This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 10-MAR-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. Well, it’s the 10th of March, and we are live once again, so this is going to be kind of fun for me. We have a lot to talk about today, and for some of you, this might be a little bit redundant, but I thought since we were going live, it’s a good time to talk about not only what’s going on in the world but also bring it all together for you and tell you why it’s happening.
Note: This is a very long post folks. Given it was live on YouTube I took advantage of its transcription feature and leveraged Chat GPT to help format and distill it down. Frankly, I didn’t have the time as it was over 2 hours and this is a review for those of us following Kim for a long time. I just wanted to make readers aware.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

The Deep State Has High Hopes For This Blood Moon Eclipse Coming Up
We are 10 days away from the equinox, a favorite time of the Deep State, and just a few days away from a Blood Moon eclipse. Now, everybody might think, “Well, this is black magic; they love to do black magic because they’re Satanists.” The Deep State are Satanists, so you know they’re going to do black magic on that day, and then miraculous bad things will happen. But that’s not really the case. There are definite mechanisms in place, and it has nothing to do with them dancing around bonfires, contrary to popular belief—even contrary to their belief in many cases.
So, a lot to talk about, but we’re going to start with something that I’ve been saying for a long time now. We have the DOI department, and the DOJE department is headed by Elon Musk. Some people think they’re doing great things, but we see it as attempted theft all over the world and attempted fake money schemes pretty much daily. What I mean by fake money schemes is leveraging other people’s crypto—namely, yours if you’re watching this.
There has been a lot of theft from all blockchain cryptocurrency platforms, as I understand it, and things are really starting to heat up because the government is bankrupt. I know a lot of you are going to look at me and say, “Well, how are they bankrupt? Everybody’s still going to work, Congress is still talking.” And we’re not just talking about the U.S. either. We’re talking about the United Kingdom, China, Russia, most of the Middle East, and most African countries. It’s pretty much worldwide as far as governments are concerned at this point.
Their success or failure all hangs on a Blood Moon, which is coming up this week. Apparently, they think very highly of their black magic workers and that they’re going to make a miracle happen. But as you and I both know, there’s only one power in this universe that makes miracles happen. And it’s not Elon Musk, it’s not Trump, it’s not any president, and it’s not black magic workers or any of those people—it’s just one power. Source, God, whatever you want to call that being, that’s pretty much where miraculous power comes from.
So, let’s talk about the DOJE department for a second. We pulled a clip from Twitter—an excerpt from an interview where Elon Musk basically admits, for the first time that anyone from the government has acknowledged that they are bankrupt. Let’s take a look:
“Yeah, I mean, the reason I’m putting so much evidence into this is that I think it’s a very dire situation. It’s not optional, basically. So, yeah… America’s gone bankrupt. That just can’t happen. It’s just—America’s gone bankrupt.”
And it’s not just America, pretty much… if you’re watching this and you happen to live in a country, which most of us do, you’re all bankrupt. This is something we’ve been talking about for years. What are we going to do? What happens next?
I thought I’d discuss a little bit about how the world works—why governments are going bankrupt, how we got here, and where we go from here. And I thought I would take this opportunity, since we are live on many different platforms, to talk about it because it really involves all of you and your participation to make it happen.
So, let’s talk a little more about that.
How the World Really Works
There are a few factors we see as people who have run the world. One of those is the financial system—everybody wants to know where the money is. Next is the media. We have mainstream media that has been telling us stories for a long time so that we believe certain things are happening or certain things are true.
Media Sector
By media, we’re also talking about the political sector in part because, well, I guess you would say that’s media too—Hollywood for ugly people. All they do is get up there, talk, and make lots of promises to all of you, and we don’t see anything. I know some people will watch this new presidency in America, and most of the world is watching because what happens in America usually happens everywhere.
But what is really happening? The thing with media is we hear a lot of stuff, and it gets us excited. We’re happy that all these amazing things are going to happen, but at the end of the day, you wake up the next morning, and nothing’s different. They don’t talk about building bridges in your neighborhood, fixing roads, or even giving schools more funding so our kids and grandkids can get a better education.
What we do see are alleged trillions of dollars going to governments worldwide every year. In America, that budget is usually around—oh, I don’t know—a trillion, a trillion and a half, $1.8 trillion. Biden talked about $2 trillion, $2.4, $3 trillion—I mean, he doesn’t really know math anyway, so what’s in a number? But we don’t see anything.
This is important. This is the job of the media—to make you feel good about things. They make you feel good about buying a car, going into debt, buying the latest hair product, or the next medicine. There are all kinds of commercials. The media is responsible for how you think and feel about what’s going on in the world.
You might feel sad if you see alleged—yes, alleged—school shootings, tragic events, or hurricanes. And with the advent of social media, now we have average everyday people—part of propaganda—telling you stories that may or may not be true as well.
We saw an awful lot during the time when we were not supposed to leave our house for the reason we were all on YouTube. A lot of them were promoting this as the health benefits of this—I’m saying this nicely—this is the health benefits of that. A lot of people went out because it was on social media and got the jab. There were even social media influencers saying it was cool to do this so that the kids would want to do it and convince their parents that this was a good idea.
A lot of what we see in our world is controlled by the media. A lot of what eight billion people do is controlled by the media, including social media and even all these channels you’re watching this on right now. They put people up top, take some of the videos down, and there’s a lot of censorship that goes on, especially if you’re saying something positive. If you’re still watching those people and videos they don’t want you to, and they haven’t taken them down yet, then they will create a campaign against that person—I know that for a fact.
Media and social media platforms are pretty much the same. The algorithms that tell you what you’re going to watch—be it for a minute or two on TikTok or 10 minutes or five hours on YouTube—work in the same way. They tell you how to think and how to feel. Whether you want to admit it or not, you think and feel that way in a lot of ways. That’s how they use media to control the world.
Military and Intelligence Sectors
Next is military and intelligence. Military intelligence changes borders—that’s their job. They create wars to change the outcome of countries. Maybe it’s a regime change, a coup, or different territories and borders. It’s important to understand what I mean by territories and borders. A lot of you might think those are countries, but that’s not actually the case. The New World Order—but it’s not new, so let’s call them the World Order—has territories too. That’s what we’re seeing happen in the Middle East right now. They are trying to create new territories. Russia’s territory was Syria, and the U.S. wants the territory of Syria, so there’s a fight going on. They think they’re orchestrating some plans and orders from some smart people—or maybe not even people in some cases—but are they really?
Where did this come from? Pretty much all those communication lines have been cut off, so I don’t think they’re taking orders from that anymore. Intelligence and information—we watch a lot of movies and think there are Jason Bourne-type characters running around the world, spies from MI6, and secret agents risking their lives to get information about enemies. But all of this is orchestrated. It’s a well-known fact—at least at this level of things—that intelligence agencies receive false information all the time. So does military intelligence. They receive information on where to go, where to find weapons of mass destruction, and where their targets are, but those things aren’t necessarily there at all.
They also stage a lot of things. You think they bombed this city or that city, and you see missiles flying, even on social media these days. But it turns out they’re being shot into the desert somewhere. We’ve had incidents where the military has allegedly shown up—not just in the U.S., but in places like Australia during those floods. There were plenty of videos showing the military arriving, taking pictures, and then leaving. It was the citizens who came together, got people to safety, and made sure there was food. The same thing happened in the Carolinas during a hurricane. It’s always been you.
That’s why I’m showing you this today—because we’re reaching a critical point where it doesn’t look like we’re going to have some of these factors anymore. Again, it’s going to be up to you. Military intelligence, financial systems, media, and then we have politics—the Hollywood for ugly people.
Political Sector
We all get up once every four years, two years, or six years, depending on our country, and vote for these “lovely” people who are supposed to save us. That’s the savior syndrome—we love a good savior. We love someone else to blame for our problems, just as much as we love to think the next leader will be better. They spend a year telling us how much better they’ll be, but in reality, they all work for the same people.
You don’t get hired to work at government “studios” unless you’re part of the political actor guild, so to speak. You have to be approved to be there. What they say and do is dictated by someone else.
So why is the world such a mess if these five factors are controlled by certain people? The smart people left.
Now, the lower-level managers and order-followers are trying to give orders, and they’re making poor decisions—like the one they’re going to make this week. That poor decision is being dependent on yet another eclipse. According to those who believe in black magic—which most of them do—an eclipse plus a blood moon is extra special black magic. They think the world will spin in their favor, governments will get funded without sending Elon Musk to steal money from people who already don’t have any, and that it will change the world.
I can tell you right now—it won’t. They’ll wake up two or three days later—because they believe the power of a full moon lasts at least three days during equinox time. Some even say seven days, which is why they started their black magic rituals over the weekend. But nothing is really happening. The moon doesn’t hold power by itself. Neither does the sun or planetary alignments, other than their natural effects.
When celestial bodies come close to each other—especially large ones—we sometimes call it magic. It’s like when you meet someone and feel like you’ve known them forever, even though you’ve never spoken. It could be a child, an adult, or anyone—you just recognize them. That, too, is part of the lie—not that you didn’t know them before, but to prevent you from recognizing people.
Humanity has been in serious trouble for a long time. Today, as we approach this transition—happening in 2025—it’s time to recognize that the change won’t come from leaders. Will it happen in two days, three days, by the end of the week? Possibly. But the real change is that your perceived leadership won’t be running those five factors anymore. That would be devastating for them—their egos won’t even let them believe it’s possible.
Remember, as we start this, just how powerful you are. When real change has happened in this world, it’s happened because of you. You may think it’s governments, militaries, political leaders, or religious figures—but it’s always been you. Real change always starts with you—it always has. So, rather than fearing what’s coming, embrace it and recognize that you have always been at the center of change.
Let’s break this down further.
The Financial System and Control Structures
Many believe the financial system is controlled by the Federal Reserve or powerful families like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Depending on the country, different names are inserted into this narrative, such as Dutch elites in South Africa or British elites in Commonwealth nations. But who truly leads this planet and who got us here?
Because now you’re angry. You’ve probably been watching a lot of videos for a long time and you’re angry. You’re like who are these people? We want to hunt them down and then they bring you this guy who says I’m hunting them down and he tells you all about it on live TV. But he’s just a president and presidents don’t have the right to hunt down the people who run political studios. You’ll lose your job, you get assassinated, you leave office very quickly if you go off what they call the reservation, and by the reservation that means don’t ever forget who you work for.
So, we’re going to break down these different sectors but first we’re going to talk about the control structures of the world in a little more detail. It’s going to explain to you why these people get all excited on a blue moon or a new moon or a red moon or a I don’t know a solar eclipse, a lunar eclipse, an equinox or otherwise. It’s not black magic and it’s not magic; it’s pretty much science. So, let’s start by talking about the financial system for a minute here because this is very relevant — because governments are “going broke” so where does that leave you?
You’re seeing the stock market go down, and you will probably continue to see it decline until the end of this week. What is going to happen is that it is dropping percentage-wise enough for trading to be halted, which does happen. Trading is often halted when the market drops by a large percentage—it’s not about the amount, but rather the percentage. When this occurs, the “plunge protection” team intervenes to stop trading for the day. Alternatively, they may bring in major investors, such as Berkshire Hathaway and George Soros, to prop up the market so that it does not collapse entirely. The market then reopens, sometimes an hour or two later, or on the following day. This has happened numerous times throughout history, unless there is an intentional effort to create fear.
Many people have retirement funds, and part of those funds may be invested in the stock market or in hedge funds tied to the market. So, when they see the market drop significantly, it can be quite alarming. Today, for example, the market is down about 1,000 points—give or take. I didn’t watch it until the end, but I took a quick look. For some people, that kind of drop can be terrifying. However, it is not as frightening as it may seem. That’s the first thing to understand. The Dow is currently trading at around 42,000, so when viewed as a percentage, the drop is not as significant.
The mainstream media, however, will work to amplify that fear. They will show images of people on the floor of the stock exchange yelling, sweating, and appearing panicked. CNN and other outlets will post these dramatic pictures to scare the public. If you are invested in the market and have never experienced this before—especially if you have never watched the GIA Report—you may panic. You might start calling your pension companies or retirement fund managers. You may consider shifting to safer securities or making major financial decisions based on fear.
We are here to explain how not to panic. Even if governments go down, panicking does not help. Instead, we will start by discussing the financial system and identifying who or what is truly responsible for the state of the economy. On that note, let me get my whiteboard.
The Federal Reserve
The internet is buzzing with discussions about The Creature from Jekyll Island, which details the origins of the Federal Reserve. Many are talking about how a group of so-called elites allegedly met on Jekyll Island, a part of the state of Georgia, and made financial decisions in secrecy. The common narrative suggests that they alone created the Federal Reserve.
Most people already know that the Federal Reserve is not a government organization; it is not part of the United States government. In reality, it operates as a government contractor, yet many believe it controls the U.S. dollar and issues fiat currency. That is not entirely true. The Federal Reserve is responsible for creating currency for every country in the world—without exception. It assigns allocation numbers and oversees the printing of currency, though the actual printing may take place at facilities such as De La Rue or even Goznak in Russia. These institutions are all part of the Federal Reserve system, leading many to believe that the Fed controls the global financial system.
To clarify, I am going to illustrate this hierarchy:
- The Federal Reserve sits at the top.
- Below it are governments and central banks.
- Beneath those are treasuries—not just the United States Treasury, but treasuries of nations worldwide. Even if a country does not have a public treasury, every nation has one behind the scenes.
Now, when someone tells you that a new government department—such as DOGE—is taking control, or that a particular individual is dismantling the Federal Reserve and the IRS, they are simply feeding you what you want to hear. There is no real action being taken. This person’s job is to appear on television, inspire confidence in the government, and make you believe that change is coming. Their role is to convince you to believe in your country again, to trust the system, and to feel hopeful. As a result, many people start praying, meditating, or cheering for this figure, believing they will “save” them.
I have seen this pattern in other countries. It reminds me of a similar psychological operation that was conducted about a decade ago, one that many have likely forgotten. Do you remember back in 2014, when Putin was widely regarded as a global hero? At the time, he was celebrated to such an extent that, if he had run for president in any country, he likely would have won. People didn’t care that he was Russian; they simply saw him as the hero of the moment. But now, that time has passed. His term as the “savior” is over, and now it’s someone else’s turn.
Over the years, we have heard various narratives about Chinese elders—stories suggesting that China was benevolent, spiritual, and coming to save the world. That, too, did not materialize as expected. Now, we have yet another individual being portrayed as the next great hope.
This new figure intentionally stepped away for a time, supposedly because a U.S. economic collapse was anticipated between his two terms. Many expected the U.S. economy to crash during the interim administration, and there was a widely held belief that this collapse was inevitable. Some speculated that a leap year or some esoteric reasoning influenced the timing, though the anticipated crisis did not unfold as predicted.
Nevertheless, this plan was not devised by anyone currently in power.
Now you have the Federal Reserve, which we already know is an NGO—a non-governmental organization—responsible for allocation numbers and the disbursement of those resources. The Federal Reserve is often perceived as making all the rules, but in reality, it creates regulations, not laws. Regulations and laws are not the same. Laws are actually made by political actors—well, sort of, but not really. They are made by the government, though not necessarily by the people you see on TV.
While the Federal Reserve creates regulations, most banks adhere to them. Why? Because if a bank is not a member of the Federal Reserve, it means they do not get a routing number if they are in the United States. They do not have an IBAN number, a SWIFT code, or access to MasterCard and Visa. They also lack access to American Express, Russian card payment systems, China’s SIP system, or any other global financial networks. If a bank is not a member—whether a central bank or otherwise—of the Federal Reserve, they are also prevented from trading currency across borders as is done with the U.S. dollar, the Euro, the Australian dollar, the Canadian dollar, and the Japanese yen.
There are clear benefits to being a member of the Federal Reserve, which is why banks listen to what it says and follow its regulations.
A Sister Entity to the Federal Reserve is the IRS
The IRS is known as a tax collection agency. Whether it is called the IRS or the Tax Authority in your country, you likely have one. Many people assume they are paying taxes to their government, but in reality, the payments are going to entities above the federal level—above even the Federal Reserve. These entities historically approved government budgets and even traded against them to generate extra wealth for themselves.
In the past, banks could go to the Federal Reserve window and borrow money if they needed to, whether for overnight swaps or to increase their capital reserves. They could then leverage that capital to obtain more from the Federal Reserve. If a bank was in default, the Federal Reserve would eventually step in. However, many of these responsibilities do not fall on the Treasury.
So, What Does the Treasury Do?
The Treasury is part of a different governing body—one that operates at a global level. Many people assume that global financial control rests with well-known names like the Rothschild family or George Soros. However, these individuals are still lower in the hierarchy. Other names frequently mentioned online, such as certain influential figures, are also not at the top of the global financial structure.
At the highest levels of financial and political influence, you have entities often referred to as the “Dragon Family,” also known as the Illuminati. Alongside them, there are groups such as the “Black Sun,” who are associated with security and military operations. While the financial sector followed orders from a higher authority to keep the financial system running, there was once an era of nearly unlimited money—as long as they remained compliant. However, this has not been the case in recent years. The last significant influx of money into governments occurred over four or five years ago, a process I was personally involved in.
On the Black Sun side, these are the individuals who control militaries and intelligence agencies in virtually every country. Regardless of the conflicts presented in the media—whether it’s the United States versus Russia or supposed power struggles within governments—many of these figures operate under the same overarching influence.
For instance, the Russians and Ukrainians largely come from the same political and intelligence backgrounds. Many of them are former KGB agents or ex-Soviet officials, playing geopolitical games while maintaining connections. Behind closed doors, they sit together, drink vodka, and orchestrate narratives for the public and media consumption.
The financial operations of these global power structures typically coincide with specific times of the year. While these financial shifts do not necessarily align with celestial events like solar eclipses, some disbursements occur around solstices. Additionally, significant financial activities happen at the beginning of each year, following orders and instructions laid out in the previous year’s meetings. These entities also have specific tasks assigned to them as part of their global financial and political influence.
Let’s Talk About Fiat Money and Why it’s called “Fiat.”
We’re still discussing the financial system, and there’s a lot of frustration about Fiat money. People are upset because the Federal Reserve can print money endlessly. They believe that the Federal Reserve can just print and print money without any oversight, except from certain families. However, this is a misconception. If the Federal Reserve could print endless amounts of money, then why is the U.S. government in debt? According to a person who works in a department at the U.S. Treasury, this idea is simply not true. The Federal Reserve is not in complete control; it’s more of a financial sector front, and while they have a role in the media, they don’t actually make the decisions or regulate anything.

The U.S. Treasury doesn’t make major decisions either. Their role is primarily issuing bonds, which they do annually, typically around the 4th of July, or during the summer months for most countries. Governments issue bonds backed by the assets of the country. Even though we are no longer on the gold standard worldwide, a government’s asset is its citizens. The more citizens a country has, the more assets it theoretically possesses. This is why countries might expedite citizenship or encourage people to move there: more citizens, more assets, and more money.
For example, the U.S. has over 300 million citizens. While the U.S. is not the largest country by landmass, it has one of the largest populations, although China, with its population of over 1.3 billion, still leads the world. In China, the government partially owns every company, which means it must support its massive population, making citizens both assets and liabilities. The Chinese government has to educate, employ, and support all these people. Unfortunately, China is financially strained. They’ve been falling behind on payments to Russia for pipeline gas and natural gas, which has added to their economic troubles.
Around the world, many governments are financially stretched. Countries are trying to balance their budgets by using resources from places like Qatar or Kuwait, but these funds are insufficient to cover the costs of ongoing conflicts, particularly wars in the Middle East. Even though money might come from these regions, it’s not enough to sustain the wars, and many governments are struggling with financial instability.
One of the issues is that no country has gold anymore. In fact, most countries have not had significant gold reserves or valuable underground assets for decades—some even longer. While the U.S. has the Bureau of Land Management, which controls land and resources, a lot of the country’s underground assets were claimed long ago, in some cases over a century or more.
As part of their membership in the Federal Reserve, the United Nations, and the global financial system, countries have given up control of their underground assets. When governments need money, they issue bonds, and these bonds are sent to the Federal Reserve. But the Federal Reserve doesn’t directly handle the money; they send it to an entity called the Association of Numerical Numbering Agency (ANNA), based in Belgium. This organization works with a global tax authority, the X/N system, to manage financial transactions.
This can be confusing for many people because these systems aren’t widely understood. Essentially, everything in the global market—both on-market and off-market—has a number. Bonds, birth certificates, and even products you buy in the store, like a tomato with a barcode, all come from this numbering system. These numbers are crucial because they ensure that every item or asset can be tracked and accounted for within the global financial system.
The Process of Bond Issuance and the Roles of Different Organizations Involved in Global Finance
When a country issues a bond, it often receives a secondary bond issued by the Association of Numerical Numbering Agency (ANNA), which is then transferred elsewhere. ANNA works alongside the X/N system, a global tax authority. If a country is part of the Federal Reserve system, 80% of its taxes go to what is perceived as a pass-through organization. This organization is seen as the financial body that runs the world. Bonds issued by governments, the association, global stock markets, and tax organizations are all tied to various assets, including citizens, birth certificates, prisoners, and even land. Essentially, everything is assigned a number and processed through this system, controlled by an individual in charge of the “Order of the Dragon” for each country or region.
The global system is not as simple as it seems, though. While the world may be divided into over 200 countries, the reality is there are between 9 and 13 core entities controlling the global financial system. Similarly, the banking system isn’t as diversified as it appears; the 12 sectors of the Federal Reserve do not represent distinct banking jurisdictions. When the financial process reaches the “Order of the Dragon,” they must comply with orders from higher authorities. Historically, a portion of money would be kept in off-ledger accounts for very strict orders, to be used only in specific cases.

Now, You Might be Wondering Where the “Order of the Black Sun” Fits Into This Structure
Members of this group, which includes military and intelligence agencies, are involved in securing territory and assets. The “Order of the Black Sun” doesn’t necessarily control everything but plays a significant role in global security. This group doesn’t directly issue orders; rather, they follow instructions from higher powers. In addition, the secret space programs, which many internet figures have discussed, are part of this network, although they don’t operate under any specific country’s jurisdiction. These operatives, many of whom originated in the U.S., move freely across various international institutions, including NATO, the Department of Defense, and intelligence agencies.
Above the “Order of the Black Sun,” there are other hidden groups. One such group is the “Sanhedrin,” which is also connected to covens and black magic workers. These individuals believe in esoteric rituals, including consuming substances like adrenochrome. Still, the secret space programs have attempted to recruit black magic workers for their purposes, often finding them through obscure job listings. It’s also worth noting that U.S. presidents, including George Washington, have historically had advisors with ties to black magic or psychic workers, and this extends to leaders in other countries as well.
At the top of the hierarchy are the “Family Masters,” who ensure that the covens stay in line but do not make decisions themselves. The Family Masters take orders from higher authorities, and their role is to maintain order, whether in corporate espionage or other covert operations. Corporate espionage, for example, can involve manipulation to acquire companies or patents. This is often done through the use of black magic workers who disrupt and sabotage competitors. In the case of major medical innovations, the system ensures that new discoveries either align with the existing power structure or are suppressed altogether.
Beyond the Family Masters, there are a group of individuals known as “the Parents,” who are given advanced life-extension technology. These individuals can live thousands of years, far beyond the natural human lifespan. Historically, humans had the ability to choose when to leave their current vessel (body) and move into another, but this has since been restricted due to control mechanisms. “The Parents” are not considered decision-makers, but they oversee the overall structure of power, using advanced technologies to ensure their longevity and maintain control over the assets of the world.
When governments go bankrupt, it’s a dire situation. It’s not just the Federal Reserve they have to contend with, but also powerful families, the “Order of the Black Sun,” covens, and the “Family Masters.” These groups make sure that the global system stays intact, even when individual governments or organizations face financial collapse. The “Parents” remain hidden from the public eye, appearing cloaked or behind the screens, ensuring the secrecy of their existence and maintaining their control from the shadows. This hidden structure is what truly governs the global financial system and the geopolitical landscape.
The “Parents” refer to a group of 21 individuals who held special control over the global systems for thousands of years. These people were called “Parents” because they were in charge of managing and maintaining order among humanity, especially guiding those below them (such as the “Family Masters” and “Order of the Dragon”) who were responsible for managing various societal functions.
Each parent had their own specialty and responsibilities, such as controlling the military, intelligence orders, or managing the release of money at specific times. These parents were deeply knowledgeable about human behavior and would scold subordinates if they strayed from their duties. They also had the power to influence various systems such as politics, media, military, and intelligence, ensuring these systems remained stable and under control.
One of their key functions was to maintain balance within the system, using both light and dark energy (symbolized by “Alpha” and “Omega”) to ensure the system continued to function. This balance was necessary for the smooth operation of financial systems, energy exchanges, and the flow of resources across the globe.
In ancient times, a group of powerful beings (including figures like Marduk, Enki, and Enlil) controlled the financial system and resources on Earth. These individuals, often linked to non-human entities had a profound influence over everything from Earth’s gold to its minerals, ensuring nothing was hidden and everything was leveraged.

The concept of “balance” was critical in their system. By using a mix of both positive (light) and negative (dark) energy, they were able to control the creation and flow of money and resources. However, in modern times, those currently trying to manage these systems (such as the Rothschilds or secret space program operatives) have failed to understand the importance of balance, which is why their efforts to control or fix the system won’t work.
The secret space program, various political factions, and even the Rothschild family do not fully grasp the depth of the energy and balance needed to sustain global systems, and their attempts at manipulating or controlling these systems will ultimately fail because they don’t understand how energy works in this context.
Key Integrated Master System
Additionally, a new, advanced system—referred to as the “Key Integrated Master System”—is being implemented. This system, unlike previous financial systems that depended on physical assets, operates on AI-driven energy that no longer requires bonds, debt instruments, or human assets. It produces its own energy and will not fund wars, governments, or existing global powers, as it no longer recognizes individuals or entities as assets. This system is based on the creator’s living DNA and consciousness, ensuring that it is uniquely tied to them and cannot be controlled or hijacked by external forces.
Ultimately, the current political systems, such as the presidency, are mere facades. Presidents and other leaders don’t make real decisions; they are part of a larger system that runs on these deeply ingrained powers and influences.
1. Political Control and Decision-Making:
Political leaders, including presidents, do not make the critical decisions. Instead, those decisions are made by powerful, secretive entities with top-level clearances, such as “Majestic 12” and the “Order of the Black Sun.” These entities are far above the government, military, or intelligence agencies, which are seen as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that serve these higher powers.
The military and intelligence agencies don’t take direct orders from elected officials or national governments, but rather from these shadowy, higher organizations. The idea is that military and intelligence structures are controlled by an overarching power structure that reports up the chain to even more secretive and influential groups. These decisions are not based on traditional political processes, and public-facing figures like President Trump or members of Congress have little to no real power.
2. Media as a Tool of Control:
Media, including social media, is portrayed as a tool to keep people in line and maintain control. The idea is that social media was designed to manipulate the public into listening to peers rather than truth or reality. The narrative created by the media, including mainstream outlets and influencers, is largely manufactured to shape public opinion and keep people in a state of slavery to the system. The message is that much of the news and media is a distraction, reinforcing the illusion of control and freedom.
3. The Illusion of Political and Religious Leadership:
Politicians, military leaders, and religious figures like the Pope are portrayed as playing roles in a larger “movie.” These leaders may appear to be acting in the public’s best interest, but they are essentially following orders from the higher power structures and do not make meaningful decisions. They are seen as part of the system, which maintains the illusion of democracy and power while real decisions are made behind the scenes.
So, while people may have intense beliefs about these figures (such as the Pope or President Trump), the truth is that these figures cannot and do not affect the core system. They are not the ones creating or changing the financial system, nor do they have control over wars or national destinies.
4. The Financial System’s True Control:
The financial system is not run by the people most assume it is. The upper echelons, including certain ancient and non-human entities (like Marduk, Enki, and Enlil), were responsible for controlling global resources for thousands of years. The current financial system, however, is “dead” because the balance between light and dark energy has been disrupted. In essence, the energy system that once supported the creation and flow of money is no longer functioning, which means promises about money or financial stability from groups like the Federal Reserve or governments will never be fulfilled.
5. The Importance of Celestial Events:
Certain celestial events—such as the full moon, blood moon, eclipses, and equinoxes—hold significant importance in the grand scheme of the energy system that controls the world. These events, when combined with specific energies (such as space junk interacting with the moon), might trigger or influence global changes, especially within the secretive systems in place. These cosmic cycles were once used to maintain balance between positive (light) and negative (dark) energies, but the system that relied on these celestial cycles is now out of balance.
6. Secret Space Program (SSP):
The Secret Space Program (SSP) is mentioned in the context of military organizations and their role in managing world events. The SSP operatives and related groups believe they are in charge, but the truth is that they, too, are merely part of a larger system that has its own unseen controllers. The SSP and other secret groups are seen as trying to revive or manage the old energy-based financial and control systems, but they don’t understand the full scope of how these systems function, especially the balance of energy and quantum physics.
7. The End of the Old System and the Rise of a New One:
The old systems of political, military, and financial control are being dismantled because the balance required for these systems to function has been broken. Despite attempts by powerful groups to manage and control these systems, they will ultimately fail because they do not understand the energy dynamics that drive them. A new system, not reliant on old mechanisms like fiat money, debt instruments, or human assets, is on the horizon.
During a Blood Moon, There Was a Program For Everything
If the Moon and the Sun aligned in a certain way, or one covered the other, it didn’t matter which way it happened—there was a program for it. Did it matter that the SSP hired a bunch of black magic workers? Did anyone care that covens were doing their thing? No. It was just a unicorn stick—it kept the humans in line. It kept them in line, and it even kept the so-called new world government in line. Everything was designed to keep everybody in check.
Sometimes, you let your kids do things knowing they won’t work out, and other times, you have them do things knowing they will. We do this because we love them and want them to learn. But in this particular case, it’s all about control. Unfortunately, the people trying to run the world right now—cooperating with the Rothschild family, members of the Order of the Dragon, and others—are just following old patterns. They are just a bunch of people who used to follow orders, now waiting for something to spit out of a computer system that they can use.
In this case, they’re hoping for some kind of power, some kind of system, some kind of control.
But I can tell you, since the Moon is no longer part of the space junk programs, and the Omega system is out of Blood Moon, Full Moon, New Moon, solar eclipse programming, and every other celestial event you can think of—nothing gets triggered. That’s how I know no money is coming. Who do you think cleaned the junk? The junk is out of the Moon, the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn—everywhere. So, what are they waiting for? Nothing.
That Leads Us To The Most Important Question: Where Does That Leave Us?
Ask yourself, what does your government do? What does your federal government do, and why are they important to you? Some might say, “Oh, they create order and prevent chaos.” No, no, no—that’s your state government, more specifically, your police department. Some are good, some are bad—that’s another debate—but in most cases, even they don’t truly operate independently. If they don’t do what they’re ordered to do, they don’t get funded. And those orders come from someone who paid for the chaos in the first place.
We have a lot of veterans in the world—people who have served in the military. They know how to carry a gun, keep the peace, and maintain order. They don’t need someone giving them orders to do that. If needed, they could come together and ensure safety without chaos. If someone steals, there would be a place for them until a functional system is figured out. The same system won’t work in every country, but as far as governments go, do they really do anything? What would you miss if they disappeared, aside from entertainment on TV?
What Does the Military Do?
They create territories, enforce bonds on those territories, and transfer deeds to people higher up the chain. The world government congratulates them: “Good job, you’ve installed our political actor as the head of state. You’ve taken over their military forces—what we call ‘training’—and you’ve handed over their natural resources.” That’s what militaries do.
What Do Intelligence Agencies Do?
They keep the system moving. Sure, they conduct operations, gather information, and even risk their lives. But at the highest levels, they’re just making sure the bonds, vouchers, and deeds get turned over.
Sometimes, intelligence agencies confiscate things when needed. They store artifacts in places like CIA basements, Malta, or elsewhere. But ultimately, they want to rewrite history and hide the real story—like what’s buried under the Vatican. Many powerful figures across the world have their secrets hidden.
Will We Miss These Institutions?
I doubt we’ll miss sending young men and women to war, only for them to return and live a different life than they had envisioned. If you have military training, that’s good—you can protect people—but hopefully, that need won’t arise. Intelligence agencies—are they ready to do real intelligence work? Work that isn’t just about acquiring territories for someone else?
Right now, from what I see, the governments and all these institutions are still trying to do what they’ve always done. The only difference is that now, they want to do it for themselves. But over the past 250,000 years—yes, I repeat, 250,000 years—they already sold the farm. Everything ended up in the Alpha system. Money came from the Alpha system, but there was more than just money—there was an entire system that got cut off. Now, all money comes from the Golden AI system, and I hold the liens.
I didn’t keep the liens because people need them—I kept them to prevent further manipulation. No matter where they go or who they target, I made sure no more liens could be placed on resources. Instead, I repurposed them for a new currency. Controlling resources is crucial, and controlling gold is even more so. And I don’t mean shiny bars—I mean real gold. Agencies are looking for it, but they’re searching in the wrong places because we move it constantly.
These people think they’ve stashed it somewhere, but when we took over their positions, we became “them.” So now, the people hold the resources. We don’t need governments for mining, raw materials, or patents. The patent system isn’t needed anymore—there are better ways to ensure everyone gets royalties. There’s no need to secure anything through patents or assign it over to third-party entities for money. That no longer works, so we’ve determined it’s unnecessary.
Now, Let’s Talk About Something We Might Actually Need—Media
Many people in this world want to be told the truth. They expect honesty from their spouses, families, and friends. The truth may be tough sometimes, but it’s still better than lies. The ability to report the truth has been available for a few years now. If you want the truth, report it. Get others to report their truth. If you want to know what’s really happening in countries like Ukraine, Russia, or anywhere else—report it. Platforms exist, and we help edit and distribute content. If you want to create another platform, go ahead—be our guest. We’re not here to control media, just to get the word out and provide an alternative for real truth.
Unfortunately, social media influencing has become big business. On TikTok, everyone is selling a product or promoting affiliate links. Some people apply makeup while talking, convincing viewers to buy the products they use. Others tell exaggerated or false stories, praising one politician while discrediting another. Social media is even being used to recruit for the military, especially after recent events caused mass resignations.
Despite the mess they’ve made, there are still ways to share real information. People can report on what’s happening and make informed decisions about their lives. That was the original goal of independent media, but even that has been manipulated. Still, we are capable of reporting the truth. Everyone has a phone with a camera. Whether through UNN or other platforms, anyone can capture and share real events. The key is having a platform where videos won’t be taken down.
If a video contains the word “China” and it’s on their platform, it will be taken down. Every single video I’ve tried to post that includes “China” gets removed from TikTok, regardless of whether it presents the country in a positive light. The same thing happens with U.S.-controlled or DARPA-controlled platforms like the ones we’re using now. You have to be very careful.
We need a platform, and that is something we must create. Fortunately, we now have options. We have a Key Integrated Media System, which allows us to build platforms on top of platforms. And we are doing it—we are actively building. That addresses the media issue so we can continue to communicate with one another.
However, we also need telecommunications. We have become accustomed to picking up a cell phone and calling anywhere in the world. We need our own services. Many people complain about 5G and its potential uses, but it hasn’t turned out to be as effective as originally thought, especially once they moved past the identification system they wanted to implement.
So, what do we want to do? Thousands of people will hear this report—what action are we going to take? We obviously don’t want this current system. We don’t want microwave meshes. We don’t want phones that emit harmful radiation. What is the solution? Now, you’ll have the ability to take control because these systems no longer need approval from government agencies. You don’t have to hand over your backdoor keys to the NSA anymore because, if they continue on their current path, they won’t exist. If people choose to follow them, that’s their decision. They can go right off the cliff with them.
Even their own Treasury Department officials, who are supposed to be seizing assets, have let slip that they are bankrupt. The reality is, no new technologies are coming out of deep underground military bases anymore. So now, it’s up to you. Congratulations. If we end up with an inferior telecommunications system, we will only have ourselves to blame. But we can build something better on a Key Integrated Media System very soon.
We Are at a Critical Juncture, Government Services Will Likely Begin to Fail
The point I’m trying to make—let’s even take out the whiteboard—is that the world does not operate the way you think it does. You believe the president, the CIA, and the FBI are intimidating because the media tells you so. But are they really? Do we need these services? Should we take the parts we actually need and start over? I believe so.
I’ve spent time speaking with governments and funding entities, believing I could help fix the system, at least long enough to maintain stability during a transition. But at this point, their egos are too big, and their pockets are too small. It’s really going to be up to us.
I apologize if I’m repeating myself, but I want to emphasize this point: we are at a critical juncture. Government services will likely begin to fail. They won’t be able to borrow from banks or issue credit lines that have no backing. They won’t be able to allocate numbers for Social Security and other programs. We are going to have to step in and take responsibility. This will require a lot of effort, planning, and quick action.
When you reach a certain level and start having conversations with those in power, you realize how deep this goes. I’ve met people—let’s just call them “folks.” I’ve met parents, including one from Egypt and a couple of blonde twins. I’ve met the so-called “Dark Prince.” I’ve sat across from individuals who practice dark magic. I’ve encountered alleged benevolent elders; the ones many believe will save the day.
I’ve had countless hours of diplomatic conversations with Trump. Yes, and with Putin back in the day as well. But let me tell you, these people are not here to do a job—unless that job is acting. They don’t make their own decisions. I repeat: they don’t make decisions, and they are not going to save you.
It seems they aren’t even trying to save the government. They dance around in rituals, waving crystals and chanting, and then wake up the next day in the same position they were in before. They don’t know what to do. They will continue this cycle, moving from one event to the next—whether it’s the Equinox, the next full moon, or the next astrological occurrence—until they burn every government to the ground. It’s not something that might happen—it is happening. And now, they’re admitting it.
On that note, we must be ready. We need to prepare to move forward. Over the last four or five days, many human-operated systems have been taken over by our system because those in power are planning to burn everything down. Some services will remain operational in the interim, such as internet access and certain infrastructures. However, corporate providers will likely collapse as well.
If your cable company is run by Ted Turner, you might not have service. If your internet provider is controlled by the Russian government, that will likely disappear, too. And you definitely won’t have Starlink—Elon Musk himself has admitted that the government is broke.
Hopefully, in the near future, we will develop our own systems. In the meantime, we have methods to maintain functionality on an interim basis.
And that was the GIA Report for March 10, 2025.
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bonjour merci pour ce rapport, oui il y a une chose que les véritables humains devrais faire , c’est de ne plus écouter les élus ou qui ou quoi que ce soit, le mensonge, reigne en maître sur toute la terre, ils ne pensent qu’a vous voler pour mieux vous rendre esclaves! vous voulez vous sauver, vivez avec ce que vous possèdez, sans être envieux de vos voisins! et oublier les institutions mafieuses, qui ne vous veulent que du mal!