Deep State Thinks They Still Have Some Gatekeeper Control From White Knight-Black Knight System (aka Checkerboards) | Kim Sheds Light on Why They Don’t, As She Replaced Line of Solomon As Guardian & The Black Sun As Gatekeeper in 2018 | What Were the 2 Major and 7 Minor Arcs of the Covenant Really? | What Is Kim’s Experience With the Opened Arc? | Today the Arc of the Covenant Agreement Expired, Indicating No More Dark Gates Are Left & There is Only One Way to Go
This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22-Mar-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. A lot of stuff was going on the last couple of days as more and more of the deep state’s stuff fades away and we are officially within 3 days of the lunar eclipse. And in this report Kim shares her […]