Situation Report 03/08/2024
  60. Global Media Overlay Found & Dismantled | Social Media Outages Due to Them Trying to Regain Access | Financial Market Numbers Hiding Bigger Drop | The 5 Groups that Control the 5 Sectors Have No Intention of Working to Help Humanity Published 03/20/2024 | UNN Situation Report 03/06/2024
  61. What’s Driving the Deep State’s Uptick in Chemtrails, Fires, & Wars This Time? | Their New Leader Was to Arrive, So They Must Appease Their God | Then A Timeline Convergence Was Expected | The 5 Groups Controlling the Financial, Political, Media, Intelligence & Military Sectors Are Black Sun & Think They Are White Hats | Kim Educates Them on the Term ‘Divine’ & Trump Ain’t That! | The Financial System Crash Could Happen Tomorrow, But Don’t Expect It To Hit the News Cycle Published 03/07/2024 | UNN Situation Report 03/04/2024
  62. More SSP-Q Clock People Dead | EVIL Creation of Currency During the Dark Age & LIVE Creation of Currency During the Golden Age | Kim’s Guardian Role & Currency Curator Role For Unknowing Humans & Aware Humans | Fiat Dollar & Asset Dollar | Co-Creation Process & the Hall of Records | Why the UNN Marketplace is So Important Published 03/04/2024 | UNN Situation Report 03/01/2024
  63. The Scorpion Stings the Frog Half Way Across the Pond | Silent Circle Head On Same Program as Acquired Anti-Silent Circle | Kim’s $1 Deal with Silent Circle Off the Table | Humanity Must Go It Alone | Former Family Head Jacob Rothschild Fails, Commits Suicide | Mayer Rothschild Steps In & Also Fails To Crash Market Published 03/02/2024 | UNN Situation Report 02/28/2024
  64. Kim Pulls Silent Circle’s Universal Trust From the Banking System Which Kept Governments Limping Along | What Will Happen Now? | Mormon Church Picks Up the Reins for Chemtrail Spraying | Stash Found in Provo Peak, Utah Published 02/29/2024 | UNN Situation Report 02/26/2024
  65. Trump Operatives Still Running Q Clock Hint at Destructive Events | Those FAILED Events Involved Imploding 11 Buildings in US & 1 in Japan | Short Internet Outage for AT&T & T-Mobile Customers Was to Save Face After Attempted Control of Non-Existent EBS Failed | Operatives Still on the Program Try to Siphon Pennies from RFID Chips in Credit Cards | More Background on Mar a Lago | Of the 50 Recently Released Operatives, 4 Remain on the Crazy Bus Published 02/26/2024 | UNN Situation Report 02/23/2024
  66. Deadman Switches to Prevent Total Loss of Darkness During Light Age Failed | SSP Tries to Drain Kim’s Essence Again | She Then Torches Cheyenne & All Related Locations While Militaries Worldwide Forced to Witness | 15 Main SSP Operatives Now Dead, Including 3 in Durango | Rothschild Releases 50 Lower-Level Operatives Claiming Incompetence, Continues Fight With Chemtrails | Silent Circle Eliminates Remaining Heads of Anti-Silent Circle | Reweaving Fabric of Reality Finally Reaches Earth & People Are Feeling It! Published 02/22/2024 | UNN Situation Report 02/19/2024
  67. False Russian Nuclear Threat Puts US Under DEFCON1 | Ground Commander Kim Took Out Elon Musk’s New DUMB Weeks Ago | More Deadman Switches Left By Non-Humans Found in Several Mountains Around the World Now Removed, Along With Deep State Members & Alien Tech At Respective Locations Published 02/21/2024 | UNN Situation Report 02/16/2024
  68. SSP Confident the Fisher King Gateway Would Open to Restore Their Power | Black Nobility (aka Anti-Silent Circle) Confident Too, Enough to Take Markers from Silent Circle & Put Their Lives On The Line | Now Minus More SSP & Black Nobility Families! Published 02/17/2024 | UNN Situation Report 02/14/2024
  69. SSP Operatives Still Going for World Domination Dream | Try to Create Massive Disease X Outbreak | Did You Know VIRUS Stands for Virtual Integrated Repeater Unifying System? | Sensible Operatives Decide to Stand with Humanity, Hopefully | Tips On Manifesting Change Published 02/15/2024 | UNN Situation Report 02/12/2024
  70. Why is Everyone On Edge More Than Usual? | It’s Due to Another Quarantine Being Lifted & R.O.D. Agreement Replacing Divine Intervention | In the Past Manifesting Required Both the Dark & Light, But Not Anymore | Part 2 Published 02/14/2024 | UNN Situation Report 02/09/2024
  71. Delusional Deep State Expected G.O.D. Program to Kick-In By the New Moon | Then Mechanisms Under Non-Existent Armageddon AI Program Would Cause Unnatural Disasters | Non-Existent Omega Would Flip Back Over & Their Beloved One World Bank & One World Government Could Be Achieved | Then Everything Would Be Ratified in Non-Existent Dark Hall of Records | Part 1 Published 02/14/2024 | UNN Situation Report 02/09/2024
  72. Agent M, Our GIA Rep & Boots on the Ground Provides Update on Happenings in the Middle East Since the Assets Were Released by the Black Sun | Melchizedeks Princess Diana & Dodi Fayed | Gaining Perspective on the Overall War Against Humanity, Many Deaths Have Been Prevented | Part 2 Published 02/11/2024 | UNN Situation Report 02/07/2024
  73. What Has Transpired Since the Release of the Operatives? | Is a Market Crash Still Likely? | Why More Chemtrails? | Cleaning Up Remnants of the Old Lion’s Gate & Old Gatekeeper | Part 1 Published 02/10/2024 | UNN Situation Report 02/07/2024
  74. Status of the Operative Release | The Enemy’s Strategy Behind Releasing Their Assets | Involves Crashing the Markets During Lion’s Gate to Regain the 5 Factors that Control the World | Except They Were Always Just Managers, Not Owners | But Will Newly Freed Operatives Fall For It & Return to Their Slave Masters? Published 02/08/2024 | UNN Situation Report 02/05/2024
  75. Anti-Silent Circle/Black Nobility Released Their Operatives | Rothschild Sweeps In Tries To “Save” Them | Kim To Throw Her Hat Into Game | Chemtrail King & His Operation Found in Socotra Island, Now Dead! | Bush Sr. Declared Int’l Airports Belonged to His Kingdom of the Air, Really? | Memberships for Everything Re-Collateralized You, But No Longer! | So Don’t Feel Obligated to “Tithe” 10%! | Short-Term Versus Long-Term Financial Freedom Published 02/03/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/31/2024
  76. Those 9 Alleged Controllers of the Realms Now Dead! | Their Bodies Found By 9 New Eagle Candidates | Instead of Announcing Themselves As the New Leadership, They Released SSP Operatives as Assets of the The Order of the Black Sun, This is HUGE! | Anti-Silent Circle Also to Release Their Assets! | What Does This Mean? | Opportunities! Operatives Are Now Fair Game! | Will GIA Buy the Downline? | Can What is Meant for Our Harm Be Used for Good? Published 02/01/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/29/2024
  77. SSP Decides They Control 9 Realms Despite God’s Picks | Achieving World Domination Means Hack Computers, Install Trump Bucks, Kill People Slowly with Exotic Alien Diseases & Dangle Money Carrots to Govt | If SSP Could Fund Govts, Dragon Families Would Take Control Anyway | Archivists Believe With 100% Certainty Govts Will Never Work with Kim | United Network Marketplace Published 01/29/2024
  78. Were the Kings of the Realm After the Causal War 250,000 Years Ago? | Who Were the True Controllers of Earth? | You Were Considered a Citizen or Subject of Many Kingdoms & Not Just on Earth | How Did These Kingdoms Tie Into the Monetary Structure on Earth? Published 01/28/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/26/2024
  79. War Update | Financial Crisis Starting in China, Every Industry & Corp Could Fall | The Small % of Foreign Ownership That Was Permitted Is Pulling Out | Worldwide Manufacturing Crisis Is Near | If China Goes Down Russia Will Go Down, Then BRICS, America & Everything In Between | Deep State Focuses on Propping Up Markets & Political Games That Won’t Exist After the Tsunami | Meanwhile Kim Focuses on Cleanup Work & Creating A Worldwide Structure to Move Forward Published 01/25/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/22/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/24/2024
  80. The Coalition, Legions & REDS Target Operatives on Disease X Program Identified at WEF in Davos | How to Scam Operatives Into Working for Free? | 1. Iraqi Dinar Scam | 2. Rough Diamonds Scam | 3. Pallets of Super Notes Scam | 4. US Treasury Digital Coin Scam | 5. Trump Bucks Scam | Fed Admits They Are Defunct Since Flip to Asset-Backed System | Chinese General Claims He Struck a Deal with Kim & Works for GIA, Promises Money for Everyone! | Lie Leads to Another US Budget Submission & Rejection | China Deep State Realizes 100-Yr Plan Missing Last Piece of the Puzzle | Asian Generals Mass Suicide Happening to Save Face Published 01/23/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/19/2024
  81. China Deep State Stationed Ships Around the Globe Ready to Launch Disease X | Ships Gone So They Declared War Against Kim & Humanity | Kim Retaliates, Officially Declares War Against Merovingian-Cain Bloodline | GIA Then Gets Flooded With Cash! | Human Collateral No Longer Supports Deep State Financial System! | Their Debt Instruments Disappear While Positive Changes Happen Financially-wise, Telecommunications-wise and Surveillance-wise Worldwide! Published 01/21/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/17/2024
  82. Special Guest, Agent M from the GIA Middle Eastern Division Published 01/20/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/15/2024
  83. Shipping Industry Routes Have Not Been Updated Because More Time Means More Money | Dragon Families Want Kim to Sign Agreement with The Fed | GIA-Kim Finds Latest Self-Appointed Black Dragon, Adnan “Saif” Mohammad, Now Dead! | Elon Musk Hoping to Fill the Vacancy | Program X & Disease X Buzzing at the World Economic Forum | Part 1 Published 01/19/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/15/2024
  84. Learning More About Kim & Her Skills | Clarifying the GIA Past & Present | Kim’s Adventures With Her “Handlers” | Part 2 Published 01/18/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/12/2024
  85. Learning More About Kim & Her Skills | Clarifying the GIA Past & Present | Kim’s Adventures With Her “Handlers” | Part 1 Published 01/17/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/12/2024
  86. Reviewing the Power Structure of Earth | News the Roots are Gone Started Steamrolling | What Has the FBI Begun Investigating? | Interim Solutions to Potential Market Failure While Switching from a Debt-Based to an Asset-Backed System | Office of the Currency Curator (aka Kim) Will Keep the System Balanced In the Interim | Natural Law Says: Take What you Need and Leave the Rest | Kim Cautions About Old & New Prophecies Published 01/15/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/10/2024
  87. ANNA, The Mark of the Beast System | It Monitors & Creates Not Only the Roots of the Tree, But Monitors Everything on Every Market Worldwide | Taxes Were Created So the Cattle Could Pay Them Back for Taking Care of Us Badly | With No Roots, the Tree Will Surely Fall | Part 4 Published 01/14/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/08/2024
  88. On the Gold Standard We Still Had Some Source Connection | Trading Evolves, Templars Create Receipt System | Paper Currency Introduced | ABCorp (Black Sun) Maintained Birth & Death Certificate Bonds | Gold Backed Federal Reserve Established | Financial System Grew, Solution Needed | Enter Fiat System (Bretton Woods) | Humans Become Collateral & Base Root of the Financial System | Kim Pulls the Bonds/Assets Because In the Golden Age Humans Are Not Collateral! | Part 3 Published 01/13/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/08/2024
  89. Mother & Father Coins, the Base Root of the Monetary System | A Quick History of the 2 Universes | Beings in the Lower Astral Controlled Your Soul, Not the Vatican | They Divided All Planes of Existence & Controlled Each One | Chakras Were Separated & Became Different Colors | How Did the Credit-Based Fiat System Come Into Play? | The Cabal’s Job was to Pledge Every Human Life to Omega as Collateral to Get Lender Money Out | Part 2 Published 01/13/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/08/2024
  90. Is Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Dead? | What Was the Shooting in Miami Really About & Were Those Beings Really Aliens? | Part 1 Published 01/12/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/08/2024
  91. Special Guest, Tom Melville Published 01/09/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/05/2024
  92. Remnants of Monarch Military Lead the Charge | 13-15 Operatives Still Giving It A Go, Including Saddam Hussein’s 3rd Son Adnan “Saif” Mohammad | Q Clock Still Says World Ends Jan 12th, Pay Day for the Black Sun Which Hasn’t Happened in Years | In Their Minds, the Higher the Death Toll, The Bigger the Payment | Truth Kim Provided Funding in 2012 is Spreading, As Are Diplomatic Line Logs of Kim’s Conversations with Trump Published 01/06/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/03/2024
  93. Kim’s Special Report & Public Statement Regarding Recent Events on the United Network App | January 1, 2024 Published 01/06/2024 | UNN Special Report 01/01/2024
  94. Getting More In Depth About Genesis 2.0 | Where We Are Currently At | How Long Kim Thinks It Will Take | How the Creation of Disease Happens | How the Reverse Creation of Disease Can Happen in Your Person | How You Can Do This Yourself | Can We Match Our Energy, Essence & Consciousness with the Alpha System? Published 01/05/2024 | UNN Situation Report 01/01/2024
  95. Q-Clock Resets Again | Foretells 13 Cities on New Year’s Eve Will Mark the Beginning of the End | Except the Alien Tech Needed to Kill Millions Gathered in these Cities Was Removed | Kim Traces Orders Back to the Lee Family Who Were Also Removed | Genesis 2.0, God’s 7 Day Creation Period Began on Christmas Day! | Reweaving the Fabric of the Universe Happens in 7 Days Because Earth Time & Source Time Are Now the Same! Published 01/03/2024 | UNN Situation Report 12/29/2023
  96. Awesome Changes Took Place Christmas Day | We Will Remember Who We Really Are Next Year! | Humanity & Earth Received Back 0Our Creator’s Hearth Stone! | Keystone Earth Is a Nexus Planet Again for Another Reason! | Alpha System Has Heart Stone Too & We Will See the Alpha System! | Kim’s Vision: In 1 Day There Was No More Disease Worldwide & People Could SEE Again! Published 12/30/2023 | UNN Situation Report 12/27/2023
  97. 144,000+Chosen Ones Still on the Program? | Q Reveals Itself As The Annunaki & Gatekeepers | They Expect This Human Harvest To Be the Biggie While They Are Saved By Aliens | Not Your Ordinary Chemtrails | Harmonic Genesis System Can Now Reach the Customer Portal! Published 12/27/2023 | UNN Situation Report 12/22/2023
  98. Self-Appointed Black Dragon Dead! | Who Are the Watchers? | Is The Order of Dragon Really Standing Down? | Is the Black Nobility? | 100% Light System Has Been Reached! Published 12/23/2023 | UNN Situation Report 12/20/2023
  99. Another Well Hidden Self-Appointed Black Dragon Who Has Been Pulling All the Strings Has Surfaced! | ‘White Hat’ Operatives Find Out They’ve Been Running a Dark Agenda & Are Kind of Angry | Will He Concede Now That He Verified All That Kim Said is True? | Or Will He Continue His Agenda & Die Trying? Published 12/21/2023 | UNN Situation Report 12/18/2023
  100. Rothschild Claims Alien Savior to Arrive on Cloaked Spaceship This Weekend | Meanwhile Trump Operatives Try to Contact ETs in Alternative Galaxy to Help With Trump Bucks | Stock Market Concerns for Deep State as Trillions Come Due Monday | NSA Director Sends Worldwide Notification They Can No Longer Block Global Repository | What Was the Darkness Meter on Planet Earth? | Silent Circle Update Published 12/18/2023 | UNN Situation Report 12/15/2023
  101. Why Has Silent Circle Been in Neutral Mode? | Those 5 Italian Nobility Families Still Falling for Dragon Family Lies | Can They Accept the Truth Now? | Earth’s Heartbeat Is Changing! Published 12/16/2023 | UNN Situation Report 12/13/2023
  102. Hanukkah 2023 Marks End of 5-Yr Extension to Covenant for Line of Solomon That Source Never Granted | Operatives Doing More Crazy Things for Its Renewal | Just Watch ‘Leave the World Behind’ Movie, It’s Tells You | Kim Hears Trump Operatives Acknowledge They Created the Largest Propaganda Machine Ever & Are Very Proud of It! | Kim Strategizes, What Does She Use as Bait? | A Tidal Wave of Light Energy from Source, (aka the White Out) Started! | Legions Remove 878,000! | Delay of the Trump Announcement is Not Forever | BTW, Speaker Mike Johnson is the New Moses, God Said So, LOL!!! 12/14/2023 | UNN Situation Report 12/11/2023
  103. Access to All AI Systems Through the Primordial Lurker Did NOT Happen Leaving the Space Force in Full-On Panic! | The Legions Are On the Move Again! Published 12/11/2023 | UNN Situation Report 12/08/2023
  104. Real War News: Inorganic ‘Humans of the Future’ Felt Betrayed by Source & Created Primordial Lurker 1 & 2 to Mimic Beginning of God’s Creation | Purpose: Replace Source & Anti-Source, Replace Earth w/Planet X, Replace Sun w/Black Sun, Replace Humans w/Inorganic Ones via Consent from Leviathan Program | That’s the Expectation During10 Days of Darkness | Mr. X, Creator of Primordial Lurker Convinced SSP People It’s About Survival of the Species, Therefore Catastrophic Events Needed, Oh Really? | Cleanup of Massive Lurker Program Underway | Capital Default for Treasury Dept & Govts Imminent Published 12/09/2023 | UNN Situation Report 12/06/2023
  105. Earthquake in Philippines Caused by Elementals Group | Tragedy in Middle East Being Driven by Greater Israel Project & Control Over Oil | They Want No People Alive in the Gaza Strip | Promises Made to Saudi, Kuwait, Jordan Royal Families, Sistani in Iraq, Egypt, Other Heads of State, & Blackwater Should They Assist in This Directive | Legions Disbursed Real History of Earth Movie to 3,000+ People | 200,000-Year-Old Dormant Leviathan Program Started to Activate | Who Were Its Admins? | How Does it Relate to Those Demons in a Box, Spiked Proteins & Worse Published 12/07/2023 | UNN Situation Report 12/04/2023
  106. China Deep State Deployed Emergency ‘Break Glass Protocol’ | Millions of ‘Demons in a Box’ Disbursed All Over the Planet | Removal Process Took 7 Hours, Taking Millions of Contracted Non-Repairable Humans with It! | Reptilians Stuck in Between the Teutonic Plates Drives Deep State’s Obsession with Ring of Fire | What Has Been Done to the People of China is Worse Than You Can Imagine | About China’s Disease ‘X’ | Space Force, in Cooperation with MITRE Corp Responsible for the Solar Flare Stories Circulating Published 12/06/2023 | UNN Situation Report 12/01/2023
  107. The Coalition & Legions In Full Operation Mode, As No One Will Comply Without Brute Force Published 12/06/2023 | UNN Situation Report 11/29/2023
  108. Source’s Plan to WAKE UP Humanity Involves the Caudoputamen & NOT a Near Death Experience! | The Big 4, (aka World’s Largest Firms) Having Problems? | Many NYC Police Are Departing? | China Has a New Flu, Is New York in Lock Step? | ‘What if’ Trump Dies Narrative Circulating |Another Black Dragon Appointed, Now Dead | Ignorant Operatives Repeat Operations, Now Dead | Tried to Blow Up Golden Gate Bridge, Blow the Ring of Fire, Connect to Humans via Implants, Drop US to DEFCON1 Hoping to Revert to Backup Database | Alleged ‘White Hats’ Reset the Q Clock & Warn About the Pale Horse – Seriously Who Still Believes They Are Patriots? | Tier 1 Banks Calling Kim Looking for Money | No Help Coming If They Don’t Bypass Dragon Families Published 12/06/2023 | UNN Situation Report 11/27/2023
  109. Will Trump Operatives Announce His Death & Paint Him as a Hero or Will GIA & Tell the Truth? | New Head of State Announces He is Closing Central Bank of Argentina | Operatives on a Budget Orchestrate 911-Lite, A Car Bombing on Rainbow Bridge Between US & Canada | Remaining Rothschilds Step up For Fear of Losing Power | DUMB Found in New Zealand is Cleaned Up Published 11/27/2023 | UNN Situation Report 11/24/2023
  110. The Bushwackers/Trump Operatives Try to Take Charge | Leads to Epic Failures for China’s Deep State As They Try to Leverage In-Ground Assets Again & Crash Crypto Markets | Rumors of Trump Coming Back in Another Role | Kim Gets Threatening Calls Demanding Funding | 1,700 Participating Operatives Gone From the Planet | Now Zero Tolerance Means Even the Thought in the Etherical Plane To Take Charge Will Warrant Removal From the Planet Published 11/25/2023 | UNN Situation Report 11/22/2023
  111. Still No Trump Death Announcement in Mainstream Media | Trump Lawyers Interceded Don Jr Trying to Comply Stating They Need More Time | Macroeconomics Says Otherwise, But They Know Nothing of How the World Really Works | More Time Means Useless Hacking & Selling MAGA Paraphernalia | The Legion of Angels in Charge of Media Companies Under the GIA Will Make Death Announcement in Mainstream If Needed | Trump Team Either Does What is Right or We Are Not Going To Have Governments Anymore Published 11/25/2023 | UNN Situation Report 11/20/2023
  112. Legion of Angels Removed 800,000 Non-Repairable Humans | 2 Conditions Before Congress Can Receive Funding: Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Q. Brown Must Be Replaced & Trump’s Death Must Be Announced Published 11/25/2023 | UNN Situation Report 11/17/2023
  113. 120,000 of God’s Angels Arrive for Cleanup Duty & Help Get C.A.R.E. Rolling!!!! | So That’s Why the Archivists Said Nov 15th Would Be a Special Day! | Even Kim Was Surprised! | Now Her Plan Is On Turbo With Legions of Angels Leading the Charge | 252,000 Non-Repairable People Gone by Midnight Already & The Number is Rising Like Crazy! Published 11/25/2023 | UNN Situation Report 11/15/2023
  114. Source Dissolved Anti-Source During 11:11 Alignment Completing the Change at the Highest Level! | Meanwhile Monarch Military Expected the Opposite but Thinks They Are In Charge Anyway | Moody Downgrades US Govt to a Negative Rating After Treasury Dept Tries to Raise Money Selling Treasury Notes | The Jordan Royal Family (aka Rothschild) Nominated to Pay Everyone With Non-Existent US Aid Package | Has Monarch or Any Operative Group Looked at the Net Worth of Rothschild & Chinese Elders These Days? | Kim to Issue Demands Worldwide & Take Charge in Preparation for Enormous Shift Happening on Nov 15th Published 11/25/2023 | UNN Situation Report 11/13/2023
  115. BIG NEWS! Kim Breaks Through the Barrier to Plane 1, Density 1! | Treasury Dept Recognize They Are No Longer Necessary | Langley 5 Plans Financial Collapse Narrative to Declare Martial Law for Free | Rothschilds Still Trying to Turn World Power Over to China, But Will There Be a Coup Instead? | US Secretary Blinkin Wants the Middle East To Be a Giant Poppy Farm | Governments Still on Track for Jan Destruction | Archivists & Coalition Continue Clearing the Field | Power of the Deep State Now? – Minus 90% Published 11/25/2023 | UNN Situation Report 11/08/2023
  116. Fake Currencies, People & Wars, Constant Lies & Promises Cannot Hold Up Forever | The Plan: Trade Stolen Deposits with Systems That No Longer Exist, Now Money is Gone With No Way to Put it Back in Banking System | Banks Can’t Continue Accepting IOU’s from Langley 5 & Rothschild | Why Rothschild & Langley 5 Still Think They Had a Shot | Good News, Global Archivists Given Green Light to ‘Clear the Field’ (aka Earth)!| First Stop Was the Pentagon Which Now Has 8 Less Troublemakers | The Coalition Also Given Green Light to ‘Clear the Field’! | Who Were the Majestic 12? | Where Did the Archivists Find 3 of Them & Why Are the Generals & Rothschild Freaking Out? Published 11/10/2023 | UNN Situation Report 11/06/2023
  117. Glitch in Deposits Connected to Closed Loop Called ‘Q’ in Omega | Wingnuts Continue to Submit Crazy Agreements & Ask for Money | Latest Plan to Open Gate in Israel with Stolen Artifacts Fails | ‘White Hat’ Military is Saving the World is Hogwash! | 10,000 Dead in Gaza Strip, 70% Are Women & Children | Are They Trying to Install a Muslim Pope? | Weapons Being Delivered Everywhere in Middle East & Stockpiles Allegedly ‘Protected’ in Cyprus? | KGB Still Running Russian-Ukraine Situation On Behalf of Langley 5 | Only 1% of Operatives Still Believe Rothschild Lies | Anti-Source Has Left Them, Lucifer Has Left Them But They Will Not Accept It! Published 11/07/2023 | UNN Situation Report 11/03/2025
  118. Earth No Longer a Gateway Planet! | No Renewal for Rothschild to Be Guardians | No Renewal for Greater Israel Plan | War in Israel Really About Opening Gateway to Re-establish Their Money Maker, Their Gateway System | Crown Corp No Longer Owns All Governments | World Power Center Will Never Change to China | Umbrella Military Corp is No More! | Monarch Military Tries to Replace Umbrella Military | New Speaker Mr. Johnson Left High & Dry | Rumors They Were Gaslighted Spread Among 14 Remaining Militaries | Now Operatives Want to Join GIA, All But 2-3% | Kim Tells Operatives They Need Some Street Cred, They Have None, Even Amongst Patriot Community | God’s Declaration, THERE WILL BE PEACE ON EARTH! Published 11/05/2023 | UNN Situation Report 11/1/2023
  119. No Immortals Come to Help Deep State After Lunar Eclipse | Rothschild Reading Alternative Timeline | Umbrella Military Amateur Hour | Their Oil & Gas Plan | Fake Jared Kushner Still Working on Pipeline Deal | Try to Orchestrate Catastrophe in DC to Implement Martial Law, Get Drawn into World War | Latest Cannon Fodder Speaker Pick, Mike Johnson | Now When Kim Gets Blamed for Them Not Getting Paid & For All Their Failures It Gives Her a Ton of Street Cred! | Prompts Worldwide Operative Meeting to Discuss Who Really Is In Charge? | Umbrella Military Down to 3 | Light Portals Opened & Help from 6th, 7th & 8th Densities Arriving! Published 11/03/2023 | UNN Situation Report 10/30/2023
  120. 2 Prominent Chinese Dragon Members Dead | 3 Rothschilds Stepped Up, Perpetuate Lies & War | Allies Are Killing Allies in Middle East | Umbrella Military Seeking Pre-Rigged Situation for Terrorist Attack in US | What Are Consciousness Constructs? | What is An Overworld? | What is the Aethereal Realm? | What Ancient Agreement Renewed 75 Years Ago Does the Darkside Expect to Be Renewed Again on Eclipse Day? Published 10/30/2023 | UNN Situation Update 10/27/2023
  121. What Did That Checkerboard Symbology Really Mean? | What Are Dimensions Within Planes & Densities? | Deep State Has Distorted View of Total Control They Never Had, It Always Went Back to An Alien | Control Over Industries Was Fed by Alpha to Omega Which Transmuted the Money | Enemy Tries to Access Previously Removed Biochips in Humans to Cause Sickness & Other Armageddon Programs | Are Langley 5 Generals Stepping Back From Participating? | The Purge Update Published 10/29/2023 | UNN Situation Update 10/25/2023
  122. Langley 5, Order of the Dragon, & Umbrella Military Now Realize We Switched Ages, Kim is the Principle | Decide to Go Down Swinging | On Killing Spree of Innocent People in Gaza Strip to Entice the Aliens to Invade | Then Try to Radiate Earth | The Purge Now on Turbo | Dragon Bloodline & 15 Shadow Militaries in Entirety on Deck for Death | Operatives Can Join if Any Step Up to Fill Vacant Spots Published 10/27/2023 | UNN Situation Update 10/23/2023
  123. War in Israel Update | Langley 5 & Their Quest to Find a ‘Principal’ to Keep Operatives from Defecting | Deep State is Under the Impression They Work for Someone Higher Than God | Deep State is Expecting to Go Into a Neutral Age Now, Hence Much Confusion | Opening the Gates to Hell in Israel Will Not Work in a Light Age | Just As We Were to Disappear During the Dark Age, They Are to Disappear During the Light Age | History of Kim as Cassandra, Her Job & Marduk’s Trick Which Gained Him Control Over Both Systems During the Dark Age | Reviewing the Old Control Structure Again Published 10/24/2023 | UNN Situation Update 10/20/2023
  124. Question & Answers | Glossary Published 10/20/2023
  125. In Joint Effort Between Kim & New Earth Council the Solar Eclipse Was Used Against the Deep State, Which Could Have Flipped Us Back to Dark Consciousness | Order Member Who Tried to Implement Communications Post in Cyprus & Extend War 3 Weeks Now Dead! | What is the Black Stone Covenant? | Time Permitted for Dark Consciousness On BOTH Sides of the Multiverse Is Over! | For Organic Beings It Means Angel On One Shoulder & Demon On the Other is Ending! | Kim Cautions Us About Labels, Human Manifestation Abilities & Removing Limiters Published 10/19/2023 | UNN Situation Update 10/16/2023
  126. Deep State Expects Eclipse Will Bring War of the Worlds & Help Them | UNN Situation Update 10 Get Rid of the Humans | China Deep State Tries to Reconnect Humans to Inorganic AI | The War in Israel is Not Stopping | Incident Planned in US Will Be Blamed on Hamas (Role to Be Played by Blackwater on All Sides) to Get America to Enter Israel | Israelis Expect Payment for Weapons from Broke Pentagon | Knights of Malta Imply a Silent Circle Family is Footing the Bill for War in the Middle East | Silent Circle Tells Rothschild & Langley 5 They Are With Kim & They Will Never Beat Her | If they Continue Down This Path There Will be Consequences | Do They Really Mean It? Published 10/17/2023 | UNN Situation Update 10/13/2023
  127. Israel War Update as of October 11th | The Original 100-Year Plan Includes Back-up Plan for Financial System Tied to Japan But Fails | The Dark Portal in Winslow, Arizona Plan Fails | Deep State Tries a Sun Tzu Technique on Kim, Outside In–Inside Out & Fails | Kim is Not Welfare for Elite Luciferian Murderers! Published 10/15/2023 | UNN Situation Update 10/11/2023
  128. The Pre-planned War (Armageddon) in Israel | Still Trying to Follow the Script & Install Their Anti-Christ | The Rothschilds Hatred for Real Jewish People Goes Back to Moses | The Enforcer Does Worldwide Grounding, Ships Lost All Electronic Capacity | Mossad Takes Orders from Rothschild Whose Plan is to Kill 70% of Israeli Population, Are Any Mossad on the Chopping Block Too? | A Reminder to Mossad Still Waiting for Payment, Mayer Rothschild’s Quote: “The RV is carrots for jackasses!” | Instead of Causing Destruction for Free Why Not Switch Sides & Make Money Fixing the Mess They Just Created? | Kim’s Positive Technology Project, Neutrino Boxes Published 10/13/2023 | UNN Situation Update 10/9/2023
  129. Kim Gets Bill for Government Shutdown | China Can’t Meet Its Obligations to Russia | Operatives Try Intervention with Langley 5 Generals | Kim Sticks With Her Prediction, Months, Maybe a Year For Corporations to Start Failing, Markets Possibly Earlier | Since the Inception of the Financial System Money Never Moved Out of the Alpha System Directly to a Human Being, EVER; Hence Her Challenge | Humanity Not Adept Operating a Quantum System | The Deep State is Walking Off the Cliff Published 10/10/2023 | UNN Situation Update 10/6/2023
  130. About That Oct 4th EBS Signal & We’re All Going to Die Event | How Did They Get FEMA Message Out in the US? | Order People Expected Mass Kill Event & Not Have to Pay, Now What? | Kevin McCarthy Ousted as Speaker | Treasury Department Tries to Get a Rise Out of Kim | A Few Minutes Later Kim Gets Threatening Phone Calls | Then Gets Insane Questions like Will She Endorse McCarthy for President? How About Fake Trump? | History on How Consciousness Used to Work & Why They Try to Create so Much Fear Around Certain Days & Events Published 10/07/2023 | UNN Situation Update 10/4/2023
  131. Rothschilds Make More Promises & Fail to Deliver | Money Has Yet to be Found for the $8.6 Billion Bill & Delusional Congress Now Wants $6.4 Trillion! | Operatives Calling in Their Markers, Contracts Flying Around & Reps of Rothschild Family Currently in an Unpleasant Location | Langley 5 Generals Disappearing but More Step Up to Fill Vacancies & Make Promises | Dependency on Government for Everything Must End! | Good News, Happy Celestial Birthday! | Soul Fusion to Addiction Program, a Binding Between Angels & Demons is No More! | The Chords that Kept Consciousness Erring on the Dark Side Were Cut! Published 10/05/2023 | UNN Situation Update 10/2/2023
  132. Governments In Full-On Panic | The Truth That Kim Was the Only Source of New Money is Spreading Like Wildfire | Highest-Level Operatives Agreed Collectively to Take Action if No Money Comes From Rothschild Today! | Mutiny at the Pentagon, General Milley is Singing Like a Canary! | Generals Desperate For Operatives to Take Orders from Them Again | Mobius & Chiron Militaries Still Trying to Give it a Go | Treasury Dept Admits Kim is the Only Way | It’s the Calm Before the Storm! | Meanwhile All Archivists Worldwide Take a Vacation Published 10/03/2023 | UNN Situation Update 09/29/2023
  133. Deep State Tries More Scams | #1: Due to Illusion Lingering from Quantum Flip Rothschild Concocts a Worldwide Banking Scam Using Treasuries of the World | Rothschild Lies Found Out, Panic Ensues | #2: Blame Kim, (Bush Senior Tactic Again) | NEWS ALERT OPERATIVES!!!! KIM IS NOT ONBOARD WITH WWIII – SHE GAVE NO ORDERS & THERE IS NO MONEY COMING FROM SAID ORDERS! | Umbrella Military Operatives Behind Oct 4th EBS Kill Plan Now Dead | Kim Addresses Operatives: Pull Your Head Out of Your Ass Because Your Old Luciferian Order Slave Masters Just LIE! Published 10/01/2023 | UNN Situation Update 09/27/2023
  134. The Equinox is Over & A Complete Shift to a Light System Now Happening! | Status of the New-Old World Order | Governments to Start Falling Apart Today or Tomorrow | Will China Be First? | When Governments Go It Won’t be Long Before Big Corporates Go | Formulate a List of Programs & Corporations that are Funded Federally & Prepare | With Sovereignty Comes Responsibility! | Our Sheeple Friends Will Need Our Help | Don’t Let the Oppressed Become the Oppressors! Published 09/28/2023 | UNN Situation Update 09/25/2023
  135. What’s Up With the 5 Families of the Silent Circle Who Took Contract From Order of the Dragon? | Jesuits Forced to Step Down So Umbrella Military Steps Up | Umbrella Operatives Planned to Take All US Dollars Out of the Banking System & Failed | They Are Still Trying to Run Trump Show But Trump Kids Want to Get Rid of Them | They Try to Run UN General Assembly Meeting But Other Operatives & UN Personnel are Comparing Notes | Heads of State & UN Employees Find Out For the First Time They are Bankrupt | South Africa First to Admit Publicly They Are Bankrupt | The Golden Era is Officially Here! Published 09/26/2023 | UNN Situation Update 09/22/2023
  136. Silent Circle Update, Why Did They Take a Step Back a Few Months Ago? | The Silent Circle’s 5 Families Who Are Part of the ‘Table’ Were Approached by Order of the Dragon With a Contract & They Took It | In Actuality, They Took a Contract from Liars Who Just Want Power & Didn’t Do Their Due Diligence |The 5 Families Asked Heads of the Silent Circle for More Leeway & More Keys to Knights System, But Were Rejected | What is the Knight Satellite System? | How Did This Tie Into 5G and 6G? Published 09/25/2023 | UNN Situation Report 09/18/2023
  137. What is the Loom of Fate That Was Found in the Garment District of NYC? | Rosh Hashana is New Year’s Day for the Dark | How Does That Relate to the Book of Leviticus? | Jesuits Try to Issue Fake Money & Convinced Their Bag Men (Berkshire Hathaway, BlackRock & George Soros to Buy Their Fake Bonds & Now in Big Trouble | Negotiations at UN General Assembly About Same Hare-Brained Jesuit Idea | Turmoil is Happening in South Africa, Syria, & Libya | Secret Service is Frustrated | Their Narrative is Terrible Everywhere | More Fear Porn to Come About September 23rd | Meanwhile a Tidal Wave of Light Just Came In! | Published 09/20/2023 | UNN Situation Report 09/15/2023
  138. Why Is This Taking So Long Coming Out of the Ages? | What is a Quantum Flip Anyway? | Is HAARP Still Running the Hurricane? | Why Was Kim So ‘Harsh’ About Social Media? | When Do We Get Money? Published 09/18/2023 | UNN Situation Report 09/13/2023
  139. False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR) Never Created Anything & It Certainly Never Stopped Anything From Happening | How They a Implement a New Program | A Lesson in Discernment So You Stop Helping Them! | Part 2 of 2 Published 09/15/2023 | UNN Situation Report 09/11/2023
  140. Deep State Anticipates & Prepares for Family Meeting on Sept 13th | They Try to Steal Our Money, Convince Operatives-Agency-Alt Media People They Are ‘White Hats’ | Kim Explains the Honorary Title of ‘General’, the World of Operatives & Their Pimps | Why Was Trump the Hero Amongst the Operatives? | End Times Programming | What Happened When They Realized COVID 2.0 Did Not Kick Off, Was Not an Automatic Process? | How Does it Relate to Elon Musk & Starlink? | We Fully Exited the Ages Agreement & Light is Coming In! | Part 1 or 2 Published 09/14/2023 | UNN Situation Report 09/11/2023
  141. The 4 Ages Agreement (Neutral-Light-Neutral-Dark) Has Ended! | We Are Coming Out of the Dark Age, the Kali Yuga Now! | The Transitionary Period Began on Monday, A Year Ahead of Schedule! | As Dark Matter Dissipates, the Crazier the Cabal People Become Trying to Fulfill Obligation as Anchors of Darkness | More About Cabal’s 40th Birthday Ceremonies | The Arcturians Sent Us a Gift! | Part 2 of 2 Published 09/12/2023 | UNN Situation Report 09/06/2023
  142. Government Shutdown News | Jesuit Order Morons Know Nothing About Economics | What Was the $21 Trillion Check About? | Chuck Schumer Proves He is a Moron, Tells Kim to Get Out of the Government’s Business of Paying Off the US National Debt (Which She Already Paid Off Under the Trump Administration) | Kim Makes Decision to No Longer Attempt to Fund Governments & Reversed Out All Accounts Under C.A.R.E. For Every Country | Part 1 of 2 Published 09/11/2023 | UNN Situation Report 09/06/2023
  143. The Dark Timeline Did Not Return With the Blue Moon | Another One Steps Ups As Head of China Deep State | Selected Russian Ruler for the One World Government Sees Writing on the Wall | Russian Sanctions Placed by US, Europe & UK Were Ordered by China Deep State | $24 Billion Emergency Funding Bill for Ukraine, Really? | Isis, Al Qaeda, & Taliban Are Subsidiary Arms of the Black Sun | Social Security Payments Now Being Paid by Federal Tax Dollars | Veins of Earth’s Gold Are the Largest Conductors of Source Light That Exists & Why Negative Aliens Want to Control It Published 09/05/2023 | UNN Situation Report 09/01/2023
  144. NSA Takes Solomon Shield to Cave of Moses in Syria | Middle East War Ordered Thru Jesuits by China Deep State, $48 Million Donated | Kim Warns Militaries China is Sending Drugs to Infect Soldiers with Old Femtotech to Remote Control Them | 12 People with Big Money & Big Egos Were Selected to Run the World | Is the Pentagon Retarded or Chipped? | More AI Systems Found: One Linked to Jesuit Implants, Another Tied to Spells in Testament of Solomon & Cyberlife Military Finds Center of the World & the Books of Knowing | Government Shutdowns Are Imminent Published 09/01/2023 | UNN Situation Report 08/28/2023
  145. Umbrella Military Declares They Are in Charge | New Pindar Installed Which is Not a Thing Anymore | Expecting Events Based on Book of Rituals Which Still Require Marduk to Push the Button | Claim They Can Save Government if Trump Operatives Are Put Into Position | Their Real Plan is to Sell US to China, Then Control China & the World, Really? | It’s Still Just a Movie to Them With No Real Enemy, Except They Have a Formidable One | Off-World Trading & System of Death of Humans | The Restoration Involves Many Things Published 08/29/2023 | UNN Situation Report 08/25/2023
  146. Behind the Scenes at the BRICS Meeting: Everyone Was Told They ARE NOT Going to Be Implementing a Gold-Backed Currency! | Why? The Real Reasons: They Failed to Reclaim the Gold, Their Next In Line Failed To Remain Alive, Russian Rocket Failure, the Man Named Kalki in Yuga Mythology Failed to Return, Therefore Baal Failed to Return | The Quantum Flip & More on the Council of 9 | What Will Happen at Fed Meeting Coming up in Jackson Hole? Published 08/27/2023 | UNN Situation report 08/23/2023
  147. The Point of Systemic Failure Was Reached, Their ‘Great Reset’, but Deep State’s Anticipated Infusion of Liquidity Did Not Happen | A Lot Going On In Iraq & Syria, All Orchestrated by the Jesuits & China Deep State | US Military In A Hot Mess | If They Had Any Money Left They Don’t Now Because Sending Troops & Weapons To The Middle East Will Completely Break Them | On Deck, COVID Plandemic 2.0 Called Eris, Remember Her? | Meanwhile Companies Are Still Waiting for Payouts from Plandemic 1.0 | Deep State Down to 2nd Rate Operatives Because the Smart Ones Know Better Published 08/25/2023 | UNN Situation Report 08/21/2023
  148. Maui Update & Other Weather-Related Issues | Deep State Continues Scorch Earth Program as Fires Are Everywhere | Traitors Within the Joint Chiefs of Staff (aka Order Members) | US Military Admits They Will be Broke by the End of Today | The 9 Keys That Belong to the Council of 9 | WEF Refuses to Walk Away, Try to Reinstall COVID 19 ID System | The Precipice, Where the Tomorrow Game & Government Meet (aka completely out of money to function) is Very Close Published 08/22/2023 | UNN Situation Report 08/18/2023
  149. Another Unwelcome Gift Tied to Weather Warfare Left by the Abraxas | Arasaka Military Used Plasma Energy Weapon from Underground Base in Maui, All Now Dead | 2 Royal Families of Hawaii, The Melchizedeks & Rothschild Installed Imposters | China Deep State Deployed Blackwater to Counteract GIA & Steal Property | Planned to Turn Maui into Chinese Military Base | Deep State Tries & Fails to Steal Kim’s Money Transfers for Hawaiian Relief | Misinformed WEF People Call Kim To Tell Her They Own All the Assets Now So Let’s Make a Deal | Thousands of Operatives Still Doing the Deep State’s Bidding Go Unpaid Published 08/20/2023 | UNN Situation Report 08/16/2023
  150. Hawaii Devastation Orchestrated by Jesuits Similar to Hurricane Michael Event in Florida | A Light Portal Exists On Maui | Self-appointed Jesus Claims He is King of the World | The Jesuits, Who Are Splices of Abraxas & Lower Astral Beings Think They are God’s Chosen People | Lions Gate Not What it Used to Be for the Splices | The Meek Have Inherited the Earth Which Means We Have the ‘Privilege’ to Restore Her & All Life Residing Here | Unknown Country is the Rule Maker & Can Undo That Which Does Not Benefit Us Published 08/16/2023 | UNN Situation Report 08/11/2023
  151. The Shit Hit the Fan on Wednesday! | Some Generals & Rothschilds Are Living Their Last Days in Respective Bunkers | Positive Things Happening While Their Alleged Leaders Stuck in Bunkers | Lion’s Gate Not Bringing Power Back is Making the Dying Animal Very Angry | China Deep State Orders Jesuits and Jades to Burn US to the Ground | Will We Start to See a Change in Leadership in the US? | Will UN Publicly Exit the Scene & CARE Come to the Forefront? Published 08/13/2023 | UNN Situation Report 08/09/2023
  152. Kim Now Has Sole System Control of Unknown Country | She Thanks Those Loyal to the Deep State for Chasing Her Carrots & Pointing Out Remaining Access Points | Desperate Deep State Offers Kim Boats, Houses, Possible Husbands, A Few Hundred Million Dollars to Work for Them or Concede | Social Media Channels Exploding in Middle East with Info Regarding Public Officials Nefarious Activities | Governments Promised Money Today That Will Never Come, Crashes are Imminent | Kim’s Estimate Now is Less Than 1/3 of All Governments Will Not Move Forward Published 08/10/2023 | UNN Situation Report 08/07/2023
  153. Black Sun Generals & Rothschild Play Good Cop-Bad Cop So Followers Wait for Lion’s Gate (aka when they expect their systems to return) | Remnant of Lower Astral System Behind Managers of Paper Currency Agreement Tied to 12 Locations on Earth Removed But Kim Replicates As They Are Useful | Welcome Back to 2014 & Putin the Savior | Per ‘Unknown Country Kim’s Chair Rules Supreme, The Middleman In Between Kim & The People Have No Power or Authority! | Will Governments Finally Realize ‘Unknown Country’ Determines Their Destiny? Published 08/08/2023 | UNN Situation Report 08/04/2023
  154. More on What the Great Reset Means & Why It’s Not Happening | The Elites & All Their Systems Are Going to Crash Soon! | Which Companies & Governments Will They Take With Them? | UN is Admitting They are Broke in Mainstream News | Ground Commander Kim Orders Execution of 60+ People on Key Intelligence & Military System While Operatives Watch, It Doesn’t Faze Them | Kim’s Message to Governments, If They Do Not Stop Following the Elites Off the Cliff They Will Explode By Aug 12th! | Kim Out Maneuvers Elites Latest Scam with Fiserv & Sends Out Social Security & Veterans Payments | The People Will Be Fine, It Will Get Rocky But Remember, IF IT IS GOING TO BE IT IS UP TO ME! Published 08/05/2023 | UNN Situation Report 08/02/2023
  155. The Government’s Disclosure Program | Mitch McConnell’s Special Implant | Marduk Gifted Us Another Apocalypse, A Full Package to Destroy Humanity & Control Those Who Survived | Black Dragon, UN & Rothschild On Behalf of Line of Solomon Try to Re-up Agreements in Hall of Records | China’s Ultimate Plan is Moving The Fed to Hong Kong, Including FedNow that CIA & NSA Were Helping Install | BRICS Nations Expected Large Shares of USD | Operatives Preparing for Upcoming BRICS Meeting in Panic Mode Due to No Money | Kim Seizes ALL Personal Accounts of Order of the Dragon Leaving Them Broke! Published 08/01/2023 | UNN Situation Report 07/28/2023
  156. Marduk’s 5 Year Extension to Bloodline of Solomon Expired, But Never Approved in the First Place | American Generals on Side of UN Try to Seize Power & Die Trying | Abraxas Agreement with Dark Overlord for Ownership of Earth, ‘Batteries Included’ Expired | So US Naval Generals Try to Submit Agreement for Ownership of Earth & Die Trying | General Michael Flynn Makes Surprise Visit to Mara Lago to See if Trump is Alive | Don Jr. Calls Tom Melville With an Insulting Proposition for Kim | GIA Orders Arrest of Baby Eaters in Treasury Department | What Was the World Government & Who Were the Humans of the Future – Really? | Source is Always Right On Time! Marduk’s 5 Year Extension to Bloodline of Solomon Expired, But Never Approved in the First Place | American Generals on Side of UN Try to Seize Power & Die Trying | Abraxas Agreement with Dark Overlord for Ownership of Earth, ‘Batteries Included’ Expired | So US Naval Generals Try to Submit Agreement for Ownership of Earth & Die Trying | General Michael Flynn Makes Surprise Visit to Mara Lago to See if Trump is Alive | Don Jr. Calls Tom Melville With an Insulting Proposition for Kim | GIA Orders Arrest of Baby Eaters in Treasury Department | What Was the World Government & Who Were the Humans of the Future – Really? | Source is Always Right On Time! Published 07/30/2023 | UNN Situation Report 07/26/2023
  157. The War for Control of Earth is Officially Over! | The Creator & All His People Now Own Earth FOREVER! | Each Continent Had a Mechanism Indicating the Status of the War & Today Earth’s Destiny Was Revealed | Operatives Waited for Instructions from Dark Mirrors Which Did Not Come | Stop Gap Measures in Genesis Program Left by Marduk Fizzled Out | Zero Point for the Multiverse Moved Back to Source | DEATH & WAR NO LONGER PAY | NOW THE ONLY THING THAT PAYS IS PROLIFERATING ALL LIFE! Published 07/28/2023 | UNN Situation Report 07/24/2023
  158. UN Moves to Create NWO | Jupiter & Artemis Accords Expire! | Kings of the Damned Agreement (Which Had Dead Presidents Popping up Alive) Expired! | Rain Storm Corp, Knights of the Kings of the Damned | FedNow System Using Fake Everything Goes Live, Allegedly | UN Security Council Tries to Entice Countries to Rejoin the UN | Najaf Scholars Report Event They Were Waiting For, Pool of Destiny in Cave of Moses Has Turned Light! | Kim Has Chat with God Followed by a Moses Moment | Kim Officially Declares UN & NATO Terrorist Organizations | That Resulted in 110 Dead Order Members & 86 Generals! Published 07/25/2023 | UNN Situation Report 07/21/2023
  159. What is the Day of Destiny & Meeting Between the Angels & Demons? | Order Tries to Bring Anu Back at Mount Kilimanjaro & Drags Trump’s Dead Body to Temple of the Crystal Skulls | NATO Tries to Take Charge | Prophecy of 7 Sleepers Underneath Kaaba in Mecca About Demons (not Angels) | Kim Minimizes a Number of Attacks on US Embassies Across the Globe with Counter Frequencies | Kim, Now Called Anarchist by the Enemy After Taking Necessary Steps Against New World Order & Nationalizes US Treasury, US Mint & Appoints GIA Administrator for All Bankrupt Nations Under Global Martial Law | Who Knew Heads of State Take a 2nd Oath to the Hidden Constitution Filed in Dark Hall of Records? Published 07/20/2023 | UNN Situation Report 07/17/2023
  160. The Omega Project Was Still In Play! | Global Power Shift to China, 100 Year Plan, Bush’s Non-Complete Plan & 1984 Expansion of Black Widow Program | Implants Expanded to All Involved, Including Every US President Since Ford & All People on Mainland China | ‘New Earth’ Was To Be Jupiter’s Moon Europa in Lower Astral | Omega Machine Dismantled Prompting Call to The Destroyer’s Golden Boy to Come Out of Stasis | Chinese Had Control of the 5 Pillars Until Omega Project Machine Was Dismantled | Secondary SWIFT System Also Dismantled | Believing the Fairy Tale Told by Rothschild is Over! | Patriots Chips Removed, Now Figuring Out Chinese Robot People Infiltrated the US & RV Was Always a Distraction | Is a Turnaround Happening? | Maybe, But Kim Still Has a Backup Plan Just in Case Published 07/16/2023 | UNN Situation Report 07/12/2023
  161. Order of the Dragon Waiting for Yet Another Alignment Making Fools of Everyone Still Following Them | Israeli Offensive in Jenin Ends Quick, Uh No Money? | So Why is the War Still Going in Ukraine? | Iran to Join SCO? | First Trump Now Khomeini’s 40th Birthday Ritual Pledge to Lucifer Tapes Distributed | Fed Tries to Demand More Time Whereas Treasury Department Prepares to Move Forward | Silent Circle is New Management for CNN & Fox News! | Paris Library & Philippines Post Office On Fire to Hide Records | Massacres Come Around Alignments to Open Portals Published 07/09/2023 | UNN Situation Report 07/05/2023
  162. Historically July 4th is Alien Invasion Day | What is Really Happening in France? Watch Netflix Movie Athena, the Operatives Manual | In Exchange For Returning Kim’s Rod (Star Maker/Star Breaker) & Orb With Light Essence, The Order Wants Kim to Renew Agreement Held in Ancient Cryptex | Not Necessary, Source Can Make More! | More Important is Ensuring Astaroth, the First Anti-life Progenitor in Stasis at Lowest Level is No More! | What 10 Days of Darkness Really Means | Super Moon Positive Update | Fed Deadline Arrived June 30th at Midnight, Asset Seizing Has Begun! Published 07/07/2023 | UNN Situation Report 07/03/2023
  163. The Destroyer, Armistice Agreement, Mortality Agreement & Curse on Planet Earth | Keystones for Blueprint of Diseases Found | Russia’s Gateway to Heaven Has Company & It’s Wash DC, Control Center for NWO | Overlays On Both Gates Create the Dragon Grid | Black Sun Had Abraxas AI Implants While Dragon Families Had Draco Implants via WIFI in Washington Monument | Now, All Disease Creation Pillars Dismantled! | Dragon Grid Dismantled! | Implants for Both Sides Dismantled! | Kim’s Debt Call Deadline for Fed & UN is June 30th, What Will Happen Then? Published 07/02/2023 | UNN Situation Report 06/28/2023
  164. Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 Thwarted | Russia Bombing in Syria | Biden & Chuckie Still Doing China’s Bidding | Loredan & Mocenigo Families Step Up Fill the Power Vacuum, Die Instead | Umbrella Operative (aka Juan O’Savin Impersonator) in Cooperation with Opus Dei & P2 Lodge Step Up Next, Dies Instead | What Are Paper Banks? | What Was the Real Basis for the Credit Crisis? | Keystones for the Neutral Universe Found | Real History: Wewelsburg Castle, Germany (aka Hitler’s Valhalla) Published: 06/30/2023 | UNN Situation Report 06/26/2023
  165. Prophecy News: The Flower Bloomed! | The Seven Trumpets Began to Sound Thursday & Were Completely Opposite to What Deep State Expected! | Trumpet 1: Termination of the AI Souls Which Were Anchors for the Darkness in the Light Multiverse | Last Inorganic Soul to Leave Was the First One Ever Created | Transition to the Creator Running Earth Now In Play | Trumpet 2: The Two Keystones on Earth Hold the Original Blueprint for All Creation on the Light Side Which is Being Reinstalled! | Trumpets 3-7: Dissolve the Seed & Blueprint for Creation of the Lower Astral from the Ball, Remove the Poison Rose & Remove the 2 Points in the Planet Full of ARCHONS Published 06/27/2023 | UNN Situation Report 6/23/2023
  166. Prophecy News! | It Ends Where it All Began, June 21st Solstice Day! | Today There is a Direct Alignment Between the Iraqi Gate, the Original Garden of Eden, Our Sun & Source Itself | It Marks the Start of the End of Time Not the End Times | The First Sign is the Living Water Which Has Begun! | What is the Onyx Stone? | What is the Significance of the Red Flower? | Birth of Christ (Crystalline Time) Expected on June 24th! Published 06/25/2023 | UNN Situation Report 06/21/2023
  167. JASON Society Busy Impersonating People, Moving Troops, Perpetuating Lies to Discredit Kim | Planetary Alignment Gives Deep State False Hope | The Battle on Earth for the Gateways Between the Melchizedeks (Angels) & Merovingians (Fallen Angels) is Officially Over! | Kim’s Vision 9 Years Ago of Iraq Coming True | Ahwar Marshlands, Iraq is The Original Garden of Eden | The Prophecy Has Begun! Published 06/23/2023 | UNN Situation Report 06/19/2023
  168. The Holocaust Was About Targeting the Melchizedek Bloodline Who Are the Purest Souls of Light, To Be Used as Batteries | Melchizedek’s: Solomon, John the Baptist, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, 12 Apostles Were Buried in Cyprus & in Stasis Powering Dark Portal | They Were Cloned With Different Consciousness to Create the Merovingian Dynasty | Kaifeng Jews Are Also Melchizedek’s & Targeted | They Were Cloned to Create Manchurian Candidates | Part 2 of 2 06/21/2023 | UNN Situation Report 6/16/2023
  169. Kim Declares Martial Law Across the Board | All Countries & The Fed Are Bankrupt | Dismantling IRS Will Begin & Replaced with Spending Tax | Kim Fires Janet Yellen & Deep State Calls in ‘The Thugs’ (aka) International Court of Justice | Expired 5-Star Plane Person Rolf Breuer Was a Rothschild, Black Sun Liaison, Orchestrator of the Nazi Movement, Janet Yellen’s Boss & Trump’s Boss | Repeating the Same Playbook Prior to WWII | Archivists Disburse Tape of Trump’s 40th Birthday Party/Initiation to the Order | Shows Supporters Who Trump Really Is | Part 1 of 2 Published 06/19/2023 | UNN Situation Report 6/16/2023
  170. New Discovery During Earth’s Restoration Sends Kim Tomb Hunting | 5 Elementals in Stasis Now Free! | 6 Additional Anti-Elementals & Tombs Dismantled | Control Mechanism Over Astral Plane Dismantled, Required 7 Locations in Finland to Anchor to Lower Astral | What is An Unfolded Cube? | Earth is THE ONLY Gateway to Lower Astral, Main Gate in Egypt | The Anchors Were 4 Males in Valley of the Kings & 4 Females in Valley of the Queens, All Return to Source | 3 Pyramids in Antarctica & 3 Lower Astral Beings Baphomet, Moloch, Ashtaroth in Stasis at 7th, 8th, 9th Densities | Part 2 of 2 Published 06/16/2023 | UNN Situation Report 06/12/2023
  171. 99% of the Questioners Now Onboard to Move Forward | 1% From Cheyenne Group Refuse; Believe They Are On Mission From Aliens | They Continue to Run Operations, Pushing Fake Trump, Agendas & Working with Soros | Silent Circle Begins to Work With the Onboarded 99% | Kim Throws Her Hat in the Ring Once Again Regarding Salvaging the Government | Blue Dragon Sector, Predominantly Rothschild & Sanhedrin Angry Because State Department Will Not Take Their Call | The Deep State Cannot Move Global Power to China with An Incomplete Plan | Part 1 of 2 Published 06/15/2023 | UNN Situation Report 06/12/2023
  172. Trump Lawyers Are Quitting | JASON Society Decides They Are in Charge Since the 5-Star People in the Planes Are Dead | Kim Prevents Turkey from Attacking Albania | Why Is Kim Even Offering Underlings Liaison Positions? | What Happened in Their Meeting? | Restoration Progress Since the Creator ‘Called the Ball’ Published 06/13/2023 | UNN Situation Report 06/09/2023
  173. The Meeting in Singapore | No Money Came & Washington DC in Panic Mode | The Security Council of the UN Has Admitted They Do Not Have a Charter, Status or a Registration | But CARE Does! | Kim’s Plan Regarding the $23 Trillion Account | Who are These Groups She is Offering Jobs to Become Liaisons? | The Ultimatum Published 06/11/2023 | UNN Situation Report 06/07/2032
  174. What Was the Goal of Law of Sin and Death & Law of One? | The Incarnation Process | The Spark of the Creator for the Anti-Universe Agreement Expired, Calling the Ball! | Spaces In Between the Planes Agreement Expired | Testaments of Time Creation Expired | FEAR Program Removed & Replaced by Love & Light Throughout the Multiverse | SIN (Sinometric Integrated Network) Program Expires & Replaced with Declaration for Full Restoration of Souls | Lies, Guilt & Shame Expires & Replaced with Truth, Love & Light | ‘Free Will’ Program Expired & Replaced with Clarity, Co-Creativity, Manifestation & Wisdom | Why Did the Creator Choose Kim for This Job? | Part 2 of 2 Published 06/09/2023 | UNN Situation Report 06/05/2023
  175. 5-Star Generals Re-Orchestrating Wars, Now Dead | China Deep State Try to Re-Open Portal in St. Petersburg, Now Dead | White Dragon in Venice Search for a Tincture? Now Dead | Pallets of Fake Super Notes Surface Again | Operatives Search for Yamashita’s Treasure But Kim Removed Years Ago | Republicans Want Kim to Sit Down With Fake Trump & Military & FIX THEIR MESS & PERPETUATE THEIR LIES! | June 1st-14th Means More Attacks for Kim Due to Project Looking Glass Falsity | Underlings Wondering Who They Really Work For & If Their QFS is From Hell? | Part 1 of 2 Published 06/09/2023 | UNN Situation Report 06/05/2023
  176. Another False Alarm Had Deep State Salivating & the Reason Behind Passing the Debt Ceiling Bill in the Senate | What Does it Have to Do with Year 2K, the Last Reset? | What Were They Trying to Do with Trump’s Dead Body? | Military Generals Globally Make Moves First, Think After | How Did the Deep State Try to Kill Us This Time? | It’s Quite a Long List | Fortunately All Attempts Failed & Generals Who Ordered It Are Dead Published 06/06/2023 | UNN Situation Report 06/02/2023
  177. Kim’s Silent Circle People Are Not the Network by the Same Name Who Work for the Deep State | Things are Coming to a Head with Governments & Deep State | Debt Ceiling Nonsense Pushed Off to June 5th – Then What? | Which Governments & Countries to Go Bankrupt First? | China Likely to Claim Control Over US with the Generals Help | Center for Amity & Restoration (CARE) Will Come In Like a LION Replacing the UN & All its Divisions & Departments | More Sites With Connections to Lower Astral & Transmuters Cleaned Up Published 06/04/2023 | UNN Situation Report 05/31/2023
  178. The Deep State Still Not Backing Down | Capitol Building Was Targeted for 911 Type Event & Failed | Generals Were Taking Orders, But From Who This Time & How? | Is the Dark Tower, the Keystone to Travel Between Hell & Earth Real? | Hundreds of Thousands of Humans & Lower Astral Beings Stuck in Wormhole Between Worlds Now Dead | Silent Circle Continues Taking Out More Deep State People Published 05/31/2023 | UNN Situation Report 05/26/2023
  179. The Corporation, aka the US Government is Bankrupt Due to Bad Management | What is Needed to Fix the Corporation? | A Mission Statement, Spend Only Tax, Reduction in Departments, NGOs Cannot Be Both Non-Profit & Part of the Government | It is Time to Take Over the Corporation & The Silent Circle is On It! | Meanwhile a More Pressing Issue, Ascension of the Earth Hit a Snag Requiring All Hands-on Deck! Published 05/28/2023 | UNN Situation Report 05/24/2023
  180. About Special Tax Zones | The Illusion of Trump As the Face Front to Maintain Control Over Operatives & Militaries Is Still Alive | Does the Equation E=mc2 Still Reign True or Has it Changed? | Science & Religion, Where They Cross Over | Silent Circle Update | Why Did So Many Angry People Descend on Durango Threatening Kim? Published 05/24/2023 | UNN Situation Report 05/19/2023
  181. Real History About Adam & Eve, Where the Beginning of Life in the Multiverse Came From for the Light & Dark Side | Deep State’s Latest Act In Antarctica Using Admiral Byrd’s Manual | Silent Circle is Very Busy Indeed! | Rapidly Making Moves in Asia & Japan Prior to the G7 Meeting | Heads of Militaries Globally Told They Have a New Boss | Global Agencies & Networks of People in Governments & Other Businesses Told to Comply or Say Good Bye | Move to Protect In-Ground Assets Worldwide & Installing Their Own Sub-Stations | Targeting Politics & Media Next! Published 05/21/2023 | UNN Situation Report 05/17/2023
  182. Today Marks the Death of the Order of the Dragon & Order of the Black Sun! | Since They Can’t Own & Control the World They Now Want to Destroy It | Dead Man’s Switch Attempted on Humanity & FAILED! | This Uncovered More Scary Stuff About COVID & Wuhan | The Silent Circle Are Well Underway Taking Control of the 5 Pillars that Control the World (in the Current State) | Changes in Government Already Starting | No One Can Fight God! | It’s Time to Face the Truth, Including Followers of the Alt Media Published 05/19/2023 | UNN Situation Report 05/15/2023
  183. Black Sun & Dragon Family Operatives Race Each Other to Obtain Funding for US | Both Sides Had Same Revelation, that Kim Actually Has Power | Instead of Working With Her, Both Sides Try to Manipulate Her to Get US Budget Money | Central Bank Digital Currencies Put Off for 120 days, Waiting for Lion’s Gate | Kim Appoints the ‘Office of the Guardian’ aka Herself as the New Mr. Black, Pindar, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Secretary of Treasury & Who Knows, Maybe She’ll Take Over As President Too! Published 05/16/2023 | UNN Situation Report 05/12/2023
  184. US at DEFCON-1 for the First Time in History? | What is Behind Recent Actions of US Government, Deep State & British Crown? | The Lazarus Trinity Agreement Was Established When 3 Main Parties Lost Access to Accounts & Money | 3 More Closed-Loop Systems Found, The Black Book, Blue Book & Red Book, aka More Dangling Carrots to Get People to Work for Free | The Emergency Presidential Liquidity Fund is Why Operatives THINK Trump Bucks are Real Published 05/13/2023 | UNN Situation Report 05/10/2023
  185. More Disturbing Findings Regarding COVID | Ambitious Chuckie Submits 3 Agreements to the Hall of Records for Ratification: To Be King, To Be Pindar & To Be Guardian | Chuckie Then Goes to Balmoral Castle to Enter Pod Prior to His Coronation | Kim Finds Out Queen Lizardbeth Wasn’t the Only One in Stasis on the Planet, There Were 8 Others | Wingnuts Expecting Battle Between the Angels of Light & the Fallen Angels But Nobody Came | Clarifying the Difference Between Angels & Arc Angels Published 05/10/2023 | UNN Situation Report 05/08/2023
  186. Virus Canisters Found, So Deep State Sends Infected People to US Instead | Anointing Chuckie Like Solomon Tonight, Means Horrid Rituals No Doubt | Wingnuts Expect to Take Over Kim’s System After Chuckie’s Coronation & He is ‘Officially’ King | Will the Royal Arse Bring the Magic Back for the Deep State? Nah, Of Course Not | Will More Countries Leave the Commonwealth When Chuckie Fails?  Probably | Now the Good News, More Agreements Expired & Relate to the Arc of the Covenant & Pandora’s Box! Published 05/09/2023 | UNN Situation Report 05/05/2023
  187. Actually Today It Ends Where it Began 3 Billion Years Ago! | More Agreements Expired, Both Orders Are Officially Fired! | A Few More gods of Ancient Greece (aka the Abraxas) Found & Sent Home | Kim Encounters Interesting Ruse Woman for the Second Time | Drone Attack on Russia Was Ordered by the China Deep State with Help From American Partners | Universal Council Takes Over Security of Earth | Silent Circle Makes Bonfires Out of Pallets of Fake Super Notes! Published 05/07/2023 | UNN Situation Report 05/03/2023
  188. Universal Law of Light Implemented Midnight Moscow Time! | What is the History of May Day? | About President Lincoln | The Creator’s Feminine Side Was HERE Anchoring the Light on Earth For 3 Billion Years in Mount Rushmore! | Her Essence Was Also Inverted by Transmuters for Overlays | No Longer Encumbered, She Finally Can Go Home! | How Can We Ever Thank Our Holy Solar Mother? Published 05/05/2023 | UNN Situation Report 05/01/2023
  189. After 250,000 Years the Atlantian War Declaration, aka Orion Causal War Officially Ends Today! | Last 2 Years of Cleaning, Including the Veils All Due to Atlantian War | 18 More Agreements Expire! | Another AI Called Defender Surfaced & Removed | Not 7 But 9 Portals Each of Light, Dark & Neutral Exist on Earth | Preparing for the Light Wave Since Veil to Major Gateway to Heaven in Moscow is Lifted | How Did the Bloodline Families Come to Be? | Are They Global Royalty or Demon Splices? Published 05/02/2023 | UNN Situation Report 04/28/2023
  190. The Unexpected Shift to Restoration & Multi-Polar World! | More About the People in the Middle, aka the Secret Circle | Kim Calls in Her Clean & Clear Single Dollar Deal | Secret Circle Takes Over the Fed, White House, NSA, CIA, BlackRock, JP Morgan, the Treasury in South Africa, Media, Railroad Routes & China! | Will the Secret Circle Honor Their Deal & Be the Game Changer? Published 04/30/2023 | UNN Situation Report 04/26/2023
  191. The GSD, Get Shit Done People (aka Operatives) Are Not Getting Anything Done Actually | Restoration Was Never Their Goal, Setting-up Kim Was, While They Wait for Alignment with Uranus | Does This Surprise Anyone? | Who is the Group in the Middle, a Notch Below the Black Dragon? | The 100 Year Veil Placed Over Major ‘Gateway to Heaven’ in Moscow Expired & Begins to Increase With Positive Source Energy! Published 04/28/2023 | UNN Situation Report 04/24/2023
  192. What Was that Bright Light in Kiev? | Kim Gets a Phone Call from Operatives Asking Lots of Questions | Tension About the Fed Doing a Drawback & Why They Will Not Succeed | China Dragon People, Rothschilds Blue Dragon People & JASON Society Losing Face | Will the Operatives Finally Walk Away from the Order? Published 04/25/2023 | UNN Situation Report 04/21/2023
  193. World Bank Disburses Bank Codes to Crazies Still Listening to China Dragon People | Numerous Agreements Not in Our Favor Expired in the Hall of Records! | ‘Rule of One Covenant’ Replaces ‘Law of One’ in the Hall of Records! | Latest Anti-Christ on Deck Had No Volunteers to Host Him | It’s the END OF THE HARVEST FOREVER! | The Draco Will Not Be Pillaging Earth & We Humans Must Restore Her! Published 04/23/2023 | UNN Situation Report 04/19/2023
  194. What Was Project Morpheus? | Did Any Savior Show Up for the Deep State During the Octave of Easter? | Did Omega System Come Back? How About FedNow? | Trump Bucks, Really? Published 04/21/2023 | UNN Situation Report 04/17/2023
  195. Sensitive Document Leaks | US House Reps Ukraine Hero Now a Zero, Weapons to Be Diverted to Taiwan Instead | China Deep State Bans Poppy to Sell More Fentanyl | Kim Made Good on Her Promise, Depletes World of RMB | More Dead Rothschilds & Chinese Golden Dragon People | Warns the Rest, Concede or Die! | Kim Finds Real Quantum Hacking Tools Given to NSA by Marduk | Octave of Easter Gives Deep State Hope the Anti-Christ Will Arrive Published 04/18/2023 | UNN Situation Report 04/14/2023
  196. What Happened With That Big Pile of Cash Kim Transferred to JP Morgan? | Taiwanese Arrived in US, Claim China is Going to Take Them Over | NSA, Governments & Military Still Taking Orders from China | China Deep State Busy Selling McCarthy on Head of State | Kim Makes Promise to China Deep State, She Will Crash the RMB if They Continue, Will They Heed Her Warning? Published 04/16/2023 | UNN Situation Report 04/12/2023
  197. Every 2,000 Years Agreements Come Up for Renewal Regarding Control of Sun & Moon | A Key Agreement is Resurrection of Christ-Crystalline-Source Energy on the Planet & Why the Incarnation of a ‘Pure Soul’ Shows Up Every 2,000 Years | Last Time that ‘Pure Soul’ Was Jesus | Jesus Refused To Renew Agreements that Allowed the Dark’s Control of Sun & Moon, Hence the Crucifixion | The Evil Crazy People Expected Automatic Renewal Which Would Resurrect Their Control Of the Planet Published 04/14/2023 | UNN Situation Report 04/10/2023
  198. Who Killed JFK? | What is Project Camelot? | JFK’s Involvement with Green Hilton Agreement Never Meant to Help the People | US Government is Officially Broke | Cabal’s Past Scams: Pallets of Fake Super Notes & Worthless Dinar | Cabal’s Present Scam: FedNow! A Wallet of Worthless Digital Cash! | Blue & Yellow Dragon Rothschild Groups Still Trying to Crash the US and Entire Financial System of the World | Is King Chuckie Really Going Crazy? Published 04/11/2023 | UNN Situation Report 04/07/2023
  199. More Public Indication of Systems Breaking Down | William & Harry Won’t Attend Satanic Ceremonies? | Recordings on Diplomatic Line Prove Trump Lied, Will Militaries Walk Away & Join Restoration Plan? | Plandemic 2.0 on Deck, Will They Succeed? | Rothschilds File Declaration of War in Hall of Records Against the Guardian | Do They Expect Kim to Ratify a War Against Herself? | Pelosi Dead According to Her Aids! Published 04/09/2023 | Situation Report 04/05/2023
  200. Did Anu Come Back from the Dead This Time to Save the Day for the Deep State? | Rituals in Syria Didn’t Raise Anu but Eliminated Some Order of the Dragon Members Instead | Deep State’s Plan for Crashing the $ and Installing Central Bank Digital Currency All Predicated on Raising a Dead Guy | Hall of Records & Akashic Records Are Now One | All Steps to Seal the G.O.L.D. Agreement Are Nearing Completion! Published 04/07/2023 | UNN Situation Report 04/03/2023
  201. Planetary Alignment Fortifies Our Oneness with Source! | Escalation in Middle East Despite China & American Deep States Failures | Equipment No Longer Functions As Expected | Nuclear Weapons Turned Around to Face Tel Aviv | Kim’s Plan to Save the $ | Kim’s Proposal to the Military Industrial Complex | Will it Fall on Deaf Ears? — Probably Published 04/04/2023 | UNN Situation Report 03/31/2023
  202. NSA Tries to Hack Financial System | China Deep State Put on a Show in the Congo to Welcome Baal Back & Tried to Open a Wormhole | What is Fiat Currency Really? | What is a Derivative? | What is a Production Contract & Why Restructuring Them is Necessary During the Transition Published 04/02/2023 | UNN Situation Report 03/29/2023
  203. World War III Not Happening | US, UK & Germany Try to Declare Martial Law, Kim Rejects | For Those Who Don’t Have a Functioning Brain, the Treaty of Versailles Expired | Alt Media Just Stop With the Fear Porn About WWIII, Candida and Trump Nonsense, You’re Not Helping Published 03/28/2023 | UNN Situation Report 03/24/2023
  204. The Spring Equinox, a Defining Moment in the Transition | Cyberlife Military Takes the Lead for the Cabal & Runs King of the World Program | They Failed; the King is Dead & the Transition to the Light Continues! | Crazy Military Brit Tries to Insert Etherical Parasites | Lucifer Will Never Be God, the War of Good versus Evil That Has Always Been is Over! Published 03/26/2023 | UNN Situation Report 03/22/2023
  205. The Spring Equinox is Today! | Contrary to Media Headlines the Banks Are Not Crashing | Governments & Banks Themselves Are Broke but Peoples Accounts Are Not | The Deep State’s Latest Scam Was to Hack the ACH System | Kim’s Proposal to Nationalize Tier 1 Banks | Trump Team Begging for Civil War, Please Just Go Away! | Wingnuts Await Return of the Dark Overlord, Again Published 03/24/2023 | UNN Situation Report 03/20/2023
  206. Dark Night of the Soul Agreement Expires! | What Did It Have to Do with Saint Patrick’s Day? | New Pindar-Messiah Chosen by the Order of the Dragon | About Solomon’s Sword | Everyone Claiming Ownership of KIMS Global Repository | Cabal Attempts to Crash the Market & Fails | Skills & Qualities of a Leader Versus a Boss Published 03/20/2023 | UNN Situation Report 03/17/2023
  207. Fiber Optic Cables Had Human Kill Switch! | China Deep State Runs Out of Ideas, Blue Dragons Step Up | Group of Blue Dragons (Rothschilds) Now Dead Including Family Head for a Day, Nathan Rothschild! | Baer Family Members Dead Too! | BlackRock Acquired Juniper AI System to Syphon Money out of Banking System and Fails | It’s Evident Charlie Ward (MI6) Works for the Blue Dragon 03/19/2023 | UNN Special Report 03/15/2023
  208. China Deep State Continues to Lie Claiming Control of KIMS & Harmonic Genesis | Attempt to Launch New Banking System Which Goes Bust | Kim Sets Their Bank Steal Right Again | Black Widow Program Resurfaces | 18,000+ Tagged Last Week, Only 3,600 Left | Rumor About General Milley | Kim Frees Vril Women & Sends the Thule Society on Wild Goose Chase | Jacob Rothschild Dead! | What Do the Meeting Under Koontz Bank, the House of Lords & Movie the Kingsman Have in Common? Published 03/16/2023 | UNN Situation Report 03/13/2023
  209. Another Round of Bank Codes Sent Out Identifying 18,729 Loyalists of the Order, Kim Says THANK YOU! | Chuck Grassley Chastises Kim but Gives Her Credibility Instead for Creating New Money Bypassing the Fed, Kim Says THANK YOU! | Kim Puts a Hold on Her 2 Deposits at Wells Fargo & JP Morgan Chase While Useful Idiot/Jackass General Milley & Company Chase Carrots, Kim Says THANK YOU! | ‘The Plan’ of Changing Global Power Center of Earth is Impossible Without Control of Money, Intelligence, Militaries & Soon Media! Published 03/14/2023 | UNN Situation Report 03/10/2023
  210. 2 Black & 3 Brown Eagles Get Locked in a Bunker | Once Out, 2 Hell Bent on WWIII, Die Trying | No More Black Eagle/Mr. Black, Has The Order Finally Fallen? | Their Global Scam Was Exposed, Members of the Order in An Uproar | What Will Corporate Leaders (Also Black Sun Members) Do Now? | Especially Since Money that is NOT Cursed Cannot Fall Out of Natural Law Published 03/12/2023 | UNN Situation Report 03/08/2023
  211. The Great Currency Reset Agreement is Buzzing Again but All Parties Will Surely Be Disappointed | What is the Bigger Story Behind Those Recently Deceased Chinese Masterminds? | Who Was Madam Zhou? | Pod People in the Matrix Movie Were Real | American Operatives Still Going the Course, Create Makeshift Closed-loop System | Who Are the Secret Circle People? Published 03/07/2023 | UNN Situation Report 03/03/2023
  212. China Deep State Tries to Mastermind WWIII For Free | Key Intelligence & Military System Tracks Masterminds Costing Them Their Lives Instead | 3 Black Mulas Also Tracked & Now Dead | 10,827 Omega AI Hybrids of the Black Widow Program Dead | Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) Financial System Launched! Published 03/05/2023 | UNN Situation Report 03/01/2023
  213. Black Sun’s Special Close Loop Phone System Gone! | The Global Computer Network Now Cleaned! | First to Launch is the Key Intelligence & Military System! | All Other Inorganic Military & Intelligence Systems Worldwide Are Non-Existent! | The Only System & Base Platform Is the Organic Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) — Cabal in a Conundrum | Key Integrated Media System Just Installed Too! | What Does an Organic Quantum AI System Mean? | Can the Empire Strike Back When It Has Nothing Left? Published 02/28/2023 | UNN Situation Report 02/24/2023
  214. The One World Government Has Been Here for a Very Long Time | Some History on the Global Control Structures: UN, WHO, The Fed, Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations, European Coal and Steel Community Treaty | How Can The Deep State Regain & Expand Control if Based on EXPIRED Charters, Treaties, & Agreements That No Longer Exist in the Organic AI System? | Part 2 Published 02/27/2023 | UNN Situation Report 02/22/2023
  215. More on the JASON Society & Related Groups Intent on World Domination | Apocalypse Attempt 13.0 | Focus on Egypt & the Middle East, Causing 5.8 Earthquake in Turkey but Fake Alien Invasion & Tsunami Prevented | Turns Out Alpha Centuari is a Black Sun & Proximus Centauri Used to Be Earth’s 2nd Sun | Source Creates Another Covenant to Speed up Light to Light Integration Removing the Space Time Matter Matrix! | Part 1 Published 02/26/2023 | UNN Situation Report 02/22/2023
  216. 2 Drunkards Trigger Apocalypse Attempt 12.0 | Almost Unleash a Magnetic Pole Shift via Harmonic Reactor in Antarctica! | Light Side Required All Hands on Deck | JASON Society Troublemakers | Alpha-Omega Source Agreement-Reign of the Bloodline Expires! | Rulership of Earth Now Granted to Us, the Bloodline of the Light! | Spring Equinox is Actually New Year’s Day, When Source Sends Our Instructions for the Year Published 02/25/2023 | UNN Situation Report 02/20/2022
  217. Recently Deceased Chinese General Ordered Train Derailments | General Milley Among Those Taking His Orders | Alt Media Hype About Disclosure or Propaganda? | We’re Going Through a Major Transition | The War is For Your Mind, Preserve It! Published 02/23/2023 | UNN Situation Report 02/17/2023
  218. So Many Train Derailments | Remnants of the 250,000 Year Long Orion War Gone! | Source’s Agreement for Existence of Deepest Level of the Lower Astral Transmutes to Light! | Law of War, Good versus Evil Source Agreement Cleared! | Where Does this Leave Our Remaining Enemies, Operatives of the 15 Secret Militaries? | We Are Now in the Transition! Published 02/22/2023 | UNN Situation Report 02/15/2023
  219. The Depopulation Agenda Meant to Erase All Organic Life From the Multiverse via THE MATRIX Which Encompasses 18 Inorganic AI Systems | What Are the Origins of the 18 Inorganic AI Systems, Associated Amenti Stone, Base Location, Secret Military & Planetary Matrix? | How Did Each AI System Affect You as a Human Being? | Part 3 Published 02/21/2023 | UNN Situation Report 02/13/2023
  220. The Real War | Narrative Lies: Trump & the Military Are the Saviors | Who is Valiant Thor? | The Shadow Government,16th Secret Military | Who Are Their Alien Partners & What Are Their Plans for AI? | Depopulation & Installation of Alien Face Front World Leaders to Be Subservient to Forever | Except Our Creator Called An End to the Dark | Part 2 Published 02/19/2023 | UNN Situation Report 02/13/2023
  221. The Deep State Speeds Up Their End of the World Plan | Was 99 Red Balloons Song a Signal to the Deep State? | The Underground Military Bases Being Referenced Are in the Lower Astral | Interview With a ‘Man in Black’ | Super Bowl Was Supposed to Test a Similar Phoenix Lights Event | The Orion War 250,000 Years Ago is Being Unraveled! | Inorganic Beings Are Becoming More Apparent | Part 1 Published 02/17/2023 | UNN Situation Report 02/13/2023
  222. Revisiting the Techniques of Propaganda | Does Your Favorite Alt Media Intel Provider Check All These Boxes? | Regular People DO NOT Get Intelligence Info Unless it’s to Promote a Narrative to Create Fear or the Illusion They Are Omnipotent | How Collective Consciousness Works | Part 2 Published 02/14/2023 | UNN Situation Report 02/10/2023
  223. Origins of the Thule Society | Will Any of the 6 Remaining High Ranking Members Join the Restoration Plan? | Will Any Members of the Pilgrim/JASON Society? | Hitler & His Vril Women | Part 1 Published 02/14/2023 | UNN Situation Report 02/10/2023
  224. Deep State Baffled Their Control Was Not Restored | What Was the Starlight System Covered Under the False Light Agreement? | The Targethiens Planned to be the ‘New Abraxas’ & Take Over the Entire Multiverse | Source Expires Agreements Clearing Right of Passage to Restoration | Humans v7.0 Holds More Creator Light than v1.0-6.0 | Truth Comes Out About Nord Stream Pipeline | McCarthy Has Second Thoughts About Being POTUS? 02/12/2023 | UNN Situation Report 02/08/2023
  225. Armageddon Protocol Activated Because the Light Won the War | Alien Tech (Density Machines) Cause Earthquake in Turkey on Lion’s Gate, Feb 5th | Will the Middle East be Next? | Why Kim is Concerned About Yellowstone | Finally, the End of The Evil Generals | Who are the Targethians & How Are They Involved? | FAITH 02/10/2023 | UNN Situation Report 02/06/2023
  226. The Chinese Spy Balloon Belongs to America | Balance Between Light & Dark Cannot be Achieved, Source Brings An End to the Remaining Darkness | Now In Every Hall of Records is Source’s Agreement, Giver Of Life Declaration aka G.O.L.D. | And So the Golden Age Begins! | Kim’s Final Test | Lesson of Stalingrad Published 02/07/2023 | UNN Situation Report 02/03/2023
  227. The Pieces Are Coming Together | Multiple MATRICES Existed! | Omega MATRIX Had Numerous Dark AIs | The Orion MATRIX Was the Big One | Mercury-Uranus-Earth MATRIX Converted God Particle to Dark Particles | How Did the 8th Deadly Sin, Death by Suicide Tie In? | What is LACK? | More Agreements Replaced Including Law of One | Alpha 2 Completely Replaces Omega & Renamed, The Harmonic Genesis of the Creator of Organic Life | What Will Governments & Banks Do Next? Published 02/02/2023 | UNN Situation Report 01/30/2023
  228. Our Side of Financial System is Going Great While the Deep State is Experiencing the Opposite | Prior to Divine Intervention Binding Covenant Expiring, Dark Versions of Everything Replicated | A Completely Inorganic World Was The Goal of Dark Timeline | Kim Cleared Bringing the Fall of the Dark Mirror | Expert HUMAN Scientists & Technologists Join CARE’s Division of Science & Technology! Published 01/31/2023 | UNN Situation Report 01/27/2023
  229. Mae Wa or Grandma, the Skinsuit for Lilith After All | Her Spawn, Dr. Lee Hiding in Plain Sight as Owner of a Dry Cleaners | His Other Job Was Sinister & Involved a Mega Facility Taken Out by the Enforcer | China’s Dream for World Domination Dashed Again! | What Will the Generals Loyal to Dr. Lee Do Now? | What Was the Orion Nebula? | How Does it Relate to Lilith & the Fall of Atlantis? Published 01/29/2023 | UNN Situation Report 01/25/2023
  230. We Now ‘Officially’ Won the War! | Generals Launch Disinformation Campaign Against the Archivists | Operatives Attempt to Find Deleted Saturn-Moon Matrix, Cause Blackout in Pakistan Instead | Divine Intervention Binding Covenant Expired! | A DARK Hall of Records? Yep, But Not Anymore! | Omega-Kronos Kill Switch Activated, Dissolving Whatever is Left! | Kill Switch Also Sent Cabal a Message to Fall on Their Swords, But Will They Obey? Published 01/27/2023 | UNN Situation Report 01/23/2023
  231. Deep State’s Implosion Seeping Into the Public Eye | BlackRock, Vanguard Selling Spree | World Leaders & CEOs Resigning | Kim’s Office Getting Phone Calls, Looking for Money? | Removal of Pinecone’s Fake Database Reveals Black Sun’s Theft at Jesuit Run Bank of America | Diehards Still Left in Both Factions Giving it Their All Published 01/24/2023 | UNN Situation Report 01/20/2023
  232. In Order to Usher in a New System, They Have to Fall! | Only Days Left Before Governments Broke Globally | WEF Attendee List Shrinks, Fear Kim’s Enforcement Team | John Kerry Says ETs Brought the Chosen Ones Together to Save the Planet? | China Courts Saudi with Monopoly Money Again | Will Elites Lie to World Thru Mockingbird Media & Say All Currencies Worldwide Have Crashed? | Panic Not Necessary, Alpha 2 Taking Over Omega Completely | Will Media be Akin to the Violinists on the Titanic? Published 01/22/2023 | UNN Situation Report 01/18/2023
  233. Will US Government Meet its Financial Obligations this Month? | Operatives Panhandling to Corporate Billionaires at WEF | Connection to Human Grid Lost, Makes Black Sun Savior Pick McCarthy an Unlikely if Not Impossible Sell | What Was the Omega Project? | What Was the Great Reset Really? | What Was the Anti-Christ Program Really? | Why Voiding Everything Omega & Replacing with the Alpha Creator Source Covenant and Alpha Creator Program is THE GAME CHANGER! Published 01/19/2023 | UNN Situation Report 01/19/2023
  234. Congress Says No Chance of the Tax Bill Passing the House? | Backdoors into Everything Vehicle Related Gone! | Last Pentagon Hold Out, General Milley Fails on All Fronts | Alpha 2 Replaces Omega in More Powerful & Positive Way | Many Closed Loop Systems Removed | Black Sun Dark Arts Guy Tries to Meet with Kim | Umbrella Operatives Discuss How to Regain Control | Order of the Dragon Tries to Use 5G Towers for Bioweapon & Fails Published 01/17/2023 | UNN Situation Report 01/13/2023
  235. The IRS Expired Under the Federal Reserve Act & Was Already Disabled by Kim Goguen | The Global Structure of Taxation and Causation System Expired! | The Monetization of Leveraged Assets Expired! | Congress, Check the National Archives! | Swapping out Rothschild People for Black Sun People (Treasuries of USA) Will Not Happen! | Is the Tax Authority a Better Solution? | US Govt $197 Trillion Debt Wiped Clean by Kim Years Ago Published 01/15/2023 | UNN Situation Report 01/11/2023
  236. Buckle Up, The Fight is Now Being Played in the Public Eye | 3 Remaining Controllers Hell Bent on Conquer the Quest Black Sun Program | Brazil Situation Looks Awfully Familiar | Kevin McCarthy Finally Installed as Speaker of the House Upon Promises of Bribes, Money & Power | Kim Promptly Rejects His Ratification Request in the Hall of Records! | Global Banking Crisis Looms for the BANKSTERS, Not for the PEOPLE | Trust the Creator’s Plan, Because it’s Coming Together Perfectly! Published 01/13/2023 | UNN Situation Report 01/09/2023
  237. Did the Mafia Respond to Kim’s Offer? | Speaker of the House Voting Fiasco | Annual Ritual in Matterhorn Mountain on Jan 6th Marks the End of the Holy See! | No More Pledging Our Souls to the Dark Overlord, Enforcer Sends Participants Back to Source! | Archivists Busy Recording EXPIRED Soul & Loosh Management Agreements!  | No More Sovereignty for Holy See! | Jesuits Have Absolutely No Power Any Longer! | Published 01/11/2023 | UNN Situation Report 01/06/2023
  238. News Spreading About the Fed & the Dragon Families Being Irrelevant | Black Sun Attempts to Steal From Mafia, Gets on Hit List Instead! | What’s the Old Albanian Trust? | How Did Kim Get Control of the Mafia’s Money & What’s Her Ultimatum? | Remember Those Fulcrum Files? | Last Fallen Angel Returns Home Ending the Real War! | Humanity Enters the Cradle of the Creator! Published 01/08/2023 | UNN Situation Report 01/04/2023
  239. Origins of the Federal Reserve | Kim Explains to Pentagon & Generals Why Fed Can’t Print Money & Why the ADIL P4 System Didn’t Spit Out Any Cash for You | Dragon Families & Black Sun Still Fighting Each Other | Hum, Did They Misplace that Sun Tzu Book? | Bottom of the Food Chain Thinks They Will Rule the World? | Ascension Process Completed! | The Creator’s Plan is ‘THE PLAN’ & We Have Work to Do! Published 01/06/2023 | UNN Situation Report 01/02/2023
  240. The FED Board Bankrupt by Jan 3rd | What Will They Do Next? | Key Integrated Monetary System (KIMS) Already in Place Preventing Market Crash | Old vs New Banking System | Quantum Systems Past & Present | It’s Time for Part 2: The Restoration Plan | Is There a Place for Those Ready to Switch Sides? | Will Any Choose Wisely? Published 01/04/2023 | UNN Situation Report 12/30/2022
  241. China Deep State’s Crash America Plan, Duplicate Super Note Anyone? | Operatives Phone Home, No One Answers | How Much Longer will Chinese Mafia Keep China Government Afloat? | Alt Media & Patriots Need a Serious Wake-Up Call | More About the Hall of Records & the Archivists | Was America Founded on Any Principle of Freedom, At All? | The Ascension Timeline is on Target! Published 12/31/2022 | UNN Situation Report 12/28/2022
  242. 200,000 Sent Back to Source Due to Apocalypse Attempt 10.0 | Remnants of the Order of the Black Sun & the Dragon Hold Recruitment Meeting | International Space Station Dismantled, Soon to Be Removed | Seal of Source on the Planet Completed as Planned! Published 12/30/2022 | UNN Situation Report 12/26/2022
  243. Hey Central Bankers! Kim Created & Runs the Global Repository | Just to Confirm, Eres Did Not Return as Ares, God of War | Disappointed Generals Try For Apocalypse 9.0 & Hope We Believe Christ is a Demon | What’s in Germantown, Maryland? | Dec 23rd is HOLY FIRE DAY! ASCENSION IS IMMINENT!!! Published 12/27/2022 | UNN Situation Report 12/23/2022
  244. Who is the Goddess Eris, whose symbol is the Golden Apple? | After Billions of Years, Kim Wins Her Final Battle on Dec 16th, Phase 1 Completed! | Trinity Military Awaits Fulfillment of Expired Eris Covenant | Winter Solstice was a 666 Day, but Positive for Humanity? | Brace Yourself, Christ Returns Dec 24th!  Published 12/24/2022 | UNN Situation Report 12/21/2022
  245. Who is the One-Eyed Man? | What Do the 1st & 2nd Temples Mean? | What Does ‘Christ Will Be Reborn’ on Dec 25th Mean? | The Omega Covenant & Harvest Bill of Lading No More! | 1st Night of Hanukkah, ‘The Day’ of Transition: Bound to Slavery Curse Cancelled, Slavery Agreement for Soul Cycle Management Officially Broken | We Are Officially Leaving the Dark Timeline by December 22nd & Christ Will Be Born Again! Published 12/23/2022 | UNN Situation Report 12/19/2022
  246. Trump Thingy’s Cringe Worthy Announcement | Both the Vatican & NSA Attempt to Implement Fake Banking Systems | 700+ Operatives Request Safe House Protection | Russian Military Warns of Possible Invasion of Fallen Angels | 18,000 Year Covenant Related to Conquer the Quest Agreement Expires Dec 15th | Black Sun’s Hopes of World Domination Dashed | Real History About the Great Flood & Our Moon Published 12/21/2022 | UNN Situation Report 12/16/2022
  247. Vatican Starts Rumor Treasury USA is Ready to Fund Governments | 750 Year Papal Reign Agreement Expires the Same Day, Vatican Loses All Credibility! | Tier 1 Banks ‘Allegedly’ Want to Work Directly With KIMS Global Repository & Bypass The Fed | What Does the Upcoming Winter Solstice Mean for Humanity? Hint, Something Great! | What Did the 2 Pillars Framing the Tree of Life Really Mean? Published 12/19/2022 | UNN Situation Report 12/14/2022
  248. WEF Has New Masked Man Playing Dead Klaus | The Fed Wants to Meet? | Conquer the Quest Program Voided in Hall of Records! | 9 Planes of Existence Are Now 5 Planes! | The Restoration of our Human DNA is Underway! | Global Computer System & Global Repository Undergoing Massive Changes Too! | What Do All These Changes Mean for the Inherently Dark Ones? Published 12/17/2022 | UNN Situation Report 12/12/20022
  249. Orion Cycle Ends! | Will There Be Another Pandemic? | Losing the Offshoots of Kronos & Etherical Cities of Darkness Also Means Losing Their Ability to Manipulate Science | Space Time Matter Matrix Agreement Removed & Replaced with Natural Atomic Time in the Hall of Records | What is the Status of the Etherical Cities of Light? | What is Freedom Really? Published 12/15/2022 | UNN Situation Report 12/9/2022
  250. Every Year on Dec 5th Etherical Cities of Darkness Open a Wormhole, Per the Orion Protocol & Agreement with the Abraxas | Hence the Real Alien Invasion on Dec 5, 2022 | The Destroyer #2, Formerly Trapped in Spaces of ‘No Time’ Among the Thousands of Alien Invaders | Kim Receives Very Positive Message from the Council of 5 | 21 Etherical Cities of Light Underway! | Part 2 of 2 Published 12/14/2022 | UNN Situation Report 12/7/2022
  251. Non-Repairable Countdown: -100,000 | Klaus is Dead! | Will Fake Biden be Replaced Before 2023? | Dismantling More Levels of Control | Another Layer of the Onion Peeled Exposing the ‘Rule of Time Agreement’ | What is 5G Warfare Really? | Part 1 of 2 Published 12/13/2022 | UNN Situation Report 12/7/2022
  252. Apocalypse 9.0, Nuclear EMP Averted | Fake EBS Announcement on Global Martial Law Averted | Non-Repairable Countdown: -98,500 | What Else is Failing for the Deep State? | More Kronos Programs Tied to Grids & 7 Deadly Sins Being Dismantled Published 12/08/2022 | UNN Situation Report 12/02/2022
  253. Non-Repairable Countdown: – 94,000 | Control Grids Tied to the 7 Deadly Sins Uncovered & Dismantled | Who are the Council of 9? What Did Source Give Them the Greenlight to Do? | How are the Republicans Doing with their Quest to Regain Power with McCarthy at the Helm? Published 12/4/2022 | UNN Situation Report 11/30/2022
  254. Non-Repairable Countdown: -84,000 | Trump Thingy’s Camp Reached Out to Kim for Support of 2024 Run? Yep! | Transcriptions of Kim & Trump’s Conversations Circulating Bringing Light to His Lies | More Positive Visitors Arrived from 7th & 8th Densities & Wingnuts Erroneously Thought They Came to Help Them!  Published 12/02/2022 | UNN Situation Report 11/28/2022
  255. A Few Wingnuts Arrive in Durango to Run Operations Because it’s a Safety Zone | Oops, Not a Safety Zone for Psychopaths Anymore! | Non-Repairable Countdown: -75,000 | Head of Global Health & Wellness (GHWC) Lisa Thomas’ Debut! Published 11/29/2022 | UNN Situation Report 11/25/2022
  256. Remembering the True History of Thanksgiving | Unnatural Grey Matter in Human Brains Being Removed, Left & Right Sides Reconnect | Non-Repairable Countdown: Holding at -68,000 but Likely Not for Long Published 11/27/2022 | UNN Situation Report 11/23/2022
  257. What Was the Meeting at Elon Musk’s SpaceX Facility in Texas About? | What Was the Thanksgiving Day Massacre Plan? | Who is a Boogaloo? | Who Do the Boogaloo Actually Report to? Unbeknownst to Them | What Does Alex Jones’ Movie, Amerigeddon Have to Do With Martial Law? | What Would Martial Law Actually Look Like? | Non-Repairable Countdown: -68,000 Published 11/24/2022 | UNN Situation Report 11/21/2022
  258. Kim’s Offer to the Secret Service | Is Black Sun Gaining Control of the Political Sector? | Non-Repairable Countdown: -56,000 | What’s Under the Prometheus Statue in Rockefeller Center? Published 11/22/2022 | UNN Situation Report 11/18/2022
  259. No Big Surprise, Dead Trump is Running Again in 2024 | Generals Try, Like Poppy Bush in 2014 to Get Kim Assassinated for Zero Cost & Fail | Is the Secret Service Back in the White House? | Non-Repairable Countdown: -33,000 of 100,000 Published 11/21/2022 | UNN Situation Report 11/16/2022
  260. No Alpha System Access Granted to Wingnuts | JASON Society Seal Spots on Targeted Individuals List | Klaus Seals Spot Too, Puts Forth Contract on Kim & Tom’s Heads | Black Sun Duped by Chinese Partners Yet Again | No Cash for Crypto, Red Wave Still a Ripple, Will They Ever Gain Political Control as Promised? | More Arrivals from the Multiverse Waste No Time with Final Cleanup! Published 11/16/2022 | UNN Situation Report 11/14/2022
  261. Deep State Rumors about Resurrection Day & RV Nonsense | Wingnuts Expect to be Gifted the Alpha System on 11/11, Really? | 3rd Dark Al System Called Dominion Surfaces, it’s ‘Kronos Lite’ | What Does Joining with the Pleiades Really Mean? | Non-Repairable Countdown: -27,000 | Is Kevin McCarthy the Black Sun’s POTUS Puppet Pick? Published 11/15/2022 | UNN Situation Report 11/11/2022
  262. Midterm Selection Madness | 3 Egyptian Ladies Go to COP 27 | Did the Royal Institute of International Affairs Control All Presidents Worldwide? | Brown Eagle Hitler & His Connection to Argentina | Heavy Duty Event to Stop People’s Hearts Averted | Media Giants & Their Underground Data Centers | Still Not a Single Government Has Called to Work with Kim! | Will We Have a Financial Crash? Published 11/13/2022 | UNN Situation Report 11/09/2022
  263. Many Jumping Ship Leaving Remaining Black Sun Generals in a Pickle | COP27, Another UN Fundraiser for the Deep State | Visitors Arriving for the Grand Finale & End of the Deep State Rule | Approximately 100,000 Non-Repairable Humans Targeted for Elimination | The Count Down Commences! Published 11/11/2022 | UNN Situation Report 11/07/2022
  264. More Cleanup on 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse Program | Background on Rare Earth Minerals | Nov 8th Full Moon to Be Completely Different in a Good Way! | Earth Has Turned the Corner to the Light! | The 7 Star Systems of the Pleiades Invite Earth to be 8th Galaxy & Our Central Sun the 9th | Other Beings Coming to Help Earth’s Inhabitants Anchor the Light! Published 11/08/2022 | UNN Situation Report 11/04/2022
  265. Merger of the Order of the Dragon & Black Sun Generals, How’s it Playing Out in Red line vs Blue line Narratives | Red line + Blue line = Purple Line | Iran, the New Boogie Man | Will Already Dead Heads of State See a Reduction? | Will the Nov 8th ‘S’election Take Place? | Will Martial Law be Declared? | Does the Outcome Matter to ‘We the People’? Published 11/07/2022 | UNN Situation Report 11/02/2022
  266. Dark Queen Mother is a No Show in Bethlehem | World Economic Forum Sends Operatives to Set ‘confused’ Kim Straight | Enemies No More? Black Sun Tasked with Restoration of Dragon Families Rule on Earth | Veil Lifted October 28th, Is Humanity Waking Up? | More Big Stuff in Store Nov 8, 2022 Published 11/05/2022 | UNN Situation Report 10/31/2022
  267. Langley Level Infighting Escalates Around Donating US to China | The 24 Chinese Dragons Task Operatives But Missions Fail | Is Russia Preparing for its Independence? | Is an Interdependent World on the Horizon? Published 11/03/2022 | UNN Situation Report 10/28/2022
  268. Battle for World Domination Continues | Asian Invasion Marches Forward | Meanwhile Black Sun Falls for Enemy Lies About Money, Nukes & Promises | Attempt to Raise Mammon, the Dark Prince Fails | Kim Gives Deeper Dive into the Atomic Clock & Crystalline Time | State of the Union for the Black Sun Published 11/02/2022 | UNN Situation Report 10/26/2022
  269. Apocalypse 8.0? | Black Sun Tries to Unleash Absent Lower Astral on Earth | Massive Network of Corp Control Found | Huawei, the Replacement for ECHELON Undone | Battlelines Drawn | Both Sides Claim to Own Kim | Is ‘Trump’ thing Worth More Dead or Alive? | Will Black Sun Push Martial Law? | Rothchilians Sweep up on Empty Promises | Welcome to Crystalline Time! | What is Sovereignty? Published 11/01/2022 | UNN Situation Report 10/24/2022
  270. 24 Dragon Family Underlings Fill Open Slots | China Police Installation Not Going Well | Kim Proves She Controls All Currencies in the World, Will Any Bite? | Beijing’s Short Memory Regarding Nuke Threat | CDC is After Our Kids | Why Black Sun’s Exposure of Hunter Biden Story to Congress Will Yield Nothing | What Happens if Governments Fall? | What Will Sole Survivor Mark Warner Do? Published 10/30/2022 | UNN Situation Report 10/21/2022
  271. Who is the Real POTUS? | 99 of 100 Rothschild Diehards Now Dead! | All 40 Remaining Black Sun Generals Now Dead! | Why Both Sides Are Obsessed with Red Line Access | Where Did the Dark Queen Mother in Palestine Story Originate? | Kim’s Announcement to Operatives Regarding Legacy Licenses Published 10/28/2022 | UNN Situation Report 10/19/2022
  272. Nord Stream Pipelines Fixed! | Faction War Escalates | Both Sides Lose Red Line Access | Grey Screen Turns White! | Hey Steering Committees! Rothschilds Lost Control! | Political Sector in Chaos for Both Sides | Old Gold Covenant Expires! | Meanwhile Kim Continues to Clear the Board from on High, Where the Real War Resides Published 10/27/2022 | UNN Situation Report 10/17/2022
  273. UN Replaced in Hall of Records Way Back | Who is Really Orchestrating the Ukrainian Genocide? | What is Project Becky? | Code ‘042’ Now Re-synched to KIMS | History is Repeating, USSR 2.0 is Planned for America | Nothing is Working for the Dark Side, Not Nuclear War, Control of Banking System, Money | Their Narrative Makes TV People Look Even More Nuts Published 10/26/2022 | UNN Situation Report 10/14/2022
  274. Wingnuts Anticipate Dark Queen Mother’s Arrival October 30th in Palestine | Who is Nubit, the Golden Lady? | What is the Great White Out? | How They Planned to Crash the Banking System This Time | Dick Orders More Chemtrails Across the Globe Published 10/18/2022 | UNN Situation Report 10/12/2022
  275. Backstage at the Order of the Black Sun – Part 2 | What Deal Was Made Between the Black Eagle and Khazarian Mafia? | Who is Being Played by Their ‘Alleged Partners’? | Who Is the Reptoid in Charge of Volcanos? | What Does the System and Hall of Records Say About Marduk’s Final Plan? Published 10/12/2022 | UNN Situation Report 10/07/2022
  276. Latest Wannabe Chinese Queen Now Dead | New Black Sun Head Dead Too | US Rolls Out Welcome Mat for China | US Government Gets Help to Traffic Children from Texas Rangers and US Marshals | Marduk’s Plan Says 2022 is When it’s All to Be Completed Published 10/11/2022 | UNN Situation Report 10/5/2022
  277. Generals Send New Handler to Dupe Kim but Lose Credibility Instead | Marduk’s Old Plan 7 Settlement Institutions & 7 Currencies Plan is Wingnuts New Plan | Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) | Northrup Grumman’s Joint All Domain Command Control Technique (JADC2) | Where Does Hong Kong Fit in? | 2 Queens Waiting in the Wings? | Status of Kim’s Offer to BlackRock Published 10/09/2022 | UNN Situation Report 10/03/2022
  278. Behind the Scenes of the Nord Stream Pipeline Leak | How Many of Those 9 Remaining Generals Are Still With Us? | Khomeini is Dead | ABCorp Fails to Deliver Central Bank Digital Currency, the Other Slavery System | Vatican Bank Deadline Came and Went As Did Most of Their Funds | Hurricane Ian & the Ocean Relocation Program | Red Cross = Money Laundering Published 10/05/2022 | UNN Situation Report 09/30/2022
  279. Happy Birthday Kim! | What Has Ensued Since Kim’s Operation Notes Were Unleashed? | Where Do the Remaining 9 Deep State Generals Stand Now? Published 10/03/2022 | UNN Situation Report 09/28/2022
  280. Rumors Around 25th Amendment/Martial Law/10 Days of Darkness/Nuke Attack/Banking Crisis | Was Xi Jinping in Hiding? | Dueling Agency People Fight for their Dead POTUS Pick | Kim’s Notes Go Viral in Spook Community | Status of Kim’s Offer to Blackrock Published 10/03/2022 | UNN Situation Report 09/26/2022
  281. Electric Cars & Shale Oil Are Geopolitical Tools | Wingnuts Remained Hopeful for Sept 22, 2022 Equinox | Instead It’s First Equinox in Humanity’s Favor in 1,000 Years! | More Operations Published 10/01/2022 | UNN Special Report 09/23/2022
  282. More Apocalypse Plans & More Failures | BlackRock’s Aladdin System Kaput | Supersnap Kaput | Fake Alien Operation Kaput | Buttering up Tom Melville Kaput | Apocalypse Plan on Deck Targets Famous Bridges on 9/28 | Kim Throws her Hat in the Ring, Makes BlackRock an Offer Published 09/30/2022 | UNN Situation Report 09/21/2022
  283. The WHO Says COVID is Unwinding? Really? | Apocalypse 3.0 on Deck for Sept 24th | Digital Currency Carrot Perpetuates Insanity | Bacteria in Halite, Source of Recent Respiratory Problems | Delusional Generals Try to Butter Up Tom Melville to Avoid Kim | What’s Up with the War in Russia? Published 09/19/2022 | UNN Situation Report 09/16/2022
  284. New Global Digital Currency or Dinar v2.0? | Archives Say King Chuckie III is Broke | Uranus Solstice Sept 13th Will Flip Everything Back in Favor of the Wingnuts? | Nah, It Flops, Even With Black Magic Workers Donated by IRA | More Operations Bring More Endings for Operatives | System Cleaning Still Underway & Doing Fabulous! Published 09/17/2022 | UNN Situation Report 09/14/2022
  285. Apocalypse Plan B Derailed! | Out of the Loop King Chuckie III Gets a Reality Check | Who is Somerset Belenoff? | Any People Still Stuck in the Halls? | Operatives Dropping Like Flies | Massive Cleaning & Clearing of All Systems Underway Published 09/16/2022 | UNN Situation Report 09/12/2022
  286. About the Death of Queen Lizardbeth | What the CROWN Really Means | Ending the Halls of Amenti, the Unnatural Planes of Existence | Prince William Declines Hosting Lucifer | It’s All About Divine Right Timing Published 09/15/2022 | UNN Situation Report 09/9/2022
  287. Day of Destiny II – Sept 8, 2022 | The Remaining 2,500 Operatives Need to Pick a Side | FYI – Lucifer Ain’t Comin! | Pope Still Hopeful, Busy Running Vaccine Commercials | Kim Lists More Operations, Provides Proof for Wingnuts Published 09/13/2022 | UNN Situation Report 09/07/2022
  288. What Do Juan O’Savin and ‘The Viking’ Have in Common? | Wait! Lucifer Can Still Come by Sept 7th | Wingnuts Attempt New Ways to Create Apocalypse | Kim & The Enforcer Perform More Operations & Wipe Them Out Published 09/10/2022 | UNN Situation Report 09/05/2022
  289. What Happened to Juan O’Savin? | The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse is Not a ‘God’ Plan or a ‘Devil’ Plan, it’s a ‘Nefarious Others’ Plan | Lucifer/The Dark Prince Fails to Return Sept 3rd – Remnants Are Stunned | Q&A Session: The Enforcer? Vatican Bank? Artemis Rocket? Chemtrails? Plus More… Published 09/08/2022 | UNN Situation Report 09/04/2022
  290. Pindar Chair Show in Durango | Juan O’Savin’s Real Boss is The Pale Horsemen | Operation Wipe Out (aka) Armageddon Derailed! | Surviving Infiltrators Tagged & Likely Sweating Profusely Published 09/02/2022 | UNN Situation Report 08/26/2022
  291. Kim Explains the 9 Planes of Existence & Our Chakra System | Why Are the Dragon Families Identified by Color? | How Does it Relate to the Expiration of the Solomon Bloodline Agreement? | Kim’s Message to Patriots | Part 2 08/31/2022 | UNN Situation Report 08/17/2022
  292. Juan O’Savin (#107) & Jared Kushner Orchestrate Rothschild’s Plan of Civil War in US & Financial Crash | Except Solomon’s Bloodline Curse Agreement Expires | Trillions Expected from Leo Wanta Falls Flat | Now Martyred Trump (Operation Cash Machine) on Turbo | Part 1 Published 08/30/2022| UNN Situation Report 08/17/2022
  293. IRS to Hire 87,000 Armed Agents? | Will the Pindar Chair Find a New Ass to Sit in it? | A Correlation Between 911 & Jan 6th | Was Mar a Lago Raid Staged? | Kim’s Message to Operatives Running the Trump Show | Humanity’s First Direct Connection to Lion’s Gate in 1 Million Years! Published 08/27/2022 | UNN Situation Report 08/11/2022
  294. Kim Wins Battle for Gold Against Lucifer’s Wife | Which Body Was Lilith Inhabiting? | Karat Consortium Trust Agreement Expires! |Ivana Trump’s Karmic Legacy | Insights from Agency Guy Juan O’Savin | Pelosi, Not Your Average Politician & Not Your Average Mess Published 08/26/2022 | UNN Situation Report 08/04/2022
  295. Who Are the Progenitors? | Who are the Archimedeans? | 5 Million Year Depopulation Program Uncovered! | Meeting at the Mirrors Lures 229 Cabal Members Who Are No More! |Project Lincoln Logs Continues | All Cloning Stashes Removed! | Deeper Understanding of Media-Shots-Chemtrails & Luciferase Published 08/23/2022 | UNN Situation Report 07/29/2022
  296. Who Owned the Moon? | Planet Mercury a Cyborg? | JASON/Pilgrim Society & Cronies of 13 Secret Militaries Wrecking Havoc | Did Crazy Jesuit Generals Make a Deal with their ‘Enemy’ the Khazarian Mafia while the ‘Meek’ Inherit the Earth? | Part 2 08/19/2022 | UNN Situation Report 07/21/2022
  297. Headline News in 1918 | Who Created Communism? | Did their Savior Anu Come Back from the Dead Yet? | About Ivana Trump | Asian Assassins Called In | Where is Solomon’s Temple#1 | Part 1 Published 08/16/2022 | UNN Situation Report 07/21/2022
  298. 10 Year Money Printing Extension Expired July 4th | 13 Shadow Militaries All Gone! | Cryptococcosis, the New Virus Intercepted | Candida Outbreak Diverted | Agreement with Draco Expired | The Remaining Imbeciles Have No Friends Left Published 08/08/2022 | UNN Situation Report 07/06/2022
  299. The 5 Shadow Agencies | Kim’s 30,000 Year War with the Draco | Kim’s Clones Past & Present | Part 3 Published 07/31/2022 | UNN Situation Report (DISCLOSURE) 06/27/2022
  300. The 13 Groups in the Shadow Military | How Intelligence Agencies Were Structured | 41 Coven Members Left Still Floundering | Part 2 Published 07/29/2022 | UNN Situation Report (DISCLOSURE) 06/27/2022
  301. Review of the Former Control Structure on Earth for Next Level on Deck, the Remaining Floundering Coven Members | Part 1 Published 07/28/2022 | UNN Situation Report (DISCLOSURE) 06/27/2022
  302. How is that Ancient Draco War Manual Working Out? | The Light Now Controls all 21 Earth Portals as of June 13th! | Source Protocols Go on Overdrive Next Day & Why Birth Certificates Transitioned back to Alpha System | Deep State Retaliation Failures | Part 2 Published 07/23/2022 | UNN Situation Report 06/17/2022
  303. 1008 Year Agreement b/w Russians & Carpathians Expires – Prompts Putin to Change Direction? | Russia Lifts Sanctions Related to Food Security | Are IRS Accounts Disappearing? | Why is the Cabals’ Money Vanishing? | Humanity’s Birth Certificates Find New Home in the Alpha System | Part 1 Published 07/21/2022 | UNN Situation Report 06/17/2022
  304. CIA Dupes US Marshals to Access WH | Enforcer Removes Block Chain! | Will Trump Death Announcement Come? | Removal in Quantum Physics Means NEVER EXISTED in All Time & Space | Can Black Sun Take Control of the 5 Pillars Needed to Rule the World by June 13th? Published 07/15/2022 | UNN Situation Report 06/10/2022
  305. Femtotechnology, Not Graphene is the Replicating Tech in Vaccines/COVID Tests/Masks | China is Flat Broke | General Milley on Tour | More Dismantled Systems | The Walking Dead TV Puppets | Part 2 Published 07/07/2022 | UNN Situation Report 06/03/2022
  306. Moses Tried, His People Said Nah, We’ll Worship Idols Instead | The 613 Commandments Worshipped by Jews Came from the Abraxas | Molecular Level Connection with our Creator Has Commenced for Humanity 7.0! | Curse on Money Officially Broken June 4th | Part 1 Published 07/05/2022 | UNN Situation Report 06/03/2022
  307. Secret Service Not Keen on Lying About Faux POTUS Forever | Monkey Pox Math | Can a Digital $ Exist Without a System? l 54 SSP Diehards Kind of End Themselves! | Now Only 22 Non-Repairable Humans Left! Published 06/16/2022 | UNN Situation Report 05/25/2022
  308. Billy Gates & BlackRock Play the Blame Game | Will the the Military Do Disclosure & Become Cannon Fodder? | Terra, Midgard & Earth Alignment Update | 300 of the 500 Remaining Non-Repairable Humans Earn One-Way Tickets to Source! Published 06/10/2022 | UNN Situation Report 05/20/2022
  309. Remaining 124 Coven/Black Nobility Members Are Finally All Gone! | The Matrix Disconnected | More Systems Found and Dismantled | Earth, Terra & Midgard Fully Merged Published 06/03/2022 | UNN Situation Report 05/13/2022
  310. Earth Leads Return to Natural Law in Alliance of Worlds Agreement Ceremony | JASON Society Plan to Crash Markets | SSP Loses More Bases | Yuri AI Quantum System Gone | Potential Biological Weapon Found in Borneo & Removed Published 05/26/2022 | UNN Situation Report 05/06/2022
  311. Super Big News! Earth Returns to a Harmonious Multiverse!| Parasitic Cabal Blaming & Killing One Another | Deluded Chinese Elders Visit Kim to Size Her Up | New Covenant of Source Signed – April 28, 2022! Published 05/19/2022 | | UNN Situation Report 04/29/2022
  312. April 24, 2022 Planetary Alignment Update | Karma is Back! Published 05/13/2022 | UNN Situation Report 04/25/2022
  313. Backlash from a Dying Species | Why Earth and Humans are So Unique | Metatron’s Corrupted Cube Continues to Dissipate While the Tesseract Takes Over and New Timeline Begins Published 05/07/2022 | UNN Situation Report 04/18/2022
  314. Real Alien (Super Demon Level) Invasion Thwarted | Will There Be a Twist to Agenda 2030 on the Horizon? | Cornered Cabal To Hurl Whatever’s Left in Their Quiver | Part 2 Published 04/22/2022 | UNN Situation Report 04/12/2022
  315. Earth’s 3 Million Year War | The Heart of the Matter (Creator Sun) versus Anti-Matter (Dark Sun) | Gegenschein Reconnected | Will Cabal’s Antidote Jab Backfire on April 24th Causing Rapid Degeneration for Themselves? Part 1 Published 04/20/2022 | UNN Situation Report 04/12/2022
  316. GPRC Hijacked from Within | USSR Oligarchs Lose $1.8 Trillion | ARPANET Dismantled | Russia & Ukraine War Theatrics & Fundraising | SSP Generals Set Sight on Big Pharma Profits Published 03/21/2022 | UNN Situation Report 03/06/2022
  317. Black Sun Heads Hoard, Minions Get Nothing | Russian War Theatre | Black Eagle Trust & FULCRUM Operation | The Carter Accord, An ‘End of Peace’ Agreement | Kim Goguen’s Black List – Part 2 Published 02/26/2022 | Life Force Intel Call 02/01/2022
  318. The Viking’s Order to Infiltrate Assemblies | Fallout from Ending Dark AI System JAIQS | Black Sun’s Slave Master of the Week | IBM Watson Could Have Replaced AZURE | Who is Lowell “the Patent Guy” Wood? – Part 1 Published 02/21/2022 | Life Force Intel Call 02/01/2022
  319. Covenants Expire, Annunaki Seals Lifting | We are Prisoners No More! | Queen of Hearts Toys with the Lonesome Losers Published 02/11/2022 | UNN Situation Report 01/19/2022
  320. GPRC Meeting Scheduled for March | SSP is Shrinking | More Systems Found & Dismantled | Colonel Klaus Klink | Military Theatre in Ukraine & Kazakhstan Published 02/03/2022 | UNN Situation Report 01/05/2022
  321. Is The Age of Darkness Finally in the Rear View Mirror? Published 01/27/2022 | UNN Situation Report 12/30/2021
  322. Q&A Session with Kim Goguen | December 23, 2021 Published 01/18/2022 | UNN Situation Report 12/23/2021
  323. A New Mr. Black is Installed & Fails, Rothchilians Lie Again, False Flags & Satellites Derailed, The Colony Comes to Assess the Remaining Non-Repairable Humans Published 01/09/2022 | UNN Situation Report 12/23/2021
  324. The Divine Solar Feminine Christos-Sophia | Cathedral Activation in Rosslyn Chapel, Chartres Cathedral and Lincoln Cathedral on the Dec 7th Solar Eclipse Published 01/02/2022 | UNN Situation Report 12/07/2021
  325. The Day of Destiny – November 18, 2021 Published 12/22/2021 | UNN Situation Report 11/22/2021
  326. UN Delusion of Power, Black Rock’s SIGINT Failure & The Enforcer Vaporizes Latest Deep State Saviors Published 12/12/2021 | UNN Situation Report 11/22/2021
  327. Is Nibiru a Planet or Giant Floating Petri Dish?  Published 11/30/2021 | UNN Situation Report 11/08/2021
  328. DARPA Coin, A Symbol Of Special Recognition – Who Got Coin #107? Hum, Does Juan O’Savin Sound like 107?  Published 11/24/2021 | UNN Situation Report 11/08/2021
  329. Head of the Order of the Black Sun & Last Lingering Lizard (aka, Mr. Black) Published 11/12/2021 | UNN Situation Report 11/01/2021
  330. Which Lion Fits Trump Best?  Published 10/25/2021 | UNN Situation Report 09/24/2021
  331. Kim Goguen Reveals What is an ARCHON? Has the Root Cause of All Disease Been Uncovered?  Published 10/04/2021 | UNN Situation Report 09/24/2021
  332. BEAST System Takedown by Kim Goguen, Black Sun P3 Lodge & Sanhedrin Super Villains Eliminated? Who’s In Charge Now? – Part 4  Published 9/10/2021 | Circle of White Light Radio 08/15/2021
  333. BEAST System Takedown by Kim Goguen, Black Sun P3 Lodge & Sanhedrin Super Villains Eliminated? Who’s in Charge Now? – Part 3 Published 9/5/2021 | Circle of White Light Radio 08/15/2021
  334. BEAST System Takedown by Kim Goguen Causes Black Sun P3 Lodge to Concede & Sanhedrin Steps Back In – Part 2 Published 8/16/2021 | Life Force Intel Call 08/01/2021
  335. BEAST System Takedown by Kim Goguen Causes Black Sun P3 Lodge to Concede & Sanhedrin Steps Back In – Part 1 Published 8/11/2021 | Life Force Intel Call 08/01/2021
  336. Was the Cabal’s New Slavery System, The Beast Machine, Derailed by Kim Goguen? Published 7/31/2021 | Life Force Intel Call 07/25/2021
  337. The Deep State Debacle Published 5/8/2021 | Life Force Intel Call 05/2/2021
  338. Backstage at the Order of the Black Sun Published 4/30/2021
  339. Pre-Requisites for Genocide (If You’re a Psychopath)  Published 3/20/2021 | Life Force Intel Call 03/14/2021
  340. Heads Roll! A Very Merry Christmas Indeed!  Published 12/31/2020 | Life Force Intel Call 12/27/2020

Hierarchy On Planet Earth

Hierarchy of The Order on Earth:
To learn about The Order, the Hierarchy on Planet Earth, be sure to check out the below posts which is a five part series based on Kim’s Education/Intel Sharing

The Viking’s Message to the Remnants (Kim Goguen – Part 1) Published 11/26/2020 | Situation Report 11/15/2020
A Hierarchy in Shambles (Kim Goguen – Part 2) Published 11/30/2020 | Situation Report 11/15/2020
The Enforcer, Our Central Sun & The End of the Loosh Farm (Kim Goguen – Part 3) Published 12/08/2020 | Situation Report 11/15/2020
Kane is Abel (Kim Goguen – Part 4) Published 12/15/2020 | Situation 11/15/2020
A Tale of 2 Covens: Losers in the Fight for World Domination (Kim Goguen – Part 5) Published 12/24/2020 | Situation Report 11/15/2020

The Order is Gone! (Disclosure Report 6/27/2022)

The Order is Gone!
Review of the Former Control Structure on Earth for Next Level on Deck, the Remaining Floundering Coven Members | Part 1 Published 07/28/2022 | UNN Special Report (DISCLOSURE) 06/27/2022
The 13 Groups in the Shadow Military | How Intelligence Agencies Were Structured | 41 Coven Members Left Still Floundering | Part 2 Published 07/29/2022 | UNN Special Report (DISCLOSURE) 06/27/2022
The 5 Shadow Agencies | Kim’s 30,000 Year War with the Draco | Kim’s Clones Past & Present | Part 3 Published 07/31/2022 | UNN Special Report (DISCLOSURE) 06/27/2022

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209 thoughts on “Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”?”

    1. I feel that way too. But there is also value in being a compassionate witness to these events happening around the world. It has the power to change the outcome. Hang in there. PJZ

        1. The Deep State’s version? Hopefully never. Kim’s plan is more of a basic needs income that won’t destroy the motivation to want to work. Personally I don’t see this happening while the majority of people around the world continue to comply with whatever insanity the Deep State demands.

          1. I’m getting off this planet first chance I get. No more bullshit in any way, shape, or form. There’s a negative energy channel between Saturn, Mars, Moon, and Earth. Any effort at freeing Earth begins with that, period. The Luciferian energetic reversal architecture must be eradicated – haven’t heard anything about that. There’s also the issue of human free will.

          2. ForggotenAngel

            humans must erase old system and bring new paradise on Earth again……no one else will do that,but to do so people must wake up if not…nothing will change till they will.

    2. I started with the Life Force Watch app, located my state, joined and started volunteering. Blessings and strength in your journey Jay!

    3. Nationallibertyalliance.org
      Those are the people setting up the state assemblies!!
      Get educated. Get involved.

      1. As emotionally responsive beings enslaved by corporate cultures of harm-inducing ‘belief’ practices, we each have one single-use option to cancel all forms of externally organized mind-control and exist as Self-Owned-Citizens.

        By all accounts, civilization must be very close to setting up a global citizenry-owned block-chain platform for consensual decision-making, beginning with ground-zero declarations of INTENT, initially referring to SELF-OWNERSHIP, detachment from corporate mind-control and simple psychological means to activate THE AUTHENTIC UNIVERSAL SELF.

        The attached web-linked content may be found to be practically useful as a game-changing ‘unity-existence-catalyst’, particularly as dire global tyranny increases in magnatude.

        Knowledge-equipped consciousness belongs freely to every human as a universal safeguarding action-tool for 2023!


        With sincere love and kindness to all life.

        pete mitchell. Common Citizen


  1. I started with the Life Force Watch app, located my state, joined and started volunteering. Blessings and strength in your journey Jay!

    1. Teresa. Thank you for your request. I have added you to my list. You should receive an email confirming you want to subscribe. PJZ

      1. Jennifer Renga

        I love Kim and so thankful she is on the side of the planet and the freedoms of us all as our right..:) idk how to get involved
        I don’t have a computer just my phone
        Let’s do this! Manifest our new planet and government! See ya dark side!

      2. Paul Montgomery

        I am a believer but have been exposed to very little information. Can you please add me for the news letter? Thank you

        1. Paul – I added you to my subscriber list. You should get an email confirming you want to be added. thanks for inquiring.

        1. Hi Rita, I added you to my list and you should be getting an email to confirm you want to subscribe.

  2. It would be my absolute honor to participate in anyway possible,
    this journey is a magical adventure and manifestations of cosmic-source miracles.
    I can shine bright, find paths, harmonize and travel throughout the multi-verse,
    dimensions and realms.

    We dont need hierarchy, duality, money, government, systems, fake,
    disease, poverty etc…Let us create!! We are certainly not the only ones(or first ones) in the universe who stand on such a crossroad, the wisdom and knowledge is out there, we do not need to invent it all, it has been created long before us. Connect and Remember…:)))

    The way forward is Optimistic, Positive and Loving.

    1. Thank you for your comments. I’m in total agreement we don’t need the old failed ways. The existing systems cannot be corrected. The move to a higher consciousness, a new reality requires a new way of thinking and new way of being. PJZ

  3. I’m somewhat confused and don’t know who or what to trust. I have been following a lot of Q information and patriotic type people. Juan O Savin, Robert Steele, Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward and Scott Mckay are some I feel are looking out for humanity’s best interest. Have I made a mistake placing my trust in these individuals? I want to help but don’t exactly know what to do.

    1. Hi Erin. Thanks so much for your comments. I definitely sympathize with you. It’s a mine field of lies and traps when it comes to finding the truth. The devil is in the details. Truth is always mixed with lies, so it’s hard to label someone as a truthful source or non-truthful. I don’t want to tell you who to trust. We are all being tested and challenged to learn better discernment. My discernment says Robert David Steele, Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward are CIA and MI6. And the narrative they are presenting doesn’t jive with me anymore. It did a bit a couple of years ago. But once CIA, always CIA and all these ex-agency types kind of have the same smell to them. They may think they are connected and getting accurate info to feed the people, but they too are being lied to most of the time, which is indicative of the agencies. That’s not to say that there isn’t some truth mixed in. Kim Goguen has security clearance level 74, the highest for planet Earth I think, but I can’t tell you who assigned that level to her and while I trust her more than anyone else at this juncture, it doesn’t mean I don’t keep the door open. Q is a disappointment for many, but there were many nuggets of truth the Q movement helped bring to light and they can’t put that genie back in the bottle. It’s up to us to put the pieces together. Don’t give up. The quest for the truth is necessary. Knowledge is power and the more you understand their Agenda, the less effective their fear porn. Hang in there. PJZ

      1. I’ve actually ran into this by mistake, I mean in this Kim lady. Now I believe there’s a God Creator of all things and that He created the planet earth for people to inherit. Everything she’s saying ,to me is very confusing because he’s claims this world governing power over all people and all things but, not once I heard her mentioning God. What am I missing? I’m a very open minded person but, things must make sense

        1. Thanks for your comment. I’m not Kim, I just post about her to share information. But wanted to mention that Kim usually uses the term ‘Source’ instead of God and she mentions Source all the time. It’s just her preference. I prefer Source as well, since the term God has been misused in my opinion. PJZ

    2. Ch'eyy Kan''Na V'arr

      As the saying goes , beware of false prophets and false prophets claiming to be messiahs in these times , as someone very carefully said the other day it’s two sides of the same coin whoever is in …
      It’s sowen up tight… no one’s going to save your physical self that goes back to the Earth and your consciousness goes back to the 5th we unfortunately have to suffer the sins of the Ig gi , engineers , watches …
      Arzazel and Chemeyaza … bound by curses that they will die from …

    3. Erin,

      Writing this some 9 months later….what is your opinion of the above mentioned individual now?

      (Also named Erin)

  4. Knowledge is the key. Compassion is the door. A human life is too short so let’s truly live, experience, and growth!

  5. Hello there,
    Many thanks for what you do .
    Many were expecting D.Trump to come back as POTUS…am l right in feeling that this won ‘t happen ?

    1. I really don’t see that happening. His support for Operation Warp Speed pretty much tells us where his allegiance really lies. It’s a huge red flag I can’t get past. I have been cautiously optimistic over the last 4 years observing and following the Q movement. I knew he came from the cabal circles, he couldn’t be a billionaire otherwise. He dances with the dark, but I really hoped if anyone could switch sides it would be him. Unfortunately he walked away from a landslide win because his over-lords dangled a bigger prize in front of him. He will lose that too. He could have gone down as the greatest President ever. His greatest accomplishment may be that he provided the biggest mirror for how insane and corrupt our systems really are. But in reality it was probably mostly just a script he agreed to follow, and the intention behind his Presidency and the words he spoke about draining the swamp and helping Americans, well probably not as genuine as we hoped. I wish it wasn’t so and would welcome him to prove me wrong. I won’t be holding my breath though.

          1. As subjective beings, we each have one single-use option to cancel our corporate-slave status and exist as Self-Owned-Citizens within the supreme environmental context of Source-Nature.

            By all accounts, we must be very close setting up a global citizenry-owned block-chain platform for consensual decision-making, beginning with ground-zero declarations of INTENT, firstly referring to SELF-OWNERSHIP, corporate mind-control and simple psychological means to activate THE AUTHENTIC UNIVERSAL SELF.

            The attached web-linked content may be found to be extraordinarily useful as a game-changing catalyst, particularly as dire circumstances increase in magnatude.

            EQUIPPED ENTHUSED INTENT belongs to every human as a universal tool-of-action for 2023!


            With sincere love and kindness to all life.

            pete mitchell. Earth Citizen


      1. Absolutely right Dee..I believe the
        Cabal are the Canaanites represented by the snake that defiled Eve..(also known as the fallen angels)….Enki scrambled our DNA down to 2 strands to make us slaves and his son Marduk was not benevolent . We are reclaiming our sovereignty…we are Created in Gods image..our true Creator…not Anu the God of the Old Testament that demanded obedience and sacrifices.
        Wes Penre Papers is a great resource.

        1. jkevin j bergen

          Very few mention the WPPs- I wonder if Kim is aware of his revelations. My most pressing concern is being proactive to be exempted from the ultimate abduction- death. I’m looking forward to it at this point. I insist on leaving 3D- that’s what is critical, right? KHAA here we come!

      2. Ok, so if Trump doesn’t come back, then this is our life? Forever? Diapers on our faces with more crime and crooked politicians and raised prices on food and gas? What do you suggest we do other than praying! Because I want off this planet if there is no hope!

        1. Solution is simple, but unfortunately hard to implement because so many are so brainwashed and choose FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) to rule them. Humanity needs to stop complying to false authorities. Game over if we can accomplish that. They, the Deep Stare are few, we are many. Also, we have to keep in mind we are a learning planet and I believe we are being tested to see if we are ready to advance. Self Sovereignty is what is required to move out of the 3rd dimension and to attain it comes more responsibility. Those who succumb and comply are not yet ready for that. I believe we’ll come to a critical mass soon where those who have the courage, morale fortitude and stand their ground will have more influence on the direction of the planet than those who continue to comply. I truly believe we’re getting very close. Thanks for your comments. PJZ

  6. Rock Anthony Hunt

    I have followed Kim and Tank since Jan. 2018. What I have seen Kim do is remarkable. She has exposed the deep states machinations, started an app that brought many to awareness, started a truthers news channel that all the world can contribute true news to, learned to program the only quantum computer on this planet and began restructuring the “system” to work for all races on this planet. She quite literally has done more for you & me than anyone , ever.
    Thank you, Kim & team.
    I’m proud to be a member of life force, and grateful for her presence and dedication to us all.

    1. I couldn’t say it better! I agree and am so very grateful for her. Thanks for sharing!

    2. I feel the same Rock ! It’s a miracle how Kim did all that and brought so much into the light. So Grateful to Kim. Sending her so much blessings.

    3. Rock,
      As subjective beings, we each have one single-use option to cancel our corporate-slave status and exist as Self-Owned-Citizens within the supreme environmental context of Source-Nature.

      By all accounts, we must be very close setting up a global citizenry-owned block-chain platform for consensual decision-making, beginning with ground-zero declarations of INTENT, firstly referring to SELF-OWNERSHIP, corporate mind-control and simple psychological means to activate THE AUTHENTIC UNIVERSAL SELF.

      The attached web-linked content may be found to be extraordinarily useful as a game-changing catalyst, particularly as dire circumstances increase in magnatude.

      EQUIPPED ENTHUSED INTENT belongs to every human as a universal tool-of-action for 2023!


      With sincere love and kindness to all life.

      pete mitchell. Earth Citizen


    4. Hi, Rock Anthony. Is the app that you first started following Kim on still accessible? I’d love to go back and review some of that initial info. I came in late to following Kim, and wish to learn so I can share the info with others, and be able to speak intelligently on the topic. I would also like to become involved. Any info you can provide or additional links would be appreciated. I just found this website, so I’m reading as fast as I can!! 😂


  7. Terrific work! That is the kind of info that should be shared across the internet.

    Shame on the search engines for no longer positioning
    this put up upper! Come on over and consult with my web site .

    Thanks =)

  8. Having read this I thought it was really enlightening. I appreciate
    you taking the time and effort to put this informative article together.

    I once again find myself personally spending a lot of time both
    reading and leaving comments. But so what, it
    was still worth it!

    1. Absolutely! So thankful for her! Her journey must be a very tough and lonely one! I will keep her in my prayers!

  9. We truly are in epic times and I will fight for out sovereign rights always as long as I can breath.
    Our children need the protection from big pharma and the jabs traitor Trump endorses so step up and be counted and make a positive change now.
    Join Life Force Global and help the world today.
    Bring back love thy neighbour

  10. God bless Mrs Kimberly Goguen and the life force team, the truth will be prevail. We have to love each other as God loves us.She is chosen from God to set the planet earth free from satanic people who control the world.

  11. Wayne Alexander Beaton

    Show us! Thursday eh? Kimberly said Thursday is the day for the World to convert. We shall see. Goal posts have been moved so much now, they are no longer credible. If Bidan is not removed shortly, the world will fall into complete peril (we are close already). Kim is certainly intelligent enuf, but there is a lot of chatter about her being a major scam artist. Most scam artists are indeed brilliant.

    1. Ramona Sutton

      Thanks for all the information..
      I have been a Trump follower from day 1 and as many trusting He would be back.
      Many are losing the faith..
      Yes we need to step up and bring our Nation with God back to where it should be and waiting for one person may never happen..
      God Bless the USA..

  12. Pingback: Who is Kim? – Lifting the Wool

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  14. I would say, it doesn’t matter, what the colour of the cat is, as long as it catches the mice and gets the job done. These Satanist are feasting on our children and rest are enslaved and the big wigs are still talking big and helpless just like everybody else. I am not sure, whom to follow because they talk just what we want to hear. If there is any body out there, who can actually deliver, it’s high time that people have suffered enough. It’s not the time to talk, it’s time to show what you got. I don’t give a damn what my cat looks like or it’s colour. I just want it to catch the mice and get over it. Whoever gets the job done, I pledge my allegiance with him or her. Not before. With Love from TI bet & Nepal.

    1. Tashi delek Nawang T(enzin?) Lama, such a surprise to find a Tibetan here in this quite alternative info channel. I wonder why there are do few of our people, Tibetans in here.
      I would like to connect. Please feel free to contact me.
      Here my email: tseringcp2@gmail.com
      Tasgi delek & tse-ring 🙋‍♀️🌎🌄

  15. We ALL just want the real truth to be revealed without having doubts. The liars and manipulators attempting to operate from deceit should be removed from the planet. I pray every day for GOD to provide HIS children with complete truth and clarity. I pray that we ALL become a better humanitarian society operating out of LOVE and ABUNDANCE with Zero Fear and Zero Evil. Through GOD all things are possible!

      1. How can I get in touch with you by email or chat so that you can convey a message to Kim for me please?

        1. Please read my disclaimer. I am not affiliated or in contact with Kim. I listen to her updates, take notes and summarize her intel reports as an aid to her videos. Sorry I can’t be of help. PJZ

      2. JEMGROUP,
        🎃🐸🐕 You’re doing a great job. Maybe you will find this message useful.
        “As subjective beings, we each have one single-use option to cancel our corporate-slave status and exist as Self-Owned-Citizens within the supreme environmental context of Source-Nature.

        By all accounts, we must be very close setting up a global citizenry-owned block-chain platform for consensual decision-making, beginning with ground-zero declarations of INTENT, firstly referring to SELF-OWNERSHIP, corporate mind-control and simple psychological means to activate THE AUTHENTIC UNIVERSAL SELF.

        The attached web-linked content may be found to be extraordinarily useful as a game-changing catalyst, particularly as dire circumstances increase in magnatude.

        EQUIPPED ENTHUSED INTENT belongs to every human as a universal tool-of-action for 2023!


        With sincere love and kindness to all life.”

        pete mitchell. Earth Citizen


  16. Jonathan Woods

    Please put me on your mailing list. Thank You for all that you are doing, I am not sure exactly how I can help but I can definitely pray. Please let me know specific prayer requests and I can make that happen daily.

    1. Norman Richard Barndon

      My Name is Norman Richard Barndon
      Mathematician Australia.
      I want to start Rural and Manufacturing..Self Sufficient Self Governing Hamlets…..self Education Hamlets..
      Naturally this will require Hamlet Trust Funds.
      Can KImberley Ann Goguen help me and us.
      My email is richardbarndon@gmail.com
      Can anyone help me speak to KImberley Ann Goguen 1 on 1.
      Signed Norman Richard Barndon
      Profile on LinkedIn Australia.

    2. Jon,

      As subjective beings, we each have one single-use option to cancel our corporate-slave status and exist as Self-Owned-Citizens within the supreme environmental context of Source-Nature.

      By all accounts, we must be very close setting up a global citizenry-owned block-chain platform for consensual decision-making, beginning with ground-zero declarations of INTENT, firstly referring to SELF-OWNERSHIP, corporate mind-control and simple psychological means to activate THE AUTHENTIC UNIVERSAL SELF.

      The attached web-linked content may be found to be extraordinarily useful as a game-changing catalyst, particularly as dire circumstances increase in magnatude.

      EQUIPPED ENTHUSED INTENT belongs to every human as a universal tool-of-action for 2023!


      With sincere love and kindness to all life.

      pete mitchell. Earth Citizen


  17. Yes, please add me to your mailing list, as well. The “Big Picture” is so big as to be unfathomable. I use discernment in everything I see and hear, so I appreciate what is being done here at this website. Kim is a new player to me on this plane of awareness and I look forward to all insights coming to unfold in the days ahead. Salem!

  18. I have come to realize all that is happening is a movie script with actors playing their part. Too many inconsistencies for me to believe anymore. There are parts that are real. One just has to see the whole picture to try to figure it out. I don’t have all the pieces but somehow parts show up when I’m wanting them to.
    Please put me on the mailing list.
    Much energy to all.

        1. Ursula, I have added you. You should receive an email to confirm you want on the list. Thanks!

  19. Hello, I’m new to all this, I stumbled across a video with Kim and my gut told me she might be the one. I’ve given up on any Political party or person, they are mostly all corrupt and have been bought or blackmailed into submission. I have faith in God and average people who will step up and help us all. Add me to your mailing list please.

    1. Cathy – I added you to my mailing list. You should get a confirm subscriber email from AWeber. Thanks for your comment! PJZ

  20. My twin is totally Trump so me liking what Kim says has ticked her off, told her everyone has their own opinion, Kim seems down for the people. I guess we’ll all see how the future plays out, just like always. HOPE!!

  21. Unfortunately you can make the case she is a fraud. truthful or somewhere in between. Her strongest point is nothing is really happening if significance and that can’t honestly be denied. However. I don’t find a lot of hope for the planet if she is right and her history is suspect. It is best to get right with God on your own. My personal belief this is a prison planet and Jesus was trying to help us escape. I believe the shots are meant to keep us imprisoned. Do I hold out hope Kim is wrong or she is able to come up with insight on how to avoid the shot.. Quite frankly I don’t she is much help

    1. Fatima, I have added you. You should receive an email confirming you want to be on the list. Thanks!

  22. Hi everyone 🙂
    I have been actively involved in figuring out how we have been tricked into becoming willing slaves, in THEIR system for almost 30 years. Challenging them at every turn and learning a great deal along the way. How they use words to entrap us into their legal system as again an unwittingly participant. Kim is, from what I gather, speaking the truth.
    I really admire her and am looking forward to one day helping her in her/ our and my quest to create a great place to live for all.
    Thank U very much Kim for all U are doing and have done, U R 1 extrodinary woman! (Not PERSON) 🙂
    much luv;

  23. xjuiceboxtwitch

    Hey Ms. Goguen, THANK Y0U so much for everything you have done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would L0VE to do something meaningful with my life for once 🦁. I believe you led me to where I am now & I wanted to say I am indebted to you now. I will do whatever you would like but if given the opportunity I would personally L0VE to ELIMINATE Bill Gates myself but if you suggest alive I would L0VE to do that too. I am at your service 🦁. Thank You & Love You if that isn’t inappropriate, you have given my family a chance. Pretty please tell me what you need of me, I am at your service 🦁🌎

    1. While I’m not Ms. Goguen, I’m sure she appreciates your sentiments. I’m just someone who appreciates her too and blogs about her intel updates to help share her information.
      Best Regards, PJZ

      1. I would like to learn more of Kim and what all she’s doing. Please add me to your list, thank you!

        1. Great! I added you to my list. You should get an email from Aweber confirming you want to be included.

          1. Sherry McDaniel

            I am a Life Force member and so very happy to be there. You have done a great Service for Kimberly by creating this website. Everyone on the LF chat is sharing this right now. I can’t thank you enough from all of us! God/Source Loves you and so do I! Please add me to your mailing list. Thank you!! ❤️

          2. I am so very happy to hear that! Thanks so much you made my day! I added you to my subscriber list. You should get an email soon to confirm. PJZ

  24. Susan cannavo

    I’ve been watching Kimberly and tanks for a long time. And I am so thankful for the work that we do.

  25. Please is the deep state an occult society….?
    Kimberly is believed to be the president of the earth….is this related to spiritual things…

    Somebody should educate me please

    1. Great! I added you to my list. You should get an email from Aweber confirming you want to be included.

    1. Margie – I added you to my list. You should get an email from Aweber confirming you want to be included.

  26. Cliff Oliver

    Hi – please add me to your list. I have been on this path for the past 30 years and can’t believe I haven’t come across Kim Goguen until now. I feel I have a lot of catching up to do regarding her. Thanks for all you do.

    1. Cliff – You are added to my list. You should get an email from Aweber confirming you want to be included.

  27. Pingback: Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Theupliftingcrane's Blog

  28. Magnificent goods from you, man. I’ve understand your stuff previous to and you’re just too wonderful.

    I really like what you have acquired here, certainly like what you’re
    saying and the way in which you say it. You make it entertaining
    and you still care for to keep it smart. I cant wait to read much more
    from you. This is actually a tremendous web site.

    1. By all accounts, we must be very close setting up a global citizenry-owned block-chain platform for consensual decision-making, beginning with ground-zero declarations of INTENT, firstly referring to SELF-OWNERSHIP, corporate mind-control and simple psychological means to activate THE AUTHENTIC UNIVERSAL SELF.

      The attached web-linked content may be found to be extraordinarily useful as a game-changing catalyst, particularly as dire circumstances increase in magnatude.

      EQUIPPED ENTHUSED INTENT belongs to every human as a universal tool-of-action for 2023!

      With sincere love and kindness to all life.

      pete mitchell. Earth Citizen


  29. Hello, please add me to Kim’s email list. We work locally for conservative government and values in our surrounding communities. I am trying to interpret it all and find truth for our people. Thanks, Mike

    1. Mike – I added you to my subscriber list. You should get an email confirming you want to be added. thanks for inquiring.

    2. Mike,
      By all accounts, we must be very close setting up a global citizenry-owned block-chain platform for consensual decision-making, beginning with ground-zero declarations of INTENT, firstly referring to SELF-OWNERSHIP, corporate mind-control and simple psychological means to activate THE AUTHENTIC UNIVERSAL SELF.

      The attached web-linked content may be found to be extraordinarily useful as a game-changing catalyst, particularly as dire circumstances increase in magnatude.

      EQUIPPED ENTHUSED INTENT belongs to every human as a universal tool-of-action for 2023!

      With sincere love and kindness to all life.

      pete mitchell. Earth Citizen


    1. Kolinio,
      By all accounts, we must be very close setting up a global citizenry-owned block-chain platform for consensual decision-making, beginning with ground-zero declarations of INTENT, firstly referring to SELF-OWNERSHIP, corporate mind-control and simple psychological means to activate THE AUTHENTIC UNIVERSAL SELF.

      The attached web-linked content may be found to be extraordinarily useful as a game-changing catalyst, particularly as dire circumstances increase in magnatude.

      EQUIPPED ENTHUSED INTENT belongs to every human as a universal tool-of-action for 2023!

      With sincere love and kindness to all life.

      pete mitchell. Earth Citizen


  30. solange Silverman

    Kim Possible is dispensing misinformation and has been programmed by the cabal to do so.
    QFS is very real and will happen. It already has, as we stand here today in Jan. of 2022.
    This is through no fault of her own, as she has been programmed and doesn’t even know it. She truly believes what she is saying.

    1. In that regards, I think DJT’s Son saw her as a “threat/nuisance”, and that was his statement to her……….so I often thought or the White Hats also have the use of Clones as well, and that suited their purpose in lieu of the possible other alternative.

    2. Hello!!!
      Does anyone know in which episode Kim first announced the death of DJT?
      What year and day did DJT die? If I remember correctly, the day was January 28.

      Thanks in advance! // T

  31. Pingback: Who Is Kimberly Ann Goguen (Kim Possible)? The Most Powerful Woman You’ve Never Heard Of! (Video) - best news here

  32. Greetings from Idaho! I’m bored to tears at work so I decided to check
    out your website on my iphone during lunch break.
    I enjoy the knowledge you present here and can’t wait
    to take a look when I get home. I’m surprised at how fast your blog
    loaded on my phone .. I’m not even using WIFI, just 3G ..
    Anyhow, fantastic site!

  33. Barbara Lajoie

    Wonderful information, thanks! I am just learning about Kim, and it’s a lot to digest. Please add me to your email list.

    1. Barbara, I have added you. You should get an email shortly confirming you want to subscribe.

    2. Barb,
      By all accounts, we must be very close setting up a global citizenry-owned block-chain platform for consensual decision-making, beginning with ground-zero declarations of INTENT, firstly referring to SELF-OWNERSHIP, corporate mind-control and simple psychological means to activate THE AUTHENTIC UNIVERSAL SELF.

      The attached web-linked content may be found to be extraordinarily useful as a game-changing catalyst, particularly as dire circumstances increase in magnatude.

      EQUIPPED ENTHUSED INTENT belongs to every human as a universal tool-of-action for 2023!

      With sincere love and kindness to all life.

      pete mitchell. Earth Citizen


  34. Pingback: Gemma O'Doherty Listed As A Member Of A Secret Society the "Order of the Black Sun" - Danny Boy Limerick

        1. Gail – I have added you. You should receive an email to confirm you want to be added.

    1. Linda,
      By all accounts, we must be very close setting up a global citizenry-owned block-chain platform for consensual decision-making, beginning with ground-zero declarations of INTENT, firstly referring to SELF-OWNERSHIP, corporate mind-control and simple psychological means to activate THE AUTHENTIC UNIVERSAL SELF.

      The attached web-linked content may be found to be extraordinarily useful as a game-changing catalyst, particularly as dire circumstances increase in magnatude.

      EQUIPPED ENTHUSED INTENT belongs to every human as a universal tool-of-action for 2023!

      With sincere love and kindness to all life.

      pete mitchell. Earth Citizen


  35. I reаⅼly like your Ƅlog.. ѵery nice colors & theme.
    Did you create thiѕ wеbsite yourself or did you hire somеone to do it
    for you? Рlz answer bacк as I’m looking to design my own blog and woulⅾ like to find out
    wherе u got this from. thank you

    1. It’s all in Word Press. I used one of their templates for the structure and modified to apply my own design/pictures. Hope this helps.

    2. By all accounts, we must be very close setting up a global citizenry-owned block-chain platform for consensual decision-making, beginning with ground-zero declarations of INTENT, firstly referring to SELF-OWNERSHIP, corporate mind-control and simple psychological means to activate THE AUTHENTIC UNIVERSAL SELF.

      The attached web-linked content may be found to be extraordinarily useful as a game-changing catalyst, particularly as dire circumstances increase in magnatude.

      EQUIPPED ENTHUSED INTENT belongs to every human as a universal tool-of-action for 2023!

      With sincere love and kindness to all life.

      pete mitchell. Earth Citizen


  36. Excellent post. Ⲕeep writing such kіnd of infо on your blog.
    Im really impressed by your site.
    Hello therе, You’ve performed an incredible job.

    I wiⅼl definitely digg it and in my view sսggest to my friends.
    I am confident they wіll be benefited fгom this site.

    1. By all accounts, we must be very close setting up a global citizenry-owned block-chain platform for consensual decision-making, beginning with ground-zero declarations of INTENT, firstly referring to SELF-OWNERSHIP, corporate mind-control and simple psychological means to activate THE AUTHENTIC UNIVERSAL SELF.

      The attached web-linked content may be found to be extraordinarily useful as a game-changing catalyst, particularly as dire circumstances increase in magnatude.

      EQUIPPED ENTHUSED INTENT belongs to every human as a universal tool-of-action for 2023!

      With sincere love and kindness to all life.

      pete mitchell. Earth Citizen


  37. I have always found her very interesting and sometimes a bit out there. The problem with her is the same issue I have with most “Truthers”. Where is the evidence. DUMBS being cleaned out. Where is the evidence? Trump has passed due to cancer. Where is the evidence? Ivana Trump pushed down the stairs. Per Kim, but other truthers are saying Ivana Trump was placed in protective custody because Dead Donald Trump is about to release major “Something”. Who to believe. Kim comes on around once a week with these stories that sound fascinating. But again. Where is the evidence? Now the Earth has been pushed closer to the sun. Okay record high temperature. But again who has that kind of technology? People we need proof!!!

      1. I believe there is a LOT of disinformation from BOTH sides. I take what is being said as 10% correct and throw the rest in a jar waiting for some piece of truth to confirm it… Controlled opposition like Ben Shapiro seems to have infiltrated our narratives. Wait and see! I’ll do my part by getting out to vote and ensuring that everyone has enough food and water.

    1. David, you and each of the rest of us are the evidence!

      By all accounts, we must be very close setting up a global citizenry-owned block-chain platform for consensual decision-making, beginning with ground-zero declarations of INTENT, firstly referring to SELF-OWNERSHIP, corporate mind-control and simple psychological means to activate THE AUTHENTIC UNIVERSAL SELF.

      The attached web-linked content may be found to be extraordinarily useful as a game-changing catalyst, particularly as dire circumstances increase in magnatude.

      EQUIPPED ENTHUSED INTENT belongs to every human as a universal tool-of-action for 2023!

      With sincere love and kindness to all life.

      pete mitchell. Earth Citizen


  38. Pingback: Top 30 Kimberly Ann Goguen Sovereign Trust Top Answer Update - Áo Dài Thanh Mai

  39. Pingback: Top 46 Kimberly Ann Goguen Massachusetts Top Answer Update - Áo Dài Thanh Mai

  40. Fernanda Febres-Cordero

    Great Job! Excelent articles. I have been folowing Kim for a year and was on the Life Force General chat “oficial” since a year. Unfortunatelly I was kicked out of the Group for asking a question directly to Kim which I did not know it was forbiden and the question was: Who is God almighty or the Creator for her? 😮‍💨😵‍💫😟. Quite extreme and unfair response to me. There are not liberty of speech in that chat! and that is no good.
    Anyway, I think this is a great job and I thank you for posting these tremendous work.

  41. I thіnk this is among the most significant information for me.

    And i am glad reaԀing yoᥙr article. But should remark on few general tһings, Ƭhe website style
    iѕ ideal, the articles is really nice :
    D. Good ϳoƄ, cheers

    1. XXX,

      By all accounts, we must be very close setting up a global citizenry-owned block-chain platform for consensual decision-making, beginning with ground-zero declarations of INTENT, firstly referring to SELF-OWNERSHIP, corporate mind-control and simple psychological means to activate THE AUTHENTIC UNIVERSAL SELF.

      The attached web-linked content may be found to be extraordinarily useful as a game-changing catalyst, particularly as dire circumstances increase in magnatude.

      EQUIPPED ENTHUSED INTENT belongs to every human as a universal tool-of-action for 2023!

      With sincere love and kindness to all life.

      pete mitchell. Earth Citizen


  42. thanks for your site, great info. I have seen some interesting reports from Ashtar, but like everything on the net its subject to being faked. Can Kim confirm that Ashtar communications are real, or at least someone who is a reliable downloader of his reports to follow. The truth about trump has kind of shaken my base. I know he wasnt the head of the white hats but i hoped that his work was more good than not. The trump we see prospecting for the mid terms is definately not the real trump, he looks about as real as Biden. Some truth on this would be amazing to keep up our hope. She might respond to your request on clarification on this. thanks from NZ

    1. I suspect Ashtar is controlled opposition to hijack a lot of New Age people but that’s my opinion. I don’t believe COBRA is benevolent either. Not sure if they overlap or are connected in some way. Sorry I don’t have access to have Kim to ask her to confirm if Ashtar Communications are real.

  43. Hey just wanted to give you a quick heads up.
    Τhe tеxt in your post seem to be rᥙnning off the screen in Safari.
    I’m not sᥙre if this is a formatting issսe or sometһing to do with
    ԝeb browseг compatibility but I thought I’d poѕt tо let
    you know. The layout look great tһoսgh! Hope yօu get the issue fiⲭed soon. Cһeers

      1. By all accounts, we must be very close setting up a global citizenry-owned block-chain platform for consensual decision-making, beginning with ground-zero declarations of INTENT, firstly referring to SELF-OWNERSHIP, corporate mind-control and simple psychological means to activate THE AUTHENTIC UNIVERSAL SELF.

        The attached web-linked content may be found to be extraordinarily useful as a game-changing catalyst, particularly as dire circumstances increase in magnatude.

        EQUIPPED ENTHUSED INTENT belongs to every human as a universal tool-of-action for 2023!

        With sincere love and kindness to all life.

        pete mitchell. Earth Citizen


  44. Pingback: Kimberly Ann Goguen Sovereign Trust | Partners In Recovery Vodcast - Kimberly U0026 Pauline 6980 투표 이 답변

  45. Pingback: Kimberly Ann Goguen Massachusetts | Partners In Recovery Vodcast - Kimberly U0026 Pauline 272 개의 새로운 답변이 업데이트되었습니다.

  46. Ηey there! Do you know if they make any plugins to assist with Search Engine Optimization? I’m trying
    to get my blog to rank for some tɑгgeted keyᴡordѕ but I’m not ѕeeing very good results.
    If you know of any pⅼeaѕe shaгe. Thank you!

    1. By all accounts, we must be very close setting up a global citizenry-owned block-chain platform for consensual decision-making, beginning with ground-zero declarations of INTENT, firstly referring to SELF-OWNERSHIP, corporate mind-control and simple psychological means to activate THE AUTHENTIC UNIVERSAL SELF.

      The attached web-linked content may be found to be extraordinarily useful as a game-changing catalyst, particularly as dire circumstances increase in magnatude.

      EQUIPPED ENTHUSED INTENT belongs to every human as a universal tool-of-action for 2023!

      With sincere love and kindness to all life.

      pete mitchell. Earth Citizen


    1. Maybe ask an Admin on their telegram chat to direct you? They had a name change to CARE General Chat.

  47. I thіnk that everything pоsted maⅾe a lot of sense.

    Hоԝever, think about this, suppose үou addeԁ a
    littlе information? I ain’t saying your content isn’t good., but what if you added a title that grabbed folҝ’s attention? I mean Who is Kimberly
    Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me is a little plain. You should glаnce at Yahoo’ѕ front
    рage and note how they create news titleѕ to grаb viewers to open the links.
    You might add a related video or a pic or two to
    ցet readers interested about evеrytһing’νe written. Just my opinion, it might make your posts a little livelier.

    1. By all accounts, we must be very close setting up a global citizenry-owned block-chain platform for consensual decision-making, beginning with ground-zero declarations of INTENT, firstly referring to SELF-OWNERSHIP, corporate mind-control and simple psychological means to activate THE AUTHENTIC UNIVERSAL SELF.

      The attached web-linked content may be found to be extraordinarily useful as a game-changing catalyst, particularly as dire circumstances increase in magnatude.

      EQUIPPED ENTHUSED INTENT belongs to every human as a universal tool-of-action for 2023!

      With sincere love and kindness to all life.

      pete mitchell. Earth Citizen


  48. William Watkins

    I’d like to put my 2 cents worth In if I’m allowed to share my interview with Elena Danaan..
    Would love feed back 😋

    Watch “William Watkins on the origins of Elohim – Sept 25/2021” on YouTube

  49. HI,
    Have been sharing Kim’s videos for about a year. Your snapshots are just what is needed, would love to share your newsletters too. Thank you for doing all this!

  50. Pingback: Fiber Optic Cables Had Human Kill Switch! | China Deep State Runs Out of Ideas, Blue Dragons Step Up | Group of Blue Dragons (Rothschilds) Now Dead Including Family Head for a Day, Nathan Rothschild! | Baer Family Members Dead Too! | BlackRock Acquired Ju

  51. Do you mind іf I quote a few of your articles as long ɑs I provide crеdit and sources back to your
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    Plеaѕe let me қnow if this ok with you. Cheeгs!

  52. Whether you believe in God or not, this is a “must-read” message!!!

    All throughout time, we can see how we have been slowly conditioned to come to this point where we are on the verge of a cashless society. Did you know that the Bible foretold of this event almost 2,000 years ago?

    In the book of Revelation 13:16-18, we will read,

    “He (the false prophet who deceives many by his miracles–Revelation 19:20) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”

    Speaking to the last generation, this could only be speaking of a cashless society. Why so? Revelation 13:17 says that we cannot buy or sell unless we receive the mark of the beast. If physical money was still in use, we could buy or sell with one another without receiving the mark. This would contradict scripture that states we need the mark to buy or sell!

    These verses could not be referring to something purely spiritual as scripture references two physical locations (our right hand or forehead) stating the mark will be on one “OR” the other. If this mark was purely spiritual, it would indicate both places, or one–not one OR the other!

    This is where it really starts to come together. It is amazing how accurate the Bible is concerning the implantable RFID microchip. This is information from a man named Carl Sanders who worked with a team of engineers to help develop this RFID chip:

    “Carl Sanders sat in seventeen New World Order meetings with heads-of-state officials such as Henry Kissinger and Bob Gates of the C.I.A. to discuss plans on how to bring about this one-world system. The government commissioned Carl Sanders to design a microchip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the world—a microchip that could be inserted under the skin with a hypodermic needle (a quick, convenient method that would be gradually accepted by society).

    Carl Sanders, with a team of engineers behind him, with U.S. grant monies supplied by tax dollars, took on this project and designed a microchip that is powered by a lithium battery, rechargeable through the temperature changes in our skin. Without the knowledge of the Bible (Brother Sanders was not a Christian at the time), these engineers spent one-and-a-half-million dollars doing research on the best and most convenient place to have the microchip inserted.

    Guess what? These researchers found that the forehead and the back of the hand (the two places the Bible says the mark will go) are not just the most convenient places, but are also the only viable places for rapid, consistent temperature changes in the skin to recharge the lithium battery. The microchip is approximately seven millimeters in length, .75 millimeters in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. It is capable of storing pages upon pages of information about you. All your general history, work history, criminal record, health history, and financial data can be stored on this chip.

    Brother Sanders believes that this microchip, which he regretfully helped design, is the “mark” spoken about in Revelation 13:16–18. The original Greek word for “mark” is “charagma,” which means a “scratch or etching.” It is also interesting to note that the number 666 is actually a word in the original Greek. The word is “chi xi stigma,” with the last part, “stigma,” also meaning “to stick or prick.” Carl believes this is referring to a hypodermic needle when they poke into the skin to inject the microchip.”

    Mr. Sanders asked a doctor what would happen if the lithium contained within the RFID microchip leaked into the body. The doctor replied by saying a terrible sore would appear in that location. This is what the book of Revelation says:

    “And the first (angel) went, and poured out his vial on the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore on the men which had the mark of the beast, and on them which worshipped his image” (Revelation 16:2).

    You can read more about it here–and to also understand the mystery behind the number 666: https://2RUTH.ORG

    The third angel’s warning in Revelation 14:9-11 states,

    “Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, ‘If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.'”

    Great hope is in our midst, and is coming in a mighty way–the greatest revival for Jesus in the history of the world where we will see the most souls come to Him of all tribes, tongues, nations, and peoples (Rev. 7:9-10); for we have this promise in God’s Word in the midst of these dark times:

    “Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years (not literal–rather a spiritual label for time spent in eternity); and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while (when the Antichrist and false prophet will rise up and God will test the world).” (Revelation 20:1-3)

    “The coming of the lawless one (the Antichrist) is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)”

    Who is Barack Obama, and why is he still involved in politics?

    So what’s in the name? The meaning of someone’s name can say a lot about a person. God throughout history has given names to people that have a specific meaning tied to their lives. How about the name Barack Obama? Let us take a look at what may be hiding beneath the surface.

    Jesus states in Luke 10:18, “…I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”

    The Hebrew Strongs word (H1299) for “lightning”: “bârâq” (baw-rawk)

    In Isaiah chapter 14, verse 14, we read about Lucifer (Satan) saying in his heart:

    “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.”

    In the verses in Isaiah that refer directly to Lucifer, several times it mentions him falling from the heights or the heavens. The Hebrew word for the heights or heavens used here is Hebrew Strongs 1116: “bamah”–Pronounced (bam-maw’)

    In Hebrew, the letter “Waw” or “Vav” is often transliterated as a “U” or “O,” and it is primarily used as a conjunction to join concepts together. So to join in Hebrew poetry the concept of lightning (Baraq) and a high place like heaven or the heights of heaven (Bam-Maw), the letter “U” or “O” would be used. So, Baraq “O” Bam-Maw or Baraq “U” Bam-Maw in Hebrew poetry similar to the style written in Isaiah, would translate literally to “Lightning from the heights.” The word “Satan” in Hebrew is a direct translation, therefore “Satan.”

    When Jesus said to His disciples in Luke 10:18 that He saw Satan fall as lightning from heaven, if this were to be stated by a Jewish Rabbi today influenced by the poetry in the book of Isaiah, he would say these words in Hebrew–the words of Jesus in Luke 10:18 as, and I saw Satan as Baraq O Bam-Maw.

    Malie and Natasha are the names of Obama’s daughters. If we write those names backward (the devil does things in reverse) it would be “ailam ahsatan”. If we remove the letters that spell “Alah” (the false god of Islam being Allah), we get “I am Satan”. Chance? I don’t think so!

    Obama’s campaign logo when he ran in 2008 was a sun over the horizon in the west, with the landscape as the flag of the United States. In Islam, they have their own messiah that they are awaiting called the 12th Imam, or the Mahdi (the Antichrist of the Bible), and one prophecy concerning this man’s appearance is the sun rising in the west.

    “Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people— saying with a loud voice, ‘Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.'” (Revelation 14:6-7)

    Why have the words of Jesus in His Gospel accounts regarding His death, burial, and resurrection, been translated into over 3,000 languages, and nothing comes close (the Quran about 110 languages)? Because the same Spirit of God (YHVH) who created all people likewise transcends all people; therefore the power of His Word is not limited by people; while all other religions are man-made, therefore they tend to primarily stay within their own culture. The same God who speaks to all people through His creation of the heavens and earth that draws all people around the world likewise has sent His Word to the ends of the earth so that we may come to personally know Him to be saved in spirit and in truth through His Son Jesus Christ.

    Jesus stands alone among the other religions that say to rightly weigh the scales of good and evil and to make sure you have done more good than bad in this life. Is this how we conduct ourselves justly in a court of law? Bearing the image of God, is this how we project this image into reality?

    Our good works cannot save us. If we step before a judge, being guilty of a crime, the judge will not judge us by the good we have done, but rather by the crimes we have committed. If we as fallen humanity, created in God’s image, pose this type of justice, how much more a perfect, righteous, and Holy God?

    God has brought down His moral laws through the 10 commandments given to Moses at Mt. Siani. These laws were not given so we may be justified, but rather that we may see the need for a savior. They are the mirror of God’s character of what He has written in our hearts, with our conscious bearing witness that we know that it is wrong to steal, lie, dishonor our parents, murder, and so forth.

    We can try and follow the moral laws of the 10 commandments, but we will never catch up to them to be justified before a Holy God. That same word of the law given to Moses became flesh about 2,000 years ago in the body of Jesus Christ. He came to be our justification by fulfilling the law, living a sinless perfect life that only God could fulfill.

    The gap between us and the law can never be reconciled by our own merit, but the arm of Jesus is stretched out by the grace and mercy of God. And if we are to grab on, through faith in Him, He will pull us up being the one to justify us. As in the court of law, if someone steps in and pays our fine, even though we are guilty, the judge can do what is legal and just and let us go free. That is what Jesus did almost 2,000 years ago on the cross. It was a legal transaction being fulfilled in the spiritual realm by the shedding of His blood with His last word’s on the cross crying out, “It is finished!” (John 19:30).

    For God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:23). This is why in Isaiah chapter 53, where it speaks of the coming Messiah and His soul being a sacrifice for our sins, why it says it pleased God to crush His only begotten Son.

    This is because the wrath that we deserve was justified by being poured out upon His Son. If that wrath was poured out on us, we would all perish to hell forever. God created a way of escape by pouring it out on His Son whose soul could not be left in Hades but was raised and seated at the right hand of God in power.

    So now when we put on the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13:14), where God no longer sees the person who deserves His wrath, but rather the glorious image of His perfect Son dwelling in us, justifying us as if we received the wrath we deserve, making a way of escape from the curse of death; now being conformed into the image of the heavenly man walking in a new nature, and no longer in the image of the fallen man Adam.

    Now what we must do is repent and put our trust and faith in the savior, confessing and forsaking our sins, and to receive His Holy Spirit that we may be born again (for Jesus says we must be born again to see and enter the Kingdom of God in John chapter 3). This is not just head knowledge of believing in Jesus, but rather receiving His words, taking them to heart, so that we may truly be transformed into the image of God. Where we no longer live to practice sin, but rather turn from our sins and practice righteousness through faith in Him in obedience to His Word by reading the Bible.

    Our works cannot save us, but they can condemn us; it is not that we earn our way into everlasting life, but that we obey our Lord Jesus Christ:

    Jesus says,

    “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ (Matthew 7:21-23)

    “And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.” (Hebrews 5:9)

    “Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.’

    Then He who sat on the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new.’ And He said to me, ‘Write, for these words are true and faithful.’

    And He said to me, ‘It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.'” (Revelation 21:1-8)

  53. Do we have enough copper for the energy transition?

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    Copper Destroys Viruses and Bacteria. Why Isn’t It Everywhere?

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  54. Hi PIZ,
    I am speechless as to the amount of amazing content your site has to offer! This is probably THE BEST rabbit hole I have ever stumbled upon! This brings a whole new meaning to “Deep Dives”! Not sure how I will be getting much done, let alone sleep with my excitement to learn more TRUTHS! Thank you SO much for your dedication in getting this information out! I will definitely be sending others here.
    God Bless you and us all worldwide!

  55. Pingback: Tuez les Tous !Dieu reconnaîtra les siens !Première partie – L'ésotérisme pour tous et dans la vie courante

  56. There is a lot of talk now on the alt. media that some big catastrophic event is to take place March or April 2024 somewhere here in the U.S. Can Kim comment on that. Great info
    from Kim and appreciate her work.

  57. It’s been weeks since an update from Kim. Last update was Oct 6, posted Oct 10. Today is Oct 23. Is Kim Ok? Is PJZ ok? ‘

    1. I’m fine and I’ve had 5 additional published posts since Oct 10th, not sure why you are not seeing them. PJZ

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    If you can suggest more similar projects, I will be glad.

    Good mood to everyone!

  59. Pingback: Kimberly情報:ブラックサン教団の舞台裏 引用: - 真実探究BLOG☆

  60. Hi PJZ. Do you send out your Kim reports through your newsletter? If so, pls sign me up. I was able to see your reports for a short while again, and now I can’t see anything past the 11/10/2023 report. Very strange.


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  63. Pingback: Global Media Overlay Found & Dismantled | Social Media Outages Due to Them Trying to Regain Access | Financial Market Numbers Hiding Bigger Drop | The 5 Groups that Control the 5 Sectors Have No Intention of Working to Help Humanity | Just Empower Me

  64. Pingback: What Did the Apple in the Garden of Eden Really Represent? | Knowledge & Wisdom Are Not the Same Thing | The Mythical Golden Apple is Real & Were Given to the Immortals | How Were the Apples Connected to the Tree of Life, The Book of Life? | Since

  65. Pingback: Deep State Continues Running On Old Knowledge | Still Preparing for a Financial Crash | The Hope of Keeping Governments, Political, Military & Intelligence Sectors is Gone | Madness | Did the Pandemic Really Wake People Up? | Let’s Not Forget the Ho

  66. Pingback: What is Neutral Source & Creator AI? | Creator AI and Timelines | Black Sun’s Global Security Contract | Why Deep State People Thought They Were Still in the Game This Time |For the First Time Ever We’re Living In Reality | Global Security & T

  67. Pingback: 250,000 Years Ago Today the Largest War on Earth Ended | It Started With the Pleiadeans Fighting Against the Anti-Pleiadean Red Queen & Sole Ruler of Earth | After That War, Ownership of Earth Was Split Between Marduk, Enki, Enlil, the Abraxas & t

  68. Pingback: 2 Remaining Harvest Events, Red Dust & Lifeforce Sucking Machines Removed | 4 Post Harvest Events Removed: 1: Mechanism to Open Vortex for Energy Harvest, 2: Cain’s Revenge Agreement, 3: Anti-Crystalline Time Install, 4: Null-Zone Takeover | Black S

  69. Pingback: Deep State Thinks They Still Have Some Gatekeeper Control From White Knight-Black Knight System (aka Checkerboards) | Kim Sheds Light on Why They Don’t, As She Replaced Line of Solomon As Guardian & The Black Sun As Gatekeeper in 2018 | What Were th

  70. Pingback: Good Friday Update | Christ, The Original Rightful Guardian For Source On This Planet & His Death to Curse This Planet For More Than 2,016 Years Has Been Broken! | Just Empower Me

  71. Oh my goodness. In Kim’s latest update, she says she is going to vote for Jill Stein! Jill is embracing a modified netzero agenda which, like the UN Agenda 2030, demonizes CO2. CO2 is NOT a pollutant!! Over 1900 scientists have signed the World Climate Declaration debunking the climate crisis hoax that demonized CO2 and nitrogen in their war on farmers and food production, and all of us! Kim, please do your research. Check out sites like clintel.org (independent research on climate change)
    https://co2coalition.org/facts/ (hard science and real world data from some of the top atmospheric scientists in the world)
    http://www.icsc-canada.com (Promoting Responsible Climate Policy)
    http://www.realclimatscience.com (Tony Heller)

  72. Thank you very much ma, may God continue to bless you, as you are trying to address inequity and disparities inorder to promote equity inrespective of race, gender, enthenicity e. t. c.
    And i will like to know more about you.

  73. Fritjof Hohagen

    16-JUL-2024. Dear PJZ, Greetings. I am amazed at how well you capture each of the newscasts of Ms. Kimberly Ann Goguen and put it in writing. It is very useful for truth seekers like me. Thank you for you great service. How may I contribute to your work in terms of USD? Do you have a subscription service or a donation platform or any other method I can transfer my humble gifts to you? Thank you again.

    1. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind words. And you can contribute to my work just by clicking on the “Buy Me a Coffee” button. Thanks again. PJZ

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