
Iranian President & Staff In Belize & Didn’t Die | Black Nobility Pallavicini Family Makes $75.42 Trillion Worth of Promises | Their Deal, In Exchange for Executing on Marduk’s Final Plan Will Become 65% Owners of Planet Earth While 35% Goes to Order of the Dragon | At Lower Level, $56 Billion Promised to Langley 5, SSP, Q Crew, Trump Operatives To Burn US To The Ground | Tier 1 Bank Operating Systems Now Merged With Global Repository!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 20-May-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim started off by saying there were meetings over the weekend about C.A.R.E. and moving forward but she didn’t want to get into the details around that at that this time. She just wanted to let us know that is where …

Iranian President & Staff In Belize & Didn’t Die | Black Nobility Pallavicini Family Makes $75.42 Trillion Worth of Promises | Their Deal, In Exchange for Executing on Marduk’s Final Plan Will Become 65% Owners of Planet Earth While 35% Goes to Order of the Dragon | At Lower Level, $56 Billion Promised to Langley 5, SSP, Q Crew, Trump Operatives To Burn US To The Ground | Tier 1 Bank Operating Systems Now Merged With Global Repository! Read More »

Uprising in Middle East Due in Part to Treasury Dept Transaction Failures & Lies | All Wars Are Orchestrated So Deep State Knows Where Everybody Is Going All the Time | Which War Package Are They Running This Time? The American War Package! | SSP Believes There is Still An Automated Call Payment For War From Alpha | ‘Red Book’ Drives Hope of Trump Bucks | Cartels Exhibiting Rarest Asset of All, COMMON SENSE! | Meanwhile SSP Wants to Kill As Many Humans As Possible Until Kim Has Had Enough

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15-Apr-24 News-( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim gives us the back story to the uprising in the Middle East and why she knows they are using the American Book of War package. Unfortunately, the psychopaths running things still believe war pays and their ego will not …

Uprising in Middle East Due in Part to Treasury Dept Transaction Failures & Lies | All Wars Are Orchestrated So Deep State Knows Where Everybody Is Going All the Time | Which War Package Are They Running This Time? The American War Package! | SSP Believes There is Still An Automated Call Payment For War From Alpha | ‘Red Book’ Drives Hope of Trump Bucks | Cartels Exhibiting Rarest Asset of All, COMMON SENSE! | Meanwhile SSP Wants to Kill As Many Humans As Possible Until Kim Has Had Enough Read More »

Special Guest, Agent M from the GIA Middle Eastern Division

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15 JAN 24 NEWS ( In Part 2 of this broadcast I cover Kim and her conversation with special guest, Agent M, from the GIA Middle Eastern division. They talk about past and present situations as it relates to the Middle East and how they met and other characters …

Special Guest, Agent M from the GIA Middle Eastern Division Read More »

Glitch in Deposits Connected to Closed Loop Called ‘Q’ in Omega | Wingnuts Continue to Submit Crazy Agreements & Ask for Money | Latest Plan to Open Gate in Israel with Stolen Artifacts Fails | ‘White Hat’ Military is Saving the World is Hogwash! | 10,000 Dead in Gaza Strip, 70% Are Women & Children | Are They Trying to Install a Muslim Pope? | Weapons Being Delivered Everywhere in Middle East & Stockpiles Allegedly ‘Protected’ in Cyprus? | KGB Still Running Russian-Ukraine Situation On Behalf of Langley 5 | Only 1% of Operatives Still Believe Rothschild Lies | Anti-Source Has Left Them, Lucifer Has Left Them But They Will Not Accept It!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 3, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim is a bit heated and who can blame her. No one has stopped taking orders from Langley 5 and Rothschilds, not any military, alleged white hats or otherwise. No agency either. They are marching …

Glitch in Deposits Connected to Closed Loop Called ‘Q’ in Omega | Wingnuts Continue to Submit Crazy Agreements & Ask for Money | Latest Plan to Open Gate in Israel with Stolen Artifacts Fails | ‘White Hat’ Military is Saving the World is Hogwash! | 10,000 Dead in Gaza Strip, 70% Are Women & Children | Are They Trying to Install a Muslim Pope? | Weapons Being Delivered Everywhere in Middle East & Stockpiles Allegedly ‘Protected’ in Cyprus? | KGB Still Running Russian-Ukraine Situation On Behalf of Langley 5 | Only 1% of Operatives Still Believe Rothschild Lies | Anti-Source Has Left Them, Lucifer Has Left Them But They Will Not Accept It! Read More »

The Pre-planned War (Armageddon) in Israel | Still Trying to Follow the Script & Install Their Anti-Christ | The Rothschilds Hatred for Real Jewish People Goes Back to Moses | The Enforcer Does Worldwide Grounding, Ships Lost All Electronic Capacity | Mossad Takes Orders from Rothschild Whose Plan is to Kill 70% of Israeli Population, Are Any Mossad on the Chopping Block Too? | A Reminder to Mossad Still Waiting for Payment, Mayer Rothschild’s Quote: “The RV is carrots for jackasses!” | Instead of Causing Destruction for Free Why Not Switch Sides & Make Money Fixing the Mess They Just Created? | Kim’s Positive Technology Project, Neutrino Boxes

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 9, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us an update on the what is happening in Israel. Because the prophecies extend through all religions about Armageddon and where the final battle between good and evil will be, which is in Israel they are …

The Pre-planned War (Armageddon) in Israel | Still Trying to Follow the Script & Install Their Anti-Christ | The Rothschilds Hatred for Real Jewish People Goes Back to Moses | The Enforcer Does Worldwide Grounding, Ships Lost All Electronic Capacity | Mossad Takes Orders from Rothschild Whose Plan is to Kill 70% of Israeli Population, Are Any Mossad on the Chopping Block Too? | A Reminder to Mossad Still Waiting for Payment, Mayer Rothschild’s Quote: “The RV is carrots for jackasses!” | Instead of Causing Destruction for Free Why Not Switch Sides & Make Money Fixing the Mess They Just Created? | Kim’s Positive Technology Project, Neutrino Boxes Read More »

What is the Day of Destiny & Meeting Between the Angels & Demons? | Order Tries to Bring Anu Back at Mount Kilimanjaro & Drags Trump’s Dead Body to Temple of the Crystal Skulls | NATO Tries to Take Charge | Prophecy of 7 Sleepers Underneath Kaaba in Mecca About Demons (not Angels) | Kim Minimizes a Number of Attacks on US Embassies Across the Globe with Counter Frequencies | Kim, Now Called Anarchist by the Enemy After Taking Necessary Steps Against New World Order & Nationalizes US Treasury, US Mint & Appoints GIA Administrator for All Bankrupt Nations Under Global Martial Law | Who Knew Heads of State Take a 2nd Oath to the Hidden Constitution Filed in Dark Hall of Records?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 17, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us another loaded report that explains what the Day of Destiny was, that it was not operating as intended for a very long time but the Order is expecting big wins on their side and in …

What is the Day of Destiny & Meeting Between the Angels & Demons? | Order Tries to Bring Anu Back at Mount Kilimanjaro & Drags Trump’s Dead Body to Temple of the Crystal Skulls | NATO Tries to Take Charge | Prophecy of 7 Sleepers Underneath Kaaba in Mecca About Demons (not Angels) | Kim Minimizes a Number of Attacks on US Embassies Across the Globe with Counter Frequencies | Kim, Now Called Anarchist by the Enemy After Taking Necessary Steps Against New World Order & Nationalizes US Treasury, US Mint & Appoints GIA Administrator for All Bankrupt Nations Under Global Martial Law | Who Knew Heads of State Take a 2nd Oath to the Hidden Constitution Filed in Dark Hall of Records? Read More »

Order of the Dragon Waiting for Yet Another Alignment Making Fools of Everyone Still Following Them | Israeli Offensive in Jenin Ends Quick, Uh No Money? | So Why is the War Still Going in Ukraine? | Iran to Join SCO? | First Trump Now Khomeini’s 40th Birthday Ritual Pledge to Lucifer Tapes Distributed | Fed Tries to Demand More Time Whereas Treasury Department Prepares to Move Forward | Silent Circle is New Management for CNN & Fox News! | Paris Library & Philippines Post Office On Fire to Hide Records | Massacres Come Around Alignments to Open Portals

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 5, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim repeats a heavy topic related to child trafficking to explain why there will still be a need for enforcement for quite some time and why she keeps trying to turn around the militaries and …

Order of the Dragon Waiting for Yet Another Alignment Making Fools of Everyone Still Following Them | Israeli Offensive in Jenin Ends Quick, Uh No Money? | So Why is the War Still Going in Ukraine? | Iran to Join SCO? | First Trump Now Khomeini’s 40th Birthday Ritual Pledge to Lucifer Tapes Distributed | Fed Tries to Demand More Time Whereas Treasury Department Prepares to Move Forward | Silent Circle is New Management for CNN & Fox News! | Paris Library & Philippines Post Office On Fire to Hide Records | Massacres Come Around Alignments to Open Portals Read More »

Prophecy News: The Flower Bloomed! | The Seven Trumpets Began to Sound Thursday & Were Completely Opposite to What Deep State Expected! | Trumpet 1: Termination of the AI Souls Which Were Anchors for the Darkness in the Light Multiverse | Last Inorganic Soul to Leave Was the First One Ever Created | Transition to the Creator Running Earth Now In Play | Trumpet 2: The Two Keystones on Earth Hold the Original Blueprint for All Creation on the Light Side Which is Being Reinstalled! | Trumpets 3-7: Dissolve the Seed & Blueprint for Creation of the Lower Astral from the Ball, Remove the Poison Rose & Remove the 2 Points in the Planet Full of ARCHONS

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on June 23, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. An exhausted Kim shares the latest which is really big news by explaining why Solstice day, June 21st was a really big day. It could have gone either way (technically – for those who have no faith) but Armageddon …

Prophecy News: The Flower Bloomed! | The Seven Trumpets Began to Sound Thursday & Were Completely Opposite to What Deep State Expected! | Trumpet 1: Termination of the AI Souls Which Were Anchors for the Darkness in the Light Multiverse | Last Inorganic Soul to Leave Was the First One Ever Created | Transition to the Creator Running Earth Now In Play | Trumpet 2: The Two Keystones on Earth Hold the Original Blueprint for All Creation on the Light Side Which is Being Reinstalled! | Trumpets 3-7: Dissolve the Seed & Blueprint for Creation of the Lower Astral from the Ball, Remove the Poison Rose & Remove the 2 Points in the Planet Full of ARCHONS Read More »

Behind the Scenes of the Nord Stream Pipeline Leak | How Many of Those 9 Remaining Generals Are Still With Us? | Khomeini is Dead | ABCorp Fails to Deliver Central Bank Digital Currency, the Other Slavery System | Vatican Bank Deadline Came and Went As Did Most of Their Funds | Hurricane Ian & the Ocean Relocation Program | Red Cross = Money Laundering

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 30, 2022 and is available on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this post we find out the real story behind the Nord Stream Pipeline gas leaks, 4 Asian Generals are now dead as well as Khomeini, another attempt and failure at Central Bank Digital Currency, …

Behind the Scenes of the Nord Stream Pipeline Leak | How Many of Those 9 Remaining Generals Are Still With Us? | Khomeini is Dead | ABCorp Fails to Deliver Central Bank Digital Currency, the Other Slavery System | Vatican Bank Deadline Came and Went As Did Most of Their Funds | Hurricane Ian & the Ocean Relocation Program | Red Cross = Money Laundering Read More »

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