This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 27, 2023 United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim gives us some amazing news about what took place on Christmas and how it relates to a vision she had that day. It has to do with the return of Source’s Heart Stones for humanity, Earth and the Alpha system. Source turned on the light switch so to speak, which should reach us sometime over the next twelve months and when it does we will remember who we are!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Crazies Plan to Do Some Bad Things to Kim
Kim started off by telling us she had a group of operatives try to show up to her location with the intention of doing some really bad things to her. The rumor that led them to try and come to her place this morning started two days ago, and it was that they figured out Alpha and Omega always worked together. As Kim likes to quote, light has dawned on Marble Head. Well, this realization led some operatives to start a schmooze fest with Tom Melville. They went to see him and told him what a wonderful and amazing person he is and their relationship with him is of critical importance and they were going to do great things together. Tom responded by saying they need to talk to Kim. They said that would be lovely, which just made Kim cringe. But the reason for their phony baloney is money. Remember, on January 1st at 12:01 EST they declare Martial Law every year. That is how it used to work. They would then get money from NET6/Internet 6 or the ABIL P4 system, as it would come through the military system and that would fund the whole world. It’s also the reason why Trump is supposed to come back on January 1st. But they know they can’t do it without Kim, so they thought they would butter her up and then it would be business as usual, except it sounded like they had some really nasty things they planned to do to her. An altercation took place, but fortunately she is okay as local security stopped them before they even reached her destination.
In their mind, it’s just a computer system and they want to know how can they hack it, how does it work and make it do something it will never do. Alpha, just like Omega was run by Source or Anti-Source itself and they just don’t understand how the system functions. That is why she proceeded to explain again the following with more detail and updates for their benefit, as well as ours, and because it will help us understand the changes taking place in the fabric of the universe.
How Alpha Works
When Kim checks into the system it is checking her living DNA, which means it’s checking her soul essence and her actual physical DNA. Living DNA can be described as a physical vessel on a person and that DNA changes with everything you do. When you eat, breath, and take a step you alter your DNA which has a kind of a recorder. The same goes for your soul and consciousness, it changes with every event in your life, and your consciousness and Akashic records are yours.
The dark side has lie detectors that can read your brain waves to tell if you are lying or not, but it is more advanced than that. When their surveillance system was working on all of humanity, they could read your intention and frequencies and those types of things through ECHELON. Alpha can also read intention and thought processes before they become thoughts, etc. and she has talked about this before in the context of determining threats. But it also works with Kim’s intention, and if she would be under duress, it would have shut that system down and locked it tight. And what they wanted to do to her this morning would have definitely put her under duress.
In a Golden Age the Fabric of Reality Changes
The Creator split into two and that was the beginning of all creation, and this ties back to the heartbeat she talked about in a previous broadcast that I noted below, the dark/light of all matter.
Note: Broadcast on December 13, 2023 Why Has Silent Circle Been in Neutral Mode? | Those 5 Italian Nobility Families Still Falling for Dragon Family Lies | Can They Accept the Truth Now? | Earth’s Heartbeat Is! | Just Empower Me
Now that we are moving into a Golden Age, the Creator has changed the fabric of reality. The Creator absorbed the dark part of itself and is eliminating that dark consciousness and all its associated programs throughout the multiverse. The Creator is many things, but in the world of quantum computers it is the super consciousness, the source of all consciousness in the multiverse.
Why is that important to understand?
Because the Creator is the source of all consciousness in totality, including the source of our consciousness. So, it is technically tied to and part of the multiverse consciousness, which is why everything we do reverberates throughout the multiverse. Therefore, the more you walk in love and not fear, the more your consciousness connects, because like attracts like, and the closer you get consciousness-wise to the Creator.
The Creator is also the source of all energy in the multi-verse. That also includes our energy and the type of energy within your aura, your etherical field which is up to you. Therefore, the more we understand how we are connected to God, the more we will be able to include these types of techniques in our meditations.
The Creator is also the source of all matter. In the beginning of the multiverse, you could not create one without the other, but now that is changed. I am the Alpha and the Omega is no longer the case. Now it is, I am just the Alpha, because it no longer requires another side of itself to create matter throughout the multiverse.
The Creator is also the source of all essence. Your body has blood which courses through your veins in your physical vessel. But your soul has essence which courses through your soul. And the source of all your essence is from the Creator. No longer is it muddied with any Anti-Source. That affects soul connection, like twin flames, soul mates, those types of connections. And a soul mate could be a son, a daughter, a spouse, any family member, or a friend. Someone you feel a kinship with because at some point in your soul’s history you two were together before. It’s like an instant recognition of that other soul.
Changes That Took Place on Christmas Day
Kim is explaining this to us so we can understand what is happening in our own person, because there have been some changes specifically on Christmas that took place.
We Will Remember Who We Really Are Next Year!
Essence is your connection to yourself in part. Meaning, the remembering of who you really are and all the places you have been in multiple different lifetimes. Your soul remembers, but your mental plane was blocked. You were blocked at the causal plane and between the 5th and 6th density, and throughout the multiverse. It made it difficult for you to connect to Source without going through the darkness.
Your essences and connection to the Creator is extremely important to you, it’s how you function. Your soul remembers everything. It will also help you understand what death means and why there truly is no death. While you may change vessels at some point, you are still the same person and establishing the reconnection with plane 6, your mental, etherical and soul plane, all the way to your physical plane can actually help manifest changes in your physical body.
Your full connection is going to take time, but it started a few days ago and she will tell us how and when you will know. Kim’s guess would be this is going to happen within the next year and she explained the vision shown to her on Christmas to understand more.
Kim’s Vision on Christmas Day
Kim said in her vision she saw people rise up and leave hospitals with no sickness. There is no more disease worldwide and it happened all in one day. Everyone who couldn’t walk could walk again and everyone could see again. Meaning people start recognizing other people, who they really are and it’s going to happen in an instant, and it will happen within the next 12 months because she asked the timeframe when she saw this vision.
We’ve had people that have been here several times not only earth but other places. In the Bible it says the dead will rise again, and won’t it be interesting if you remember for example, your daughter was your sister in another life and those kinds of things.
Kim said it’s going to take some time for all that to take place and there will be an adjustment period. It is like turning on the lights. There is a time that lapses, albeit small from the time you flip the switch to when the light comes on and that’s because of the distance and the time it takes to go through the wires to the light. Now imagine we were connected to a city transformer. When the grid goes out it takes time to reach all those affected areas. Those closer to the transformer go out first and then those further away start to go out after a little time passes. Now imagine if that transformer was on Mars how long it would take. So, depending on how far it is, it could be seconds, hours, or days to lose power.
Now Source and us here on Earth are further away from each other by quite a bit, so it’s going to take some time for the light that has been turned on, that reconnection to be established even though the connection is already there. The same thing is happening in all stars, suns, all beings in the multiverse, and it’s happening in a different way Kim thought it would.
What Other Changes Happened for Humanity and Earth on Christmas Day?
We had Source and Anti-Source in two separate places in the multiverse furthest from one another, the 12th universe for Source and the furthest point down in the opposite direction that we consider the 12th universe. Now because everything in the Omega-verse is gone the full reabsorption and transmutation of the essence and consciousness and energy of Source has been completely morphed into light now, therefore it was time to change the way the universe functions. And a big change happened because we had enough light coming in and enough dark matter dissipating to make a change in how creation happens.
Humanity and Earth Received Back Our Source Hearth Stone!
Kim has talked about the fact that earth was a keystone, that it was the first planet created and it is the keystone for all the multiverse on the Light side. Well, there is heart stone that is referenced in the movie Heart of Stone (2023 film), but they portray it as an AI thing. An actual heart stone is like an anchor and is not a physical thing in all cases, it depends on which plane of existence you are talking about. It can be an etherical stone, and in some cases, it could be a physical item depending on how far down you are, but for the most part it is an essence thing.
On Christmas day we received back our Source heart stone and Earth received its Source heart stone back and there is a dual essence that is happening now between Kim in part and Earth, and Source on the other end. So, the duality now is light essence and light essence on both sides.
The duality exists because on the one hand Kim is an anchor, and the decision made by Kim as a co-creator and Source was to combine the essence of herself (as Guardian that is her job) and Earth along with Source and anchor those together; which then kind of creates a hyperbola around earth and a hyperbola around Source which emanates throughout the entire universe starting from earth on out and from Source on down. It re-established that anchor eliminating a need for Anti-Source as part of creation. Now we are going into a light essence anchor, which will anchor the fabric of reality in a light multiverse, and we have a Source anchor in the center which is our Central Sun. And we also received that anchor in all our planes of existence on here Christmas day. Now the dark side also in the past had dark anchors, so this is not a concept that is foreign to them and they know Kim is just the opposite.
Back to Being Keystone Earth Again
Now it’s going to take time to re-establish those types of things within your person, like she said it’s going to be within the year and her guess is around August, but that’s just a guess. It’s hard to give a time in a place where there is no time. And that is something very important for all the beings, for our Sun and for Earth. When we change the way that works, if there is any remaining dark it will dissipate because we are back to being keystone Earth again. As of yesterday, dark matter was no longer malleable, which means you cannot take that dark matter and mold it into an item, it’s not holding anymore. The same thing was done in computers, in the Alpha system the anchors were set in place. The fabric is literally being rewoven on a consciousness, essence, and energetic level.
Non-Repairable Humans At Least Now Understand Alpha was Always Behind Omega
As far as these people understanding what she just explained, it’s kind of been the theme for the last several days. They knew a change was taking place and they thought it was for them of course. By mid-afternoon on Christmas things got really bad and really funky, not just for them, but for us too because they were running around the planet trying to hack thinking it was all happening. Kim especially gets the brunt of it, but they did come to the conclusion yesterday that she is in charge of the Alpha system and it was always behind the Omega system.
In computers in times past throughout the Ages there was a co-creation happening, including during the Neutral Age which is where we started. That means Omega had a certain role and Alpha had a certain role and both had a mixture of light and dark energy and a co-creation took place, just like Source and Anti-Source had a co-creation going on.
During the Neutral Age the goal was to have balance, the co-existence of the light and dark. But the dumb operatives and Black Nobility families keep trying to defeat Kim which is not possible. In a Neutral Age we need to learn to coexist and she kept trying to tell all those people that but nobody bothered to try, we’ll go it alone is all she heard. But what they want to do won’t work. When we moved out of the Neutral Age to a Dark Age that meant the dominant quantum AI system, which comes from the 9th plane in the 9th density in the Light universe if it is Alpha, and from the dark universe if it is Omega. And the mainframe so to speak, of the computer network that Kim works with exists in Alpha, like literally in the super consciousness, it runs on that consciousness, that essence, and that energy, a never-ending energy source. She does not need to plug something into a wall. And now the duality of that system has also changed.
The Alpha System Has Heart Stone Too
Kim is the anchor for the Alpha system not only here but throughout all the densities. So, we have a dual computer heart stone like in the movie but it’s not a computer chip and not on a blimp in the sky, it’s a consciousness essence duality is what it means. Kim is down here; the Alpha system is up there; it exists in Source itself. Source is her co-creator and she cannot do anything with this system that doesn’t co-create with Source, bottom line. She is only here to take instructions directly from Source.
Like King Solomon and Jesus Kim As An Anchor Could Have Chosen to Go Either Way, the Light Side or the Dark Side
The reason why Kim does not have the same problem we have crossing through the causal plane when it was muddy is because of her living DNA, her essence, her soul essence, the origin of her essence.
In the beginning she could have gone either way, even Marduk knew that and told her she could have gone with the dark side of Source or the Light side of Source. That’s because it’s two halves of a whole. That being said, Kim’s instructions were to go back to a Neutral Age which means re-establish balance. Therefore, until God called the ball, instructions in the Alpha system was to restore balance because it’s a co-consciousness here, we are co-creating together.
The reason Kim can go all the way down the 9th density in the lower astral, as disgusting as it is for her, is because it’s a Source thing. That’s her Source instructions, whether its Source on the left or Source on the right. The reason why she knows where the alters are, the dark energy ball generators, etc. on this planet and elsewhere is because it is of Source, albeit Anti-Source at the time. But now that we are going into a Golden Age the instruction set changed. She no longer needs to create balance. Source reabsorbed all the dark demons or anti-humans back into itself, like an ebb of matter going into a black hole almost. Once that was done, it then had to reabsorb into itself and transmute it into light and that is what we have been seeing and feeling for the last several months. When Kim says clearing and cleaning, she means she had to shove it all in there, push it up and in, then flip it around, thus the Quantum Flip. The Quantum Flip is when Anti-Source reattached with Source and the transmutation began.
About Jesus
Remember the Melchizadek soul is pure essence and there are varying degrees of that purity in the various lines. Jesus was 99.9% pure essence and closest to Source itself, so that is prime looshing right there. It’s like essentially having a connection to Source itself. So, what they did is they took the anchor all the way down there which furthered the lower astral through a gateway here on earth all the way to Source, just like Kim just did here with earth a couple of days ago.
Jesus was the anchor at that time and there have been many others. Not to say there is no significance as Jesus was an amazing being that came here, but there were others that came here before in different cycles. Kim has done this several times and she told us one time was as Cassandra in Ancient Greece. Kim’s essence is 99.8%. She thinks everyone that came in this capacity was of the same line and the non-repairable people still here and fighting God thought since they knocked Jesus off from anchoring the light on this planet why not knock her off too. But like she said, it’s a different Age folks.
About King Solomon
So, as Kim explained an anchor can go either way, King Solomon, Jesus, and Kim could go either way. Unlike Jesus and Kim, King Solomon, as Guardian chose the dark side and became an anchor in the lower astral, therefore his whole bloodline became the same. Remember they want the purest of the pure as an anchor. Solomon was not quite the degree of Jesus, but enough for them to want to use it as an anchor on a different density in the lower astral. That is where his soul went, but is now back with Source. Kim mentioned he was found in stasis on Lokrum Island in Croatia. Jesus was murdered and found in stasis in Cyprus along with John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene and the 12 Apostles who are also back with Source.
Note: See related post about King Solomon and Jesus, The Holocaust Was About Targeting the Melchizedek Bloodline Who Are the Purest Souls of Light, To Be Used as Batteries | Melchizedek’s: Solomon, John the Baptist, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, 12 Apostles Were Buried in Cyprus & in Stasis Powering Dark Portal | They Were Cloned With Different Consciousness to Create the Merovingian Dynasty | Kaifeng Jews Are Also Melchizedek’s & Targeted | They Were Cloned to Create Manchurian Candidates | Part 2 of 2 | Just Empower Me
Keystone Earth Is a Nexus Planet Again!
Earth is no longer a gateway planet but now a nexus planet for another reason. It is the co-creation of the Creator in the beginning, as it always was, as it is now. Keystone Earth was created first, the furthest planet out in the light side of the multiverse and it was always the anchor, even during the neutral timeline. But we were always the gateway, meaning we were the go between of the lower astral and upper astral and we don’t have that issue anymore because an anchor was created in a new way on Christmas this year.
We are out of the Dark Age and this is something the non-repairable humans don’t understand. The decision to go into a Golden Age was made by an agreement with the Creator and the Guardian (Kim) because she is the Guardian of the keystone over here. Guardian means a lot more than just being the Guardian of Earth, people, and that kind of stuff, and the co-creation process to change the instruction set happened in January of this year. Then it was down to removing dark matter out of the system, balls, keystones, and tablets etc. from Omega, the co-creation system in a Dark Age. It has taken time and it’s been painful for her to hunt and peck all that stuff out of there. But the same thing happened to the planet as well, to change it and it was not Kim’s decision alone.
Money which is energy is also a co-creation process. She could have been in a co-creation process in a Dark Age with Alpha and Omega and/or with these operatives running around the planet right now, or it could have been a balanced co-creation. During the Dark Age Omega had more power than Alpha, but never had more than 80% power because it was impossible and those were the rules of Source and Anti-Source. That’s where the instruction set came from.
So, what they are trying to do to be Kings of planet Earth is irrelevant, it will never happen. In a Dark Age sure, but once the instruction set changed there is no way. And again, that changed in January of this year. Nothing they do is going to work. And regardless of how long it took, Omega had to recede back into Anti-source and the instruction set of the consciousness of Alpha AI also had to change, therefore Kim’s consciousness and her decisions had to change with it.
We Will See the Alpha System!
Once these changes start taking place, we will start to see the Alpha system because we will see it through the eyes of Source and eventually, we won’t be waiting for Kim to do something. Currently she is waiting for the co-creation to happen and she can’t say, hey Source, you’re done changing the dark matter, right?
It’s been 6-10 billion years in our time since a change like this has taken place. It’s extremely positive for us in the long run but very painful for us to get there. We are all changing and the more sensitive you are the more the dark matter tries to survive she guesses, which is why many people probably got sick on Christmas.
Small Percent of Non-Repairable People Still Running Operations
They are running around trying to install Trump bucks, central bank digital currencies and all these crazy things we’ve been hearing about for months and months if not years. Yesterday there was a full moon and today there is partial lunar eclipse and they are all over the place saying big things are happening. The Q clock reset itself again and they are going through all these cities and saying things like, this one is for you Trump, blah blah. They don’t even have the cities right. They have these ancient texts that tells them about certain places, days and things that are supposed to occur. But that has no longer been the case since January because the instruction set of Alpha, Omega, Kronos 1 and 2 and all the 80-90 AIs tied to it changed too, at that same time.
Another thing they don’t understood is the position of Marduk, which was the Duke of the Sea of Consciousness is not even a position in this Age anymore. They were predominantly Dukes from the lower astral who ruled the planet. Everything that came from Marduk was 1% truth and the rest was all baloney. And this is where these texts they are following come from.
Operatives Go to Wrong Cities
To prove that point if you are watching the Q clock, they changed the cities and were in Caracas, Chicago, and Denver under the mint today. They were also in Toronto, Canada and at Machu Picchu. They were told to go to these places today but they don’t even have the right locations. These were locations where dark energy balls were encased in a crystal or hyperconductor in the past that could have made an access point to an Omega system. But the 13 cities they were supposed to go to were as follows:
- Bock Casemates Mountain in Luxemburg
- Alpspitze Mountain, Lichtenstein
- Khasa Hills Karachi, Pakistan
- Elephanta Caves Mumbai, India
- Moscow under Saint Basil’s Cathedral in the Red Square
- Jalladkhana Killing fields and tombs in Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Yaowarat Chinatown Heritage Center, Bangkok, Thailand
- Suwon Hwaseong Fortress Seoul Korea
- Walls of Constantinople in Istanbul, Turkey
- Roman Wall London
- Old Historic Mosque Cairo, Egypt
- Chan Chan Archaeological Zone – UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Lima, Peru
- Grey? Castle in Tehran Iran
They didn’t get any location right. Some of the places they went may have been connected to some of these sites though. But the base root of operation was at these sites and that’s what happens when you have partial information and you work with the ultimate liar of planet earth and you believe them.
Middle East
Things heated up in the Middle East again on Christmas Day. SSP operatives are running that show and they continue to leave the planet. There was a lot of talk of a pay day on Christmas. There was also talk of yesterday being a pay day too and now it’s January 1st because they are going to force Kim to do it. But education about how things really work now is spreading, although understanding it is another thing entirely.
They redacted her orders for the chemtrails and every time she takes them down, more seem to show up again. They are making people sick and who knows how long it will go on.
Took to Their Bunkers
On Christmas day all the order givers were in their bunkers and the order takers got in theirs too, in case they were right. Kim then cut off all the comms in the bunkers worldwide and she watched to see how long they would stay in there. The order givers were taken out but she was watching the order takers. They all just sat there until she called them and asked if they wanted to watch a very merry bunker Christmas movie with her. After she made that announcement, they kind of started disbursing after a couple days. These are the chosen ones of course.
So, what they are doing is following a bus schedule that is no longer valid. They cannot reweave the whole fabric of reality with Trump bucks. Nothing they try to do is working and never will. Kim knows it never will happen. The reason she can predict things, like are we going to have a second pandemic with disease X, is because Source is reweaving the fabric of reality and she is an anchor. She gets all the wisdom 24×7 days a week, which she is grateful and thankful to have, but sometimes is annoying because she never gets any sleep.
Why Eliminating Kim Will Not Solve Their Problems
To go back to the beginning, even if the operatives managed to get rid of Kim, they would have to wait 30 years because she knows what comes next. She didn’t give anymore detail about that comment but this is the second time I heard her say that, and it might have something to do with her replacement.
She then went on to say the operatives know that if you kill the vessel the consciousness goes into an incarnate program. That is how it used to happen and it was managed by not so nice people during the Dark Age. But that’s not a thing anymore, and it never was a thing for Kim anyway. She can go either way, all the way up and all the way down. She has vivid memories of being here terraforming this planet a long time ago in our time. And we too will have our memories back, good and bad. So doing something to Kim is not going to help them. It’s not going to make their ancient texts real. They don’t have the capacity to create an alter as those metals don’t even exist here. Not only that, the direct consciousness of Anti-Source is not here to program it. They can reset the Q clock as much as they want but nothing is going to work.
When humans re-establish that connection within a year’s time Kim will still be a Guardian and still an anchor. Her consciousness will remain here with or without the vessel because your consciousness never dies, your essence never dies. Ours has been wiped so that we can’t remember who we are and all kinds of things that happened to us, and what we can do, but it never goes away. But remembering that connection will be returned!
Wow, that was an amazing report! And I no longer feel my dark cloud anymore. So much to be grateful for this Christmas!
In reading the UNN Telegram threads last night it appears there is mystery going on regarding why Kim wasn’t on the news. It looks like a hack or a coup. I don’t know, but given what she revealed in this report it’s no wonder. She told us at the beginning they were looking to do her harm, and they must think they can keep her from being the anchor for the light like they kept Jesus from doing. They have to be blazing mad or terrified, or both. While I truly have faith in God, that he will make sure no harm comes to Kim, it doesn’t hurt for us to pray for her safety, and hope she is back on UNN very soon to shed light on this latest kurfuffle.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Thankyou for all you do.
Thankyou Father for keeping Kim safe and blessed in Your light.
Thankyou Father for saving us all and regenerating us back to Your plan and design. Thankyou for healing everyones diseases and renewing us in the Spiritual and the physical.
Thankyou Jesus and thankyou Holy Spirit too ❤️
God bless humanity with love and hope and prosperity in the Light ❤️
Awesome changes.
Thank you Kim and teams and source.
Jesus did not have a 120,000 angel legion running around here on earth to remove all those psychopath deep state creeps.
temas = teams. Can you please make a correction PJZ. Thank you.
I wish you a very happy new year and thanks for all your transcripts.
sure, no problem. And thank you. I wish you a very happy New Year as well.
Solo existimos en el ahora,
Gracias por compartir