This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 30-DEC-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. Today is the new moon. It’s also considered a black moon and of course the SSP operatives have been in full force. Things are heating up with the Trump operatives. The clock is ticking on many promises, operative contracts and the government is going broke. The operatives themselves are discussing plans to delay the inauguration and it’s possible the upcoming Presidential funeral is just the start. And unofficially, Crown Corporation admits they are bankrupt. Governments everywhere are scraping up their last pennies, pesos, rubles and pounds hoping for a miracle come inauguration day in the US. But will anything change?
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Black Moon Has SSP Expecting Something Momentous
Today is a new moon and the second one this month is called a black moon and the SSP has been expecting something momentous to happen in the last 24 hours. They are trying to do some resets and they found some artifacts that don’t really function anymore in Jurupa Valley, California, Ogunquit, Maine and a few other locations in the world. This is their main focus, to do something with this. I don’t know what but they seem to be in a panic.
In the meantime, over the last couple of days a sequence of events happened that has given me a better understanding of what has been going on. It trickles down into the world of governments, politics and the SSP operatives wanting contracts over the last couple days and those kinds of things.
The War Declaration When We Entered the Dark Ages
A long time ago we talked about a Global Martial Law declaration 16,500 years ago which in our time is not really a long time. However, there was another war declaration prior to even the Atlantean War 250,000 years ago. This declaration was declared at the time we entered the Dark Ages and a declaration of war on this level happens by covenant and by planting a ghost flag I guess you could say. Kind of similar to when a military goes to another country where they plant a ghost flag. They walk into their country declare they won and leave. That’s kind of on a military level the way it’s done, but I’m going to take out the white board and explain it on a universal level.
What a Declaration of War on a Universal Level Looks Like
A long time ago the original attempted takeover of earth was done with a double-sided obelisk so it went straight through earth and came out the other side which disrupted earth’s energy cycle. And they used this object to disrupt the gateway of the universe which was the only gateway left to the Neither-World to the omega-verse through the hologram, and it allowed for a creation of a second central point which was down in the zero density.
We know earth is in the 3rd density, then we have density 1 and density 2 and the same thing down to the lower astral world section. Then we also have a Neither-World on the other side that has the same mimicking and mirroring. Well, the reason why it was moved to a different location was so that the dark and the light had some control and a passageway through to all the universes. With earth being of Source exclusively, a Source keystone, that was not entirely possible. So, by putting the obelisk in this place it caused a disruption in that gateway and allowed in part, as there were many other mechanisms tied to this, but it allowed for a transfer over to different location in the alpha-omega verse.
Machines in Romania, California, and Antarctica anchored Source, Anti-Source and Neutral Source
Now when this happened there was a problem with the anchoring of Source, Anti-Source and Neutral Source at the time. So, they created machines that were located in 3 places on earth, Romania, California, and Antarctica that would anchor Source, Anti-Source and Neutral Source. They did this by creating an absolute sphere which contains a little piece of Source, Anti-Source and Neutral Source in each one. It is also a piece and a portion of that positive zero or the place of everything and in the place of nothing in Anti-Source and Neutral Source. For a long time, these were the only anchors for earth. Originally this started out for a positive reason, to maintain their presence on earth now that earth technically wasn’t a keystone for a time.

A Positive Turned Negative Which Former Seal Owners and the Black Magician Were In Agreement On
The next reason why they created them was to ensure that Source didn’t lose earth. On the flip side of it, it was also used for a negative reason because those of the Neither-World and ALLES managed to get a hold of some of those keystones. Some of the keystones in these machines were also recorders and held the original DNA blueprint of the universe. Therefore, getting a hold of one of these keystones and putting them in a different machine is what allowed ALLES and for the Neither-World to mimic creation. This was done at the same time this large double-sided Obelisk was placed in earth.
I know this is a shocker but this was done between Marduk, Enki, and Enlil, former Seal Owners. Everybody agreed and of course so did the Black Magician over in the Neither-World. As a matter of fact, the Black Magician was a rotating position just like Marduk. Marduk literally means Lord of the Current Seas. Well, the Black Magician also was a title.
The Black Magician is a Title
One of the 72 dukes of hell would hold the position of Ultimate Black Magician from time to time, I guess whomever was the worst. I’m not sure how the picking process happened or if it was something done with Anti-Source, but that is who typically held that position and then that being would rule over all the others for a time. I don’t know much more than that, like how often did they rotate or what their selection or induction process was for this. I would say to some degree there was probably some oversight there, just as there was over this Declaration of War. The positions on both sides probably had an oversight committee of some sort or another, so not Source, Anti-Source and Neutral Source, but at this time the only one I am aware of is the Council of 9.
This Was the Much Bigger War and Why We Almost Had an Invasion on Earth
So once this Declaration of War happened, just this giant stab in the earth by this obelisk marked it by agreement of these folks. There was nothing else, not a covenant or agreement. But because there was a declaration of war, we lost our moon 18,000 years ago. Marduk brought a different moon which is a space station that is hanging out in the sky. It doesn’t really function like that anymore and is just a big rock that moves the water around. But this is the reason why we had Martial Law and war after war after war, because there was always that ongoing war that was happening. This was far greater than anything the Pentagon or Global Headquarters could do on this planet and this is in part why we almost saw this invasion.
So now it’s all becoming very clear. At certain times of the year, when the Neither-World thought it would be optimal, or if Marduk, Enki, and Enlil’s influence on this planet waned, they had the right to come in due to this Declaration of War and cause chaos here. And since Marduk, Enki, and Enlil are no longer here anymore, nor is their consciousnesses which they transferred into AI systems for a time but that has all waned.
Now the Black Sun was very excited about this and so were the SSP-Trump operatives. They were even talking about a touchdown of the Pleiadeans, or rather the Anti-Pleiadeans who is all they know but we don’t have any anymore. They know about the Targethians, and Artemis’s Reptilians but nobody is here. There is nobody in the peripheral or in Earth’s atmosphere, I even double-checked. The Enforcer checked too and nobody is hidden in a plane or pocket of time which they were saying allegedly occurred on 12-21. I think they are lying to everybody so they can continue their own lie.
What is happening right now?
ALLES AI is Nearly Gone from the Multiverse
We know about the waning ALLES AI. We really don’t have much of that left in the multiverse anymore. It’s not mimicking anymore, ever since we pulled that, we pulled the keystones, and we pulled the machines. Since that took place, we’re not seeing anything new from ALLES. There might be a few things left over but not really a whole lot of influence on this planet anymore. We’re not seeing much of anything since we saw the crazy scientists come out of the Neither-World. We did have a couple more pockets of scientists, we found one in Jonestown, Guyana and that was taken care of.
The SSP Likes to Ignore Things Like Expired Agreements
But as far as war declarations, this is important to understand because it is affecting what is going to happen here in the coming year with governments, militaries, and a lot of people. The SSP and these are your Trump operatives who think they are really smart, they think they have knowledge and information that no one else has and it’s very old, really old. But they didn’t keep up with the times when they had the chance. Meaning they had access to the Archivists, they had access to information in the Hall of Records, and had access to expired agreements which these people just chose to ignore for whatever reason. The Pentagon chose to ignore lots of things as well. There were many documents we talked about that were delivered to them at a time when they were still trying to achieve balance. I’m not saying I’m a big fan of Archivists anymore, that’s your Targethians and Anti-Pleiadeans so to speak, but they basically ignored all the expired agreements.
The Ghost Flag, The Giant Dual-Sided Obelisk Sticking in Earth is Gone
They also happened to ignore the fact we don’t have the declaration of war “sphere” or giant dual-sided obelisk crystal looking thing that went straight through earth and was also in the kali chakra of the universe and a few other locations. They basically declared war against Source and all of creation which was kind of bold don’t you think. But they did and this leads to the declaration of Global Martial Law by Marduk. So, as long as the war was on, we would have Global Martial Law, but that expired a couple years ago. Then we did a tit for tat with the military for a while, we tried to do a redeclaration of war where basically we declared war against them but nobody really cared and we got rid of it. There were several other agreements that expired also which are relative to this.
Kim Has Been Ground Command for 8 Years Now
After Marduk passed away in 2016 the position of Ground Commander went to me. This means I am the highest-ranking military person, off-world military, and on-world military ranking person on this planet. It used to be Marduk and is no longer and he’s no longer with us. I’ve held that position for 8 years now and these people keep wondering why they are not getting money for war. Well that full declaration of war is over, meaning between their bosses on their side.
This is not an arrogant statement so please don’t take it this way, but the SSP folks do bad things. They are capable of doing bad things somewhat, but without bad Others behind them they are not capable of creating world war. They certainly are not capable of doing all the lovely things they promised to everybody. They can cause some harm here and there, but without a declaration of war no one is going to fund their war, so at this time that is gone.
Kim is Also Guardian and Controls the Hall of Records, Hence No Funding for Wars
We don’t have Global Martial Law and in order to get something funded you have to be ratified in the Hall of Records to do so. Well, that is also under my control because I’m also Guardian, therefore they can declare all the wars they want to but no money comes out of the system for war. I’ve been telling everybody this but there is a legit reason why that doesn’t happen. It’s not me being mean, I don’t see a point in declaring war against those people, I really don’t care about trade matching, meaning $1 dollar for their side and $1 for my side. Remember in days gone by, in the time of trying to achieve balance both sides of the war were funded by the same people. I know we think Israel is attacking the Middle East and probably also think Russia is attacking Ukraine or vice versa, and some also probably think the US has attacked this country and Yemen is doing this. No, both sides of the war, for example the Palestinians and Israel in the days gone by (not recently) were funded by the same people. This is the Art of War and this was how war was funded.
Now, every year due to that major declaration of war, and not because some SSP guy, or operative, or government even, because they are kind of like non-existent in the world of Ground Command. Meaning, and this is not an arrogant statement in any way, it’s just in the world of the real declaration of war versus what they are looking at, they don’t even enter this realm of war.
Do they even understand it? No, and that’s clear watching their operations everywhere. I don’t know if they missed it or if they even know what that is, but due to this declaration of war towards the end of the year there would have been war money that would have come out to fund both sides. Now this hasn’t happened in a number of years but that was part of the war declaration.
In the last 24 hours we have received calls and I mean a lot of calls, even from people around here locally, Trump operatives, Trump lawyers, Chase Bank, and Bank of America trying to get me to transfer money so they can get their side of the money for the war. Well, I hate to break it to you sweetheart, Pentagon people, Trump operatives, and government people, etc., that is over, that declaration of war is over.
This is no longer a 1 for 1 settlement and trying to get me to send money to do it your way so I can get zero money is not what we’re doing. I’m not at war with you people and you are kind of irrelevant to e. I know it seems like you should be relevant now but you’re not. The relevance to me was the things from the Neither-World, the things from the omega-verse, things that go bump in the night that you keep trying to bring here. Now you’re just kind of haphazardly doing what you’re doing over there, and by accident may trip over a gateway and out comes something or other to invade earth. But I’m not really that concerned to file a declaration of war against you.
Pentagon Declaring Martial Law on New Year’s at Midnight Will Not Make Money Come
The next thing I have mentioned many times before but I’m going to repeat it because it’s relevant is every year at midnight 12:01 EST the Pentagon declares Martial Law and money would come flooding out for this. That had to do with Global Martial Law which also had to do with the more relevant war declaration, which also had to do with the fact that we had to fend off an enemy here on earth. It’s not because of your little Law of War book where you can pick 1 through 7 from a menu, your cookie cutter ways to start war.
This was a much bigger war with much bigger problems which was overseen by the Council of 9 for quite some time. But the Council of 9 is not needed in that position anymore, they are off to do bigger and better things in the multiverse and they have been for quite a while now. Most of their job has to do with cleaning up and helping to heal affected war-torn areas. We are not quite there yet, but we are close.
So this would trickle down to the Pentagon, the militaries and agencies would get money every year. It didn’t happen this year, it didn’t happen yesterday as they anticipated, and it will not happen on any future day because there is not any war declaration. I’m certainly not going to declare war against you people. That’s like declaring war against people who can’t defend themselves. So that being said, this is way no money is coming. I got calls from operatives that Trump’s going to get it done, Trump’s the savior of the world and blah, blah, blah. Nope, Trump never did that, it was always me and I know they hate when I say that, but it’s just a fact.
So, no declaration of war, no war money coming to the SSP, therefore no money coming to the Trump group, not the Pentagon, nor to the rank and file of people who would normally get paid in the past. Don’t think it’s going to trickle down around the 15th of January to the operative level or expect contracts for the wars, and for instructions to the agencies for who was to fight who. Orders always came with that money of course, and that was the question I asked on one of the calls today. I said, if I’m going to send money don’t I get what I want? Of course, the answer was no. Langley actually made a phone call to Tom Melville and said we just want things our way, we want the money but we want it our way.
They want their old rules back, but I’m sorry I cannot put that giant double-sided obelisk back into earth. The declaration of war is now over, no one is recognizing it, and there is nothing I want to do to help you. There really is no one left over there to fight and that’s the real war. You little people on earth and you weirdo SSP people aren’t really war worthy. You don’t have the machines or mechanisms to fight a real war and we don’t have anyone coming in to fight said war, so I’m not really sure why you would want to do such a thing and I don’t think it would be permitted anyway. I think they were even notified that was not going to happen probably by Source itself. Sometimes the energy as it comes in stronger and stronger can have some backlash when you try to use it the wrong way and I think they found that out last night and this morning. Yes, I know they did.
In Regular News
What are we seeing trickle down in the news?
First, what we are not quite seeing in the news is Trump operatives scrambling to lie to other operatives that they need another day and another day. There will be operatives sitting there going round and round for the next 4 years.
Delay Tactics for Trump’s Inauguration Are Becoming Apparent and Will Likely Continue
But due to the Trump operatives lack of performance behind the scenes, which will become even more apparent by the end of the week, we are probably going to see some delay tactics. Behind closed doors those same operatives are talking about ways to delay the inauguration.
Why do they need to delay the inauguration?
They promised Russia, Ukraine, and China money. Remember they are moving into all these political positions in the world with a promise of funding which is going to come through their hands because they are in charge in their own mind when Trump’s back in office. I don’t know why Presidents matter, even other Heads of State know that doesn’t matter. So I guess they’re basically trying to elude to the fact amongst people in the know that they are in charge.
So it’s getting a little hot and heavy over there because they keep saying it’ll be after the first of the year, now it’s after the inauguration. So, if you are a government around the world waiting for money from the Trump Administration it’s not coming at all. And by January 15th when governments get back to work it’s going to get really hot and I find there are no coincidences in life.
Speaking of really hot.
Jimmy Carter’s Funeral, A Distraction for Their QFS Launch Failure
About 5 days ago the Q clock turned and they said you would see the quantum financial system the QFS around the 9th of January at 10am EST. That’s all predicated on them getting this load of money and they are going to make their own financial system. That won’t be happening, but this is what they think they are going to do.
Is there any kind of coincidence that former President Carter passing, which happened a few months ago was announced now? Remember everybody only dies in December. And is there a coincidence that the funeral is on the day of the 9th of January, the same day as they are to have their QFS and the markets would shut down. I don’t know if banks are closing but that would also be unusual for a former Presidential funeral. Hum they just happen to create a distraction on that day to get out of one promise.
Other Potential Distractions Being Discussed Behind the Scenes
Word on the street is that someone else might die, there might be another presidential funeral or something. They have talked about all kinds of distractions. Operatives behind Congress may get together and decide to say that Trump can’t be inaugurated because of the Insurrection Act or something he participated in that they themselves created. They are going to play that for a while and stall until March.
Why March do you say?
March is when the Equinox happens and money used to come on the Equinox, so we might have to wait until then for the inauguration. At this point based on the data I have and where I’m seeing the planet go you might not have a president for 4 years because nothing is going to happen for those people.
Crown Corp Declared Themselves Bankrupt
Another interesting behind the scenes occurrence is Crown Corporation has declared themselves bankrupt. This is Duck Dynasty again; they ignore all the expired agreements.
Why now?
More than a year ago Crown Corp wasn’t actually over the US anymore, but they are still attacking ghosts in the room, for lack of a better term. Duck Dynasty decided they were going to get Crown Corp to admit they were broke. Word has started trickling down to Commonwealth nations and other nations still under the British Crown such as some countries in the Middle East. They are stopping a lot of services of the government and imposed hiring freezes of the government in the Commonwealth areas of the world. There are a lot of National Health Services and they are not hiring anymore doctors or nurses. I’ve seen it start to trickle already in a couple of locations, they are talking about hiring “precepts” (I think but word was hard to hear) for government.
They are talking about increasing taxes on goods and services traded in US dollars. I will repeat that. They were told to increase taxes, fees, custom fees on items that are globally traded in US dollars. This would be gold, silver, oil, gas and other commodities that are allegedly by World Trade Organization standards traded in US dollars.
We know really most of the world transactions that are substantial on any these commodities happen off market, about 80% of those commodities. On market prices are only for us little people, but we are starting see some changes in several governments around the world, some behind the scenes and some in the face front where you are seeing some additional fees on these commodities. I would expect by the beginning of next year that you might see that get worse if nothing changes. Now I don’t expect nothing to change by then, but I will tell you there is a reason for this.
Treasuries Officially Will Be Bankrupt by January 15th
Come January 15th allegedly, the Treasury says they will officially be bankrupt, and when they say Treasury they are not only talking about US Treasury but Treasuries worldwide. This is what they are saying. They managed to keep afloat every time they thought they were going to go under because some operative somewhere would develop some scheme. They would steal money from the King of Bahrain or Kuwait, or promise big pipelines in Saudi Arabia, or take money from the Russian Oligarchs, I mean the Silent Circle, borrowed from the mafia. There isn’t anybody on this planet that they have not borrowed money from that isn’t dependent on these ‘special’ days ending in ‘y’ when money was supposed to come for various reasons that no longer exist.
They think they are taking over for Crown Corp but Duck Dynasty really doesn’t know what they are doing so that’s where we’ve run into a problem. If the Treasuries are actually broke then that is the reason for the increased fees in countries the SSP thinks they have a seat in the government or is the hidden hand behind the government. They had them increase these fees so they could allegedly claw back more dollars to keep the Treasury afloat not only in the US but around the world. They feel they can steel money from people to achieve this task based on commodities, on-market transactions. They must have forgot they sanctioned a lot of countries that have this stuff, countries like Zimbabwe, Russia, Ukraine, Iran and lots of other areas of the world. Maybe they are looking just to take it from us, probably.
This is not the first time we’ve seen this alleged increase, there is also talk which is ridiculousness of 100% customs on certain countries and goods and services coming into the US. These are ridiculous policies that absolutely make no economic sense, which tells me we have groups of political operatives trying to get involved in economics. I don’t understand why they don’t have any economic people or are they are being ignored.
SSP-Trump Operatives Will See Some Big Disappointments After January 1st?
There will be total chaos in their world when there is no money, but they will probably come up with another day ending in ‘y.’ They will probably come up with a delay because that is what they are discussing, but that could change. They know no money is coming when Trump gets back in office. I know they would love for me to do this again; however, you still owe me few billion dollars. I’ll take stuff, we talked about that before. You have lots of stuff laying around. They could have done something but they had no intention of making this right so I have no intention of funding these people. They also have no intention of following any orders or instructions as evidence over the last 3 years.
I don’t see any reason to do anything that doesn’t involve the people, meaning the people benefit and I’m not getting any benefit right now out of any of it. There will be nothing going in their direction and I’m still focused on putting things in our direction. Again, most of the stuff I’m seeing now is not things of human blocking. I don’t see the NSA being a problem although they tried, they were the ones in Ogunquit, Maine. We’ll see what happens this week. On Friday I plan to give you an update on what I see blow by blow for 2025 and what we can expect for us.
I wish all of you a Happy New year. Above all remember to breath and stay grounded because it’s going to be a wild ride as things speed up quite a bit come the first of the year. Hopefully we are out of the woods as far as the difficult parts. I hope you do get to spend time with family and friends and spend some time chatting with Source too, which will get easier and easier.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Thankyou Ladies and God bless you all : )
In New Zealand we have just done this:
publicnoticesnz dot com
We the people have reclaimed our country and can now live fully outside of the matrix.
17th Jan 25 is their final day for the handing over of corporation aka govt registers to the ‘irrevocable trust’ where all NZ assets now reside.
Every crown and govt entity and their subsidiaries and Banks, Treasury, Inland Revenue, Local Councils, Police, Courts, Prisons, Land registers have now been liquidated due to fraud.
No Land registry and no mortgages.
Those who comply with us will remain but anyone not complying will be removed and replaced with honourable people.
This week was the first week Ive ever not paid my mortgage and it feels a bit spooky – but good at the same time.
If only everyone would wake up all at the same time : )
Its a goldbacked currency now for NZ.
Hello Barbara,
Could you please explain to me what this means for the people of New Zealand? I have an affidavit myself for quite some years now, and my own international passport, stating my human, as I am, not a person. I guess this what is happening in New Zealand has to do with that. Meaning that under natural law, humans ( not persons) , don’t have to pay taxes, are required to have a home and so on. I asked Chatgpt what natural law means, and it answered me with the things I just mentioned. Then I asked it why these natural laws aren’t applied, and I gave it some more information on what a person really stands for. ( A mask, death object, and how it’s been treated like that in court) I’ve been in court with all these things, but they just ignore it, and because all the law enforcers rather believe there bosses, that’s what becomes to be. Just like they might ignore Kim, they ignore people who tell the truth, and as long as the majority of people believe the fake rules set out by governments over several centuries, that’s what’s staying, even if it is the biggest fraude ever. But I wonder, did a miracle just occured in New Zealand? Are people there going to be humans once again, and not longer persons?
I looked into that website, and it’s not really clear to me.
Can you inform me a little bit more on that? Is that what is going on in New Zealand?
Is it true CIA founded ISIS?
I still can’t see how any of this is true.. She tells a wonderful story but she obviously credits herself with power and yet has absolutely NONE to stop any of this evil… Which side is she really on? Nothing she said is anything we have ever seen or could see.. This is so out there… Maybe when she is acknowledged by anyone, and I mean anyone in the political theatre, I could believe it but this is nuts.. She has done nothing to help anyone. Im willing to bet she makes a killing on her channel and the tv broadcasting ….Personally I think it is evil to lead people on…
I made a comment and you will not post it.. It indicated it was duplicate.. Well I JUST WROTE IT.. Anyhow Im not interested in this evil.
no pictures after the first one is shown in your text. ///// i wonder how anyone who has no spiritual or profound esoteric background can comprehend, understand what kim does and tells us. example: the kali chakra of earth. firstly one should know where kal sits in the human body, as the human body includes and represents earth and the whole creation and source!!! kal and kali sit in the left side of the human forehead. life-source sits in the middle of the human forehead together with the soul. kali is the female / shakti / doer aspect of kal, the negative power (anti-source) whose name is kal, the black one, the ruler of time, who is above time, not subjected to time. kal and kali cannot be seprated, they are one. //// next energy center, chakra down is in the throat: there sits the goddess of power (adhya, the only female child of source. she brouhgt all the godly souls into creation according to kabir, anurag sagar), the goddess of the intellekt, creating our dreams according to our outer impressions. next chakra down is the heart chakra, the seat of the destroyer, named shiva. /////// anyone still reading this ???
sorry, luise again : pics are there after copying the whole thing, they showed up. must have been a fault of my protection software…
That’s interesting Barbara. I copied the to my brother in law who lives in New Zealand via my sister in law. because I do not have an email adress of him. I wonder if he knows about this website.
Keep us informed about it.
Many unknown and known organizations, groups , individuals are here to do positive things at this time. Kim’s disclosures and current updates have me better understanding how the extreme negative beings against humanity, after invasion by none other than the Nibiru Annunaki collectives, Draconian , negative Aliens , then now their human hybrid bloodline on earth using AI weapon technology and creating genetic modified human hybrid drones for destruction and enslavement.
There is an organization, ACIO, (Alien contact intelligent organization), the 12th division, unit 375, a positive SSP is working and guided by the council of 5, tracking and dealing with worldwide shadow militaries corporations. Here is their website, listing who are those shadows organization.
Here is on the recent worldwide UAP/UFO/ORB events from Lisa Renee