This is just a quick update as Kim Goguen did not give the Situation Report on December 8, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. However, she passed along the below message which Sunny delivered.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
US Space Force Expected Full Access to all AI Systems
The US Space Force was expecting a transition to occur early this morning US time which would allow them access to all AI systems through the Primordial Lurker. Since nothing happened everyone is in a full-on panic.
Trump As Space Force Commander?
Members of the deep state infiltrators in the Alt Media are reporting Trump will then come back as the Space Force Commander. If you are watching then you will see those reporting such claims are part of the problem and not the solution.
Uptick in Mainstream Media Regarding Terrorist Attacks in US
We also realize there is an uptick in mainstream media regarding terrorist attacks in the US. Reports have come in of water systems failing in two townships in Pennsylvania. They claim the cause was from an Iranian cyber-attack. But unless they moved the nation of Iran to Peterson Airforce Base in Colorado, we can say the hackers were most likely Americans under orders from the Space Force. The same type of attack was reported in Albany, New York and Las Vegas yesterday. This was the beginning of the setup for Martial Law in the US with the intention of putting the Space Force in charge. However, that will not happen and there is zero support for this type of action.
Legions Removing Next Layer
The Legions are back on the move today removing the next layer of deep state agencies, operatives, and military worldwide. These are those who have received an education and clearly have made poor life choices since.
On a different note…..
I’ve been meaning to share this interesting tidbit about Cassandra that I found while looking into the mythology of Ancient Greece. If you’ve been following along with Kim for some time now you will recall she has mentioned a few times that she was Cassandra. The most recent mention was back in October of this year because she wanted to explain how Marduk got control of a portion of the Alpha System.
Note: For related post on how Marduk gained control over both system during the Dark Age see, War in Israel Update | Langley 5 & Their Quest to Find a ‘Principal’ to Keep Operatives from Defecting | Deep State is Under the Impression They Work for Someone Higher Than God | Deep State is Expecting to Go Into a Neutral Age Now, Hence Much Confusion | Opening the Gates to Hell in Israel Will Not Work in a Light Age | Just As We Were to Disappear During the Dark Age, They Are to Disappear During the Light Age | History of Kim as Cassandra, Her Job & Marduk’s Trick Which Gained Him Control Over Both Systems During the Dark Age | Reviewing the Old Control Structure Again | Just Empower Me
Now this is just my own research so Kim did not confirm this obviously, but it certainly is interesting. Perhaps it is one explanation as to why there are far fewer people who believe Kim? Just some food for thought.
Cassandra in Mythology

Cassandra and Apollo
The most important event of Cassandra’s life was the encounter with the god Apollo. Although there are several versions of Cassandra’s stories, all of them have some connection with God Apollo. Cassandra became a priestess in Apollo’s temple and vowed a life of purity, divinity, and virginity.
Apollo saw Cassandra in his temple and fell in love with her. Due to his admiration and affection, he gave Cassandra the powers of prophesying and foretelling. But despite Apollo’s favors, Cassandra could not reciprocate his feelings, and rejected his advances towards her. This angered Apollo, and he cursed her powers, so that no one would believe her prophecies.
In another version of the story, Cassandra promises various favors to Aeschylus, but goes back on her word after she obtains powers from Apollo. An angered Apollo then puts a curse upon her powers for being untruthful to Aeschylus. After this, Cassandra’s prophecies are not believed or acknowledged by her own people.
Later versions of the myth say that Casandra fell asleep in Apollo’s temple and serpents whispered or licked her ears. She then heard what was happening in the future and prophesied about it.
Apollo’s Curse
Cassandra faced many challenges and difficulties from the time she was cursed by Apollo. She was not only disbelieved, but also termed as a mad and insane woman. Cassandra was not permitted to stay in the royal palace, and king Priam locked her in a room much farther away. Ironically, it was Cassandra who taught Helenus the skills of prophesying, and while his words were taken to be the truth, she was consistently criticized and disbelieved.
Source: Cassandra: A Voice Ignored in Greek Mythology (
Glossary Items
By the way I added the below entries to the Q&A/Glossary:
• Birth Certificate Process & Bills of Exchange
• House of Orange
• Reincarnation Process
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Thank you for all you do
It’s not a question of believing as if its some admirable quality. “Happy are those who have not seen but yet believe” kind of thing. It’s a question of being able to verify what she does say. So, right now, she has said, that if the Deep State does NOT announce Trump’s death, she will because “her people” now run the media. So, we’re all waiting for the announcement and if it doesn’t come, yet again truth seekers are made look ridiculous and stupid for “believing”.
A bit of a reply to Jim but to PJZ and all, too.
What Kim is “selling” here is hope. Hope, with the energy of love, for us to help to envision positive dreams & physically create for the immediate and best future outcome of ALL. Whether the Trump announcement comes or not, it is one more day of survival with hope and love as we float in the sea of evil. One step, one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one year we can, will, ARE making this a better place. Thank you Jim for reminding me of this.
Thank you Kim, PJZ and all who assist in this “ascension”.
Note to PJZ: I think this is an OPPS!?? While replying to Jim – I see his email address – you’ve noted that email addresses would not be published. I skipped the reply & moved to commenting here instead.
Well I am not opps I feel the same way Jim does
If hope is what she is promoting…..she shouldn’t say things that will do the exact opposite. I’ve been following her for 3 yrs. I’ve definitely supported her, subscribed to her channel, and more. But because I had questions, and expressed that I thought she should have a live q&a, I was accused of being negative and blocked from the care chat.
I Believe that there are more people who follow her that feel like myself and Jim , you just don’t know it because they too have been blocked. I LOVE the just empower me site. Whoever it is that does this believes in free speech and not charging for information. I’m very grateful for this place.
But being grateful doesn’t negate the fact that she has done a complete one180! And she acts as if she never said anything about the legion, or announcing trumps death. She said it herself it has to happen.
But more than that why isn’t there more people taking about the fact this legion had agreed to lie about Trump! And was going to let him be remember as a hero and not the dirt bag he is. Why isn’t that being addressed,??? There were already so many unanswered questions, before the legion announcement…… her flip flopping has only made more doubt.
She’s already battling people not believing her….. don’t you think she should be transparent?! She protects evil men’s names from us, her words do not match her actions. Either she has been compromised or she’s always been deceptive. I hate saying this but she isn’t giving me much of a choice
Thanks PJZ for transcribing.
Секретная часть диалога ( после того как выключили камеру ) , переданная секретным агентом Гцхихщ в Лунную Штаб-квартиру рептилоидов (Кариан), 5 плотность.
Санни: Вот кто тебя дергал за язык говорить что Трамп помер в начале года? Как теперь отвечать за базар? С нас уже весь Дипстейт тащится, не говоря уже про Шляпы.
Ким: Отставить панику. Не забывай что нас смотрят по большей части Личности Особого Характера и память у них как у рыбки. Если им обещать только коммунизм в следующем столетии то у них быстро пропадёт интерес. Поэтому нужно вкидывать периодически на вентилятор что вот- вот произойдёт грандиозное событие. Чуство причастности к великой тайне и знанию будущего сразу же поднимает самомнение подписоты до небес. А когда подходит назначеное время просто делаешь морду кирпичом и заливаешь про путешествия во времени. PROFIT
Санни: эх, чую добром это всё не закончится. Думаю что в итоге нас будут бить, возможно даже ногами.
Ким: Отставить пораженческие настроения, а то интервью у меня Такер Карлсон в следующий раз будет брать.
(примеч. агента Гцхихщ: стенограмма секретного разговора была первоначально опубликована Мистером Х. Но Ким оперативно среагировала и отключила сервера сети по всему северо-западному побережью. С последующей зачисткой истории сообщений. Так что в данный момент невозможно подтвердить или опровергнуть эти данные.)