This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 03-May-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim gives us a progress report since the faraday cage was installed. She also lets us know more markers were taken from some crazies still going for the world domination dream. Real money is on the table from that too as cartels put forth a budget and the contracts. But first she has a New Deal for the deep state.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

03-May-24 News -Broadband High (
C.A.R.E. Algorithms Being Built to Disregard Government Laws Totally
It’s not going too bad on our side as we’re making progress and moving on by ourself. Our C.A.R.E. algorithms are almost finished; we’re installing a cross-reference to the Hall of Records and those types of things. There are all lot of operating systems within C.A.R.E. and oversight stuff as far as different types of monetary disbursement. We built in contingency funds, things we can’t account for and security funding because almost all our projects will need that. This also would take into account material integrity. We’re building in all these algorithms so when a project is submitted, we account for everything. That’s what I’ve been working on predominantly to move forward.
We’re also working on banking algorithms, and some new rules to the banking system. Let’s say the government passes a law where it says they can take money from civilians’ accounts without probable cause. Our algorithm, regardless of what they say will ignore them and enforce it electronically so it’s not possible. We’re having to build in our own security mechanisms right now to ensure our success.
I took a look at Global Headquarters and their security contracts with the Order of the Black Sun which all expired, but I’m trying to control them (not you the people) so they don’t interfere with you since security equals control. So, the best way we can do that is to build it in electronically and then use the Key Intelligence and Monitoring System (KIMS) for physical security to the best of our ability. I’m building in all those little caveats and those algorithms take time because we are building our own rules-based system and will disregard government laws totally. So, they can go on and talk about what they would like to do, but it will be impossible for them to enforce it. For example, in 2013 in the US they passed a law where they can declare you a risk and don’t have to tell you why you are a risk at all.
I had to take into account all the details and all the things they did in the past, like steal money from us, and by us I mainly mean me. I’ve been releasing funds on a full transaction basis, which means that a bank is given an access code and a data code and they log in and actually pull the funds directly from Alpha. That system went defunct in 2018, but for a time I would pull funds in for projects this way, all of which was pretty much stolen. At the time Marduk was involved in a lot of that. And then I figured out how to push funds out and it was purpose driven. I could fund governments; I figured that part out and then it’s been a struggle to get it to you.
So, I had to figure out how to be more independent on our own and now C.A.R.E. will allow me to do that. But in the past, they were supposed to pay me 2% for transferring funds for budgets, paying off debt to China, and all the things we did during all the administrations, Obama included. Never once have they ever paid us a dime and this is important because I gave a new proposal today.
When the Chinese gave RMB bonds to all the treasuries worldwide they got what’s called a haircut. It means that if the bond’s face value is $100 million, they would give 20% of the credit line they issued against it to the Chinese deep state and then retained 80% for the government budget. But they actually paid the Chinese deep state 20%, not us. It’s always not us, yet they call us constantly asking for money. In the beginning of March 2018, we gave every government money. And back in 2012 I also assigned all the gold and bonds to governments and still we got nothing. Yet they keep calling saying they want money.
Now this not only goes for me personally, we also have another situation where political operatives are not getting any money from their people as well, the governments are not getting paid, the local people here who came up with a plan to fix the US government last year also did not get paid even though they were told they would. Therefore, I have a New Deal.
Kim’s New Deal | I Want Your Stuff Deep State!
Since over the last decade we officially have paid out a tremendous amount to the banking system and governments worldwide in $100s of trillions of dollars, here is our contingency. I understand you are broke and cannot pay us in cash. I get that because you need cash from me in order to function. But if you would like to do business with us, I know you have lots of stuff that is government owned worldwide and I want some. For example, in China the government owns more than 50% of every large corporation in the country, therefore you have stuff to give me to pay me back my 2% for all that money I sent you. Free oil, computer chips, lots of stuff I want for C.A.R.E. If you want to engage in a conversation with me you have to pay me back in goods and services. Now I don’t want your fentanyl or pharmaceuticals or your other crap, but I want your other stuff like steel, rare earth minerals., which I will then give to all those participating in C.A.R.E., which will make their projects a lot richer a whole lot faster and whole lot more profitable.
I understand things are different here in the US and the government doesn’t own corporations like that. But they could give money away for free for political favors to large corporations. Well, that’s not entirely true, however, you have the DEA that seizes thousands if not millions of vehicles per annum from drug dealers all over the country. I know you have the inventory.
The Military has a 10-year reserve in oil and gas which they got for free due to sanctions. And I know you have industrial grade diamonds that I could use as well for laser projects and all kinds of things. You have abandoned military bases on US soil that haven’t been used in years. You donated one to Elon Musk. You have some submarines and lots of ships we could use, maybe somebody here could benefit. We want FEMA’s equipment too since they’ll never help in a disaster anyway.
Next, we have something called Veterans mortgage lending programs and HUD which are run through Ginnie Mae, which over the course of the last few years repossessed or foreclosed on an enormous number of homes and commercial buildings across the country. And Ginnie Mae is a government program, so I would like that REO portfolio too, so I can share with C.A.R.E. There are lots we can do with that.
If your corporations or banks would like some money, well you also have repossessed properties, repossessed cars, you have all kinds of stuff too, more so in the last three years than you ever had. You have manufacturing equipment too. You need liquidity, I need stuff. BlackRock has commodities you have stuff too. Government people, you owe us trillions of dollars, why don’t you get me stuff from your corporate donors.
Preventing Governments from Receiving Funds From Third Party Sources
The next little caveat we are installing will prevent governments from receiving money from any third-party sources anywhere in the world, because security equals control doesn’t it. Let’s just say the Silent Circle decides to give money to the US for continuance of government, or China decides to issue more bonds to the Treasury Dept, well I can lock you down. I am your new global headquarters, not only for financial systems, but telecommunications, military systems and other things I’m sure you would love to have, but since none of you want to work with us, I can manage all from my living room. Are we going to continue to allow financial scams and fake currencies of the banana republic. No. I am tired of waiting for people, and now you are seeing it bleed out. We have just gotten a lot harder and a lot smarter because we’re tired of this game. You are wasting everyone’s time.
So, you can give me your stuff and I’ll be open for business. You are going to pay us with inventory we want or we are not going to talk to you. If you are from any government and would like something from me, I want something from you. They called Tom Melville and told him they are going to pay him, but because payment on the come has no credibility, I instructed him to say the same, you will give us some stuff before we have a conversation.
Raymond Reddingtons of the World & Operatives Update
Today is the 1pm meeting where the operatives were supposed to get paid because they believe that Adam AI was going to kick in 3 days after me cutting off the energy supply of omega and Kronos, which is fading out any remaining operating systems on their side. When the system didn’t kick in yesterday, they started to panic a little. Now it’s come to my attention some of the SSP operatives that wanted to own all the operatives and the deep state did take markers from the Raymond Reddington types. A marker is when you agree to do something and you’re willing to bet your life on it, and if you fail, they will come after you.
At the moment everyone is still waiting. I haven’t seen anyone come to the meeting yet to discuss the next biblical tale. I do know a budget was put forth for the specific people making the promises and not delivering. When I say a budget put forth, they are not getting any money, no, no, no. The contracts to which the budget has been put forth is for the elimination of these people, there is a hit-list budget and it has been paid. There is money there, it’s not put up by us, I’m just on the outside looking in. I won’t know until later today if they postponed this call.
It does look like they are very serious about these hit list contracts which would be a positive for us.
Faraday Cage Update
We are seeing very little external interference. The only thing I found were a few operating systems in there that we had to remove and are installing C.A.R.E. to take its place. The other thing we found was Earth being in a Trust from the 6 owners, a Trust for plant life, there was a Trust for virtually every life that generates energy on the planet. It wasn’t functional, there was no money in it but it was still there so we took care of that.
A few fail safes were found too. If energy wasn’t being transferred out it would accumulate in a holding tank similar to the way they would loosh until it reached the top and had to let some out. So, we made sure that wasn’t the case anymore. Little stuff like that, quantum programming things.
Also, some standing orders were in there. For example, if they created a scenario that favored for the former owners, money would come out for unsavory situations such as the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse type situations. But I cut off the operating system that would allow for an automated standing order to pull money from Alpha years ago. What they got were numbers of a screen that nobody could touch and nobody could use in the past. But we needed to make sure those standing orders weren’t still relevant and stop money from moving all the way through the system.
We are not seeing holographic things anymore, it’s pretty well dead from what I can tell. We had a couple of fail safes in the omega-verse. So if an organ is dying in the human body, to use an example , it’s like an infruction (a new word for me, it relates to quantum systems I think), which is like an obstruction and the organ itself starts to die, and we did the same thing to dark technologies. Then when it got to a critical mass, we did have a vortex open up in the Orion Nebula and one in the Regal star system which was an attempt to try to get some energy in to prevent it from dying completely which lasted 5 minutes. There was also another vortex that opened up in the Congo, that was also closed off. Nothing was going to come through it so we weren’t in any danger of that, but it was basically set to make sure the omega-verse and any species down there survived when we hit that critical point of infruction. Most of the stuff that would have made it function wasn’t there.
That’s pretty much where we are at in terms of the dying of the darkness. The SSP was under the impression if this happened a full reversal of the system would kick in, so they are disappointed of course. In addition, it appears the Raymond Reddingtons of the world are going to move into another direction, and they are going to do exactly what they said they are going to do. I will leave it that for right now.
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Thankyou and God bless you.
Dear Kim,
This was a great update. I notice all the banks here in NZ were closed for payments on Saturday 5th May and Sunday 6th May for a nationwide banking system update. Be good if they explained themselves.
Will govt depts be blocked from taxing our income?
Thankyou for all your good work.
Bonjour Kimberly, merci pour le rapport et ton travail Sunny, les choses avancent, maintenant nous voulons voir le concret sur le terrain au quotidien. Tous les membres qui composent la lumière Source première veulent des résultats concrets pour augmenter la lumière Source organique sur la surface, partout en cette univers. Nous voulons la pleine possibilité d’accomplissement du dessin divin premier sur terre et dans les mondes, plus de ténèbres nulle part. Merci pour ton œuvre Kimberly, je t’encourage à ne plus rien attendre de ces gens, encore une fois, agis promptement et de façon radicale et spontanée, sans tenir compte d’eux. Élimine les choses négatives tout de suite, un nettoyage total de ce qui fait barrage à l’accomplissement du dessin Source première. Plus aucune perte de temps Kimberly, tu sais ce que je veux dire et tu comprends mon message pour toi. Idir