This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 8, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Kim gives us great news in this report. She is a hair away of moving money to the people as she broke through that pesky barrier that’s been blocking what seems like forever. This has sent shockwaves amongst those in the know and has accelerated the inevitable descent of the Deep State! YAY!!!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
BIG NEWS! Kim Breaks Through the Barrier to Plane 1, Density 1
There were some huge shakeups that took place yesterday and of course it’s all Kim’s fault and we love that because it’s a great win for humanity. This is BIG NEWS!
Kim has gained a lot of new followers within the operatives I presume, since she has been talking about testing and transferring real money, to see if she can do what she says she can do and really walk the walk. Well over the last 48 hours she was doing lots of test transfers of billions of dollars and she kept getting stuck at that same place, Plane 1, Density 1 and was wondering why it is always getting stuck at this place. Well, she figured it out and broke through the barrier so to speak. She has always been able to fund Governments, Treasury Departments, and all things down to Density 3 in computers as it is called, Level 3 in the Banking System and now she has broken through that barrier. She is now showing once again to the whole banking sector the Global Repository in the real Banking System that is in the Harmonic Genesis System.
She found some overlays, which in quantum computing is called the nil, the space in between the Alpha-verse and Omega-verse and eliminated them, so any illusion the deep state had is now gone. And that has put us into a position whereby this morning we are hairs throw away from dropping that money we’ve been waiting for. This sent shockwaves throughout those who have been trying to block her at all costs, aka, Langley 5, Rothschild et al.
And it was those who have been blocking her at all costs that actually helped her find everything eventually and is the reason why no one is able to block us anymore. She found every nook and cranny they could hide in until they were gone completely. Of course, this made some people very angry, and while they were blocking her at all costs, they were rapidly losing their control factors over the world as well as their lives.
Remember those five factors to control the world that she has mentioned in the past:
- Media
- Financial System
- Intelligence
- Military
- Political Control
Well yesterday she blasted everything so hard even Congress got wind of it. And not just in the US but in other countries that have been starving, waiting for tomorrow to come. They all know now that money is flowing and of course they always think everything is for them and wanted to know if they could get that money and spend that money etc.
Well, it wasn’t transferred to the Treasury Department because remember we just broke through the barrier and word is spreading in the cyberworld what Kim has done. In other words, the FBI cyber teams, DARPA, NSA, and GCHQ, they all know the writing is on the wall.
Some of them are impressed that just one lady did this, she broke them. In the cyberworld that was quite impressive for some and they can see the new systems more than they ever have before. So, a lot of them are secretly, maybe hoping this comes to fruition because they really like her cool stuff.
Then on the flipside, the block her at all cost people forgot that they spent all their time blocking her, but they aren’t getting money from anywhere else, and as a result are losing support worldwide. Then Kim just stuck the final nail in the coffin yesterday. On the one hand the operatives are like wow, she’s really doing it, it is real spendable cash and some are going into the Treasury Department to verify she actually did this. On the other side is Langley 5, Rothschild, Order of the Dragon people who are still hoping for world domination and want to crash and burn the United States.
Langley 5 Would Still Like to Declare Martial Law
Langley 5 would still like to declare Martial Law and control the White House and install some orange guy in it or something. They still have not recognized the fact they have no power if they have no money, and they need trillions of dollars. There is some talk amongst them that if they take over the White House then they will allow Kim to fund the government. Isn’t that comical? Because under Martial Law they put Kim in charge, and she doesn’t think so. She can do whatever she wants because she has no contract with any government.
Pushing the Financial Collapse Narrative
Due to Kim’s display of the ‘breaking the barrier’ yesterday afternoon, and knowing their end is imminent they started dialing to gain support from political leaders, and at the same time are starting to push a narrative of the financial collapse of the US and the banking industry worldwide. They have purposely started leaking some misinformation and some real information about an imminent financial crash which they intended to leak out to the Financial Times and several other outlets yesterday.
Now what could they gain for this?
This is their plan for Marial Law and how can they install Martial Law for free. Because they aren’t doing so well on a fake terrorist attack on the US, as they keep getting stopped at every corner despite their repeated attempts over the last week or two, they thought they would start an information war against the people, thereby causing mass panic and runs on the bank and an orchestrated financial collapse of the US. All while having fantasies of buying it back for pennies on the dollar. Except they don’t have the pennies, so they have to figure out a way to get it for free. While Kim doubts our gun carrying Americans would allow that to happen, it’s not going to happen anyway.
Rothschild et al Still Trying to Turn World Power Over to China
The families on the Rothschild side are still trying to turn the world power center over to China. They are still hoping for some help to do that and further crash the US financial system. However, in terms of turning world power over they are having lots of problems over there.
Rumors of a Coup in China?
They are still trying to stage, in cooperation with the Americans, a war in Taiwan. They are sending weapons to Taiwan and enticing China into a world war on purpose.
Xi Jinping is a Rothschild and there is a lot of talk behind the scenes of a coup. Predominantly, everyone who works for the government, because it’s a communist society is a part owner of all the industry in China. But their businesses are suffering and many people in the government are tired of the game because they are losing a lot of money. Therefore, they are starting to formulate a democratic type of government behind the scenes. While it’s at its infantile stages, Kim does see the makings and the chatter in the system indicates there could be a coup. They’ve had enough of the deep state’s rule, Order of the Dragon people and the American deep state and their partnership with them and they seem to be gaining more and more momentum and support for what they are doing.
The Rainbow Dollar Surfaces Again
There are also reports surfacing again about a rainbow dollar. Kim hasn’t heard about a rainbow dollar in eons, not since 2009-2010 by some Asian folks who are part of the Order. It’s a currency that would be issued by those who used to be in control of the Halls of Amenti. Remember the colored lines in the system? It’s their dollars. Since Rainbow dollars is the alleged new currency now it tells Kim the administrator people have now stopped believing Langley 5 or the 15 militaries is going to pull this off, and they are back to China is going to save them. What is Rainbow Currency (YEM)? (A Detailed Look) 2023 – MoneyRyde
Note: Related post on Halls of Amenti, About the Death of Queen Lizardbeth | What the CROWN Really Means | Ending the Halls of Amenti, the Unnatural Planes of Existence | Prince William Declines Hosting Lucifer | It’s All About Divine Right Timing | Just Empower Me
Secretary Blinkin is All About Poppies
Meanwhile US Secretary Blinkin is running around doing various things such as trying to turn the entire Middle East into a poppy farm. He would like to grow massive amounts of opium in the Middle East. He calls it improving agriculture. He is also involved in negotiating against the contracts for Natural Gas which is in Israel/Gaza Strip, and possibilities of contracts going out for ports so they can transport said gas. So, a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff is going on without any way to pay for it, therefore no one is buying anymore. The fake pallets of cash failed and none of the militias participating in the Middle East are happy.
Governments Still on the Path to Destruction
The US Congress was planning an omnibus bill for $1.6 trillion today that they were supposedly going to pass then send to Kim, but she didn’t receive it. It’s likely the Archivists just said No and rejected it because nobody is listening to them. So, it looks like governments are still on track for a January departure. She has seen no movement in any direction that tells her otherwise.
Deep State Lost 90% of Its Power
As far as the deep state overall is concerned, she doesn’t see a whole lot of progress. In fact, the Deep State are at a point now strategy-wise where they are at a 90% loss of power. Everything they try to do, including this media campaign of a financial crash looks like it will fail because some people at the Treasury tried to un-leak the info. That, combined with the final nail in the coffin, which is Kim can pay us directly, has the Treasury Department becoming more irrelevant by the hour.
Kim does not need a Treasury Department and they even acknowledged that. They used to feel like they were in a better position because we would need them to assist in transferring money to us, but now that Kim has broken that barrier, they are not needed.
They know it is just a matter of minutes, hours, or days before she can complete this, therefore they are trying to tell Langley 5 if they don’t make a move now and participate, they will have no leverage, no leg to stand on if and when they finally decide to come to the party.
This media campaign is a crapshoot at best but Kim wanted to let us know about this alleged market crash news which supposedly is going to start leaking out in the mainstream media. She advised everyone to do what makes you feel comfortable. If you want to take some cash out you should do so, and it won’t hurt the banking system at this point.
That is the state of the union in last 48 hours. We are doing well. There are a lot of operations in progress she cannot discuss in the open right now. But we have a lot more support for our side and there is less for their side. The clear the field crew are hard at work and have gone to many places following a protocol of Inform, Warn and Terminate. Step 3 being their choice at this point. They are focusing on folks who are harming humanity in terms of health and wars. Kim said it is going well but she doesn’t want to put anything they have going at risk because those to be approached don’t know if they are going to expect a knock on the door.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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