Another Fake Currency Scheme Was Put Forth By Another Deep State Stooge, Alexander Soros | Causes Escalation In Middle East | Ports Strike, Part of Plan to Implement Global Martial Law | American Deep State Generals in DUMB Under Denver Airport Are Now Dead | They Hoped to Blow Up 274 Nuclear Power Plants Around the World & Laughed About It | Omega AI Contributed to Hurricane Helene But Deep State Amplified Its Effect | Hopefully De-escalation In Sight Since Soros Cash Disappeared

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 30-SEP-24 GIA REPORT ( which is available for subscribers. Today UNN changed their format for delivering the news, but Kim still provides a situation report under the segment called Global Intelligence Agency. That is the segment I’ll continue to do, even though Kim also appeared in general news and provided more information there as well. But that would be too much for me to cover on a regular basis. Therefore, I’ll stick with just the GIA Report and in this update she gives us the back story on what has caused the escalation in the Middle East this week.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.



Escalation in the Middle East

You’ve probably heard about a lot of escalation in the Middle East in the last 48 hours and I have the back story to that.

Sunday night in a not so super-secret meeting, Alexander Soros, son of George Soros promised the Deep State Generals in Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel and of course the Americans an upfront sum of $54 billion to achieve the Greater Israel Agenda. In case you are not aware, that agenda is where the State of Israel basically becomes the entire Middle East. Of course, all the people who live there now would not be able to live there anymore and would be relocated to Southern Russia and other countries who have agreed to take on Middle Eastern persons. That is if any of them survive. Alexander Soros then decided to show us his proof of funds, which was not actually real money. They were historical bonds which have no value, although they used to have real value 7-10 decades ago. This was not something new as we talked about this before, that it was part of the financial reset plan around the world.

So where did these historical bonds come from and why was $54 billion enough to start an escalation without any actual real money being paid out?

I will tell you. Jamie Demon-Dimon of JP Morgan Chase decided to take a trip to the Philippines to meet with some alleged Philippine Elders. Apparently, they promised him lots of gold but of course they wanted payment for this gold. And as we talked about last week, there were a lot of big numbers and zero actual cash to be delivered, but they did manage to get $1.9 trillion in historical bonds. Those bonds were then promptly taken in a private jet along with Jamie Demon-Dimon over to China and they tried to add those bonds to the banks balance sheet.

Alexander Soros just happened to be a new face in the game. And of course, the Soros name carries a lot of weight in being able to pay for terrorist attacks and rebels around the world because George Soros has been paying for those things for years throughout the African continent, Latin America, and of course now throughout the Middle East. So, when he jumped in along with JP Morgan Chase, the funds appeared absolutely real, even though they are the same things they have been seeing for years.

So once again everyone jumped to the party and a lot of events have taken place in the last few days related to this little tiny $54 billion, with the promise of at least $1.9 trillion to come. Everybody started bombing everyone. It started with Isreal, they bombed Syria, they bombed Lebanon, and there isn’t even a conflict between Irael and Lebanon right now, and they bombed Iraq. There are so many different countries involved right now with what’s happening there.

And that the back story as to why everyone jumped in the conflict to start the war in the Middle East.

The events that took place over the last 24 hours based on our intelligence information.

  • We had airstrikes on the Hadada port. Helicopters down carrying Iranian guards, officers, and military experts who weren’t even involved in the original skirmish.
  • Syria airstrike targeted Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria and Maher al-Assad, Head of Ports division of the Syrian Republic Guards.
  • The pre-Syrian army announced that Hezbollah and pro-Iranian militias in Syria are crumbling and it’s time to drive them out of Syria.
  • An Iraqi General from the old Iraqi army, back during Sadam’s era announced that he will move to Syria to start the liberation process of Iraq from Iranian militias. He announced he will be recruiting soldiers and he will announce when and where very soon, apparently on social media.
  • An Iraqi parliament member has announced there are over 4,000 metric tons of some kind of explosive materials in the Port of Basra that needs to be moved immediately. As if it was to be targeted in a similar matter that happened in Beirut in the port bombing there. It would allegedly destroy the oil exporting infrastructure, the import of goods, destroy the port, cripple the economy, and put 2 million Iraqis in arms way. The Iraqi security forces came out and denied these allegations.
  • Next some of the pro-Iranian militants are continuing to bomb Israel from Iraq with drones. A large explosion was also heard in Bagdad, and drones we spotted in the area.
  • In Lebanon, the Israeli Airforce was targeting for the last 2 days first tier high-ranking officers. 1700 Lebanese died in the latest campaign and several more were wounded. At least a half a million people migrated from Southern Lebanon to other areas in Lebanon and 250,000 people moved into Syria.
  • Hezbollah and Israel are continuously bombing each other throughout the day. UNIFIL | United Nations Peacekeeping forces and the Lebanese army withdrew their forces from the borders with Israel by at least 5 kilometers. Over 100 Israeli tanks plus special forces are now on the border with Lebanon. The area is currently being scouted with jets, helicopters, and drones at the moment with continuing artillery shelling.

Deep State American Generals Underneath the Denver Airport

Next, we have several American Deep State Generals underneath the Denver Airport today. Seems like everybody rallied in accordance with the fake funds. Of course, I have heard the rumors about the Denver Airport on the internet and at one point there was a lot of space junk, a lot of equipment underneath there. However, that hasn’t been the case for over a year now. We even went back again today to check and we didn’t see anything new or anything they could actually use to do what it is they wanted to do.

Alerts started coming in around 1pm today regarding these generals and we started listening to their meetings. First, they felt this was the safest place to be. Now the only reason I think they thought that is because number one, it’s super-secret and secure. Number 2, there were no plans for them to blow up utilizing a backdoor system they thought they would still have access to, that would simultaneously blow up around 274 nuclear power plants worldwide. The plants that were targeted in the US were many, the entire East Coast along with San Francisco. They also talked about blowing up Burj Khalifa in Dubai, one of the tallest towers in the world for show. They said it would be their Twin Towers moment. Too bad we still don’t have the Twin Towers they laughed. Then they proceeded to say well, we still have the Burj, we can blow that up and they all started laughing.

So according to our sources they basically said the SSP was going to have some old system up and running for them within 24-48 hours. I still have not yet figured out the big scam here. And what I mean by big scam is the Q movement and everybody everywhere is talking about this October 1st and the United States is going to be free and there has to be Martial Law and all these types of things. Yet there is nothing, and no alignments are happening, so this must just be a hope and a wish.

Now this type of thing has stalled out many times before, and I have to say it always stalls out from lack of funding, that is the majority of the reasons, or because we interfered with what they were doing like we did today so it wouldn’t happen.

Did we have space junk underneath several nuclear power plants around the world?

Yes, but the space junk under there was over 600,000 years old, long before we ever had nuclear power. We had other types of power sources back then and that wasn’t the reason it was put in those locations. This was something that was due to the Abraxas. They thought they would be able to get access to this Abraxas system being the bloodline of the Abraxas, or Cain perhaps? And this was going to help them access it? But no, that’s not happening.

There is no more junk under these facilities and I highly doubt they will be able to detonate any nuclear power plants anywhere in the world. There were talks about several power plants in Latin America as well as Europe the US, Alberta, Canada, and the Las Vegas area. They were talking about several places even close to Langley, Virginia which was kind of a surprise. Just so you know, these Generals wanted to blow you up too CIA. Isn’t that funny. Well, we were ensured by our Ground Commander, code name the Enforcer there is no one currently left under the Denver Airport and no equipment left that can do any harm. So that is the end of that fiasco but we’ll keep an eye to make sure there is nothing else they want to do.

Ports Strike?

Speaking of ports, we talked about a little bit ago about the ports in Iraq and the Middle East they planned on blowing up so they could halt oil imports and exports throughout the Middle East. That would have definitely crashed their economies. Well surprise, surprise, port workers were due to go on strike at midnight here in the US too. It would have affected about 45,000 workers and they were represented for this strike by the International Longshoreman Association and the US Maritime Alliance. Apparently, they are the ones doing most of the threatening.

This would have affected ports pretty much all over the East Coast and the Gulf Coast. It looks like a lot of people would have been out of work for a period. It would definitely have caused an issue with US imports and exports, would have caused those shortages again, and further our need to get all our supplies probably from the military. And God only knows what they would put in there. For those who don’t know, most all active service members in the US and several other countries in the world are given some interesting things to eat in the mess hall for lower ranking soldiers and officers. Hopefully that wouldn’t have been the case here in the US.

Again, this plan has also stalled out several times before, due to lack of funding mainly. But with the fake cash promised from Soros everyone jumped into action, including the US Generals who intended on causing a nuclear holocaust even in the United States.

But we are watching everything closely. I am surprised at the reaction that happened so quickly. Maybe it was because it was all part of the plan from a long time ago, in order to shift power over from the US to China. Although, I will tell you if this order did come from the Chinese Deep State, these American Generals did target at least 2 maybe 3 nuclear power plants within your country too. So very interesting.

We have no idea who is running these shows these days, but George Soros who was originally born Jewish was then taken in by the Nazis during WWII, and now his son apparently has become a Nazi too.

Tomorrow is the big day for the deep state where they promised to implement Martial Law but it looks like it will be another deep fake.

Hurricane Helene

Now everybody is asking about Hurricane Helene and what is this all about. Unfortunately, the situation ended up with over 2 million people without any power, even in areas with little wind and not enough rain to cause the outage.

People are asking me if this was natural? The answer is yes and no.

Was it affected by any humans, deep state, or HAARP? No.

Any intervention to create this hurricane in the first place came from the omega AI itself and some standing orders that occur every year around this time. So partially real and partially not real.

The amplification of the power outages was not necessarily caused by the omega AI and definitely not caused by the storm. Some trees fell over unnaturally so. Meaning there wasn’t enough rain or wind. Nonetheless this left people without power as far north as Tennessee, into Georgia, the Carolinas and Florida. As I understand it, most but not all the power has been restored now.

More Cleanup Still Going On

As of right now there are no significant events that occurred over this weekend, nothing extremely positive. A lot more cleanup is still going on which has nothing to do with the deep state or humans.

Thanks for watching today’s GIA Report.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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3 thoughts on “Another Fake Currency Scheme Was Put Forth By Another Deep State Stooge, Alexander Soros | Causes Escalation In Middle East | Ports Strike, Part of Plan to Implement Global Martial Law | American Deep State Generals in DUMB Under Denver Airport Are Now Dead | They Hoped to Blow Up 274 Nuclear Power Plants Around the World & Laughed About It | Omega AI Contributed to Hurricane Helene But Deep State Amplified Its Effect | Hopefully De-escalation In Sight Since Soros Cash Disappeared”

  1. ici en france, comme sur toute la terre: les bébés, les enfants, les ados dont les intuitions sont grandes. sont les victimes de ses bourreaux en sacrifices, par de diverses pratiques de manipulations, dont vous pouvez vous douter, voir pire! alors source de tes véritables vies terrestre, il serait temps de mettre un therme, à ses multiples folies organisés par toutes ses sectes diabolique! merci idem kim

  2. pilot movie from 2001: SPY KIDS describes exactly the mental state of the deep state agents having become insane clowns, totally distorted and evil. It is also about cloning, child trafficking, mk ultra, and the hologram, computer game, matrix we all exist in! worth a watch… reminds me of ‘the boys from brazil’, an old movie about dr. mengele’s cloning hitler 94 times and distributing the clones all over the world for a resurrection of the fourth reich, from ira levin.

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