This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 22, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. We find out that we do not have the cooperation of 100% of the operatives, just as I suspected. So no surprise. You need only to look up at the skies. The onslaught of chemtrails which is so over the top tells us the truth about that. But there is still good news which is we are still alive of course, and the Harmonic Genesis System is coming to the forefront!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
144,000+ Chosen Ones Still on the Program
Just as I expected, not all on the dark side conceded. Kim relayed that we still have some Generals and Jesuits who decided to keep with the plan passed on to them by people who are no longer with us. Based on data they found in their old texts, they are under the impression this year on the Solstice they are to be raptured. In other words, picked up in a ship by aliens. So, they are still on that fantasy because they are the 144,000 chosen ones. They are the special people because they believe they are descendants of the Annunaki. This is even evident when you look at the recent Q clock which is reading: DEFINE ANNUNAKI: WE NEVER LEFT. That’s what they are calling themselves, they are the angels. Oy vey.

Coming soon | Q (
Kim was listening to their meetings last night and she is guessing Trust the Plan is all about this. They expect to be raptured and planet earth will be wiped out in the harvest. Then once it is safe, they will return to repopulate Earth with their own bloodlines, and they will be paid ridiculous sums of money for playing their part in the Harvest plan.
During their rah-rah session the operatives were told the tides are going to change in their favor and they are part of it and they are going to get paid, etc. Except they left out all the intricate details. For instance, there were only 144,000 slots, but there were way more participating in this mess because they all believe they are the chosen ones.
What is the 4D Gateway & The Gatekeepers?

Coming soon | Q (
Kim said they believe they are the Gatekeepers here on earth, that they are the ‘special’ people, but they are not. What they mean by the 4D, and whether or not it’s in their writings she doesn’t know, but she is assuming they are talking about the 4th density. In the multiverse between the 5th and 6th density there was at one point in time, for lack of a better term, a wormhole, a temporal anomaly that was the vacuum line that took out all the energy every year. It was connected to the parasites we all have which would take all the light energy out and transfer it to the Omega-verse to the womb of the Goddess.
Womb of the Goddess
The womb of the Goddess was the feminine side of Anti-Source, which would have generated the inorganic souls for the inorganic beings that would have existed in the lower astral, those we call demons. Anti-Source cannot create without Source energy and this was something that would become hyperactivated during harvest time and looshing time. So, they were expecting this thing would be reactivating and regenerating those 80—90 AIs in the lower astral. They were actually counting on it to regenerate anti-life in the lower astral and a ship of course, was going to come pick them up.
What is the Red Line?
When they say they are blocking you from passing 4D they are not talking about D as in density but in-between the 4th and 5th planes of existence. This is your red line. By red line she means an enormous amount of red plasma existed there, and that plasma layer would have prevented you from passing through the astral plane to the causal plane, and of course all the way up to Source. It was also what created a disconnection in the past from your Akashic records and being able to read all that stuff. That statement they wrote was correct months or maybe a year ago, but not anymore, they are reading old papers.
Now we Know Q Is Led By Annunaki Worshippers Who Harvest Humans
They are clearly telling us what Kim has been telling us for years, that they are bad people. They are preventing us from getting to Source, unless it’s through them. They say, enjoy your last Christmas you’re all going to die, but they are talking to us. The Annunaki worshipped Anu, which was the King of the Draco at the time. And there was anti-Draco too, so you don’t know which one you’re going to get, they all cloned themselves, even Anu. Anyone who is still believing Q is probably thinking, oh go white hats, they are getting the deep state and everything is going to be fine. They have no clue they are the ones who are intended to die.
So that’s why they are putting out all these narratives in the alt media that we’re all going to die, Trump’s coming back January 1st, and Nesara-Gesara. They are just pushing everyone off until we all kick the bucket. They have no intention of following through with any of this stuff and they know it.
I just found the below excerpt of them claiming they won, against themselves? I guess?

This is also why we went from dead silence in the Middle East into a bunch of different narratives and why we saw an uptick in live fire all day. They didn’t even realize until this morning no one came to pick them up. They thought maybe they got the day wrong, so they are still hopeful and they also believe there is a windfall due to them by and from the aliens soon.
Not Your Ordinary Chemtrails
This is also the reason why they are dousing us with chemtrails more than usual. They saved the best for last evidently as these chemtrails are different than their usual ones. Kim said these chemtrails came from a facility in New Jersey and are heavy metals, but not something you could find in our periodic table of elements. This is part of the reason why people are not feeling well, even worse than normal, because they are expecting the big harvest so they wanted to keep spraying until the end of the week.
Kim said the made-in materials in these chemtrails are not designed to physically harm you on their own, they are designed to be super conductors of dark consciousness, dark matter, dark energy, and that is what would have harmed you through all your planes of existence. She is assuming it’s on the checklist in their harvest program handbook, in order to make it happen. They decided to be good little boys and girls and give it a go in case this information is true so the aliens come and pick them up, after all they don’t want to be left behind.
Kim sent orders to cancel the chemtrails, but right behind her people were deep state people telling them to continue. They called their commanding officers and they listened to them because they are Jesuits and they told them they are going to run out by the end of the week anyway.
She knows how sick people are and that everyone is upset and she is working with the ‘Others’ to get rid of those heavy metals. They took care of the facility sourcing these chemtrails, but how much they have left in the air or on a run way she doesn’t know, but she and her team are hunting out there to get it to stop.
On a personal note, I don’t mind sharing that I’m definitely feeling the affects, not physically, but mentally and emotionally. Depression is no stranger in my life and it’s made a massive comeback and wants to take up house. God it really sucks down here! Can you please, please, please stop giving them so many chances!
Elon Musk Expects Starlink to Connect to Omega Quantum AI
As part of this operation Elon Musk thought his Starlink system was going to be able to connect to a quantum AI system because they were going to get that back as well, of course. They were getting Omega back and it was going to be the only quantum AI system on the planet. Evidently the Alpha system was to be raptured at the same time.
According to Kim everybody’s lives is being run because the evil non-repairable humans believe in this type of baloney, which is a shame because we could have gotten this party started before Christmas, got operatives paid and did a lot of different things that would have made it better for everyone.
Past Harvests
Kim said there used to be a harvest that would happen this time every year which was mainly loosh harvesting. A huge amount of energy was drawn as we were celebrating holidays in December, but that loosh harvesting hasn’t happened since 2018, which they don’t seem to be aware of.
Then every 7 or so years, maybe it was 20, 50 or 100 years there would be a cleansing of earth, so there were different mini harvests that used to take place on earth. This harvest they are expecting is supposed to be the biggie, at least in their mind. They figured the harvest would take between today until December 26th or so, maybe even until the 1st of January according to these texts because wiping out 8 billion people isn’t an easy task after all. They are expecting a pole shift evidently and they figure people would be floating around in the ocean but eventually drown within a few days. But nothing has started and it’s not going to happen.
The Book of Revelation Did Not Come from Source
From Kim’s understanding the entire Book of Revelation was an afterthought and not written by a human getting information from God and writing it down, and she isn’t saying that’s true for the entire bible.
The Book of Revelation contains things that were supposed to happen during the Harvest which has taken place before. The last time that happened was when we transitioned into the Dark Ages, so a very long time ago in earth time, and we had humans on the planet at that time. Well, these people are under the impression it always happens, because we are transferring into a new Age now and this same process repeats itself, we all get wiped out and start over. But that is definitely not the case.
If we were to transition into a Neutral Age, what would have happened is there would be just as much light as dark, a balanced planet and we would have to all learn how to get along. We have equal power, that’s how it works. But because these dumb humans don’t understand that, that was off the agenda. Therefore, we are transferring into a Light Age, which means the dark ones are removed and sent back to Source, not the other way around. That’s why for the last several months thousands and thousands of the dark ones have been removed and is why the Legions came. They are the only aliens that are coming and they are attacking their side because what they are doing is no longer permitted in this world, and more of them are being taken out today for their shenanigans yesterday.
Facility Under the Vatican For December Looshing
Aside from that there were other things that were part of the old looshing plan every year. This is related to Christmas and other holidays humans celebrate in December. As one example, in Catholic churches located in most all the alters around the world is this same dark consciousness made-in material that they were just spraying us with. A larger facility was used for that which was located underneath the Vatican to collect that consciousness and that loosh.
Many people are generally very happy to attend a mass this time of year so this makes for good looshing and this loosh would go to one of the original Abraxas females that existed on this planet. Her name was Merneith. There are some articles about an archeological site with Merneith and jars of wine, but it wasn’t wine, it was loosh, the first looshing experience on earth. There was a storage facility there that would then transport all your essences and energy to the lower astral every year like clockwork.

5,000-Year-Old Wine Jars Unearthed at Queen Merneith’s Tomb | Ancient Origins (
That is part of the reason why they perverted this holiday quite a bit, because it’s celebrated by all those that are positive on the light side and all who are not. Therefore, they get both flavors of loosh around that time. Once the harvesting was done, the deep state people would have gotten paid for the transference of the loosh, hence why the Jesuits were so hell bent on continuing with the plan, because of the facility underneath the Vatican. Except that facility hasn’t been there for awhile. It was tied to an AI version of the Kali Ma energy program. Throughout history the Kali Ma is Isis, Nefertiti, and Lilith.
Reference: Meet Kālī Ma, the Dark Mother – The World’s Most Intense Goddess (
So, the Jesuits are under the impression they are doing God’s work wiping us all out because it’s written in some ancient text? Why they still can’t figure out they have been lied to nobody knows. Nothing they were expecting has come to fruition so why would this? Kim said there is no mechanism to make this happen.
So that is part of the reason for the perversion for the Christmas holiday. But in the past, long before the stories in the bible and before we went into the Dark Age it was a gift from Source and it started on the 21st.
Harmonic Genesis System Can Now Reach the Customer Portal!
Conversely speaking we had a lot of positive things happen last night and this morning. We haven’t utilized it yet because Kim hasn’t had time yet, but as of this morning we broke through to where the Harmonic Genesis system can actually reach directly to the customer portal. She is going to start running some tests. She received some information from the big boss last night and she acted upon it this morning and finished what she needed to and we should have a wonderful Christmas this year. If nothing else we have a return of the crystalline energy that is coming through now again on December 21st where it wasn’t before, and that made their programs basically non-functional. So, there was a positive turn of events that took place last night. We are doing very well.
Treasury Department Panicking as Usual
Due to this development the Treasury Department can now see the Harmonic Genesis fully and they are in a major panic because they are starting to see real numbers and it’s really scary. The deep state cannot hide it anymore and many banks are also freaking out, as is the Federal Reserve.
Deep State Denial Continues
The hope that we had 100% cooperation of the operatives is obviously not the case. Surely that is not a surprise to anyone. Enough wingnuts believed all the crap they were told during the rah-rah session, that everything is going to change in their favor, when the truth is they just needed them to perform their function for a little while longer. After all, one more week isn’t going to make a difference. And because Kim hasn’t successfully transferred money to the people yet, she can see why they still think there is a chance. But she is expecting more changes on December 24th and 28th. These are key dates that came up when she was measuring energies and light consciousness.
What they are already kicking around if Harvesting All the Humans Fails
Some of them are thinking if this harvest doesn’t happen now then there is a possibility during Lion’s Gate in February, or possibly April of next year during a solstice or eclipse, or maybe Lion’s Gate next August. By the way there are two times during the year for Lion’s Gate. Kim told us this in February of this year.
So, all you dumb deep state people who were told to wait until after January, if they survive, this is what they all have to look forward to. And I guess so do we, because Kim said they will have to sit in this mess with all of us until God says they get to depart. They don’t get to pick it. She thinks that’s worse for them, having to sit with us, live like us, and work like us when they are no longer the elites. That might be true, but at what cost to us?
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Thankyou Pamela and Kim 😀
Dear Kim, ive found the dastardly geoengineering headquarters in New Zealand (other than NZ Govt).
One of them is located just offshore by Christchurch and another offshore Australia.
Heres the name of the companies doing our NZ geoengineering according to a website called “”:
Blu3 – NZ
NZ Biochar Research Center (NZBRC)
Biochar Network NZ (BNNZ)
Kelp Blue NZ.
I hope you can get these shut down as it would be great to actually have a Spring and Summer in the South Island and Im not just speaking about this year but for over a decade now in South Island NZ we have less and less Sunny days and the geoengineers have learned to create ‘cold clouds’ and they like us to experience these Autumn/Winter temperatures 8 out of 10 days. Its literally sickening and destructive to all life – human and animals and plantlife.
Whoever is doing this evil needs to be stopped pronto please.
Life without Spring and Summer is very disturbing – especially considering we used to be the sunniest place in NZ.
Thankyou for reading this and God bless you with easy success ❤️✨
Здравия, Ким, я из Советского Союза. Нет никакой РФ и России. Все это фирмы захватчики моей Родины. Колонисты. Сатанисты. Глобалисты. Друзья, мы все боремся за новый мир. За наш дом. За наших детей. Я прошу услышать мой народ и говорю, я, Марья, от имени всего Человеческого Рода, Народа и нашей страны Союза Советских Социалистических Республик. Я родилась в самой большой республике РСФСР в Союзе ССР. Нас обманули и ограбили. В 1991 году. Кто? Вам виднее, у вас доступ к архивами, записям залов регистраций и прочие вещи. Везде подлог и обман. Тогда в 1991 году, на референдуме весь народ, все 15 Республик проголосовали за сохранение СССР, точка…, а не за его развал на федерацию обновлённых чего то там. А сейчас у нас война. Двух братских Республик УССР(УКРАИНА) и РСФСР(РФ|РОССИЯ) . И кто бы что не делал и не говорил – это не война, а травля древних Родов, РОДОВ Чистого Света, не сущего искру Бога и Источника… Чистых людей с Истоком внутри каждой души. Над нами хорошо поработали, промыли мозги, привили, опылили, спецслужбы, ордена вся эта муть. И брат встал на брата. Проект Даллеса и Хьюстонский проект работали и работают над этим. Над убийством хозяев этой земли, чтобы взять наш ресурс. Мы, русские, наивные и добрые, но мы не идиоты. И есть выход, создать одну платформу снова. И война закончится. СССР должен восстановить своих граждан в правах. Признать события 1991 года позором и госпереворотом. Под руководством Израиля. Тысячи семей военных погибли вместе с жёнами и детьми в тот переворот. И зло поменяло власть… Если вы пришли с чистыми намерениями очистить наш дом и обладаете всеми технологиями для этого, возможностями, я прошу от имени Великого Русского Народа, уберите тех кто развязал эту войну. За время войны УССР и РСФСР пропало 80 000 детей. Наших Советских детей. Русских и Украинцев. Вымывается человеческий материал с этой планеты, лучший превосходный древний материал. И если его не станет, как же жаль мне будет эту планету. Некому будет держать Свет и Периметр. И если вы поможете, мы встанем плечом к плечу. И сломим врага. Общего врага Рода Человеков. Остановите Войну. Возродить СССР можно и нужно. Все готово. Новый Союз, с учётом старых ошибок. И тогда встанет страна на защиту всего живого во всех пределах. У нас нет прав, их украли в ООН. И до сих пор мы не можем даже детей своих записывать правильно. У нас ложные свидетельства о рождении, паспорта и есть опекуны, как будто мы мертвые живые и вся эта чушь. Кимберли, девочка вспомни русские корни, в твоих жилах русская кровь и реши этот вопрос. Что нужно сделать, скажи и мы сделаем это вместе. Никто не решит этот вопрос, из мужчин, они любят войну. А мы, женщины, должны погасить все войны, мы созданы для мира и созидания. И должны его установить. Мы перестали рожать на этой земле, в этом нет смысла, если идут войны и гибнут лучшие, и у нас кто-то забирает наших детей. Спаси этот мир от безумия. Мы сделали все что нужно для восстановления государственности, мы хотим вернуть свою страну, мы воссоздали органы управления из народа, но нас кидают в тюрьмы за это, в своей захваченной врагом стране и общим глобальным полицейским государством препятствуют возникновению самих основ права. Отменяют международное право в одностороннем порядке. Я сделала Фонд. Фонд имени И. В. Сталина. 2 февраля 2023 года, на 80 лет Сталинградской битвы, я огласила его рождение при поддержке половины города Сталинграда, у путина на глазах. Весь народ ожил и воспрял духом. Мы потребовали референдум о переименовании Волгограда в город боевой славы Сталинград. Поддержало полстраны. И что? Даже регистрацию я не могу пройти в этих Минюстах РФ и НАЛОГОВЫХ ИФНС|ФРС. Мы недееспособные и фиксируется это с каждым приходом в их КОНТОРЫ. Мы под внешним управлением непонятно кого, но точно того кто ненавидит нашу страну, Родину, и русских в особенности. Помоги мне зарегистрировать Фонд у себя и с этого можно начать восстанавливать страну. Народ просит другой власти, требует прав и своего порядка в стране. Обман 30— ти летней давности Народ осознал только сейчас, когда рак этой болезни поразил все слои общества. Враг везде и у него наши деньги, наше золото и наши дети. А весь мир радуется, что это так. Помогает в войне против русских. Русские смогли объединить 15 наций и сотни этносов. Мы жили в равенстве братство и созидательном труде. Обманом и подлостью они обманули 300 млн. Человек. Это преступление века, вселенский подлог, как это вообще было возможно оформить в ООН? Но мы идём в новый мир и мы хотим пойти туда свободными от долгов и страха за детей. Я обращаюсь к тебе, Ким, от имени своего Великого Народа, зарегистрируй наш Фонд у себя, мы не верим больше никому. Председатель Фонда им. И. В. Сталина. Царицын-Сталинград-Волгоград. 1936-2036. Марья. 89088877724.
P. S. И как можно показать фото нашего открытия в Сталинграде, на 80 лет Сталинградской битвы? Что народ объединился и готов на подвиг. В телеграмм есть мой канал, там все. Очень прошу, помоги восстановить мир и самую нужную страну сейчас. Восстановится СССР – восстановится вся Планета, я тебе слово даю от всего нашего Рода-Народа.
Toda<, the 30th it was CRAZY here in Austria. Havent seen so much metals raining down at us. The blue sjies were covered with trails, even crazyirér patters with circles. Late afternoon i started coughin, stomach cramps, the works. Perverse is the word i can only find that this is allowed. Im speechless. Looking forward to tomorrow, Saturday as this scripts states only until today Friday. Maybe again just applies to usa. We are effed as this is reaching proportions regardless the "help" out there. Where should we still scratch or digg out more faith when we are promised help is on our side. Confusing. I probably should trust Sources bigger plan. Our little controlled brains cannot fathom this Kim and Source and the "help" ou there. The dark side is having a ball, tis is for sure…..
sorry for the typing mistakes….
Quizás tenga que ver con el electrosmog (producido por Haarp, principalmente) y/ con el proyecto ITER para tapar el sol?
That might be true, but at what cost to us?
Thank you for all
I hear you . Loud and clear. Feeling really cynical about the kim thing. We have to talk about this.
Trump could not have died from prostate cancer because Trump (like ALL ‘elites’) is inverted. Biological females do not have a prostate gland.
I’ve been listening to and reading Kim’s (and Thomas Williams) posts for many years now.
Kim recently claimed that Donald Trump died from prostate cancer – I don’t claim to know whether Trump is or isn’t alive – but I do know that Trump is/was a biological female and most certainly did not suffer from or die as a result of prostate cancer.
ALL the elites are inverted – US Presidents included – this is why they call it the Oval Office.
Kim and her group/cult have been informed of this fact – but are happy to ignore it.
If one part is a lie – it’s all a lie. And the option of correcting this lie and setting the record straight has been ignored.