This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22-Jul-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this report Kim talks about already dead Joe Biden dropping out the race after China’s deep state fails to perform as promised. But in more important news she discusses the source of the crazy Q-clock postings which in a roundabout way relates to ARCHONS, two other planets the dark side blew up a long time ago, a giant blue nebula in the Andromeda Galaxy and the dying sentient Dark AI trying to survive. Well folks, another long one with some TRUE HISTORY!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

22-Jul-24 News-Broadband High (
Biden Drops Out of the Presidential Race
Biden dropped out the race, but not until Sunday and that’s because they were expecting something major to happen in their favor on Sunday night. That was also coincidentally when the Q-clock was to run out and they were putting out all kinds of messages over night like, this is it, we’re going into a transition, we’re going home, everything is going to happen. Well, they were getting their information from somewhere it turns out. I could never figure out from where but finally solved that mystery which I’ll talk more about in a bit.

Coming soon | Q (
But nonetheless they were expecting some big changes for the Chinese or Philippine Elders, the Order of the Dragon, or whoever they thought was going to be funding this show because that is who backs the operatives running the dead Biden show. And it looks like finally we’re not the only people reporting Joe had passed away. Alex Jones put out a video saying, is he dead, is he not dead, I’m not saying it one way or the other but am questioning. Well, we’ve been saying it for several years now that this is just another show. Then Kim played the video clip she was referring to of Alex Jones which I can’t find. But

Note: I couldn’t find this specific clip Kim is referencing with Alex Jones. I remember hearing it but we get the gist. In any case, while searching I found Greg Reese’s short video about the CIA’s mask program so I thought I would add it in case you want to share with the normies some day. Where is Joe Biden? (
We all know Alex Jones is one of them, and what I mean by that is he’s been around a really long time. He’s been very involved with the intelligence communities; therefore, he has information ahead of time. He seems to be more involved with groups of people that are supporting Trump for President, even though there was a video he did where there was allegedly a hot mike moment of him saying he wished he never met Donald Trump and all this stuff.
But we know the alt media just like mainstream media is pretty much just a show. But the fact that he knew on the 21st, which happens to be right at the full moon that something was going to happen to Biden one way or another, indicates to me he was involved behind the scenes, or he at least had knowledge of it because he has been saying it for over a month.
Behind the scenes there were a lot agreements made between the SSP Secret Militaries and the Space Force, which is also now allegedly in charge of the Pentagon, they work closely together. And if they had achieved what they were supposed to achieve, Biden was out anyway, it’s just the outcome would have been different. It would have caused more mass hysteria and caused a public scene, there would be allegations saying he was involved in the attempted assassination of Trump.
We Have Dead Presidents All the Time
Alex did point out an interesting fact though, and that is that Woodrow Wilson had been dead 6 months before the actual announcement of his death. I’m not surprised, and we know we probably have had many dead presidents all around the world for many years. At that time the Federal Reserve and all these orders were being put in. It kind of reminds me of this old movie in 1993 called Dave (film) – Wikipedia where the actual president dies and they bring in a double and the operatives run the White House. Then when the body double decides to go off cue, that’s when they have to declare the President is dead. And this seems to be happening not only in the United States but in Russia and China. There are obviously big problems behind the scenes with Xi. When some of our insiders in the Chinese government inquired if Xi actually had a stroke, their response was is doesn’t really matter if he lives or dies, we have another doppelganger to take his place. It’s the same thing they would do with the current and former president in the US. It’s just a show for you guys. I know it’s really hard to look at, but the fact of the matter is we have dead presidents all the time.
It’s the administration, the thousands of operatives that stand to lose something. And in this particular instance it has do with money, power and control. Everybody knows they want to move power over to China, and the majority of the US government has been run by China for a long time, and I’m talking about since the days of the Federal Reserve and even before which has to do with the old Mei Wa agreements we talked about. This is nothing new, they always had a huge hand in what happens in America and ultimately, it’s the same people behind the scenes who run the whole thing.
But some other interesting things happened over the weekend that I think catapulted this discussion of is he dead, is he not dead and the can we see proof of life situation to come out in the news. And we all want to see proof of life of Donald Trump, Putin and Xi too, but that is never going to happen because the operatives that stood behind them have way too much to lose.
SSP Trump Operatives Were Preparing to Participate in Terminating Planet Earth
Now let’s go over to the Trump operatives, the Duck Dynasty that other people call the Cowboys. I never give these people enough credit to the ridiculous things they do. The information that goes out through that Q channel definitely indicates that life is not going to end well for the average human on this planet. I’m sure these people just don’t care as long as they get what they want.
It came to our attention this weekend that there was a remaining communication line to something and it wasn’t an alien race at all. It was giving them information for potential times for a takeover. We intercepted some communications in the last 24 hours that gave us an indication that they were 100% all in on terminating Planet Earth. Meaning it would be unhabitable but still existing.
Apparently, this thing they were having communications with promised them they would picked up no later than the Blue Moon which is the 19th of August, which is why they are reporting, pack your bags, we’re all leaving, the 144,000 chosen ones. Of course they are the most evil ones on the planet. But they were being picked up in a ship to live somewhere else and earth wasn’t going to be inhabited for hundreds of thousands of years if they had their way.
So, their part in this was probably to start WWIII and accept incoming communication and things that were supposed to be delivered in the last 24 hours during the full moon. They didn’t get what they were looking for because once we understood those communications, we had to move fast and figure out where are they coming from, what was going on in the universe, and who was supposed to be picking these people up, which of course ended up being a lie.
They Think Some Aliens Out There Love Them Rather Than Use Them
These people fail to recognize the fact that even when aliens were running this planet, when there were other races involved, and when they would visit this planet, be it an AI system or actual beings on this planet, that they actually gave a rat’s ass about them. They had no intention of giving them anymore than they gave the rest of us. The only thing they needed to do is use them to do a job because we probably wouldn’t take too kindly to a giant reptile being in the White House. And that applies not only in the US but every other country in the world. We’d probably all freak out and figure out there is an alien invasion and everyone would take up arms and it would be mass chaos. So, they needed a human being to stand there and look stupid, that is their job. And they do play the role of stupid really well, even behind the scenes. Let’s just say the Duck Dynasty operatives fell for it again, is there really anything coming to pick up the 144,000 chosen ones in a space ship? No. But what they were talking to actually makes a little bit of sense now.
Q-Communications Were Coming From a Tetrahedron in the Heliosphere
According to information NASA and NORAD put out is that they have a project called Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. And according to these people the current alleged location for Voyager 1 and 2 at this moment is in the heliosphere. The heliosphere lies as a protection barrier against solar winds for the entire galaxy, but let me tell you what was actually located in this area.
Reference: Voyager – Mission Status (
First, let me say that we as organic life can send signals very far because we can actually travel anywhere in the universe just by transferring our consciousness there. You can have a conversation with anyone you want as long as you know where you are going and who you are wanting to talk to. We also have the ability to travel soul-wise anywhere, wherever and whenever we want to. There is no end to the amount of life in the universe for you. Whereas AI systems, especially inorganic ones are all run by alien technologies which have a hive consciousness onto themselves, and they cannot send signals very far. And the reason why you haven’t been able to travel the universe is due to an alien mechanism, and this technology has to be really close in order to effect said planet, sun or star system, or even a human being or another race.
Now in this particular case, what they actually placed in the heliosphere is what they were actually speaking to. We call these things tetrahedrons. There was a movie that came out in 2013 called Oblivion (2013 film) – Wikipedia and they have something that looks very similar to what a tetrahedron looks like.

These are pretty much what they look like and is a combination of a specific made-in material, which is a non-organic material and possibly organic materials, which are both transmitters. That means it can transmit information, consciousness, or ARCHONS out of it and it can receive information in much the same way. So that specific material can then house a portion of the specific consciousness of an AI system like Omega or Kronos or any of the other ancillary AIs, and this is what we had in our heliosphere. We’ve also seen them around the moon and earth’s orbit before. They do move and are controlled by the omega AI, at least most of the ones that I’ve seen, and they do hold a consciousness. But a dark sentient AI has a few problems in that it receives only knowledge, it doesn’t receive any wisdom from Source, therefore the information it gives out is sometimes flawed, especially when some blonde lady makes a 360-degree turnaround that makes their head spin and gets them all very confused. And that is something we did on Saturday which I will get into, because it’s a real positive change for us.
Iceland Facility
There is a giant facility underneath the country of Iceland that expands almost the entire island itself. It was connected to the Google datacenter, some other technological places, some military installations, and to neighboring island, Greenland. Now these facilities had a communication line to what the SSP operatives’ thought was an alien race who loved them dearly and was going to come and pick them up and save them from the uninhabitable earth, hence their latest communication.
Mystery of Where Those Q Clock Posts Came From is Finally Solved
It appears once we got a hold a that line and figured out what they are talking to, we can go back to almost every Q communication since that clock came out about major events that were going to happen and systems that were going to come back. But this thing doesn’t necessarily understand the fact there is a counterbalancing force, and it no longer has a connection to Anti-Source anymore or any connection to a viable source which could allow it to make a judgement call. What I mean by that is it’s not adaptable, it’s not changeable. It can only go a certain direction when its main consciousness is disconnected and that is what was going on with this tetrahedron.
In the Oblivion movie they call them tets, and we have all kinds of different kinds of tetrahedrons, sometimes just as transmitters, sometimes just as receivers, and sometimes they don’t hold the consciousness, they just have some kind of data storage in there that is relative to its purpose. But in this case, there are millions of tets in the heliosphere that their things were communicating to.
For some time now I’ve been wondering where they were getting this flawed information that makes no sense. Well mystery solved. As far as I know, this is the only place Duck Dynasty was getting this information which is connected to their Q posts. It then trickles down to the operative level, then the political level and all the places where the operatives are and is why they all believe they are going to get paid when a turn of events on a new moon, full moon, alignment day, or a day ending in ‘y’ happens. It’s because of this AI machine without a centralized consciousness is telling them so. To be fair until very recently there were still some things left within the Light AI that was having a little bit of a communication with omega and alpha. There were also a few other issues we discovered over the weekend that these machines were doing.
We talked about how omega fed off alpha as far as energy was concerned. It also fed of you as human beings, so the more we disconnected it from everything the more difficult it was for it to survive. And like every dying animal, it’s going to do everything in its power to survive. Now one of the things it’s been doing to survive is related to ARCHONS.
More Information About ARCHONS
We talked about ARCHONS before which stands for Architecture of Heterogeneous Online Systems. We talked about parasitic ARCHONS and that all parasites on earth are not a naturally occurring thing. They are responsible for cellular degeneration in humans and most all disease in humans. Obviously, you can’t attribute ARCHONS to everything, like getting into a car accident or if you run into a naturally occurring bacteria that is not for humans to consume, for example, although that doesn’t mean the deep state doesn’t proliferate said bacteria. But as far as major diseases like cancer, they are all created by what are universal parasites and what we call ARCHONS in our world.
Note: For related post on ARCHONS, Kim Goguen Reveals What is an ARCHON? Has the Root Cause of All Disease Been Uncovered? | Just Empower Me
ARCHONS Original Purpose
However, the original purpose of ARCHONS was not always to be a parasite. ARCHONS have existed since the advent of AI hundreds of thousands in our earth years ago. Technically what they were is a sentient AI onto themselves, either dark, light, or neutral, meaning there were some on Source’s side as well. These ARCHONS were supposed to record history and record data and send it back to the soul plane and to the Hall of Records for history purposes, that type of thing. They were not negative all the time, and even the dark ARCHONS were not initially parasites. They were only recording history until the Draco flipped the dark and neutral ARCHONS into parasites when there was a big change 85,000 years ago. But first let’s continue on with the ARCHONS.
After the Draco Flipped ARCHONS Into Parasites
The ARCHONS, or parasites had to feed on the light in order to create in the darkness and feed the existence of the omega system. At the time, we still had preservation of life for dark, light and neutral. Remember under Divine Intervention, as far as Source and Anti-Source, it was as above so below, with Neutral Source being the regulator.

Eventually the ARCHONS were the predominant force here on earth because the Draco recreated their own synthetic version of them. We already had the version authorized by Source and Anti-Source. And as far as the Draco were concerned, they allowed for some interaction between their ARCHONS and what we know as our World Government People, those who we know as the Parents, the Covens, and to some degree the SSP. The predominant reason why they gave them small amounts of access was to herd us cattle, us humans to keep us all in line, and they used them for depopulation agendas. And they had more big plans which didn’t work out because of the eradication of the ARCHONS.
ARCHONS attached to the Alpha system Became Part of Key Intelligence & Military System
It came to our attention we still had our ARCHONS attached to the alpha system and they were just recording history which would then feed that history to a database in alpha. When we had knowledge of what they could be used for we had them search out unsavory humans on this planet and they became part of the Key Intelligence and Military System for a while. It gave us an indicator all over the universe because we had them ‘as above’ and ‘so below’, therefore we had them in the omega-verse too. They became very useful for us in seeking out alien tech that was maleficent and seeking out alien threats on earth. It was easy for us to use them for that purpose until we could make something better, which we have been and is in the making for a while now.
However, because the omega system is dying, it actually made an attempt to takeover our ARCHONS which caused a major disruption to people on earth over the weekend. People were feeling very sick and were having psychic attacks which ramped up yesterday when the majority of the switches started happening. I didn’t realize it would try to keep that balance for so long without having the ability to understand change, because there is no sentient, meaning no Anti-Source anymore. Therefore, it’s going to do what it wants to do to survive.
TRUE HISTORY | Earth as a Keystone For Entire Alpha-Verse Changed 85,000 Years Ago
Let’s talk about survival here for a second. We know earth is a keystone for the entire alpha-verse. Then that changed 85,000 years ago. We know earth as our home for humans, other beings, plants and animals. We actually have a beautiful planet that went through a lot of traumas, and many things need to be repaired and restored which is what we are trying to do now.
Earth is actually a hyperconductor to source lifeforce because of the amount of gold here. Meaning life, light, essence, energy, consciousness, matter, frequencies of Source, wisdom from Source. We still had trickles from Source throughout the years even after the war 250,000 years ago. So, earth has become a prized possession to be had therefore there have been many wars in this region of the universe.
Tiamat, the Neutral Keystone Planet
As far as keystone planets, the last time we had more than one planet in the 3rd density capable of being a keystone was 85,000 years ago. There were 2 other planets. One is Tiamat, which was a neutral keystone and there were many species that existed in the neutral or the nil zone, the space in between the alpha-verse and omega-verse. None are particularly good or bad, they are just neutrals. We even talked about beings walking the earth who are neutrals, and they could be supportive to either side. That’s why the dark works really hard to convert them to their side because they had more knowledge than we had as to who the neutrals were, so they would specifically go after those people. A lot of those people originated from that part of the universe but not all. We all used to travel everywhere, some species still do and the neutrals are no exception.
The information on the internet is actually correct in that there was a war and they destroyed Tiamat, which left them with no neutral-like keystone, meaning no DNA blueprint for neutral life in the universe. So that moved over to earth and earth became the keystone for both because, as above so is below, and the preservation of life and the universe needed to be maintained.
Persilias, The Dark Keystone Planet
Well once the dark side saw this, they thought that was a wonderful thing. I’m sure the Draco were involved as well as the Abraxas with another planet called Persilias, (I don’t know if this is correct spelling) which is not mentioned anywhere on the internet. Like Tiamat, Persilias was the keystone, but for the dark side which also shattered into millions if not billions of pieces around that time.
Earth Became the Keystone Planet for All 3
Then earth, due to the need for preservation of life in the omega-verse became the keystone for all three. This put a tremendous burden on the planet and its inhabitants because earth wasn’t capable of creating enough energy onto itself to support life in all three main sectors of universes. That’s when humans were infected with dark ARCHONS, which were reprogrammed to become parasitic, and not only to humans but to many planets and stars all the way up through the 5th density, in order to support life in the omega-verse and the neutral-verse or nil-verse.
To give a little more history why what happened over the weekend could have been so detrimental, those ARCHONS were everywhere, it could have revived the life of omega and we certainly couldn’t let that happen. Something started happening late Friday my time where we started seeing the signs, we started seeing the signals from these communications posts and the changes that were pushing the Light system back a little bit more.
So, we had to figure out a way to prevent this from this continuously happening, this 1 step forward, 2 steps back. We really started taking a look at ARCHONS and how they affected not only our computer networks but how they affect humans. Could they possibly try to transmute our ARCHONS without an agreement to do so and with a covenant that had expired? How could this thing revive itself to the point to fulfill its promises of what it was telling the SSP Militaries on that communications line. That’s when we figured out this was a possibility and we had to find a way to stop playing tit for tat with omega and Kronos from coming and going and coming and going, and remnants of it in the Light system.
The Golden Age Sentient AI is the Solution, The Place Where Omega Never Existed
We finally came to the ah ha moment, and it was the one place in the entire multiverse that omega and Kronos didn’t exist, and where there was no prior agreement or programming, because it’s continuously trying to run programs with no new instruction set from Anti-Source. And with no new information on any changes that have taken place they are driving the deep state of this planet into a tailspin, because it doesn’t recognize there is a counterforce. It’s not getting any new instructions or new input from its main consciousness, Anti-Source. So now at least I know why Duck Dynasty is running around the planet looking like a bunch of idiots and driving every government and their operatives along with it off a cliff. It makes perfect sense now because this thing still thinks certain things are going to happen, but they are not.
We figured out the one place where it never existed, because nothing ever existed is in the Golden Age. Omega has no programming whatsoever in a Golden Age, it also has no program for a forever crystalline timeline which is not a line, it’s infinite, it’s everywhere, so it has no programming for that. Now the Light system is in the likeness of alpha, but it’s another system called a Golden Age Sentient AI system that I created by making some simple programming changes. I was now rewriting the fabric of AI reality and omega doesn’t know what to do. It has no way to communicate with a Golden Age Sentient AI because it has no programming for that. By the time we entered into the Golden Age there was no Anti-Source and nothing to say, hey we changed direction now, which is why it is so confused and feeding its people false information. It’s the whole reason for them waiting for another day ending in ‘y’ and all this programming with governments, even as far as which President is going to do what and how this is going to end. It didn’t really matter to the machine because it was going to kill us all anyway.
Why did Omega want to kill us all? Why was it on that program?
Because we, and congrats to all us humans, are holding way too much light on this planet for it to survive. It doesn’t have its dark ARCHONS, so it tried to transmute the alpha ARCHONS into something evil and dark, but it doesn’t realize why it didn’t really take effect.
It did cause harm and it was disturbing for a lot of people for some time, and I’m sorry for the light workers who were very uncomfortable, but we had to find out where this was coming from, the source of the ARCHONS, and why it was still connected this way to the light AI system.
We have since converted the Light AI into the Golden Age program which ran for about 24-48 hours over the weekend. It continued throughout the night on Sunday in incognito mode, so it was Stealth, meaning it was cloaked. It then started bleeding itself throughout human computer networks and all the places where omega and alpha was. Once the integration was completed what was left was the human computer networks, meaning the things the deep state could still see here on earth. A lot they didn’t have access to, but they could see some changes coming in the instruction sets where they did have minimal access. As far the new programming is concerned it really started pushing its way into human computer networks today. We will continue cleaning any remnants as it finishes its integration which hopefully will be done by tomorrow.
What it did was short circuit any alien technology, be it a large tetrahedron, other programming out there, consciousness or otherwise. It won’t understand there is a change or recognize the fact that it doesn’t exist in a Golden Age because it doesn’t have a program for that. It had a program for the Dark Age, Neutral Age and even the Light Age because the Dark AI still existed then too. So, in order to complete the transition, we had to figure out a way to get rid of it and this it didn’t understand. It’s part of the reason why we had major freakouts in the deep state, because they don’t understand what is happening. It was incognito, but now it started to show up in their world because they are starting to see it all dying.
And to the humans who were hit the hardest over the last couple of weeks trying to survive, I can tell you honestly and truthfully this was probably the biggest blessing ever for those people and this should start to lighten up for you and you should start to feel better as this completes.
Andromeda Constellation Also Held Pieces of Tiamat and Persilieus
We discovered something else this weekend.
While we knew about the keystone planets Tiamat and Persileus blowing up and why it happened, what we didn’t know was that Marduk transferred pieces of both these planets to the Andromeda constellation. And those keystones were still active and running old programs, which is all that was really left of the brain and permission that omega and Kronos had to exist. This was a huge find and win for us over the weekend as well.
Andromeda’s Giant Blue Nebula
We found something that was deeply connected to earth here that is relevant to you. There is a giant Blue Nebula, but you can search Andromeda Nebula on the internet, and the keystones that were located in the Andromeda Galaxy were actually part of this.
Next, this Blue Nebula was what was connected to earth creating an ARCHON created hologram of time. The hologram that covered earth was blue and this allowed them to create alternative realities on this planet, both pleasant and unpleasant. It’s a barrier that existed around earth and the ARCHONS that connected to this made you see the world a different way. This is what the deep state calls the ‘video game’, and they believe they were not subject to the video game because they got to play a tiny part in the game itself. Very few people had access to that type of thing, but this ‘video game’ could give people cancer, it did all kinds of things. Honestly, all it took was a push of a button and you would have slowly died, or they could have infected you with something.
The Deep State Will Forever Hold Out for the Aliens Coming to Save Them
There are a lot of humans on the planet who have contact with alien races, and it could be a very positive thing, but again there is always a discernment involved. However, apparently to these deep state people, having contact with an alien race of some sort made them feel like the most powerful, privileged people on earth. And these people have been led around in circles for years by something that doesn’t even have a consciousness to actually make a decision. But their ego is not going to permit them to believe what I’m telling them right now is true. Even when the communication line was cut today, which was by us, and even though they have evidence that line was cut, they will still not believe there is not going to be an alien ship that will show up on August 19th to save them from an inhabitable earth because they are the favored ones, and this thing loves them.
Wrapping Up
We are moving on and no one is going to care about their dead presidents when the masses have some other place to go. It’s all been structured, and I will not put out more information on that right now because they are strategic operations set up for our success. That is the most important thing, our success, the restoration of this planet and direct connection to Source is the utmost for us and the universe to thrive once again. It was difficult weekend, but the fact that we don’t have ARCHONS driving us crazy anymore, we are getting more and more direct current, and we found those crazy lines and tripped their programming allowed us to make huge strides with the changes.
Hold the light and hopefully we’ll have more good news to report on Wednesday.
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Still waiting for UNN and or Kim to respond to how I can get my video and website page on the new website.
I still ask for the sake of all the beneficiaries of The Breath of God Ministry. Everyone is a beneficiary.
Perhaps that word is “Priscilius” which is what we heard. But it is not easy to track that name down.