SSP-Trump Operatives Lie To The American People Yet Again That Trump is Alive & Wins the Selection | Then Spread Lies Kim Is Willing to Work With Them | The Source Of That Lie Traces Back To The Black Nobility | So SSP-Trump Operatives, Masters of BS Were Fed BS & They Actually Bought It | There Is ZERO Financial Support Now For Govts Worldwide & For Banks At The Upper Level in US | Election of Trump Didn’t Mean Big Payouts Like Promised & Everyone Was Scammed | Enjoy Your 4 Years In Office
This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 06-NOV-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. The election is over and Trump was selected. But did the deep state operatives that are running his campaign get what they were promised? Is it really over? And who was the first person they called? Ben Gurion airport was bombed […]