This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-03-27 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this update there was a lot of discussion between Sunny and Kim about the bridge incident in Baltimore, but I distilled most of that down to save some time as this was a long broadcast. The more interesting stuff is about the deep state going after their own now. I’ve been waiting for a that for a long time and it’s finally here. Kim also gives us updates on our transition to the New Earth as more of Anti-Source’s Damned and Condemnation program and all things associated with it fall away.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

24-03-27 News (
Baltimore Ship Crash
Regarding the ship crash into a bridge in Baltimore which is all the news today, it was preplanned of course. If they were planning on blaming Russia or China I don’t know, but right now I’m not seeing that and I’m not sure where they were going with this event. Possibly it’s to create fear and possibly it’s for an insurance claim, as I am hearing the same thing out of China who we know is running US politics. I wonder how much of an insurance claim for that bridge would be? The insurance companies are wobbly too though, we are the only ones supporting them. Maybe there is a correlation, I can definitely see them taking everything they can from insurance companies. At this point they are even looking on the municipal, city and state level and they are going after their own.
Deep State is Going After Their Own Now
What I mean by their own is anyone worth a $100 million, that is their criteria. Word on the street is they are talking about rappers, stars, large company owners, gangs, and drug dealers, these types of people. Several years ago, Puff Daddy actually had an ebook about adrenochrome available at Barnes and Noble. It was a threat by him to the deep state to expose them all and he in part kind of made that mainstream, so that’s why he would be one of their targets. It’s really about them taking all their money and it’s the same thing with all these Trump lawsuits. Not that he didn’t do all those things, but when have you ever seen someone have to pay $175 million in a bail bond. They are trying to pull money out of everyone everywhere, worldwide.
US Marshals Service Tasked With Money Collection
In the United States they are using the U.S. Marshals Service to do it. Anybody with a certain amount of money could get a US Marshal Badge and that is going in full force right now. They are issuing arrest warrants left and right with fictitious computer-generated images to do it. It’s also in part a bit of a rebellion against the members of the Anti-Silent Circle, the members who run all the mafia organizations and drug dealers worldwide. I find this kind of funny because there are deals that have been in place for decades between the US Marshals, Texas Rangers and the DEA here in the US where everyone gets paid a cut on all the drugs and everything else that comes across the border. Even our former Vice President Mike Pence got paid for human trafficking in a deal he made with the Mexican president. I found those accounts which were sitting in Santander Bank. This is all just a Deep State act, a movie because as we know the alleged good guys and bad guys are friends.
So, what is the purpose? How much money could they possibly get in short order and why is it public and in the news?
In 2013 there was a law passed in the US that a bank could shut down your bank account for any reason if they consider you a risk and they don’t even have to tell you what that risk is. During that timeframe they have 10 days to mail you a check of anything you had on deposit. That being said, usually based on what I’ve seen in the past, some guy comes a knocking and accuses you of a lie, that you’ve been caught doing this or that, and these days they have computer aided images for false evidence to make it happen. And no doubt these people have been promised a portion of everything they can steal.
The US Marshals, Texas Rangers etc. haven’t been making their typical percentages on stuff that goes across the border and even black-market drugs are on the downside because they shut so many of their businesses down. In addition, their agencies are not being funded, so I’m sure their income is down.
But blackmail takes place in the darkness, it’s not something that usually hits the news, all that stuff to get quick money would normally be done behind the scenes. This is unusual, unless they are trying to claim they are the ‘white hats’, but we know they are just acting like the IRS on steroids right now, as collectors of money, and they’re making the mafia look cheap. But they are just taking their own people’s money. They have come to Durango too, allegedly authorized by the US Marshal’s Service. I don’t have that kind of money at this point in time, but when I can make the transfers, they will probably be back.
The deep state is really scraping and it’s not even going to scratch the surface to pay for WWIII. Stealing from a bunch of Rappers isn’t going to do it, they need billions per day for WWIII for that kind of war.
Silent Circle and Black Nobility Still Hoping to Get Alpha Access
The Black Nobility made a phone call to some of the local security people here in Durango and asked them to get me to turn the Alpha system over to them. I think the Global Headquarters also asked for something similar. The local people said, well let’s say we could, why would we want to turn it over to you? These guys here are the elite of operatives in good ways and bad ways, but at least they have common sense, unlike the US Marshals.
I know the Silent Circle and Anti-Silent Circle are not putting out their own cash, neither is the Order of the Dragon or any of the Generals. Nobody wants to do that. So, are people like the brothers who own Tata next? Are they going to start hitting up this level? Does this fall in line of not putting up their own personal money? Maybe. Perhaps they are trying to collect enough to hold them off until the 8th of April, but they’re not going to fund a single government with that.
I definitely know about the arrest warrants and the list of people they are going after and they will be disappointed when they see their bank accounts. But they’re eating their own now and we won’t miss any of them either. They’ll run out of people to steal from before they hit a day they’ll actually get paid.
War on Hold Due to Lack of Money
I don’t see much movement in the way of war. I heard about a meeting that took place yesterday with the Pentagon and evidently they agreed at this moment they cannot engage in a war with China. And China can’t afford to get into a war either. They decided to back away from what they believe is their NATO agreement. So, they’re pulling back from Ukraine and Israel, and from sending foreign aid (if there ever was any) based on the fact they can’t afford it. So when the deep state calls, their answer will be, when you pay us, we’ll go. But are they going to adhere to that? I don’t know. And by the way, their NATO organization is defunct and the fact they are still talking to these people says they have no idea what is really going on. If they want to continue to pay their deep state partners to do nothing for them, that’s up to them.
Who is Willing to Spend Money? Evidently The Council of Mormons
I actually didn’t get an alarm going off for the ship crashing into a bridge in Baltimore, but I did get a bunch of alarms for a plan the Mormons had in cooperation with their deep state partners. It failed pretty quickly though; a bunch of people left the planet and that was end of that. And I’m talking about the Elder Council of the Mormons, they’re Satanists too. But I’ve seen them coming up more than I have in the past in an operational way. The last time they were spraying chemtrails with the own private planes. They’ve probably become active because they have money and are willing to spend it, unlike the rest of the deep state. Their business practices are pretty shady. I know they invested heavily in a lot of mining activities and they stole technologies. They actually killed one of their own in order to get to the tech because he told them he already acquired it on behalf of the Church, which wasn’t the case.
Transition to New Earth Update
We talked about how they amplify the 9 deadly sins into these crazy nit-picky things but there were other ways they controlled human behavior in order for the systems that we live in to work in their favor. So, there were additional programs to reinforce feelings you may be having about situations or about certain people for example. Now the deep states’ purpose for all these programs is just to serve it up to the people on behalf of those who really ruled this planet.
Now that we’re going through this membrane and everything is kind of filling in, as part of this process some old programs are continuing to fall away. They are not human programs but were here to control the masses, including the deep state. And in their place are counterbalancing energies and programs to help humanity move forward.
Hate and Anger
One of these programs was about hate and anger. If you don’t like a person or situation going on they could see the seed of anger within in you. Then they could amplify it so it becomes your whole life which then starts dictating your behaviors. And anger, repressed anger or hatred of course creates things like cancer. Now the opposite of the anger program is Grace, Gratitude and Compassion. We’re like a PTSD society with all the stuff they’ve done to us and with diseases that don’t naturally occur, so when anger arrives it will actually attract grace, gratitude and compassion energy.
Fear and Death
The other thing we see a lot is fear. For example, we could be watching TV, and then we see a commercial for a medication that helps this but may cause this, this and that. Death in some cases is a program, and remember you’re a manifester, so what you think about and focus on is like programming yourself. The opposite of the Death program is Living or Life.
Envy and Greed
Envy and greed have been going on for a long time, but moreover since the 1970s, it’s everywhere. The opposite is serenity and inner peace. You need to be at peace wherever you’re at, and there is a difference in admiring someone’s car, beauty, or wisdom, etc. which prevents you from have an envious feeling.
Sadness, Depression and Knowledge
That saying of having the blues is not a coincidence. It coordinates with the same color plane of existence in between the emotional and mental plane. We all have sad thoughts sometimes, it’s normal and natural, but for it to roll into an entire process, or create a chemical reaction in the brain that causes it to have a hormonal imbalance is not natural. But the programs were designed to take a hold of that one seed and then expand it into a physical disorder or full-on mental disorder which would then eventually lead to one of the deadly sins like suicide, or other physical symptoms that are limiting the body. In times of sadness and depression people are so focused on knowledge, but what you need to do is just to seek, because it will start pushing that other program out against your old thought processes. Every time there is a sense of depression these things were pushed at you and the seeking help from your best friend “Source” will help people help themselves.
Guilt, Grief and Shame
A lot of this has to do with us not being our own friend too, so it’s part us and part programs. We’re intended to hate ourselves. And you put yourself through so much grief that you can’t get passed the shame of something you did or didn’t do. But what if hope and creativity came into play whenever guilt, grief and shame showed up. Whatever it is that makes you feel the most creative is where you are manifesting things into your life.
Chaos and Confusion
In times of chaos people tend to look for a savior, like the government comes in and solves your problems. But if you were your own best friend, you would come in with a balanced, centered, and logical plan. So now a counterbalancing energy frequency will come from the other direction for a more logical balanced mental state. See how this is kind of part of the restoration now? Source always has perfect timing.
Lack and Despair
You watch one video of people living in lack, which is probably an amplified video in a lot of cases. The more these types of videos you see the more lack and despair you’ll bring because you live in that place. I’m going to lose my job, my house, etc. And the people in these videos may not even be in lack and are happy living the same way their ancestors have for thousands of years. Who is to say they aren’t the healthier ones. But the point is, if you have an abundance attitude whatever you’re looking for will show up. If you’re grateful to Source for all you have, it will come.
Warring Attitude
The warring attitude is the part of you that wants to fight. But in the face of that the counterbalance energy you’re going to get is a heavy dose of peace. You don’t need to commit road rage when someone cuts you off because it’s not going to prevent you being cutting off. It just raises your blood pressure and causes problems for you not them, so does it matter?
Disconnection from Source
The disconnection from Source is a very real situation. They have done everything they can and the more you try to reach out the more the disconnect happens and the more mud they will throw at you to block that connection. Another disconnection is feeling like you have to go into a building like a church on Sunday and you have to reach out to that religious leader to get to Source. But your connection with the Divine is key and don’t get so caught up in the judgement those institutions make on you. When you are connected to Source, and it doesn’t matter what you call Source, just do your thing, there is no judgement.
An easier connection with the Divine is an important part in making all these other things work. Source is your best friend; the best one you’re ever going to have and he’s going to remind you when you start going off in the wrong direction for yourself because that friend cares about you that much. And in order to help people make it in the new earth all these things are important and they just started yesterday. When those nudges come that say hey, walk away right now and go for a walk on the beach, you need to listen.
Gratitude for the Latest Big Changes For Transition Into the New Earth
A lot of good stuff has been installed, for example, the golden apples of wisdom and crystalline flowers of life which are the base root for the essence of everything that exists. We also have golden flowers of life, golden energy flowers, golden consciousness flowers, golden essence, golden matter, golden wisdom flowers and these are the like the programs behind what gets installed. We have frequency and love flowers and we don’t have anymore flowers of death, anti-everything and no more condemnation.
Being more connected will allow you to make more balanced decisions and it will put into perspective everything you need to do. Then you have to step back and have faith and trust.
These are the latest biggest changes in the last 48 hours for the transition into the new earth and how to help people move forward. And the more other things go away that the deep state was aware of, the more depression, chaos, despair, and the need to create war all comes into play.
I think some of them might be aware the desired end result isn’t happening the way it used to. As far as operatives selling weapons to make money, are they aware this is happening? I don’t know. But on the General level where they would get paid 50K for every death some have to be aware it’s not happening like it used to.
The timing was right, so now movement into the place where we could start these programs up is happening. It’s like a starter in your car, if you don’t have the spark from your battery, it’s not going to turn over and make everything else work. You need a little juice to get it over the hump and we’re in a place now in all nine areas where we can start disconnecting some of this stuff and we can insert our own and it’s all part of the transition. Everything has its time and sometimes we do have to wait for an alignment like Sunday night and sometimes what is used for our harm can be used for our good. I would say there are a lot of good things that are going to happen between now and the eclipse, different facets of restoration.

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