This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 11-OCT-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. Behind the scenes things heat up between militaries around the world and their former owners known as the Order of the Black Sun as they fail to declare Global Martial Law. Is there really a mutiny happening? Have they finally had enough? Media is reporting a cease fire order has been declared by President Zelensky of Ukraine, but does the Kremlin agree? Is the Biden Administration really ready to give up its ownership in Ukraine largest natural gas company? And why all the fuss Russia? After all, you donated a large portion of your oil production to the British via the company TNK-BP for years. You also paid the Bush Family $1 per barrel of oil that flowed through the Transnet pipeline. You expect us to believe now you want to fight the west? Or did you promise this to your deep state partners?
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

What’s Happening Behind the Scenes of the Deep State?
It looked like it there was going to be a momentous meeting but it turned out to be somewhat of a flop.
Black Nobility Meetings – Rothschild Meetings – Militaries of the World Meetings
On Thursday there was huge meeting between the Black Nobility Families, so the head of the Jesuit Order, the Médicis, Aldobrandini’s, Pallavicini and a few others. It was between them and some of the high level SSP operatives where they were trying to come up with a plan on what to do. They knew they were not going to be able to pull off their Global Martial Law plan, just we anticipated on our side. So, they needed a new plan, and to figure out what to tell everybody to keep them all on the hook. They said if they don’t pull something off it could be the end of the empire.
If you are new to us, this fight between the Order of the Black Sun known as the Black Nobility and the Order of the Dragon, the Rothschild Family has been going on for awhile now. Meaning in the past the Black Sun was subservient to the Order of the Dragon for about 3,000 years, so these groups are not new in the world. They make up the deep deep state, what’s left of it anyway.
During this Black Nobility meeting the Rothschild Family was present in another meeting with their loyalists and SSP folks, then everyone seemed to have joined together. The SSP folks and operatives were more of the people in the middle. You had the Rothschilds and the Dragons which include the Chinese, at least what’s left of them after what happened earlier in the week with the crystal heads on one side, and then you had the Black Sun on the other side and neither side is performing, and a lot of civilized arguing was going on in that particular meeting.
Note: For related post which includes the now dead 171 Asian Deep State Members that Had Crystals in Their Heads see, UN Security Council Tasked With Finding Out How Much Money It Will Take to Run the World | Found Their Capital Is About 50% Less Than They Thought Instead | Politicians Feeling Pressure to Supply Hurricane Relief & That Special Made-in Material The Deep State Planned to Mine Is No Longer There | Declare Martial Law? That Yields Them Nothing, But Why? | 1. No Money Will Come 2. Matter Is Now Created Solely By The Light 3. Soul Agreements Expired & 4. The Composition of Earth is Changed | 171 Now Dead Asian Deep State Members Gathered Under CITIC Tower in Beijing Hoping to Start Fake Alien Invasion in Middle East | Terraforming Earth Update: 99.97% Complete | Just Empower Me
Then they had to prepare pretty quickly for another meeting that was coming up with the militaries of the world. I know the Pentagon and GCHQ had been calling their phones for hours because this was literally hours before the Global Martial Law situation was supposed to happen at high noon EST on Thursday. So, they were standing at the ready waiting for orders and all the money that was supposed to come out with this declaration, and of course nothing happened.
By the time they called the military people into a meeting it was a screaming fest of epic proportion. There was talk from all the militaries and political operatives in attendance saying forget you people, you never perform. They were talking about potentially calling us on our side. At least she is the only one we’ve ever seen money come from and they are just going to move on. They then started talking about these different alignments, new and full moons.
The screaming match went on for quite some time and I thought we might actually see some progress. It looked like they were going to leave the Orders behind. Later in the day there was a call that was placed to the GIA, to Tom Melville, from someone who works very closely with Global Headquarters. He said everything was going to change and we could expect to start seeing those changes in 24-48 hours, even in mainstream media news. They are going to take back the media and all these lovely things. Well, it’s now at least 36 hours if not longer since they said we would start to see something. But the only thing I have seen from this particular group of Generals, as per usual is they are full of shit. (Kim bleeped that word but I don’t have to)
This is what I have seen, an enormous amount of hacking and I mean enormous. And they are not just trying to hack into the financial system but also the Internet of Body Things, so things that would connect into medical devices, wearable devices that connect on WI-FI. They tried to connect to other devices like Fitbit and smart watches and those types of things which did not work out for them. It was a very large push to you today to cause major disruptions for all of humanity. It looked like they tried even harder, so I’m not sure about that big change.
At the end of the meeting they did ask for some time, EOD tomorrow to get them some funds so they can continue to wait. Wait for what I have no idea, but that could be the reason why they were hacking, to maintain some control over operatives. That fell flat and then they said give it until Monday. I guess these people like to wait. They also then told them on this particular call to, just wait and you’ll see.
I see nothing but the same thing I always see when they have a big failure. And I see zero changes in the news. It’s the same thing I saw the day before and the day before that. There is still a lot of rocket firing and talk between Iran and Israel. The Hezbollah is still attacking Israel now with drones. As of today Israel is still attacking Lebanon. Nothing has changed in the news at all. And this afternoon there was a second round of fighting in meetings and putting everyone off until Monday. So there is no hope of anyone coming to any table or of military funding in the near future.
Media Reports President Zelensky Declares a Cease Fire? Is the Russia-Ukrainian War Coming to an End?
In mainstream media and some alt media they are reporting that Zelensky has declared a cease fire and omg, the Russia-Ukrainian War is going to come to an end. Well, not so fast.
Actually, the Kremlin responded to Ukraine basically saying the only way they are going to accept any kind of a cease fire is if Ukraine is prepared to change its borders. By change its borders they mean that the Donetsk region which is the area that’s been in dispute for about a decade would become Russian and they would give up that territory. The second thing they requested is Ukraine officially recognizes Crimea as Russian. In addition, they also said that as long as there is a NATO application for Ukraine at play, they would not consider any kind of ceasefire.
So, it’s business as usual in the war games of the region.
The Story Behind the Story With This Russia-Ukraine War
In mainstream media it appears that Ukraine is more on the western side. But this is the story behind the story with this war which has a lot to do with business dealings, including within the US. And them wearing their Black Sun symbols on their uniform is not new. The biggest business deal is Hunter Biden used to be on the board of the largest natural gas company in Ukraine as of 2014. He was even on their website for a while until he had the laptop incident and then they took him off the website. But that doesn’t mean that the Biden family doesn’t still own a portion of that gas company. There is also a lot of ex-KGB folks in Ukraine that still have a lot of business dealings with the west, and there is no such thing as ex, they are still KGB in my book because they hail from that era. They even bought into the dinar scam where the dinar is going to re-evaluate. They were paid in dinar for drones and other things they donated for other wars not in Ukraine. This has been going on for decades. Ukraine was the largest area that produced weapons for the USSR back in the day and it has remained so for a very long time. They are still considered one of the largest producers of weapons for the Eastern Bloc.
Since Hunter Biden had that mishap in the first conflict in 2014 and called into question the Biden’s family involvement, a couple of other businessmen from Yale and Harvard took over those slots. I think one is from BP and the other one I can’t remember the company, but you kind of already know one hand feeds the other. The two businessmen according to our files appear to be more on the Black Sun side, whereas the Biden Family is more on the Order of the Dragon side.
So, is this a flip over of the resources of Ukraine?
It looks like it to us. Way back in 2014 Blackrock was playing the role of the Russians. The real Putin was actually involved in the Blackwater situation in terms of hiring and giving them Russian uniforms to portray that they were actually Russian. He definitely stood to personally make a lot off of acquiring the natural gas in the region, that was also part of the deal at the time, and then of course the Blackwater bosses who were Bush Sr., Dick Cheney, and others within the Black Sun. However, nothing really happened and things kind of calmed down for awhile until the last couple years.
Ukraine Gave Blackrock Contracts to Rebuild
If you have not seen it, Ukraine also gave Blackrock the contract to rebuild all of Ukraine. No shocker there, Blackrock – Blackwater — Black Sun. I’m sure they would love to give them the rebuilding of Ukraine and a large share of their commodities there.
Well, that doesn’t appear to be going too well as they appear to want to cut out the Russian bosses. For those who don’t know, Russia has pretty been much been in charge of the former “USSR nations” and they have been the whole time, although it appears in the mainstream media that the USSR has been broken up. That is completely false, it is being run out of Russia, until this conflict here that is, when everyone got a little greedy.
Why Russia Wants This Territory For Control Over Resources
Russia also would like to take over that territory, the Dansk and that is what they were saying by changing borders, and there are reasons for that. There are hundreds of billions worth of natural gas in that region, probably more, it might even be trillions. And remember, natural gas, also known as LNG (liquified natural gas) is the same as oil, meaning it is a regenerating resource.
So, by controlling the region they would have a lot of control over the resources and ownership to which they probably would donate to the Chinese and probably for a very low price, which is why China has also been involved in the war by supporting the fight to gain control.
Why Russia Wants and Believes Crimea Is Theirs
Russia has also been enjoying and recognizing that Crimea is theirs, and there is a pretty large non-working SSP base underneath Crimea. Remember, the SSP operatives are not only American, they are Russian too, actually they heil from every country. So, there is no surprise they would like control over this facility, that had at the time they took control of it one of the few remaining jump rooms on this planet that was still functioning. Now this was over a decade ago, so a lot has changed and that room no longer functions. But of course, this is part of the reason why they wanted Crimea. The other reason is ports and access to the Black Sea, and imports and exports and other things they would like to do in the region.
Is There Really a Fight Between the Ukrainians and the Russians?
I would say the fight right now is more between those not only in Ukraine but also in Russia that appear to be more on the Order of the Black Sun side and the others that appear to be more on the Order of the Dragon side. This is going on internally in Russia. It’s not so much internally in Ukraine, which is like the little brother who’s whining and fighting for control back and 100% profitability for their natural resources.
If you don’t know the Ukraine was actually the birth place of the Order of the Black Sun and not Greece or Egypt as many claim. It was affected hundreds of years before Egypt ever was. A lot happened there, and there used to be a lot of very dark stuff underneath Ukraine.
So is there really a conflict?
Not really. Everyone just wants what they want. It always comes down to money. This war has not made the Ukrainians as much money as they thought it would. And now the US says they need to be more focused on the hurricane of course, because it’s an election season and Ukrainians typically don’t vote in US elections.
So, for now the Americans are saying they are not going to be supporting the Ukraine anymore, they are not in the war, they need to be more focused on hurricane victims. They made a point in mainstream media saying they are offering $20 million to victims of Hurricane Helene. Well $20 million isn’t going to do anything for those people. It’s not going to pay for their bills, not the mortgages, not to repair their homes. It’s not going to do anything, but it’s good campaign talk, I guess. We’ll see if they even get it and how long that takes because the way I look at it, they may have made that promise of money coming out before they got any.
So, another failure today. Are they going to push it off? Will they be able to get another credit line from another bank? Maybe. But in either case I hope the people get the funding they need and deserve, but it’s going to require a lot more than that.
The Real Vladimir Putin
Putin was KGB. He is also not living as he died several years ago and there are rumors his ex-wife and others said that several years ago. Let’s just say I know enough about what happened there and it wasn’t long after I had left there that this incident happened.
The real Putin at the time was involved with Blackwater, that’s a fact. At the time I was shocked and surprised he was involved with that situation, but not so much so when I looked at the copper isotopes and other deals he was doing around the world at the time. He just presents himself more as a patriot, more for the Russian people, but of course as a KGB agent he’d tell people what they wanted to hear. His propaganda machine works exceedingly well, they present him as a bad ass, but in reality, he is just a businessman that utilizes his position to acquire personal wealth. It only comes out as corruption when they fall out of line of the Order. Like the Hunter laptop, Putin failed to secure some big deals over in China with China Petroleum and between Kazakhstan.
Hunter obviously has some personal issues that interfere with his ability to make deals on behalf of the Order, so there is your exposure. It’s not really about exposing him and his business deals, it’s his lifestyle they are exposing and it’s done on purpose. The same thing happened to General David Petraeus. They threw up this lady and affair and him giving secrets with his clearance which is no different than others in those positions do. He just happened to want to consolidate agencies and do a few other things which was out of line with what the Order wanted, when they had a lot of power.
Now I’m not going to say they don’t have power over these people anymore, but this is what you’re seeing, even in the alt media. The alt media always gets so happy when they expose people like P. Diddy and others, but unfortunately these are people they either want to steal their wealth from, which they could do without the fanfare, or they are trying to make it look like the white hats are actually doing something when of course they’re really not.
So, are the Russians fighting for Russia at the highest level?
No, not even a little bit. They are fighting for control, money and power, the same as the US does.
Is Russia really part of this BRICS organization and are they really fighting against the west for freedom and de-dollarization and all this stuff you see in the news?
Absolutely not, you’ve got to be kidding me.
Russia’s Business Dealings in the 1990s
Let’s talk about Russia back in the 1990s and their business dealings. You could have bought anything in Russia during the time of the alleged fall of the Soviet Union, it’s still not fallen. It’s still functioning the same as it was before, I’ve been there, that’s a fact. Business was wide open. You could buy a nuclear submarine if you had enough cash, or you could buy into some top oil and gas companies. At the same time that company TNK-BP was born, which gave British Petroleum, and of course MI6, and the CIA a huge interest in Russian oil, they were enjoying a large amount of profitability there together. They also made some deals on the price of that oil as it relates to BP. They also made a lot of other backdoor deals which would allow for the Russian oil to be transported around the world because we know all customs and border control are run by the CIA worldwide. So, it kind of was a deal that had to happen for the Russians to profit significantly.
Every large corporation in Russia is run by ex-KGB and you could say cooperatively with ex-CIA. Now there is no such thing as ex, so you can say the corporations were run and still are currently by these agency people in a covenant that was made 3,000 years ago.
The Black Sun side or intelligence agency folks were there to secure the assets acquired during the alleged fall of the USSR, which were really acquired by the Order of the Dragon anyway, long before then before the fall of the Czar. And this particular Czar was even part of those families. They have a long-sorted history in Russia, mainly due to the enormous amount of land and resources they have.
But are they fighting the west at this moment in time?
No. They are fighting between each other, meaning the Order of the Dragon, which is the Red Dragon in Russia and the Order of the Black Sun to see which organization is going to actually have control. You see the Order of the Black Sun folks and ex-agency folks got tired of taking just their 10% for security. They wanted to have full control and we know, as we’ve said many times security = control. In Russia that is no different.
The Gorbachev Clan
Now at the alleged fall of the Soviet Union another clan was formed that we call the Gorbachev Clan. They are a group of oligarchs who were given $11 trillion to manage and that was held offshore in a little country called Andorra. Mikhail Gorbachev was welcomed as a higher-ranking member of the Order of the Dragon. He took the position of head of the Red Dragon at the time, and now it’s been given to somebody else since some of the funding was moved around and cutoff and that kind of thing. Maybe he wasn’t successful in one of his tasks or whatever.
Clans are like political operatives and are very wealthy. There is still a Yeltsin Clan, a Putin Clan and they are made up of operatives that run the administration. It’s just like the US, there is a Biden Clan, a Trump Clan and the Reagan Clan members are still around, some of which joined the Trump team. So Russia is no different and the clans got big payoffs. It wasn’t Reagan’s speech of tear down that wall that did it, it was the Rothschild family and $11 trillion that made that wall come down. And there was no help from American political operatives called Reaganites or anybody else really. It was just all in the game. There really was no such thing as the Cold War, it was just time for a transition of power, and so it was.
Getting a Position For Stepping Down
If you’re old enough to remember, Gorbachev got the position for stepping down. So, you shouldn’t be surprised that Trump was also promised a position and a similar large payout of funds that he was supposed to manage as well. Those funds were supposed to come from the Order of the Black Sun and they were supposed to be given to him so he would have a higher-ranking position within the American royalty so to speak, and he was supposed to be getting large payouts from the organization.
As a matter of fact, even after his death, whoever is playing the part now, was supposed to still get this payout as of today. Nothing has changed. The only difference is they had more control back in the Gorbachev days than to do now. They refused to recognize the fact I was the one that supported the Trump Administration with better intentions for Americans which he never followed through with behind the scenes. Now they can wait for all these people to go and pay something which is never going to happen. I wish them luck. As a matter of fact, there are several law firms that are still waiting for their payouts from these people. Some walked away and stopped billing hours to the organization because they have to take other clients that are actually paying them. I hear some of them actually work for the Yakuza now. They do have some money because they do a lot of black-market trading of goods and services.
Russia, the KGB and DeBeers Business Deals
For those who don’t know, Russia and the KGB also signed extremely large deals and I mean really large and really long spanning, 2-3 decades long with DeBeers. Russia produces a lot of diamonds; however, they were only able sell a limited amount on the market to increase the cost of diamonds to us lowly consumers who like to purchase these things, so diamonds would still be considered rare as a commodity.
DeBeers also made a lot of different deals along with Oppenheimer throughout the African continent. So, there is no surprise that the KGB in charge of the diamond sector of Russia also profited greatly with the deal they made with DeBeers on an ongoing basis, until they didn’t. They were also told they would be paid in these rough-cut diamonds, which they were in part, but they were not allowed to sell those either. So, their offers from DeBeers kind of fell flat and there is no surprise there. They are a bit angry over there too, just like the operatives in America these days because they aren’t getting paid either. So maybe turnabout is a little bit of fair play, especially for the operatives that participated in the alleged fall the USSR, which they were paid handsomely for. But that ship sailed because those people don’t control money anymore at all.
So is Russia really fighting the west with BRICS and their partners?
No, they are not, this is just for you, a lot of talk to believe in a savior.
India, a BRICS Partner Says they Will Not Support De-Dollarization
Also coming out in the news in last couple of days is India has said they will not support de-dollarization. Interesting. The same country where the Guptas have sat on the board of Goldman Sachs for awhile, the same country that did a trillion-dollar deal with Elon Musk for a hyperloop train a few years back, which never came by the way.
Why is Elon Musk Is Supporting the Trump Administration?
Elon now is supporting the Trump Administration and is basically saying he is in serious trouble if Trump is not elected, which makes you wonder how many deals behind the scenes is Elon making on behalf of the hopeful new Trump Admin? I’ll just say they are really, really extensive, he put a lot of money out there, let’s call them down payments. He promised a lot of technologies and made a lot of deals based on the Starlink technology he’s got.
The funding for said deals is supposed to come from the Trump Admin and it is also supposed to come from the Order of the Black Sun who has told everybody they were the ones that supported the Trump Administration. Well, I never was part of the Black Sun and never will be and I’m definitely not getting involved in that orange man show a second time around. I learned my lesson the first time.
So, Elon Musk is going to be disappointed either way. I gotta tell you, the amount of lies they tell you the people doesn’t even compare; in fact, it pales in comparison to the amount of lies they tell each other.
Russia is still making backdoor deals with China right now and have been for well over a decade with the natural gas in the Dansk region and their Black Sun partners. These people are still running around like it’s 1985, and I’m not just talking about Russia but the entire Order on both sides and their organizations. Since we have shut off the spicket, there has been a whole lot of lies and whole lot of promises and the deep state actors just keep getting on TV and keep dancing don’t they. Elon Musk now with Trump and Zelensky’s still dancing. That hasn’t changed.
Terraforming Earth – Hologram Removal Update
Significant progress has been made on our part in the last couple of days around the removal of any influence not only on the planet but throughout the multiverse from omega. I gotta say this last point or percent I’m at now has been a bear. But I guess that’s to be expected when you back an animal into a corner, and this is a really big animal that has been around for billions of years. This is not deep state people or a few military people, this is your actual deep, deep, deep, deep state. Without that they have nothing which is why my focus has been on that. And the thing that hopefully has changed is their ability to cause us humans harm, their ability is declining rapidly.
Hurricane Relief Effort
Yes, I am paying attention to what is happening in Florida, the Carolinas, and other areas. We are working on a backdoor network in the area that can be more in support of the people without the interference of government people. We kind of took away their whole reason for wanting to be there. Some of the things they were planning on mining have been confirmed by them to be missing which is good for us and the people and hopefully they will leave the people from that area alone.
I’ve been reading the comments here and there about what is happening there. It’s tragic what happened and the devastation is enormous and I’m not in any way downplaying what happened in that region or even what happened in Florida. It could have been a lot worse in Florida, but the government corruption looms large there in both places.
Deals were made on that land, deals were already made across borders even for the materials that were located under the Carolinas and those deals too will fall flat. But as far as support for the people, it has to be done in a certain way. Please understand me when I tell you there is no sense in doing something loud and proud that is only going to hurt people more. I’m trying to say there is a plan in place. We do not need those people who are considering themselves responders on the ground that will take what we give, we don’t need fanfare or videos all over social media, we do not need anything if we are going to go in and do what we do. Just understand some things cannot be broadcasted because they will go in and take everything we got and that would mean pretty much any help. It has to be done in a certain way because those people are crazy. This is for the people and not for the news to say what we do and what we don’t do. I understand some people are very upset, they do a lot of doom scrolling. I saw some things on Tik Tok with people knee deep in water before there was even a surge, they were putting those things out 2 days before the hurricane. They get paid to do so on Chinese social media. It doesn’t surprise me that they want to create as much fear as possible to use you to manifest things. Again, you don’t’ realize how powerful you are as a group. Those of you on the ground probably do but those on the outside looking in don’t know what is happening. So I really want to thank you for the field messenger report from Fort Meyers, Florida. It’s important people like you report what is really go on so we can dispel some of the rumors, the fear, and the doom in social media and alt media. We appreciate you more than you know, so I hope you all watch that in today’s news.
With that, I wish you all a wonderful weekend and it’s time for me to get back to work.
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Thankyou ladies and God bless you with quick sucess : )
bonjour, ok merci👍kim, idem just
what has Kim done so far? N O T H I N G !
Yes indeed, and the chemtrails keep going on, even the HAARP patterns are still in the sky.
No more control of it? Yeah right.
One starts to wonder who she really is.
Maybe she’s part of the deep state, but she doesn’t know it, because she’s programmed not to know.
How else can she be on YT saying all these things.
If I would do it, I would be kicked out in an instant.
Remember, believe what you see yourself, oh no, that’s not believing, it’s actually knowing.
And if there are aliens, other dimensions and so on, show it, don’t talk about it, proof it.
absolument, on veut des photos
Yes Jurgen I too am starting to believe she is not telling truth because our planet has not improved much despite all her alleged deeds for the good of man and the planet.
Anything she claims she has done or is doing for us has zero evidence so far.
Kim has no clear power or evidence for anything she says and it is harmful to humanity when Kim makes statements as being facts that only she can perceive and we cannot.
In that respect, it is a good thing that she has very few followers and is not known to the hypnotized public.
Who will never believe her anyway
Much promises and no proof at all makes the blind believer live in joy.
It’s entertaining and that’s how you have to look at it. If everything she publishes is true, why charge for a subscription?
You can still see it for free on YouTube.
Thanks for the update, hopefully the deep state will soon sink into their own narrow-minded abyss. Their crimes against humanity are the limit!
I would like to note that the region in Ukraine is NOT the Dansk region, but Kim is talking about the Donetsk region.
A big difference!
Donetsk region:
Oh, thank you I will correct that.