This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 15, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim told us in her last update she was going to kick some Ground Command butt and kick butt she and her team did with a few exciting twists and turns. She had an incredible story to tell about November 15th which was supposed to be a special day and it certainly was!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
The Plan
Kim started out with the obvious. That it had become apparent we are going round in circles with these non-repairable people and she felt like we were getting nowhere. But we so have The Coalition & the Archivists and a lot of groups who have been coming and going here to help with Restoration. So right after her last news broadcast she called The Coalition and they all agreed they could be in position to where she needed them to be by 7am EST tomorrow, which was yesterday November 14th, and in position they were. Kim started with the United States because what happens here happens everywhere, and because it is the 15 shadow militaries largest control center. So, they went into all those locations plus some others. They told everyone everywhere they went they are GIA and work for Kim. She also made sure the Archivists re-redelivered the Bankruptcy papers and the Martial Law papers which puts her in charge and the GIA administrator to the Treasury Department, Congress, Langley, and several other locations.
First Stop | US Treasury Department
The US Treasury Department was approached first and they removed Citadel, which was the Deep State’s security for the Treasury Department. There were a few little altercations but these are very talented folks, so, if they pulled a gun on them it would disappear. If they continued then they would disappear. And a lot of people have disappeared. Unfortunately for the non-repairable deep state people who were expecting help today, they got the opposite. Before their departure however, they did try calling the Treasury Department and the GIA answered the phone, so they asked to speak to someone else. They got a No on that and were told they could talk to the GIA. They in turn responded with No, we’re in charge and hung up the phone. After their eventual removal, the Treasury Department then asked for security which they have been afforded, all of them individually and the building. They’ve also been promised financial security so no one can come in and steal anything. The Treasury Department also asked the GIA if they would speak to all the Treasuries around the world and provide protection for all because they know if the US Treasury moves forward everyone else will too and they will be attacked. Therefore, all Treasuries around the world were granted security which was put into position in the last 24 hours. So, some serious progress has been made.
Second Stop | Capitol Building
Next, they went into the Capitol Building in Washington DC and explained to Congress and everybody there they need to change. They need to pull together an interim budget which will not be funding any corporations, or third-party entities. They will do what the GIA says, nothing more and nothing less. If they choose not to, they will depart this planet.
Third Stop | The Pentagon
Then they went to the Pentagon Department and did the same thing. They are all currently still there at the time Kim did this broadcast, no one has moved. And at this point, the GIA has officially taken the Treasury, Congress, and the Pentagon.
Fourth Stop | The White House & Mar a Lago
They also began hunting down those who believe they are in charge of the White House, which would be Monarch Military, the rotten children of the Families, and all who could possibly call and influence the White House. This was done yesterday. They were very good at disappearing people in a non-brutal way with one-way tickets to Source for everyone who did not want to comply, which was 100% of them.
Yesterday they also had gone to Mar a Lago and some operatives departed because they are crazy. In addition, terms and conditions were given to the Trump family as to when they are going to make their announcement. They were given a very short window and if they do not comply they will no longer be with us either. That is how this is working now.
They set forth additional plans on how we were going to approach the White House and then an interesting twist and turn happened last night which Source neglected to tell Kim about, on purpose of course. Kim just never stops with whatever she is supposed to do, she just keeps on going and the thought process behind all those plans laid out, unbeknownst to her at the time, were not only in preparation for the Archivists and the Coalition and the GIA, but it was actually in preparation for new arrivals that came in last night like gangbusters. Oh yes! She was not expecting this and this was a zippy, exciting, and welcome twist for her and for all of us!
Back to What Else Happened During that Unique 11:11 Alignment
To understand this zippy twist, we have to revisit that 11:11 alignment she just talked about in our current calendar being the day we flipped into the Dark Age officially 3 billion years ago. Evidently, it took a few days at that time to flip completely, a little more than 72 hours went by and then a legion of Fallen Angels arrived to usher in the Dark Age, and that is officially when everything started. That is when they started removing all those of the Light, removing all those of Source and they took over this planet. They installed the infrastructure we’ve had the last 3 billion years and they have many comings and goings at the time. That is when Marduk came in, always in cooperation with Fallen Angels because that was the plan under a Dark Age. Well, because in the beginning when we moved in the Dark Ages, the Fallen Angels came, the Families and 15 militaries were expecting help during this rare alignment. They were under the impression these folks were coming back and were going to save them.
But the opposite happened last night, and the reason why all Kim’s alarms were ringing last night is because she had to let the non-fallen Angels in. They wanted permission to enter because they had arrived! So, over the course of about 3-4 hours this morning we had 120,000 arrivals of what we would consider Source’s Angels. Now Kim’s plan of cleaning house has been taken to the next level and is nothing compared to what she has seen since our new arrivals came. The legions of Angels are the cleanup crew. That is what they are here to do, to cleanup any remnants of the dark, the non-repairable humans, and they plowed through 252,000 non-complying people by midnight last night Mountain Time and the numbers are rising like crazy. They are getting anyone with a dark consciousness, anyone on a program, anyone refusing to comply, and they do it quick and simple as they are here under high orders. They are going in everywhere.
Sunny asked if they show themselves as humans.
Kim said yes, they appear as humans, but she did overhear some people in the Treasury say, are they Angels? And it’s because they don’t look quite right, there is a little oddity to them. And how many humans do you know can walk into a gunfight and make the guns disappear? So, there’s that and it’s been caught on security cameras at all these locations.
The Angels have actually shown their true selves to a few of the 15 militaries before their departures and there have been some showings at the White House after they got rid of all the people around who could influence the White House. Those who were not departed asked them on whose behalf were they here for? Trump? Then Kim’s head almost spun around like the exorcist. The legion of Angels informed them no, they were there on behalf of Ground Commander and gave them Kim’s name, the director of the GIA and that there will be changes in this country. They asked who was going to be in the White House if it wasn’t going to be Trump? Dios Mio, the obsession with a dead man. Kim said that is because Monarch Military told them Trump would be back in the White House by January, which was a lie of course. The legions told them there might be an interim government, possibly Military is what they said. And they told them there are going to be changes, everything is going to be different.
So at this moment in time things are going very well. People are still disappearing who work at the Pentagon and they will continue to disappear if they don’t comply, which means they are not to pick up the phone from Monarch Military or anyone else who happens to call. There were 4 Chiefs of Staff, the Chinese Deep State section of the White House who were ushed out but not departed. They were told they will be compensated for their work but are no longer needed.
Langley Building
They also went to Langley (not Langley 5 Generals, but Langley the building people) and things went better than expected. They were sick and tired of listening to these people and going around in circles. Wow, welcome! They will also be making the rounds through to the FBI.
Federal Reserve
They also visited the Federal Reserve which is going to be no more and they know it. But since the Treasury Department is going to need more personnel, and because there are some people who work at the Fed who are not bad people, like Susan Stanwick who is all for the gold standard, they suggested a new division of the Treasury Department be created to handle the law making and enforcement.
Government Departments and Banks
All the other government departments will have been addressed this week and they will be going into banks later this afternoon.
Media Companies
The legions have gone in and let’s just say either removed or took out Boards in Media companies completely in preparation for what is to come. There will be some serious staff meetings in the larger news outlets, they will be going to them all, sitting them down and letting the agency people, otherwise known as journalists know how it is going to go. They will either comply and have a job or not. They will announce what they are supposed to announce just like good actors do and the other folks in Congress will also be complying in what they are supposed to say and announce. Kim told those if they are watching from the White House, there is a cold chance in hell we put another dead person in the seat. It will be a living human. It will not be Kim, although she will be President of basically every country during this transition.
This should probably start happening by next week. Kim does not expect public disclosure until things start wrapping up. She does expect to hear a few death announcements by the end of the month. That is what she has been told, but she doesn’t want to give dates of announcements in case there is a hiccup and then everyone will yell at her, so she would say before the end of the month.
We will see some of these Angel-people as they will be participating in media. Because those of us who follow Kim are in the know, we might notice something is a little bit different. She expects we will see them even standing in the background during some press conferences and things like that. There will be public announcements about the GIA and CARE if these media and government people expect to survive.
United Nations
They have not been to the World Bank and IMF as yet, but they have been to the United Nations today, picking those who usually drive the bus of others, in other countries. You can’t go to a country in the Africa without first addressing the UN and you can’t go to the Middle East unless you address NATO. So, they have to do things in a certain sequence, but they are moving very, very quickly. This isn’t going to be lengthy process.
Target Date is November 17th Before the Holiday Break
Kim expects we will have everyone and everything in place in all the Treasuries and they should be ready to go by Friday. We are running out of time especially here in the US and most governments around the world. Because we are approaching the holiday break most people take off and Friday is usually the last day of business, then everyone readjourns in January. So, she is trying to keep the interim budgets and interim situations moving rapidly because they won’t have anything to come back to in January if we don’t.
So tremendous progress since Monday. And this will be done in every single country on Earth until either the governments comply or people die.
Other Big News Related to Industries & Cabal Companies
The legions will be here until the transition is complete, and the other bit of big news is that they will be the new participators for industry, and for CARE. They will be helping getting CARE up and running. In some cases, a lot of members of The Coalition and ‘Others’ will be heading the large companies now, the ones we would consider cabal companies that love to give us poison. So, they will be moving into those positions, as CEOs and Boards of those companies as well. This is a complete hostile takeover of every cabal asset you can think of around the world. You can imagine where they have been this morning and where they are going after that, on down the line.
Recapping What Just Happened & The Status Now
We got stormed by 120,000 angels last night! The arrivals came from the 9th density so they are pure white light! So now we have more than just The Coalition (aka The Numbers Group), the Others, the Colony, and all the 8th density and on down folks who were already here helping. We were already moving on when the Angels came in here blazing. Kim said we could call it Judgement Day, or the Departure of Many Souls Day. Whatever you want to call it, this is great for humanity. And don’t worry, they are not looking for who cheated on their math tests or whatever, they are looking for those who are not going to comply with the restoration of the planet and the universe. Those who are still waiting for demons to come and save them. Those who are clinging onto the dark consciousness for life. Those who are continuing to hack computer systems using what little remnant of dark matter they can find.
We have never had this much help ever. Kim didn’t know this was a thing, at least not until her alarms went off. She went direct to the big boss to find out what was going on and he said, today it all begins! She said Okay. Good! If it comes from you, I trust you!
Right now, there are a lot of departed ones who didn’t want to comply and there is no more of someone else is going to step up because you can’t lie to these angels, they know. They are fast and efficient and plan to have this planet cleaned up in rapid order. Kim is not expecting this to take as long as she thought it would. On Monday she thought, well I’m a good strategist and I’m going to kick some Ground Command butt and I’m going to get this done, and here’s the plan. We’re going to go here and I’m putting people in positions and I’m going to get this done and make this happen, and it would have happened.
Now she has a whole different outlook on the timeline because, holy crap these people came in guns a blazing taking no prisoners whatsoever! They had already pinpointed the pinch points in all these locations before they went. They ushed them out the door. They already knew who the holdouts were in every case, who was still listening before they even opened their mouth. They already hit the targets, but it’s probably not hard to read when you are reading from a high level.
So, they will be in your neck of the woods soon deep state, if you are not watching this from the US. There are a lot of worldwide global corporations that are based here so there will still be some here and they are putting other people in position. You could say we had an alien invasion! Maybe the deep state wasn’t wrong after all! The Immortals came, they just aren’t their friends.
Now that they replaced the bus drivers let’s see how many passengers get to say on the bus.
Sunny asked if whole families are going to exist, like the Rothschilds after this?
Kim said if they don’t comply, then no. But some family members have not been participating in the family games and are only in their 20-30s and haven’t been in the ritual thing yet. Some of them did choose to comply, but they are under 24×7 watch and one wrong step and they are out. There is no leeway in this case.
What about the celebrities who participated in rituals and adrenochrome?
Well today is a new day. Will they continue to do those things? They have been informed and warned and regardless of what comes out of their mouth the Angel people know what is going on in their mind and will handle that.
Kim is Still Running Operations
Kim is still running operations together with the removal teams and she still has her part to do in the cleanup. She has to walk the walk too. Unlike the Deep State she does what she says she is going to do, so she has to be there from that aspect of it, and right now the GIA will be running the White House completely with or without the people in it.
What should we be doing now?
Moving forward with technologies for CARE. Now we can move faster and won’t have to worry about protection. This is what has changed for us, scientists don’t have to be killed or be under threat, for example. A lot of change to industry can start, which will take some time. There is no Board or CEOs to convince anymore, either they comply or they are out.
This is a reverse Rapture! We earned the right to live on this big rock since we’ve been through all the muck. There is no going back, no more squirrels for them to chase, that isn’t even a possibility. No more promises, fantasies and lies to the people, fake money coming on new moons. We are on the upturn guys! And Kim has been told we will see changes in mainstream media very soon and we will probably be smiling, us followers of Kim, that is!
There is no more room for error. The DONE button had been hit. So put your seats in the upright position and buckle your seatbelts because we are coming in for a landing in Restoration Station!
By the way, UNN has a new website Kim wanted to mention:
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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