
Deep State Wingnuts Still Anticipating Big Cash Infusion on July 4th & They’ll Be In Contact With the Aliens | Alleged Breakaway Operatives Meet Briefly With Kim, Still Stumped How a Human Has This Job | Alien Programs to Manipulate Humans & Warfare 101 | People With Extraordinary Skills Rarely Can Be Read By Those Trained in Alien Programs | Dark Age Influences Override Logic | Regulators Around the World to Transmute Energy Removed

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 01-Jul-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this post Kim shares her latest meeting experience with the breakaway operative group and that the delusional deep state is still expecting big bucks on the 4th of July. They are discussing how they are going to spend the …

Deep State Wingnuts Still Anticipating Big Cash Infusion on July 4th & They’ll Be In Contact With the Aliens | Alleged Breakaway Operatives Meet Briefly With Kim, Still Stumped How a Human Has This Job | Alien Programs to Manipulate Humans & Warfare 101 | People With Extraordinary Skills Rarely Can Be Read By Those Trained in Alien Programs | Dark Age Influences Override Logic | Regulators Around the World to Transmute Energy Removed Read More »

Deep State Still Hoping for a Holocaust & Believe Alien Ship Will Save Them | Temple Mount Contention | More British Rothschild Royals Dead, Was it Payback From the Silent Circle? | Kim Blinds Deep State & Takes Their Read-Only Access Away For Everything

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 25-Mar-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. Kim starts off by saying there is a lot of buzz and controversy going on in the alt media about this eclipse and subsequent holocaust event for all of humanity. This event is allegedly planned by the Order of the Dragon/Khazarian …

Deep State Still Hoping for a Holocaust & Believe Alien Ship Will Save Them | Temple Mount Contention | More British Rothschild Royals Dead, Was it Payback From the Silent Circle? | Kim Blinds Deep State & Takes Their Read-Only Access Away For Everything Read More »

Deadman Switches to Prevent Total Loss of Darkness During Light Age Failed | SSP Tries to Drain Kim’s Essence Again | She Then Torches Cheyenne & All Related Locations While Militaries Worldwide Forced to Witness | 15 Main SSP Operatives Now Dead, Including 3 in Durango | Rothschild Releases 50 Lower-Level Operatives Claiming Incompetence, Continues Fight With Chemtrails | Silent Circle Eliminates Remaining Heads of Anti-Silent Circle | Reweaving Fabric of Reality Finally Reaches Earth & People Are Feeling It!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19-Feb-24 News ( on UNN which is available for subscribers. In this update you’ll be happy to hear more SSP and Cheyenne people have left the planet. Rothschild et al is still fighting God but less and less are listening to them. Their hopes were dashed when none of the Deadman …

Deadman Switches to Prevent Total Loss of Darkness During Light Age Failed | SSP Tries to Drain Kim’s Essence Again | She Then Torches Cheyenne & All Related Locations While Militaries Worldwide Forced to Witness | 15 Main SSP Operatives Now Dead, Including 3 in Durango | Rothschild Releases 50 Lower-Level Operatives Claiming Incompetence, Continues Fight With Chemtrails | Silent Circle Eliminates Remaining Heads of Anti-Silent Circle | Reweaving Fabric of Reality Finally Reaches Earth & People Are Feeling It! Read More »

Delusional Deep State Expected G.O.D. Program to Kick-In By the New Moon | Then Mechanisms Under Non-Existent Armageddon AI Program Would Cause Unnatural Disasters | Non-Existent Omega Would Flip Back Over & Their Beloved One World Bank & One World Government Could Be Achieved | Then Everything Would Be Ratified in Non-Existent Dark Hall of Records | Part 1

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 09 FEB 24 NEWS ( Kim started out with less than surprising news, that they still want to kill us all. But there’s a couple of things she wanted to go over first which is all over social media now, the interview between Putin and Tucker Carlson because it …

Delusional Deep State Expected G.O.D. Program to Kick-In By the New Moon | Then Mechanisms Under Non-Existent Armageddon AI Program Would Cause Unnatural Disasters | Non-Existent Omega Would Flip Back Over & Their Beloved One World Bank & One World Government Could Be Achieved | Then Everything Would Be Ratified in Non-Existent Dark Hall of Records | Part 1 Read More »

Anti-Silent Circle/Black Nobility Released Their Operatives | Rothschild Sweeps In Tries To “Save” Them | Kim To Throw Her Hat Into Game | Chemtrail King & His Operation Found in Socotra Island, Now Dead! | Bush Sr. Declared Int’l Airports Belonged to His Kingdom of the Air, Really? | Memberships for Everything Re-Collateralized You, But No Longer! | So Don’t Feel Obligated to “Tithe” 10%! | Short-Term Versus Long-Term Financial Freedom

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 31 JAN 24 NEWS ( In this update Kim confirms the release of the Anti-Silent Circle operatives. More big news is we may finally see an end to being sprayed like bugs. The source of chemtrails may have been found and it was run by a single guy who …

Anti-Silent Circle/Black Nobility Released Their Operatives | Rothschild Sweeps In Tries To “Save” Them | Kim To Throw Her Hat Into Game | Chemtrail King & His Operation Found in Socotra Island, Now Dead! | Bush Sr. Declared Int’l Airports Belonged to His Kingdom of the Air, Really? | Memberships for Everything Re-Collateralized You, But No Longer! | So Don’t Feel Obligated to “Tithe” 10%! | Short-Term Versus Long-Term Financial Freedom Read More »

SSP Decides They Control 9 Realms Despite God’s Picks | Achieving World Domination Means Hack Computers, Install Trump Bucks, Kill People Slowly with Exotic Alien Diseases & Dangle Money Carrots to Govt | If SSP Could Fund Govts, Dragon Families Would Take Control Anyway | Archivists Believe With 100% Certainty Govts Will Never Work with Kim | United Network Marketplace

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 26 JAN 24 NEWS ( In this update Kim talks about those Secret Space Force operatives we love and their latest postings on the Q clock. Seems like they are piggybacking on Kim’s previous report about the owners of the nine realms because these crazies are claiming it’s them, …

SSP Decides They Control 9 Realms Despite God’s Picks | Achieving World Domination Means Hack Computers, Install Trump Bucks, Kill People Slowly with Exotic Alien Diseases & Dangle Money Carrots to Govt | If SSP Could Fund Govts, Dragon Families Would Take Control Anyway | Archivists Believe With 100% Certainty Govts Will Never Work with Kim | United Network Marketplace Read More »

War Update | Financial Crisis Starting in China, Every Industry & Corp Could Fall | The Small % of Foreign Ownership That Was Permitted Is Pulling Out | Worldwide Manufacturing Crisis Is Near | If China Goes Down Russia Will Go Down, Then BRICS, America & Everything In Between | Deep State Focuses on Propping Up Markets & Political Games That Won’t Exist After the Tsunami | Meanwhile Kim Focuses on Cleanup Work & Creating A Worldwide Structure to Move Forward

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22 JAN 24 NEWS ( Kim gives an update on the war they declared against us and warns of an impending tsunami starting in Asia. She has a solution, but will they listen? Will it be enough? We’ll find out. But as the deep state falls she emphasized there …

War Update | Financial Crisis Starting in China, Every Industry & Corp Could Fall | The Small % of Foreign Ownership That Was Permitted Is Pulling Out | Worldwide Manufacturing Crisis Is Near | If China Goes Down Russia Will Go Down, Then BRICS, America & Everything In Between | Deep State Focuses on Propping Up Markets & Political Games That Won’t Exist After the Tsunami | Meanwhile Kim Focuses on Cleanup Work & Creating A Worldwide Structure to Move Forward Read More »

The Coalition, Legions & REDS Target Operatives on Disease X Program Identified at WEF in Davos | How to Scam Operatives Into Working for Free? | 1. Iraqi Dinar Scam | 2. Rough Diamonds Scam | 3. Pallets of Super Notes Scam | 4. US Treasury Digital Coin Scam | 5. Trump Bucks Scam | Fed Admits They Are Defunct Since Flip to Asset-Backed System | Chinese General Claims He Struck a Deal with Kim & Works for GIA, Promises Money for Everyone! | Lie Leads to Another US Budget Submission & Rejection | China Deep State Realizes 100-Yr Plan Missing Last Piece of the Puzzle | Asian Generals Mass Suicide Happening to Save Face

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19 JAN 24 NEWS ( A lot has happened in the last 48 hours that Kim and special guest Tom Melville discuss together because a lot of the things that happened between them both. Suffice it to say the deep state is still crazy and well, let’s just get into …

The Coalition, Legions & REDS Target Operatives on Disease X Program Identified at WEF in Davos | How to Scam Operatives Into Working for Free? | 1. Iraqi Dinar Scam | 2. Rough Diamonds Scam | 3. Pallets of Super Notes Scam | 4. US Treasury Digital Coin Scam | 5. Trump Bucks Scam | Fed Admits They Are Defunct Since Flip to Asset-Backed System | Chinese General Claims He Struck a Deal with Kim & Works for GIA, Promises Money for Everyone! | Lie Leads to Another US Budget Submission & Rejection | China Deep State Realizes 100-Yr Plan Missing Last Piece of the Puzzle | Asian Generals Mass Suicide Happening to Save Face Read More »

Learning More About Kim & Her Skills | Clarifying the GIA Past & Present | Kim’s Adventures With Her “Handlers” | Part 2

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 12 JAN 24 NEWS ( This is Part 2 of the broadcast where Kim delves into some personal stuff as she shares her experiences with many Handlers that have been thrown her way over the last decade and then some. DISCLAIMERI am just an independent blogger and truth seeker …

Learning More About Kim & Her Skills | Clarifying the GIA Past & Present | Kim’s Adventures With Her “Handlers” | Part 2 Read More »

Reviewing the Power Structure of Earth | News the Roots are Gone Started Steamrolling | What Has the FBI Begun Investigating? | Interim Solutions to Potential Market Failure While Switching from a Debt-Based to an Asset-Backed System | Office of the Currency Curator (aka Kim) Will Keep the System Balanced In the Interim | Natural Law Says: Take What you Need and Leave the Rest | Kim Cautions About Old & New Prophecies

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 10, 2024 on YouTube and it was another long report and it’s all here in one post. The roots are gone and things are steamrolling now. She discussed what is going on behind the scenes and what the interim plan is because we cannot just slam on the …

Reviewing the Power Structure of Earth | News the Roots are Gone Started Steamrolling | What Has the FBI Begun Investigating? | Interim Solutions to Potential Market Failure While Switching from a Debt-Based to an Asset-Backed System | Office of the Currency Curator (aka Kim) Will Keep the System Balanced In the Interim | Natural Law Says: Take What you Need and Leave the Rest | Kim Cautions About Old & New Prophecies Read More »

On the Gold Standard We Still Had Some Source Connection | Trading Evolves, Templars Create Receipt System | Paper Currency Introduced | ABCorp (Black Sun) Maintained Birth & Death Certificate Bonds | Gold Backed Federal Reserve Established | Financial System Grew, Solution Needed | Enter Fiat System (Bretton Woods) | Humans Become Collateral & Base Root of the Financial System | Kim Pulls the Bonds/Assets Because In the Golden Age Humans Are Not Collateral! | Part 3

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 8, 2024 on YouTube. In Part 3 Kim explains how the Gold Standard started, where we still had some connection to Source. Then she explained how that evolved as the financial system grew and the problems the growth had caused, which brought us to the ultimate human enslavement …

On the Gold Standard We Still Had Some Source Connection | Trading Evolves, Templars Create Receipt System | Paper Currency Introduced | ABCorp (Black Sun) Maintained Birth & Death Certificate Bonds | Gold Backed Federal Reserve Established | Financial System Grew, Solution Needed | Enter Fiat System (Bretton Woods) | Humans Become Collateral & Base Root of the Financial System | Kim Pulls the Bonds/Assets Because In the Golden Age Humans Are Not Collateral! | Part 3 Read More »

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