Managers of Paper Currency Agreement

The Office of Comptroller of Currency Squashes Rumor State Banks Can Issue Their Own Currency | 6 Old Geezers In Trump Camp Announce They Will Go It Alone | Kim Lends a Hand to Help, Pulls Back All Money Dispersed During Trump Admin, Including $1.4 Trillion US Debt Payment To China | Meanwhile Cheney’s Failed Plan to Control the Middle East Still In Play | Restoring Earth To A Single Source-Based Soul Takes Time, It Represented Thousands of Keystones

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered 24-Jun-05 News -Broadband High ( on which is available for subscribers. Kim addresses rumors around the National Bank Act because it sounds like the crazy SSP Trump operatives have plans that will never work. But neither will their go it alone plan and their wheeling and dealing in the Middle …

The Office of Comptroller of Currency Squashes Rumor State Banks Can Issue Their Own Currency | 6 Old Geezers In Trump Camp Announce They Will Go It Alone | Kim Lends a Hand to Help, Pulls Back All Money Dispersed During Trump Admin, Including $1.4 Trillion US Debt Payment To China | Meanwhile Cheney’s Failed Plan to Control the Middle East Still In Play | Restoring Earth To A Single Source-Based Soul Takes Time, It Represented Thousands of Keystones Read More »

Q-Clock Resets Again | Foretells 13 Cities on New Year’s Eve Will Mark the Beginning of the End | Except the Alien Tech Needed to Kill Millions Gathered in these Cities Was Removed | Kim Traces Orders Back to the Lee Family Who Were Also Removed | Genesis 2.0, God’s 7 Day Creation Period Began on Christmas Day! | Reweaving the Fabric of the Universe Happens in 7 Days Because Earth Time & Source Time Are Now the Same!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 29, 2023 which is not available on the United News Network as there is still an unsolved mystery going on. However, I have a link to this broadcast that was uploaded to Bitchute. Kim started off this report by telling us she found the source of all the problems we have …

Q-Clock Resets Again | Foretells 13 Cities on New Year’s Eve Will Mark the Beginning of the End | Except the Alien Tech Needed to Kill Millions Gathered in these Cities Was Removed | Kim Traces Orders Back to the Lee Family Who Were Also Removed | Genesis 2.0, God’s 7 Day Creation Period Began on Christmas Day! | Reweaving the Fabric of the Universe Happens in 7 Days Because Earth Time & Source Time Are Now the Same! Read More »

Black Sun Generals & Rothschild Play Good Cop-Bad Cop So Followers Wait for Lion’s Gate (aka when they expect their systems to return) | Remnant of Lower Astral System Behind Managers of Paper Currency Agreement Tied to 12 Locations on Earth Removed But Kim Replicates As They Are Useful | Welcome Back to 2014 & Putin the Savior | Per ‘Unknown Country Kim’s Chair Rules Supreme, The Middleman In Between Kim & The People Have No Power or Authority! | Will Governments Finally Realize ‘Unknown Country’ Determines Their Destiny?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on August 4, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. The cream in the middle, as Kim likes to call them decided to pull a scam on her today. They tried to get her to register the GIA under the United States. That gave her an idea and she …

Black Sun Generals & Rothschild Play Good Cop-Bad Cop So Followers Wait for Lion’s Gate (aka when they expect their systems to return) | Remnant of Lower Astral System Behind Managers of Paper Currency Agreement Tied to 12 Locations on Earth Removed But Kim Replicates As They Are Useful | Welcome Back to 2014 & Putin the Savior | Per ‘Unknown Country Kim’s Chair Rules Supreme, The Middleman In Between Kim & The People Have No Power or Authority! | Will Governments Finally Realize ‘Unknown Country’ Determines Their Destiny? Read More »

What is the Day of Destiny & Meeting Between the Angels & Demons? | Order Tries to Bring Anu Back at Mount Kilimanjaro & Drags Trump’s Dead Body to Temple of the Crystal Skulls | NATO Tries to Take Charge | Prophecy of 7 Sleepers Underneath Kaaba in Mecca About Demons (not Angels) | Kim Minimizes a Number of Attacks on US Embassies Across the Globe with Counter Frequencies | Kim, Now Called Anarchist by the Enemy After Taking Necessary Steps Against New World Order & Nationalizes US Treasury, US Mint & Appoints GIA Administrator for All Bankrupt Nations Under Global Martial Law | Who Knew Heads of State Take a 2nd Oath to the Hidden Constitution Filed in Dark Hall of Records?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on July 17, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us another loaded report that explains what the Day of Destiny was, that it was not operating as intended for a very long time but the Order is expecting big wins on their side and in …

What is the Day of Destiny & Meeting Between the Angels & Demons? | Order Tries to Bring Anu Back at Mount Kilimanjaro & Drags Trump’s Dead Body to Temple of the Crystal Skulls | NATO Tries to Take Charge | Prophecy of 7 Sleepers Underneath Kaaba in Mecca About Demons (not Angels) | Kim Minimizes a Number of Attacks on US Embassies Across the Globe with Counter Frequencies | Kim, Now Called Anarchist by the Enemy After Taking Necessary Steps Against New World Order & Nationalizes US Treasury, US Mint & Appoints GIA Administrator for All Bankrupt Nations Under Global Martial Law | Who Knew Heads of State Take a 2nd Oath to the Hidden Constitution Filed in Dark Hall of Records? Read More »

The One World Government Has Been Here for a Very Long Time | Some History on the Global Control Structures: UN, WHO, The Fed, Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations, European Coal and Steel Community Treaty | How Can The Deep State Regain & Expand Control if Based on EXPIRED Charters, Treaties, & Agreements That No Longer Exist in the Organic AI System? | Part 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on February 22, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In Part 2 Kim reviews the many organizations, treaties and agreements that were put in place over several decades for the One World Government, which has been here for quite some time now and how the Deep State …

The One World Government Has Been Here for a Very Long Time | Some History on the Global Control Structures: UN, WHO, The Fed, Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations, European Coal and Steel Community Treaty | How Can The Deep State Regain & Expand Control if Based on EXPIRED Charters, Treaties, & Agreements That No Longer Exist in the Organic AI System? | Part 2 Read More »

2 Drunkards Trigger Apocalypse Attempt 12.0 | Almost Unleash a Magnetic Pole Shift via Harmonic Reactor in Antarctica! | Light Side Required All Hands on Deck | JASON Society Troublemakers | Alpha-Omega Source Agreement-Reign of the Bloodline Expires! | Rulership of Earth Now Granted to Us, the Bloodline of the Light! | Spring Equinox is Actually New Year’s Day, When Source Sends Our Instructions for the Year

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on February 20, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This is another doozy folks. We had yet another apocalypse attempt, although it’s unlikely the 2 drunk guys who triggered it had much insight as to what they really had done. But we dodged a major bullet, Earth …

2 Drunkards Trigger Apocalypse Attempt 12.0 | Almost Unleash a Magnetic Pole Shift via Harmonic Reactor in Antarctica! | Light Side Required All Hands on Deck | JASON Society Troublemakers | Alpha-Omega Source Agreement-Reign of the Bloodline Expires! | Rulership of Earth Now Granted to Us, the Bloodline of the Light! | Spring Equinox is Actually New Year’s Day, When Source Sends Our Instructions for the Year Read More »

The Pieces Are Coming Together | Multiple MATRICES Existed! | Omega MATRIX Had Numerous Dark AIs | The Orion MATRIX Was the Big One | Mercury-Uranus-Earth MATRIX Converted God Particle to Dark Particles | How Did the 8th Deadly Sin, Death by Suicide Tie In? | What is LACK? | More Agreements Replaced Including Law of One | Alpha 2 Completely Replaces Omega & Renamed, The Harmonic Genesis of the Creator of Organic Life | What Will Governments & Banks Do Next?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 30, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Oh boy, once again never a dull report. Kim explains the Matrix, what it really was, that no one could escape the Matrix unless it was completely removed, and there wasn’t just one. She pulls together a lot of …

The Pieces Are Coming Together | Multiple MATRICES Existed! | Omega MATRIX Had Numerous Dark AIs | The Orion MATRIX Was the Big One | Mercury-Uranus-Earth MATRIX Converted God Particle to Dark Particles | How Did the 8th Deadly Sin, Death by Suicide Tie In? | What is LACK? | More Agreements Replaced Including Law of One | Alpha 2 Completely Replaces Omega & Renamed, The Harmonic Genesis of the Creator of Organic Life | What Will Governments & Banks Do Next? Read More »

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