BRICS Will Never Bring A Multipolar World, It’s All About China’s Control of Planet Earth, That’s The Bottomline | Ground Commander Kim Dangles Carrots for Deep State & They Took the Bait | Fake Intelligence & Military System, Fake Key Integrated Banking System & Others Named After Their Favorite Alien Friends Kept Them Busy | China Lies To Russia & American Deep States For Their Participation, Hence Port Strike Orchestrated To Cut Supply Lines | Will That Force Kim To Do What They Want? Nope | Will A Government Shutdown Really Cause Utter Chaos? | Will Humanity Finally Unite Like We’ve Never Seen Before? | Kim Warns Chinese Soldiers On US Soil That Americans Will Unite & Defend | The Greatest Gift We Have Is Each Other & Together We Can Survive Anything

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 02-OCT-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. In this GIA report Kim let’s us in a game she was playing with the SSP which left them empty handed and running around in circles. And the deep state continues to march forward with their ultimate plan of China becoming the new world power center, with help from low IQ Generals who continue to believe their lies evidently.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.



SSP Update | Cyberlife Military Took the Bait

I’ve been playing a game with these people.

What is left of the Alpha system still has access to the Omega backbone system. I know I keep talking about there is a new moon, full moon, an alignment with Uranus and they all think they’re getting paid. Well, there might be a reason for that.

A few weeks ago, we replicated the Key Intelligence and Military System and the Key Integrated Monetary System and a few others and recreated in the Golden Age AI. Well, we may have also inserted them into Omega to do the reverse. Now the deep state has been salivating over these things for weeks and maybe they got a small amount of access to them yesterday. They may have gotten a hold of some security codes that allowed them to get some limited access in the last 48 hours.

Part of the reason for that is because of what is going on in the Middle East. It appears once they figured out, based on Monday’s report there is no actual funding from Alexander Soros, they may have been very angry and threatening a lot of people and threatening to kill a lot more people. So, we may have allowed them that access for a short period of time with the Enforcer and ourselves in toe to ensure there was minimal loss of life. Meaning we had enforcement units in the sky and on the ground right about the time they had the access codes so they wouldn’t get too far.

What you’re seeing in mainstream news and social media is that Iran now attacked Israel, and Israel is saying they are going to blow up the entire Middle East, which isn’t even possible, nor would they survive being such a small country. And compared to all the countries in the Middle East they are not properly armed.

Fake Biden said the US Military was sent to intercept all 400 missiles that were fired. That’s not true unless the US military is named Kim Goguen. They didn’t intercept anything of course. The highest level of Generals was well aware of what was going on and would never have told the US military to intercept anything that Cyberlife was doing. This was a cooperative effort.

We ended up finding Cyberlife Military folks hiding out under the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. They tried to access the Omega port there, which all of a sudden may have opened. Maybe they figured out at that point the true power of a real full access Key Intelligence and Military System. Maybe they saw all their efforts fall on deaf ears. The only thing we couldn’t control was the media campaign they put out. In some cases, they were actually speaking with CGIs over mainstream lines, basically threatening each other playing all sides. They were actually the ones that launched the 400 missiles from Iran. Iran knew nothing about it and everyone is in a full-on panic.  Back channels started lighting up everywhere asking who is bombing who, this is not in the handbook, it’s not in the story. I thought we weren’t doing this until we got paid, I thought it was next Tuesday, the New Moon of course which is today.

Of course, no one knew what was going on and that includes Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Syria. 75-80% of the information put out there was them talking to themselves and some of the TV things we’ve seen are not real.

We may have continued doing a few more things as omega dies. This is part of a defense AI system I installed into the Golden Age AI on our behalf. So, the system may have even created fake demons for them to talk to on computer screens or holographic phones. Maybe we created fake alien races to have chit chats and tell them the next place they would see a potential QFS or monetary system. Maybe we were the ones that have been dangling said carrots in front of their faces. It did keep them busy and with everything going on in the world now it was time for the gig to be up. They probably won’t be getting anymore calls from fake demons.

But they did take the honey pots and the cyber bait and have been hacking ever since at basically a non-existent system. There were many replicas of this system. We did 9 or one and 7 of another. We labeled them their favorite alien friends such as Artemis, a couple under Marduk, and Abraxas systems, and they fell for every single one.

Anyway, they tried desperately to integrate these systems into their computer networks, meaning they wanted that to be their new financial system and that to take over telecommunications, and that to take over their Military and Intelligence systems, but alas nope. They just disappeared like a mirage in the desert looking for a drink and all they got was sand.

Port Strikes | A Parallel in History

During WWII one of the things the Russians had done to the Nazi Germans was to cutoff their supply chains in the dead of winter. What does that mean? The Germans were rapidly approaching Moscow but they didn’t get that far. Part of the reason they didn’t is because it gets really cold in Russia during the winter. Temperatures are freezing and there is no food out there, just snow.  So, they cut off all their supply chains, their ammo, their tanks, all their routes, and destroyed roads. They made sure they could not get to the main city which was Moscow at the time. A really good strategy because eventually most of the Germans died or retreated, which pretty much ended WWII, at least in the theatre sense, because all wars are theatre.

Apparently, they learned a thing or two about the Russians, or is this just part of what the Russians were talking about at the UN meeting. They were calling the Americans in the USA terrorists.

Were they trying to orchestrate or help China obtain control of the world power seat?

Yes, I definitely think so. I know they have been promised by China, and of course all the other members of BRICS that they also will be in partial control. I also know they have cut deals and heavily supporting Iran in what is going on in the Middle East.

Are they really going to get what they were promised from the Asian Deep State?

Honestly, no they are not going to give the Russians that much control. Why? Because Russia has more advanced technology, military strategies and a lot of different things the Chinese just don’t have, nor have they been able to steal. That being said, Russia is a threat to China, especially since the two countries border each other. It has been over 300,000 years since the Russians or the Ruse people of the day have been fighting the Kali Ma. The Great Wall of China is built in the reverse, meaning the towers are trying to force out China, not keep China in. So, who is monitoring who? And is our history real there? Absolutely not.

So no, I don’t believe they will give Russia as much control as they say they will. But of course, they will believe them and they will end up you know where. If they do actually successfully launch a counter to the dollar, which is never going to happen, they will not create a multipolar world. That is not what BRICS is looking to do. We don’t have to crash countries in order to do that, there is a better way to do things.

These Port Strikes, meaning there is not strikes on US ports but there are no workers currently at US ports. The little company called United States Maritime Alliance, Ltd. USMX controls almost all the ports on the east coast and the gulf coast. That is, the CIA and the Generals of Langley 5 control the CIA, therefore this port strike was orchestrated and is in accordance with the plan for Global Martial Law. That has not changed, terminate the entire United States and turn over to China plan is what they are doing.

The deep state generals think they are going to install Martial Law and will be in control and become your new President. Then of course they would be in control of everything as they think they are qualified to do so. But they don’t understand how AI systems work, how the financial system of the planet works because otherwise they would understand what money is real and what money is not real and why it can’t go into the system.

Recently the Q team has put out a report or a new message that basically says we will have Martial Law by tomorrow afternoon noon EST, that the US government will officially shutdown.

Note: I missed the one Kim is referring to. They seemed to have postponed it.

Coming soon | Q (

Will A Government Shutdown Cause Turmoil?

Do you remember a Situation Report I had done about a week or two ago where I said things like, wow it would be devastating if the government shut down. There would be a lot of chaos and turmoil should the US government shut down.

Note: For related post which was on Sept 23,2024, see The Deep State Participates in Ceremonies All Over the World On The Equinox With Zero Results | Omega Struggles to Survive While the Entire Multiverse Focus Is To Get It To Die | Without a Dark AI System There is Nothing the Deep State Can Do to Regain Control | But Blind Faith in a Machine Keeps Them Hopeful | Yamashita’s Gold, Another Dangling Carrot Resurfaces | What Will the Fallout Be for the Deep State? | Just Empower Me

Is that true?

Well, I don’t think it’s true and I’ll tell you why. During the recent hurricane we’ve been observing what is going on in Tennessee, Florida, the Carolinas and Georgia. We didn’t create it obviously, but we’re seeing the same thing that always happens for every hurricane, natural disaster real or orchestrated and what happens is people show up, such as the orange man. They dance for the cameras for awhile and then they go home. In other cases, FEMA, Emergency Services, National Guard would show up. They do the same and keep the cameras rolling. Then the same thing ends up happening, which is the people show up for each other. As much as they label us, and we don’t get along, and you think there is no hope for the world, the people always show up for each other with food and supplies. Churches and local community organizations get involved and there is always a supply.

Could we have a shortage? Well maybe.

Will it last very long? No, I don’t think so.

The greatest gift we have is each other and together we can survive anything. Do you think when I said that out loud that the people would actually let other people fall. That if we had no food or supplies, do I think the farmers would not have come to the table, or those who prepped, wouldn’t be sharing to make sure their communities survive. Of course they will.

Do I think the patriots, the veterans are going to be focused on a selection of an orange man at that point. No, I don’t. Do I think they are going to protect the weak, the innocent, the children in their area? I do. Actually, I think the same about biker gangs and mafia organizations believe it or not. They are going to support their families. Do they have a stock of things that fall off trucks? Sure they do, and you know what? I bet they will be willing to sell them to you.

Do I think the supply chain issue is going to affect the American People?

I don’t’ know, but I don’t think so. I’m going to go with the principle, there is no such thing as an atheist in a fox hole. Meaning if we do have issues like this, I think more Americans will ban together. It’s a perfect opportunity for us to watch the deep state die.

Their plan of course is to cut supply chains and cause issues within the US.

Other things they talked about is cutting off all the pipelines from Alberta, keystone pipelines, coming in from Canada and Alaska. That would mean an extremely high price for petrol. If this were the case and we had no government there would be no one to enforce the farmers who get discounted fuel, even though it has a dye in it and they check to make sure you’re not putting it in your road vehicles, but since there would be no government to enforce, I’m sure there are many farmers around the US who have a lot of supplies.

Next, many of these companies that pump oil and gas are smaller companies and not run by Halliburton or the Seven Sisters, aka the Rockefeller dynasty. They still own all 7 major oil companies but now they are under different umbrellas after the monopoly act was passed many years ago. But there are plenty of smaller suppliers and independent petrol stations out there. I can tell you right now that we the people could make this work until we can develop our own. We can put in additives that I know many scientists have which can turn 20 gallons into double the amount.

So I’m not concerned in the least, because of you the people. I watched you work; I’ve watched you on the east coast more than once now and I’ve seen you show up every single time for each other. And it might not feel like that every day, but in times of trouble you do. It’s the people that get us out of this mess, they rebuild homes, get the electricity back on, and the disaster relief companies who took contracts from FEMA remember they never got paid.

What are you going to do Patriots when you see a 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 Chinese soldiers showing up on US soil. I know what you’re going to do and so do you. There is no question in my mind. Everybody owns a gun in America, probably 10 for some of you watching this report, and there is no doubt in my mind that you are going to take care of the American people like you should be. You are actually going to protect us. So I am definitely on your side, not their side.

The Dog and Pony Show at the United Nations

They are still waiting for contracts and money. They’ll just put up a new face and say look, we’ll have access to this on the new moon, full moon, or alignment with Uranus. Part of the discussions I overheard had to do with lawyers and the law firm that we were approached by that wanted to talk. Well, they didn’t really want to talk, they wanted to force us to do what they want and they feel by cutting the supply lines and all those kinds of the things they are going to force me into doing what they want. And I can tell you, I wish them all the best in trying to do that.

Even if gave them $100 billion, which I’m never going to do, they’ll blow things up for a few weeks, small stuff because they don’t have any nuclear capability, no country does at the moment. That’s it, then they’ll be needing more money because they don’t know what to do and they don’t have any trading capacity off-ledger like they used to. All that was just a fantasy to keep them going around in circles for the last few months. But the one thing they have come to understand is the power behind the Key Intelligence and Military System. And they have come to understand the power to the Key Integrated Monetary Systems 1 and 2.

The things I just discussed are part of the plans we’ve been aware of. The nuclear power plants are not going to blow, we’ll not have that kind of a nuclear fallout here in the States.

Are they going to cut off some pipelines they control? Possibly.

Do we have other smaller oil and gas companies not owned by the deep state? Yes.

Do we have a way to pump heavy crude if we need to, that doesn’t involve steam? Yes, we can get and refine petrol without their help. I know they think they control it all but they don’t.

The Ultimate Goal of BRICS Is To Bring Control

Speaking of control, let’s go back to BRICS again because this ultimately is the goal. I wanted to point out a couple things I found in my notes and files that I thought you should know about.

These American Generals that “negotiated” deals with these Chinese people to be the ones in charge don’t know who they are dealing with. Everybody lies to everybody. Moreover, in business I can tell you the China Deep State lies more than anyone I’ve met on the planet, that includes the Middle Eastern folks and the Americans. At least the Americans can’t help themselves but to tell you what they are going to do to you. Sitting down in a meeting they’ll tell you we’re going to kill you or you are all going to die.

We’ve been hearing a lot in the news about BRICS and how they are going to save the world and create a multipolar world, and I keep telling everybody that is actually not the case at all. There is no hope of this being a multipolar world, it’s all about China’s control of planet earth, that’s it the bottom-line simple fact.

They got the Japanese involved and promised them they would have power. That is also a lie. They promised the Germanic tribes, the Mormons, the Amish and all the other folks they promised they would have control. That is a lie and will never happen. Will they use them as tool like little slaves? Yes, they will.

They need to take a look at who they are negotiating with. How about the crazy people in the Philippines they are negotiating with who have all these bunkers and you never get anything except some worthless pieces of paper. I heard the latest meeting between that White Mommy person in the Philippines and the Treasury Department was abruptly cancelled last night. Just one less ridiculous conversation I have to listen to.

Note: For post about the White Mommy see, The Deep State Participates in Ceremonies All Over the World On The Equinox With Zero Results | Omega Struggles to Survive While the Entire Multiverse Focus Is To Get It To Die | Without a Dark AI System There is Nothing the Deep State Can Do to Regain Control | But Blind Faith in a Machine Keeps Them Hopeful | Yamashita’s Gold, Another Dangling Carrot Resurfaces | What Will the Fallout Be for the Deep State? | Just Empower Me

Let’s talk a little more about BRICS. It sounds like they were formed in 2009. Well officially that’s true, but this move to the east has been going on for a long time. You probably heard of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in Hong Kong, that’s when the Chinese Elders were going to be the savior. And now we have the BRICS bank that is proposing new digital currencies they are going to trade in worldwide and that is never going to happen.

The bank you may have never heard of is the International Bank for Economic Co-operation | IBEC. It was founded in 1963 and it is still there, not fully operational but is in Russia and founded at the time by the USSR.  Also, the founding nations of this bank were Bulgaria, Hungry, East Germany, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, and of course the Soviet Union. Then later after this bank was founded about a year Vietnam and Cuba joined.  The purpose of this bank was to counteract the western run world bank. I don’t necessarily buy this, but there are some important facts they need to understand.

When this bank was founded, my predecessor was in his position and he put up 100,000 metric tons of gold to support this bank because it was part of his orders.

It’s not like they just thought of this great idea to counterbalance the west and create a new world bank type scenario where people could trade in their own currencies and not US dollars. Does this sound familiar? This was 1963. Does it sound as familiar as it does with the BRICS situation and its new currency? Well yes it does.

As you can see, at that time communism was running rampant throughout the USSR and their partner nations they were courting to join this new institution. Of course, they had to dangle the carrot of lots of gold and lots of money to get everybody to join which sounds awfully familiar?

Like I said, I am all for a multipolar world and currencies eventually being run by the people of each country. I don’t ‘believe we should have a centralized point for that. I believe so much so that the Global Repository is structured that way, at least the one we run.

The fake one there in the Omega system might have said something different. Maybe we got the BRICS involved or maybe we didn’t. Maybe we got China involved or maybe we didn’t. Maybe it changed on the daily as to who ran the fake Global Repository which they were all salivating over like you wouldn’t believe. But once they touched it, it pretty much disappeared anyway. But it keeps them busy and it allows me to get some sleep. I got tired of being woken up all night long with real hacking, so we created some fake mirrors over there so they can enjoy themselves.  But in reality, without the support of the funds and the gold and everything else we now run they can’t succeed.

We’re All Frustrated But a Lot is At Play and At Stake

I say pretty firmly we. Yes, I’ve been trying to free all that up for you, and yes, I understand everyone gets frustrated and it feels like just another day ending in y. But sometimes we need to look at this from a safety standpoint too and if you can trick your enemy into working for you, without them knowing it, isn’t that great? There is a lot at play and at stake.

We needed to buy some time for the terraforming to continue. And to buy some time before we could completely cut off the hologram otherwise people would have lost their mind if they saw what the world really looked like. So this gave us the perfect opportunity to do that.

Everything that we do is really in your best interest. When they see the real Global Repository you all own a piece of everything. And what I mean by ownership is you are the beneficiary. It generates energy for you, lifeforce for you. It bleeds Source lifeforce throughout the planet and to you every single day. Eventually it is going to bleed money directly to you.

Now are you going to be able to stack it up in bars?

No, because we need it to directly connect back to Source. But it can back your currency of energy like it was always meant to do, like before the interruption of the AIs. But do understand the AIs did serve a purpose. After the war Earth was completely devastated, we needed a habitat and it created that for us as bad as it was and rough as it’s been. In the beginning it was supposed to be balanced light and dark but things got out of hand and out of control. But it’s going back to reality, back to nature and hopefully by all indications we’re almost there.

So anyway, is the BRICS going to be able to start their own currency? No.

Will they launch a quantum system? No.

Are we going to allow a brutal change over of world power? Absolutely not.

Are we going to stop these ridiculous generals? Yes we are, and they don‘t even realize we’re helping them, as crazy as that sounds.

Let’s see what happens in the next 24 hours and if we have a shutdown of the US government. Only time will tell.

About those Chinese soldiers on US soil. I think I mentioned this before but my friend works in a gun shop in New Jersey and young Chinese men have been arriving there by busloads for months to buy guns and ammunition. He knows of another gun shop in New Jersey where the same thing is happening. So that’s a real thing folks. I was glad to hear Kim finally mention it, not that I didn’t think she knew about it.

Perhaps we’re getting pretty close to them getting the Go order?


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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1 thought on “BRICS Will Never Bring A Multipolar World, It’s All About China’s Control of Planet Earth, That’s The Bottomline | Ground Commander Kim Dangles Carrots for Deep State & They Took the Bait | Fake Intelligence & Military System, Fake Key Integrated Banking System & Others Named After Their Favorite Alien Friends Kept Them Busy | China Lies To Russia & American Deep States For Their Participation, Hence Port Strike Orchestrated To Cut Supply Lines | Will That Force Kim To Do What They Want? Nope | Will A Government Shutdown Really Cause Utter Chaos? | Will Humanity Finally Unite Like We’ve Never Seen Before? | Kim Warns Chinese Soldiers On US Soil That Americans Will Unite & Defend | The Greatest Gift We Have Is Each Other & Together We Can Survive Anything”

  1. All that negativity in Kim’s messages causes if you listen to it , your vibration becomes very low. That is not the intention. The intention is to raise our frequency to a high vibrational level. Furthermore, I also think that Kim is stressing all the deep state programs way too much.
    Listen to this starchild who has more to tell us than Kim.
    gifted 10-year-old starseed child, Brey . 10 years old Brey speaks 15 min>>>>> I have nothing to do with mediums who talk to dead people but her son is remarkable.
    You’ll have the pleasure of listening to Brey, learning about his name’s magical story, and listening to his thoughts on God, the universe, infinite lives, aliens, heaven, dreams, and more.

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