This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 07 FEB 24 NEWS ( This is Part 2 and we’ll cover the update from Agent M, our Global Intelligence Agency Representative and Director of the Middle East who will talk about the current happenings in the Middle East over the last couple weeks.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Kim: Agent M, our Global intelligence Agency Representative, Director of the Middle East is here to talk about the current happenings in the Middle East over the last couple weeks.
Agent M: Hello ladies and gents, nice to be back, good to see you again too.
Kim: So tell us from a boots on the ground standpoint what have you been seeing going on with Israel the Gaza Strip. I know there’s been a lot of activity there, a lot of activity also in Syria recently and there’s been some talk about Saudi Arabia promising a bunch of money for Jordan’s involvement, so why don’t you take it from the top.
Since the Black Sun Released Their Assets
Agent M: I guess we can talk about it from the day the Black Sun released their assets, you can say that was the critical point or the crossroad. When that happened within 24-48 hours suddenly Hezbollah of Iraq which is another group and not really related to the Hezbollah of Lebanon but are governed by the same people, and other groups in the PMF that have bombed American bases in the area in Iraq and Syria they suddenly decided and announced they will no longer aid Hamas or Gaza by bombing these bases. So they basically stopped their operations. Now most of those Black Sun groups did the same and then some of those were still doing their thing. In fact, publicly they announced they will continue and so by that time I knew exactly which ones are being run by the Rothschilds or the 20 SSP operatives. So, one of those groups is called al-Kaabi which is managed by a guy with the name of Akram al-Kaabi and this guy was promised back in July by the Rothschilds that he’s going to be in Sistani’s place. So for the new followers we already spoke about Sistani, he is the pope figure for the Shia Muslims. You have all these religious/militias, two, three, four, of them all been promised just like Kim said about the UN General thing, they were all promised the same position. Now the last time we spoke they were planning on making a fake assassination of Sistani and then blame it on one of those and then have them kill each other. That was the plan. We have Muqtada al-Sadr who is also a well-known scholar, but he’s not really he’s a politician. He has a wide base of people following him. They promised him he could be the Mahdi which is like the Savior Islam, it’s like the second return of Christ so these people buy it, that’s on one side.
On the other side in places like Israel they are really struggling. They need to keep the narrative and keep the war so they bombed and destroyed everything in Gaza, there’s nothing else to destroy. So now they’re rigging the rebels of the destroyed houses again and blowing it up again because they needed to do something new right? Hezbollah In Lebanon they’re like nope, we’re not participating, I mean they’re doing skirmishes to save face because remember all these people in the Middle East, especially these militias that have a religious kind of overlay, they are the resistance, they are the ones who want to free Palestine from the Israelis right? Now when half of Palestine is being slaughtered and they’re not doing anything then they lose face, they lose their base right. So they have to do skirmishes here and there and it’s funny because in the public eye here we call the war between Lebanon and Israel the war of the cameras. Israel puts a camera on the border then Hezbollah shoots it with a sniper or with the rocket and then Hezbollah puts another camera on the other side and then Israel bombs that camera, so it’s like it’s very funny.
Kim: Do you think that we should start a save the camera foundation.
Agent M: Yes, a GoFundMe to save the cameras. So, when you don’t have money to actually do any war all you can do is basically talk BS on TV and hype it up and then shoot a camera every day here and there.
Kim: I’m hearing the same thing about Russia and Ukraine.
Agent M: In Syria it’s a different thing because they can’t do the same thing in Syria. They can’t be shooting cameras so what they do is they keep bombing the same two Airfields which is basically a runway and that’s it. It’s really it’s fixable and then they bomb it again. In the past couple of days they bombed the city Homs right.
Now here’s something else that’s happening so people are catching on with what I’m talking about. The locals in the Middle East are saying hey, they’re playing us. This is not a real war. So now both sides are starting to put sacrificial lambs, where they put a small leader here and there to make it real. Just like in Yemen when you’re doing 73 air strikes here, 14 air strikes there and there’s nobody dead you’re bombing basically empty parking lots right. So now they have to make it look more real. So they will give orders to someone very low in rank to stay and guard the place and unfortunately these people die, so that’s what been happening to make it real. Other than that, everybody on the Black Sun side is mostly like a chicken with their head cut off, they don’t know what they’re doing.
Kim: It seems like one person will call them and tell them to do this then another person calls them and tells them to do that and another calls to do something else and they don’t know what to do or where they’re going. There’s no clear leadership right now as to what we call assets and by assets in the Middle East we would be referring to the birth of the Hezbollah and all its offshoots, the Hamas and all its offshoots and the Revolutionary Guard in Iran and all its offshoots.
The call that I’m listening to with your Order of the Dragon also includes a person from Turkey and a person from Iran as well. They are definitely trying to figure out what to do while leaving their SSP operatives, Monarch Military predominantly kind of sitting there waiting on the phone. But these are the guys that are also calling into the Middle East to all of the assets and saying well now it’s time to announce this. Sistani, the original one and his son now that’s playing his role in the movie, he also is definitely 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt connected to a group of that appears to be an Islamic sect that moved to London and are a part of the Rothschild family. This sect has been operating for a while and were featured in the movie called London Has Fallen. It’s about when the bridge goes down in London and it talks about an Islamic group that’s kind of an underground group in London. That’s the group that they’re portraying. They are working with Meyer Rothchild for sure, the gentleman that tried to recruit Agent M here. I would say that they are pretty much the ones that orchestrate a lot of what’s happening at least politically and financially throughout the Middle East. I can tell you that they are no more Islamic and religious than the Rothschilds are Jewish. You could call both Luciferian groups for sure. They definitely both participate in those special ceremonies when they turn 40, they are all in on the opposite side of what all of the Shia and Sunnis believe. I mean they are definitely not waiting for the Mahdi; they’re not waiting for any of those things. They are definitely trying to bring the Reign of Hell on all the people in the Middle East, all religions aside, it doesn’t matter to them., they have signed up for this program. I think the negotiation between these two groups happened probably about 14 -15 years ago and they are also participating in this call. So far at this moment no one has given the SSP operatives any kind of direction. I think they postponed the call until two or three o’clock EST today before they’ll make a decision. And poor Agent M is sitting over there going well, let’s see what they decide because that’s going to determine what’s going to be flying over his head in the next few minutes. So as of right now the good news is that it doesn’t look like anything. How have things been today has it been kind of quiet?
Agent M: The last time I was on this call with you guys I was hit with 13 ballistic missiles; a dozen drones and military vehicle was on the way to come pick me up. I can’t wait to see what happens after this call. You can see over my head they’re buzzing. It’s always there, the C17s, the C130s moving arms, but those usually go in a linear direction, going from air to Baghdad to the Gulf or any of the other bases in the region, American bases or wherever they go. But there are always those which are the ones I hate, the Italian Air Force planes because it’s a big gigantic plane and you can hear it roving and it keeps circling over my head for maybe 12 hours every day give or take. Sometimes they take breaks. I don’t know for refueling or maybe snacks I don’t know. But it’s been quiet the past few days.
Okay so this is what happened now the PMF or the militias that were the resistance said let’s bomb the American in solidarity with Gaza kind of crap, so they missed their targets, they usually send the suicide drone hits an empty place near a base American base and call it a day. Now they did that in Jordan and they missed and they killed three Americans and wounded about 40 others. What happened is now America has to respond and this means more money, more fuel, more bombs right. And not only do they have to respond, they have to be swift about it and heads must roll, at least in the public eye as well, because the Americans themselves are killing our own soldiers and not even retaliating. So now they’re like, oh what are we going to do. It ended up they were given a heads up and everyone in the PMF moved their entire arsenal, all their bases were empty, nobody was there and they put up new recruits there basically as human shields/sacrifices that unfortunately died just so that America can say we retaliated, or whatever is in that Biden mask could say that we achieved it.
For the average person it looks like a game and they know it but they don’t know why. I know why but I tell them and now I’m crazy right, so I usually don’t. You know there are some people that I explain things to in details because they could be beneficial. Sometimes you can compare notes and you get additional information. For example, I knew that the Rothschild side was doing something because someone in Iraq was delivering or promised at least to deliver missiles and drones to a group in Lebanon that is called the Amal Movement which is basically the previous version of Hezbollah, it’s just a different group, but this one had a lot more in common with Israelis because both of them committed ethnic cleansings against the Palestinians in Lebanon and elsewhere. So I could tell that because Hezbollah didn’t want to play really. I mean they were like yeah we’ll do the camera things but no more.
Kim: The Saudi Arabian royal family we know is a Rothschild family and one of the main princes is also one of the shareholders of Citibank.
Agent M: Are you talking about the one that likes bestiality and little kids?
Kim: That doesn’t narrow it down much for us doesn’t it?
Agent M: Oh Yeah
When A Merovingian Marries a Melchizedek
Kim: He is actually half Lebanese; his mother was the daughter of the ex-Prime Minister of Lebanon from the 50s or 60s. Both sides Rothschild. Everybody thinks when you say the Rothschild family that we’re talking about the white British family, but that is not true, last names don’t mean much in the grand scheme of families. There are probably 1,500 if not 2,000 family names of Rothchild, it’s not just the ones you see on the internet and there are a lot of Middle Eastern families as well. A lot of German families that are also Rothschild. Actually, one of the first families that the original Rothschild people ever married into was the Hapsburg family in Germany about 500 years ago. Then they figured well we can just start marrying into all the royal families of the world and then we will take all of them over. I’s a way to conquer the world theory and it’s been going on for thousands and thousands of years. This is why you saw a lot of pre-arranged marriages throughout the Ages. Even in “American royalty” like the Kennedy family, they are Black Sun. You’ll see their wives or husbands are usually from both Orders the Order of the Dragon. Hillary is Order of the Dragon and Bill is Order of the Black Sun. Barbara Bush is a member of the Rothchild family and Bush Senior is a given, Order of the Black Sun. So, this is a very common thing that happens amongst these groups.
Princess Diana & Dodi Fayed Were Both Melchizedeks
Now the ones that really get the gold star from the family groups is if they can manage to marry a Melchizedek, as in the case of King Charles and Diana. Did you ever wonder why after the divorce and all that was final, she had found a Middle Eastern partner, Dodi Fayed. Tell me what you think of him.
Agent M: Well, I don’t know him personally and don’t know much about him, but I did know that they had a lot of in common and they were planning a lot of good things, so I’m assuming that they were both taken out for that reason.
Kim: And the fact that they were both Melchizedeks. And Diana’s was allegedly pregnant at the time and that’s one thing they could not have.
Sunny: What would that have done Kim a child?
Prince William is from Both the Light and Dark Side
Kim: Well think about it. Her family went way back before the Rothschilds et al took over the United Kingdom in England, even back in the days of England and Scotland and there wasn’t a commonwealth. But that is where her family stems from, the original Ruse root race of the entire European and UK region, all the way down to Turkey. So she was part of that family and that’s why there is talk in the media right now about King Charles and how he’s not well and the next one in the line of succession is William because William is both of the dark and of the light. And they think that by transitioning him into a royal role that either way it doesn’t matter if the Dark side wins or the Light side wins because William will still be recognized by both sides. You see it’s a game that they’re playing. There’s been a lot of talk on the internet about him being born on the summer solstice on purpose, and how that was all manipulated, but they just like anyone that happens to hit their radar from the other side, they definitely go through a system of torture. I have, I know Agent M here has, there’s been a lot that has happened in our lives which is why we don’t consider videos on the internet torture in this world. I know you spent a few years of daily torture.
Agent M: Yeah, I spent a year in an underground military base in Syria where I was systematically tortured for at least 12 hours a day.
Kim: There was a lot of burns and as a matter of fact he sent me pictures back in the day from when he was in the hospital and was having his face reconstructed.
Agent M: Oh yeah, I was basically standing and sitting and sleeping and walking in a one foot tile for an entire year, naked and in complete darkness. It wasn’t fun then, but believe me, that’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I told Kim once privately and I said this could be looked at both ways, it’s unfortunate, it’s bad but it could be also really good at the same time because I believe God put me there for a reason. I mean yes it was horrific, but it was so I could discover my inner strength. I did not know I could last a day; I mean when I knew where I was, I gave myself three days in the beginning. I said if I can go out quick in three days I’m a lucky one. They try to break you, this is what happened three months in. Everybody, every single torturer, every single officer that interrogated me, everyone I gained their respect. They couldn’t break me and I don’t see their faces I lived in darkness but one of them I remember showed me his face and told me I’ll do everything I can to get you out because you deserve to live, we need men like you. So yeah, we have been everywhere persecuted. I guess it’s part of the job, that’s why we’re here, it’s part of the training.
Kim: I’ve met someone whom was always referred to as the doctor. He was very high up in a group called The Jades which is a well-known assassination group, sometimes they are called them the Reds and the Greens, but they called him the doctor because he was very proficient in the art of torture. We had a conversation about it. He was more interested in trying to get me to marry him than he was doing anything else to make me marry him. You don’t want to be married to someone that’s gone through that, I guess. But he told me a lot about the different methods that they use and every group is different in the world. They don’t all use the same methodologies. So what Agent M says doesn’t surprise me on what they do to us. What happened to Diana doesn’t surprise me based on what they do to us, but I would say to you the rumors that people have out there about this person coming back or that person coming back or these people are still alive, that kind of thing. Well, often times those rumors come from the Order of the Black Sun or the Order of the Dragon and they’re often revered for it. If you notice when they marry a Melchizedek, the other side it’s like they become the King of all Kings of the world and they want everyone in the public to think the same thing. In their world that’s like you won the gold star of the day, you are now a gold star winner of the Order because you’ve gotten the prize, you managed to breed with one of the other side. And it’s just caused a lot of people a lot of pain.
Like Agent M said, Diana and Dodi intended to do some really good things together for the people of the Middle East. Diana, using her credibility as a royal family member against the royal family there and that would have been a big win. We wouldn’t be seeing the things we’re seeing now there if that had actually happened. If you don’t know, I also know another gentleman that knew Diana personally since this is all coming up in the news I thought I’d talk about it a little bit. He used to work throughout the African continent in some of the Commonwealth countries on behalf of her foundation that she formed after they were divorced, and they would pull out of the ground for example, landmines and cluster bombs and those types of things on behalf of the local people. And not only in the Mozambique area but also in some other areas of southern Africa. We also had a discussion at my kitchen table in the place where I currently am and he sat there and he told me, I know the Queen died six months ago and this was over a year ago. So there’s a lot that happens in this world to destroy anyone who tries to do good things and it’s okay. Like Agent M said, once you’ve gone through that, there’s not a whole lot they’re going to do to you that’s going to even make you blink your eye. And it’s laughable to me after I don’t know how many poisonings, and after putting a bag on my head and dragging me to God knows where in China to meet the Black Dragon at the time and all of this kind of stuff. It’s like okay, you put a video out. It’s just a joke.
Now I’m going to possibly have this meeting this afternoon. If it comes great, if it doesn’t that’s fine too. I don’t care, I don’t really have any need to have a discussion with those people in any way, but fine I’m here to listen. If they want to continue pitching something on behalf of a dying breed of Merovingians, I’ll listen, I’m not going to do anything, but I’ll bring my own water to the table, I’ve learned my lesson long time ago. Make sure I know where I’m sitting and all that kind of stuff. It’s like a big rotation to make sure you don’t fall into the same trap that you fell into before. But no problem, we’ll see.
At the end of the day, do you see any resolution to what’s happening there?
Agent M: My opinion is not maybe not that popular. My personal opinion is we should get rid of all of them, all the way to every single person in government because even the smallest, let’s call it him or her public servant in the smallest non-lethal or military or agency position is corrupt, is not working for the people. So I don’t think any of those people should be in power any later than the end of this year. I truly believe none of them is repairable just like their masters. It’s almost like a vampire virus once you get infected.
I believe they’re only card that is left is playing on fake religious figures to try to get the people riled up, maybe for a civil war so that people will stop looking at Israel. Israel now wants an end to the war or another smoke and mirror. So let’s say something else happens in Iraq right now, everything in the media is now focused on Iraq and then nobody’s talking about Israel and what’s happening in Gaza. The same thing when Covid happened right? Masks mask masks, wash your hands, do this, do that, take the jab. Then suddenly the Ukraine war happened and then it cured Covid miraculously right. So that’s what they’re looking for to do to because from what I understand the people in Israel themselves are tired. Israel’s military isn’t designed for long-term battle. Israel does not really have a military, they have a small compact, let’s call them Special Forces and a small compact Armored Division that is capable and are skilled. The rest are just people that they draft that are usually 10-15 years out of service when needed. So now they rallied up all these hundreds of thousands of people from all over the globe and brought them to Israel because they have to save the nation and it’s a call for duty right. But now they want out and they can’t so they’re trying to do something else, they’re trying to get Hezbollah, the PMF to do something. So just in the past day or two days parades started to happen in Baghdad where people are pushed. It’s almost like a big mob and they would parade in areas that are majority Sunni and they would chant things that would be offensive. They’re trying to do another civil war because they managed to pull this off in 2007 and the person who was in charge of that was a gentleman by the name General Qasem Soleimani, he was the head of the Iranian guards at that time. He was tasked to do this. He blew up two shrines and these shrines are basically two of the grandsons of Prophet Muhammad. And even though he claims, he his people are the protectors of The Prophet’s line and teachings they blew it up themselves to cause a civil war. Now back then they managed to pull it off. But now people are more aware, they understand that they can’t do it.
So, the only threat I see is Sistani’s people, they may somehow make the position vacant and then they get the people, all of the Shia militias to fight over that position, that’s how I see it.
Kim: And there was back chatter about a week or two ago of them faking the assassination the last time they thought that they were going to win the game and fund the thing and ring the bell and all the other stuff. What people don’t understand sometimes is that just because we talk about things on this level, about oh there’s another payday going to happen, but that then facilitates operatives on down the line one after the other until you get to the son of Sistani who’s playing the role of Sistani right now, to where they were going to fake an assassination of a person that would be like the Catholic pope to the Catholic population. And obviously it would be blamed on someone or another, we never quite determined or maybe they never knew yet who they were going to blame it on. I mean at the time it probably would have been the Israelis and then before you know it an entire country erupts into a Civil War and thousands of people die all because way up the food chain there was a payment that came out.
In the Bigger Picture of this War Many More Deaths Were Prevented
So I know people are frustrated and I know people are angry and I know people want to see money into a system and I understand people are hurting and it hurts me that they are hurting as well. But I also see the lack of death sometimes, with what could have been if Zelensky and the KGB mob over there actually got more money, how many more Ukrainians would have died.
Yes, at the time there was an investment made by the oligarchs which are the ex-KGB and a decision was made to fund what was happening over there. Most of the stuff that they were talking about that came from the Americans was funds that they had seized of other let’s just say KGB. So it wasn’t actually seized, it was donated to the war and then it made a circle around through Congress, all waving Ukrainian flags during the State of the Union Address a couple years ago and then back to the Ukraine, and then back to their private pockets of Congress. Do you know how much a Congress member gets paid for waving a Ukrainian flag on the side. The world does not work like everybody thinks it does unfortunately and it’s the same cycle over and over again, it’s the same operation. You could actually write a handbook Agent I’m sure I could as well. You’re seeing who is behind anything before it even gets started depending on which side of the handbook because they didn’t create those operations, someone else did. The only thing they have is a record of it. The same thing goes for the Lion’s Gate, new moons, full moons, alignments with Uranus or anything else. It is somebody else’s handbook and they don’t understand the mechanism behind it.
And then everybody sits and waits on a phone call until the almighty elite group that they think is the Illuminati gets on the phone. And while you’re waiting for that you have them making the SSP operatives, Monarch military wait and then Monarch military is making the Iranians wait or the Israelis wait or the Hezbollah, or Hamas or the Taliban or whoever they’re calling their asset these days. And where are they going now? Payments are due on Saturday. Is it a surprise that these people want to come here and start negotiations on Wednesday? No, it doesn’t surprise me and I am not paying your bills bottom line, it’s not happening. And the fact that you can’t even run an operation. If I was Dr. Evil why would I hire you?
Agent M you have anything to say anything else to say before we go for the day?
Agent M: I have a story I want to share. When I got involved personally in October of 2019 with the situation in the area in my country and in the area, that’s when the protests started happening and the people started dying and I started to move and act. I said all these things in the past Situation Report. That’s prior to me regrouping for the second time with Meyer Rothchild, I found out the real plan. That’s why I was able to do the things I did, and it came by accident. And I wanted protection for the people that are working with me, so I decided I’ll use some sort of non-governmental entity, the UN would be ideal because the struggle was with the pro-Iranians and they’re predominantly Black Sun. So I contacted some people in the UN and I asked can you at least hire one or two for protection purposes only and they said no we ran out of the budget for 2019 for Iraq. I said fine okay what about if we wait until the beginning of the year 2020, can you do it? No, we already spent 2020 budget for Iraq as well. I said, on what? And here’s the shock. Apparently in 2019 the UN purchased $8 million tents; each one can house four people plus millions of body bags. Now when I confronted Meyer Rothchild with this he was like, how did you find that out? So that was confirmation enough. I was like what are you trying to do? He said well, people die in wars and this and that and he confessed to me that he already had field hospitals set up in Kuwait so that they would kidnap people from Iraq during the Civil War they were planning to do and harvest their organs to monetize and fund the war. So, I want people to understand that for the past five years now that was the plan. It could have been many years before that and for actions of people like me and Kim we were able to prevent that from happening. Do you understand that hundreds of thousands of people would have been killed and their organs harvested and that’s how sick these people are.
Kim: Not to mention the other rituals. When you look at World War II, look how much money they made from pharmaceutical companies from all of the torture and the medical experiments they did on those people. That’s how they fund War, they don’t spend their own money on anything. They are what we call OPM people, other people’s money. They find a commodity that they can get from the war, they sell that commodity and then that pays for the war and then of course the political change that is their ultimate desired outcome. If you really start putting the pieces of the puzzle together, some of the movies that they put out there, one was from a few years ago called called 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, where the Navy Seals are not picked up. What happened to that Ambassador? What was he negotiating, what did he know? I know for sure Hillary Clinton did not send help until they got wind that something happened to the Ambassador. So, they were just going to leave all those people there to die. There’s a lot of truth out there of the real history of war and one day we’ll start telling a lot more of the stories, but for now I think that’s enough for a world situation report.
Unfortunately ending a war is not easy. I can’t stress to you enough that I understand you’re impatient, this is not humane but when you take out one group that doesn’t mean the SSP that works for them isn’t going to think that they’re now in charge because their boss is gone and then it goes on and on and on and on. Unfortunately to do things in the right way under Natural Law you have to give that next group a chance, you have to see if they are going to do the same thing when their superiors are gone. Then we move on to the next layer and the next layer and unfortunately it can’t happen any faster. I wish we could change things overnight. Agent M I wish you could just go in there with guns of blazing waving your flag that you’re showing everybody right now and just tell them look it’s over.
Agent M: Yeah, but unfortunately we have to wait.
Thank you, Agent M, for joining us today. It’s always good to have you on the news.
Agent M: You’re welcome thank you.
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I totally agree with Agent M: “we should get rid of all of them, all the way to every single person in government because even the smallest”. Please. Do. It.
Well, these people in the patriot truther groups are now saying that Prince William is a cloned DNA from Jesus and even comaring his photos to the shroud of turin….it’s quite ridiculous but you also know that they are still trying to get people to bow down to royalty. They are saying Princess Diana was from Jesus’s bloodline….so is that also the melchizedeks? this is so curious to me.
I agree with Agent M and sorry to say that these people are unrepairable, on down the line, once they take some oath of loyalty to these factions it’s like their souls or whatever has them so hooked, like a virus or they just no longer can be fixed or make a decision to work for humanity instead of these orders. How many more of them are we gonna have to sit and try to get to work for us instead of these orders? It never seems to sink into them. I know Kim has to follow natural law and give them a chance to come over to the light….but if they do those rituals, do any of them still posess a soul to be brought over to the light.
Now they’re hyping the Superbowl today, supposedly there’d be an announcement that the Nesara will begin and EBS if not today then tomorrow on Lincolns birthday. Just another day ending in ‘y’.
What happened to the text i sent yesterday?
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On the topic QUANTUM LEVELS OF SYSTEMS and KIM GAUGIN operator of quantum systems. If KIM GOGIN says something that does not correspond to the real thing, then quantum systems provide information about the degree of distortion and places of distortion of information by KIM GOGIN or someone else. So there’s no point in lying. The use of quantum systems in observing ongoing processes of events on time lines and temporary linear positions of time past present future. Any processes of any scale are displayed on the planes of BEING and, accordingly, time lines. What does this give in practical terms? Possibility of obtaining FUTURE information with varying degrees of probability. By introducing input information into quantum levels, event processes are modeled. So briefly about QUANTUM SYSTEMS AND THEIR CAPABILITIES. ORDER OF EXECUTION OF DECISIONS OF THE SOURCE.
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