This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22-NOV-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. Rumors are circulating around the internet about an incident at Mar a Lago. Allegedly ambulances and Secret Service vehicles left the facility. We will tell you what is really happening behind the scenes. And it’s 11-22 and today is the last day of the 11:11 portal and what does all that mean?
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Oh, their gematria and double numbers. It definitely was quite a day.
Incident at Mar a Lago
There are rumors circulating that several ambulances and Secret Service vehicles left Mar a Lago quite abruptly. As always when you have Duck Dynasty in charge it was a fiasco. I’ll explain one quick thing first so you understand what is going on down there.
As is often with clones, there is some kind of a tether to the original soul or the original being. In order to create the clones, there is definitely an etherical tie, and if there is something that happens to break that tie then it’s only a matter of time, usually 72 hours or less before the clone starts to malfunction and pass away as well. In this particular case we’re talking about the President elect.
Duck Dynasty Was Staging the Demise of Trump on 11-11
The fiasco that was orchestrated yesterday was actually a minor incident with Trump clone #1 and the minor incident was allegedly something they were staging. On this particular 11-22 day they were contemplating using this fiasco to say something happened, maybe a fake assassination or a medical incident and then say Trump passed away, this was their plan.
Why this particular 11-22 day? Well coincidentally today was the same day JFK was shot. See the big picture here, everybody loved JFK, and wouldn’t it be a coincidence that Trump died on the same day as JFK, oh my God. So, this was kind of the plan.
Trump Clones 1 & 2 Started to Malfunction & Both Passed
However, due to all the other events that are happening with this 11:11-11:22 portal there was a severing between Trump clone 1 and Trump clone 2 and they both began to malfunction in different ways. Clone 1 was kind of on its last legs this morning and my guess is it won’t last through the night. Currently they are all sitting around waiting to see what happens at a certain place in Mar a Lago. They did close the residence at Mar A Lago to the Secret Service today. We got a call from someone there on the inside who said they closed it off to them because they tried to do some esoteric life force transfusion if you will. It failed and SSP-Duck Dynasty couldn’t figure out anything else to do to clone 1.
They ended up bringing in Trump clone 2 to the facility and clone 2 is a little bit different than clone 1. Clone 1 was flesh and blood and a normal person with a soul, different from the original but a soul nonetheless. Clone 2 was more of a hybrid and not really human. Depending on which facility they made the clone at would determine how natural it was. So, clone 2 wasn’t quite so natural and when they brought in clone 2 it started to malfunction in a very unnatural way. It became apparent to other Secret Service members and the SSP couldn’t hide it that this was not a person. There are certain things a person’s body can do, like bend and move in certain ways and this was no longer moving in those ways. And his speaking became erratic and somewhat insane as clone 2 started malfunctioning due to the severing of clone 2. Eventually clone 2 became so insane and violent it started to attack people and apparently, they had to put clone 2 down.
It was kind of funny. I’m watching this and I was like wow what a circus that is. So, I do not know if the Secret Service was ever let in to see the status of clone 1 and what is going to happen from here. But they ended up missing the 11-22 mark today because they were a little bit distracted.
What will they do now, are they going to say he passed away on 11:22? Are they going to announce there was a passing away at all?
I don’t know, I’m not sure. The only reason why I think this might happen is because of all the promises the SSP made out there to many many, many people. Not only is there a lot of money promised, there are also a lot of positions promised and in a lot of cases the same position was offered to several different people. One would be Dan Bongino. I know he does a podcast of some sort but I never listened. He’s an agency guy as is most of these alt media guys. Joe Rogan, Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones are as well and a lot of the folks on the internet are ex-agents. Most of them that make it to the big time are involved with an agency in some way, shape or form. When the alt media became popular, even before the days of YouTube people were doing conference calls and talk radio, and they were still inserting their own people in there so they could maintain control of the narrative. It’s the reason we see so many Q things and Trump things throughout the media. So, because Dan Bongino was a big Trump supporter he was promised a big position for his support and that position was head of the Secret Service. And good luck to you Dan, there is probably another 12 people who were also promised the same position.
Duck Dynasty’s Plan Before Today’s Circus
The talk amongst the SSP-Duck Dynasty folks is to use a situation where they could say Trump passed away and what a hero he was, what a martyr he was. Vance will then keep up the fight and Vance is our guy, who is also an ex-CIA agent by the way, and Vance is going to do the thing so keep supporting Vance, he’ll carry on his legacy. Then behind the scenes they can say, well sorry Mr. Bongino (and the 12 other people who were promised the same position, but that was a Trump thing and he’s no longer here. See, they can get out of their promises they made to Elon Musk and other folks as well. Vance can say sorry, he didn’t talk to me about that, I didn’t know anything about that.
That could alleviate a little stress from them because today was another pay day of course, another day ending in y and there is a lot of pressure on them right now and they don’t like it. A lot of people are turning their backs on them, many are not listening to their orders anymore and they thought this would be a perfect out. But it kind of backfired today because it actually happened.
What will they do now?
I don’t know if they’ll announce he passed or not. They might just throw another guy with a mask up there. Why not, we’ve had a masked President for the last 3 almost 4 years. But it will be interesting to see what they will do from here on out, and that wasn’t the only clone that passed away due to the severing of ties. There were several elite members, some names you know some you don’t know. Are they going to actually announce these people died? I’m not sure. But remember everyone dies in December. It’s unusual for them to pass this early, but remember something too, governments around the world usually go on break starting today and they don’t come back until around the 15th of January in full force, unless there is something major going on. This is your Senators, the House, they are pretty much done today as far as time in Washington DC. The same thing goes for very high-level banking, most go on vacation as of today. So, I guess if you were going to have a public person pass away that could be a big deal so they have to do it today on forward.
The same for King Chuckie over there. Are they going to announce he died? I heard them saying the first week of December and I haven’t heard anything different, although I haven’t really been paying attention to that lately. They didn’t announce the Queen died for years and years and a lot has to do with maintaining power and control of certain operatives that run certain things behind the scenes. Power brokers use the name, etc. I guess we’ll see what happens from here.
It was fun to watch the circus. I wish all of you could have been a fly on the wall because it was hilarious. It was completely and totally unexpected and it kind of threw a monkey wrench into their alleged show they were going to put forth because they put a lot of people off. They told everyone initially all these things were going to start happening by the 5th of November right after the Trump clone(s) was selected. The SSP people basically told them you’re going to start changes right away, money would be coming and all these crazy things and it didn’t. Now they are saying it’s going to happen by the inauguration. But as far as Duck Dynasty are concerned it doesn’t look like anything is going to happen in their favor by then, so their best hope, and this is what they were discussing is to either stage a big martyr situation, he is sick and you need to support him, or they were going to stage he passed away. They weren’t sure how, either an assassination, something done by the deep state and say he fought them to the end. These are the things they were discussing because if he walked into that office and they didn’t have a solution for all their promises they made worldwide there is going to be some trouble.
Duck Dynasty is Also in Very Hot Water With the Russian Deep State Elite
They promised them this show that you’re seeing with the alleged long-range missiles firing on Ukraine, firing on Russia and Putin makes a big speech, the ruble declines further. People are saying it crashed, it hasn’t crashed but it significantly declined against the dollar, although it’s not really a significant decrease from where it’s been for the last 30 days or so. but it has been steadily decreasing in value over the last year.
One SSP operative often talks on the internet about how he took a part in the fall of the USSR and the crashing of the currency and how it all happened. Again, this is the case of the unicorn stick. They did not crash anything; they just did the dog and pony show. The crash and change were ordered decades before it happened and the final buttons were pushed by Marduk or somebody else. But they do brag about it and play the same cards. So, if you are in Russia with the KGB, we know you are all jointly playing the same cards that were played during the fall of the USSR.
So are we going to see a fall of the USSR?
Who knows. Quite frankly it’s an oligarch against an SSP thing. They are talking about moving 800 troops on the border, then this missile thing came about. It’s like a failure to launch on all their operations. They think if they do the same things, make the same moves they did during the 1980s collectively as a group it will work. But why doesn’t what they expect ever happen? Because the final ingredient always came from somebody else and they are just making a mess over there.
These are the things going on in the world as it relates to Duck Dynasty and their global partners because they are not just American in this particular case. I wish them all the best. It was really funny today, thank you for that guys I appreciate that, it was hilarious.
11:11 Portal and the 11:22 Closing Time
There is a lot of confusion on the internet and I actually feel really bad for some people. Some people have been trying to open these portals for over two decades. They seem like they are very good people with all the best of intentions. They all go to the portal locations on 11:11 and they make the rounds in Peru, Ecuador, India, several locations in New Zealand, and they really work hard to open these portals because they believe it’s a positive thing. But in all honestly, it’s never been a positive thing or about connecting to the Creator. So, I’m going to take a minute and explain the 11:11 portal so you have a general idea what happens with your energy when you focus on these things and how this actually works.
11:11 in our calendar really doesn’t make a difference. It’s what it actually does within the universe. We know we have more than 12, but let’s call it the 12 universes and densities of the alpha-verse, the light side of the universe. We also had 12 universes down in the omega-verse or the dark side of the universe. In the middle you have the Nil and in quantum physics it’s the positive zero and negative zero. We can call it a density but basically, just as in quantum computing you have 1s, 0s, and a Nil and a Nil has an infinite space in between. But here you would call it the Zero Point of the Nil.
Between 11:11 and 11:22 Portals Would Open to False Densities
During this particular time, between 11:11 and 11:22 there used to be some portals that would open and you could call these to false densities that go all the way down. So, the Zero Point kinds of opens and you would have +1 and -1 and they would meet. Now the significance behind this really doesn’t have anything to do with a portal to God the Creator, it actually brought you to false space which existed around our Central Sun and the Anti-Central Sun.

What it did do is bring some interesting things here on earth.
Because we are a Nexus planet, we also had several locations in the world where there were portals that would open. At a minimum you would have had 12 of the Nil, at least 12 for 1 side and 12 for the other side. So, you had 36 here on earth at different locations that would be activated.
We talked in the past about Realm Owners for the 3 densities up through 3 densities down, they were Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. You had the angel and the arch-angel in the same being who would monitor that realm. But each Realm Owner had what we call Guardians or Guards or Gatekeepers.
Guardians and Gatekeepers
This is a time of the year where Guardians and Gatekeepers would basically duke it out on densities 1 through 3 up and down. And because of the way things used to be, they were the same group of people. This was a dual group. Now certain years would have been more relevant than others because it didn’t always activate fully every year and it is more based on events than a timing thing.
Density 8 | Tarzakians and Targethyns
We had both Tarzakians, those smoky beings and Targethyns. The Tarzakians would have been their connection down to the 8th density of the lower astral. Remember it’s a Dark Age and everything up to the 6th density was completely 100% dark for quite a while. The Targethyns would have been tied to the Pleiades and a star called Targai and they monitored a portal there that would also open at this time. Because they were connected to those same portals here on earth, they would become more present so to speak. There would be some kind of fight for control because those access points were open both up and down.
Densities 4, 5, 6 | The Reptilians Monitored
The same thing goes for densities 4, 5, and 6. This is where the Reptilians were and they would have monitored those spaces on behalf of Artemis. Artemis was Reptilian, literally a cherry red Reptilian and her minions were Reptilians. They kind of have a human shaped body in a lot of cases but not always. But she alone and her army of gatekeepers were not only of her caliber, she also had a partner even further down and that was Baal. So you would have had replicas of Baal who would also have been Gatekeepers of 4, 5, and 6.
Densities 7, 8, 9 | Anti-Source-Astaroth & Source-Kim
And we have 7, 8, and 9. Guardians and Gatekeepers of 7, 8, 9 would have been in part due to overlays, omega system, and whatnot. You would have had Astaroth on the one side. If you follow the Q thing it’s why they talk about green so much, because Astaroth is known for green. So, on behalf of Anti-Source, which would have been Astaroth’s partner, there would have been a fight between Anti-Source and Source and whoever was fighting on behalf of Source, and in this case, you kind of got me.

A War Between the Angels & Demons Would Happen This Time of Year
It’s a time of the Guardians, a war that would actually take place when the portals are fully open like they were this year for some reason. I still don’t quite have that defined for this year. It’s probably because we became too light and all the lower astral beings ran the risk of losing. We don’t have these beings down there anymore but in the past that alignment still meant there would be a fight between the angels and the demons that would occur on earth at this time.
Remember the Legions of Angels That Came to Earth Last Year?
If you remember last year this time, itis pretty close to the time we had the legions come on earth. We thought the legions were going to help us fight the bad humans. I definitely thought that based on some of the things I saw. But I guess what I didn’t realize is how many of those beings that were here on earth were part of the guards and gatekeeper groups. I don’t know for sure but they came, they saw, they conquered. After the gate closed, we didn’t hear a lot from them after a few weeks. I thought well geez, everyone who comes here just bails on us and leaves us stuck here with the crazy humans, non-humans and clones. But I guess it was a time of battle and they did their job on behalf of Source.
I didn’t know at the time but apparently the people they were battling against were probably some of these Guards left here at that time. Things are coming to light that make more sense to me now because no one else came this year, because there was no one really on the other side. But we did have some space junk at various portal sites which we did clean up. I guess this is what got the deep state all riled up. But we were able to severe any kind of ties to beings who sent their soul down to the lower astral or into the Nil or time of no time zone. It just happens to be that the orange guy was one of many people that lost its tie. So, I’m hoping we see a lot of others that went through this cloning process. We can’t do anything about the CIA’s professional mask making division but at least the actual people that make those decisions may no longer be us within the next 72 hours. That’s the theory because this hasn’t really ever happened before.
Clean-up Activities
There have been some other things we put into place that will reestablish that reconnection with Source as we go forward, so that’s a positive for us. We don’t really need portals to Source to open and close because we’re not doing this for balance anymore and we’re not doing the battle here on earth between the Guardians of the realms anymore. Along with 11:11 we had 22:22, 33:33, 44:44 all the way up 99:99. It’s kind of almost irrelevant at this point but the deep state is always hopeful someone is going to come back and help them fight this battle. But alas no.
Overall, the opening was positive in some ways and negative in some other ways because there is a lot of work cleaning up anything that was left by the old Gatekeepers and Realm Owners in order to ensure they were prepared for a battle. It was a long day but it looks like we’re stable one again and that’s the end of the opening of the portal. Last night was a little rough for me because the deep state was willing to do their part in the battle. I guess they thought I was the one they are battling against because I was the only one here. And I definitely took a good lickin, but I’ll keep on ticking.
There is a live GIA Q&A coming up next month with me around the 15th of December. You will be able to ask your question on a live chat on the app. If it goes well we might do them more often.
Well at least this report gave me a laugh. I wish I could have been a fly buzzing around Mar a Lago to watch firsthand, but oh well, I’ll take what I can get at this point.
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Ich liebe es, wenn Kim Spaß hat. Ich werde die kommenden Auftritte des # Trump mit einem lachenden Auge, in Erinnerung der Aussagen von Kim, sehen. Danke Ihr tollen Mädchen. Ich liebe Euch.
Gunther aus Germoney