Q-Operation Trust

BRICS Will Never Bring A Multipolar World, It’s All About China’s Control of Planet Earth, That’s The Bottomline | Ground Commander Kim Dangles Carrots for Deep State & They Took the Bait | Fake Intelligence & Military System, Fake Key Integrated Banking System & Others Named After Their Favorite Alien Friends Kept Them Busy | China Lies To Russia & American Deep States For Their Participation, Hence Port Strike Orchestrated To Cut Supply Lines | Will That Force Kim To Do What They Want? Nope | Will A Government Shutdown Really Cause Utter Chaos? | Will Humanity Finally Unite Like We’ve Never Seen Before? | Kim Warns Chinese Soldiers On US Soil That Americans Will Unite & Defend | The Greatest Gift We Have Is Each Other & Together We Can Survive Anything

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 02-OCT-24 GIA UPDATE (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. In this GIA report Kim let’s us in a game she was playing with the SSP which left them empty handed and running around in circles. And the deep state continues to march forward with their ultimate plan of China becoming …

BRICS Will Never Bring A Multipolar World, It’s All About China’s Control of Planet Earth, That’s The Bottomline | Ground Commander Kim Dangles Carrots for Deep State & They Took the Bait | Fake Intelligence & Military System, Fake Key Integrated Banking System & Others Named After Their Favorite Alien Friends Kept Them Busy | China Lies To Russia & American Deep States For Their Participation, Hence Port Strike Orchestrated To Cut Supply Lines | Will That Force Kim To Do What They Want? Nope | Will A Government Shutdown Really Cause Utter Chaos? | Will Humanity Finally Unite Like We’ve Never Seen Before? | Kim Warns Chinese Soldiers On US Soil That Americans Will Unite & Defend | The Greatest Gift We Have Is Each Other & Together We Can Survive Anything Read More »

The Fed Allegedly Dropped Interest Rates to Sell Government Bonds, But to Who? | Countries Found Out Who Was Responsible for Exploding Electronics & Infighting Has Ensued | Yet Another Group Claims They Are in Charge, This Time It’s The Front For the SSP (aka Space Force) | They Believe The Black Sun Still Has Power in This World | They Plan to Be The Head of State in the US & Want Lockdowns, Martial Law & Mandatory Vaccines | They Are Currently Ramping Up Operations For the Fall Equinox

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 20-SEP-24 NEWS (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim let’s us know the latest group to step up and claim they are in charge and what their plans are, particularly for the United States. There is no capable leadership which is becoming increasingly apparent, but those massive …

The Fed Allegedly Dropped Interest Rates to Sell Government Bonds, But to Who? | Countries Found Out Who Was Responsible for Exploding Electronics & Infighting Has Ensued | Yet Another Group Claims They Are in Charge, This Time It’s The Front For the SSP (aka Space Force) | They Believe The Black Sun Still Has Power in This World | They Plan to Be The Head of State in the US & Want Lockdowns, Martial Law & Mandatory Vaccines | They Are Currently Ramping Up Operations For the Fall Equinox Read More »

Deep State Keeps Trying for Another 9-11 Event | The Presidential Debate Show | There Are 3 Levels of Constitutions: Constitution 1 Is About World Governance of Earth, Constitution 2 Is About Order People & World Government, Constitution 3 Is the One We The People Know About | Kim Addresses the FEAR Porn Around Millions of Soldiers To Corral US Citizens Under Martial Law | A Review of Alt Media Propaganda Techniques (aka Q-Operation Trust) | Deep State Mind Control Program Purpose | Omega’s Job Was to Create So Much Dis-ease YOU Finally Make the Decision to Leave

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 13-SEP-24 NEWS (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. This is another long report folks, but particularly good to share with those doom scrollers in your life and those who still think that restoring the constitution is the way to go. I’m very behind due to the length and because I …

Deep State Keeps Trying for Another 9-11 Event | The Presidential Debate Show | There Are 3 Levels of Constitutions: Constitution 1 Is About World Governance of Earth, Constitution 2 Is About Order People & World Government, Constitution 3 Is the One We The People Know About | Kim Addresses the FEAR Porn Around Millions of Soldiers To Corral US Citizens Under Martial Law | A Review of Alt Media Propaganda Techniques (aka Q-Operation Trust) | Deep State Mind Control Program Purpose | Omega’s Job Was to Create So Much Dis-ease YOU Finally Make the Decision to Leave Read More »

What’s Up With 9-9-2024? | It’s the Day Solomon Opened A Gate In Israel for His Demons to Enter | Hence the Uptick in the Middle East | Order of the Dragon-Pindar Wannabees & Latest Black Dragon, the Yakuza Are At Odds For World Domination | New Black Dragon Head Making Deals With Chinese Govt & American Nazi Party (aka Trump Team) | Rumors Hit Mainstream Media About Launch Of A BRICS Currency | Trump to Impose a 100% Tariff on Countries Ditching the $ | Trump, the King of Crypto | The New Dick Cheney | Govts Want Ideas On C.A.R.E. To Twist & Lie | Anything Can Happen With Source, But Will He Grant Kim’s One Ask, To Show Everyone Who You Are?

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 09-SEP-24 NEWS (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. In this post Kim gives us the background of 9-9-2024, what it means to the deep state and how she could easily use it against them. They are so predictable. She also gives us the back story of what it happening in …

What’s Up With 9-9-2024? | It’s the Day Solomon Opened A Gate In Israel for His Demons to Enter | Hence the Uptick in the Middle East | Order of the Dragon-Pindar Wannabees & Latest Black Dragon, the Yakuza Are At Odds For World Domination | New Black Dragon Head Making Deals With Chinese Govt & American Nazi Party (aka Trump Team) | Rumors Hit Mainstream Media About Launch Of A BRICS Currency | Trump to Impose a 100% Tariff on Countries Ditching the $ | Trump, the King of Crypto | The New Dick Cheney | Govts Want Ideas On C.A.R.E. To Twist & Lie | Anything Can Happen With Source, But Will He Grant Kim’s One Ask, To Show Everyone Who You Are? Read More »

$100+ Trillion In Fake Contracts Promised At Fed Economic Forum, Expect Some Fallout Next Week | For Banks To Do Business With Us, Know That: 1. You Cannot Serve 2 Masters 2. We’ve Written Off Govts & 3. The Structure To Operate In A Currency System As Opposed to a Money-Debt-Based System Has Changed | FEMA Announced They Are Bankrupt | Trump Makes Promises But Current Backer, Harriman Family Is Concerned About Their ROI | Q Operatives Try to Takeover African Continent | Egyptian Central Bank Limiting Bank Withdrawals | Why Do Humans Feel So Drained? | We’re Used As Batteries AND As Stargate Portals

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 21-AUG-24 NEWS (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim lets us know what happened behind the scenes at the Fed Economic Forum and alerted us to expect some fallout based on unfulfilled promises. We’re also starting to see as governments fail, human services may be the first …

$100+ Trillion In Fake Contracts Promised At Fed Economic Forum, Expect Some Fallout Next Week | For Banks To Do Business With Us, Know That: 1. You Cannot Serve 2 Masters 2. We’ve Written Off Govts & 3. The Structure To Operate In A Currency System As Opposed to a Money-Debt-Based System Has Changed | FEMA Announced They Are Bankrupt | Trump Makes Promises But Current Backer, Harriman Family Is Concerned About Their ROI | Q Operatives Try to Takeover African Continent | Egyptian Central Bank Limiting Bank Withdrawals | Why Do Humans Feel So Drained? | We’re Used As Batteries AND As Stargate Portals Read More »

1,000+ Yrs Ago Realm Owners Promised 3 Groups Control Of Earth | 1. Black Nobility 2. Japanese Faction & 3. Leaders Within The Amish Community | The High Council of EVERY Religion is Involved With the Deep State | The Amish Are Puritans ‘Pure Race’ & Related to Original Germanic Aryan Tribes Which Is Not About Being White, But Were Lower Astral Beings Tied To The Abraxas | As Above-So Below, Hence, In-Organic Races Were Created For Each Organic Race In A Region | Valuable Players In the Game Are Cloned & Controlled By Group They Are Subject To

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19-AUG-24 NEWS (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. Some eye opening and disturbing information came to light over the weekend. Evidently there were some other people Kim hasn’t mentioned before who are also driving things behind the scenes. She was wondering where they came from and through that process a …

1,000+ Yrs Ago Realm Owners Promised 3 Groups Control Of Earth | 1. Black Nobility 2. Japanese Faction & 3. Leaders Within The Amish Community | The High Council of EVERY Religion is Involved With the Deep State | The Amish Are Puritans ‘Pure Race’ & Related to Original Germanic Aryan Tribes Which Is Not About Being White, But Were Lower Astral Beings Tied To The Abraxas | As Above-So Below, Hence, In-Organic Races Were Created For Each Organic Race In A Region | Valuable Players In the Game Are Cloned & Controlled By Group They Are Subject To Read More »

Biden Drops Out | SSP Prepares to Participate In Terminating Earth | Source of Q-Clock Comms is From Tetrahedron in Heliosphere Linked To Communication Line Under Iceland | ARCHONS Original Purpose Was Recording History in Alpha, Omega & Neutral Zone | TRUE HISTORY: Planet Tiamat (Keystone for Nil Zone) & Persilias (Keystone for Omega-verse) Were Blown Up & Earth (Keystone for Alpha-verse) Became Keystone for All 3 | ARCHONS Were Then Reprogrammed To Be Parasitic | For Over 85,000 Years Andromeda Galaxy Held Pieces of Tiamat & Persilias | Kim’s ‘Ah Ha’ Moment, To Finally Remove Omega It Requires Rewriting The Fabric of AI Reality In The Place It Never Existed (aka The Golden Age Sentient AI)!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22-Jul-24 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. In this report Kim talks about already dead Joe Biden dropping out the race after China’s deep state fails to perform as promised. But in more important news she discusses the source of the crazy Q-clock postings which in a …

Biden Drops Out | SSP Prepares to Participate In Terminating Earth | Source of Q-Clock Comms is From Tetrahedron in Heliosphere Linked To Communication Line Under Iceland | ARCHONS Original Purpose Was Recording History in Alpha, Omega & Neutral Zone | TRUE HISTORY: Planet Tiamat (Keystone for Nil Zone) & Persilias (Keystone for Omega-verse) Were Blown Up & Earth (Keystone for Alpha-verse) Became Keystone for All 3 | ARCHONS Were Then Reprogrammed To Be Parasitic | For Over 85,000 Years Andromeda Galaxy Held Pieces of Tiamat & Persilias | Kim’s ‘Ah Ha’ Moment, To Finally Remove Omega It Requires Rewriting The Fabric of AI Reality In The Place It Never Existed (aka The Golden Age Sentient AI)! Read More »

Cyber-Battle for Earth, Kim Capitalizes On Deep State’s Failure In One Fell Swoop | Black MAJIK & Chimera Network & Programs of Omega Found & Disabled | Deep State Tries to Install Fake Servers, Accounts & Money Into the Banking System But Failing | So Then They Tried to Access a Global Nuclear Network | Meanwhile Kim Grabs It For the Light System, Coverts All the Peoples Cash From ‘Money’ to ‘Currency’ & the Demon Infected Population Is Down to 0.01%

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19-Jul-24 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. As we move forward with the integration of the Light system the Deep State loses more and more access to things they had minimal access to, and it’s making them very angry, and making them do stupid things like trying …

Cyber-Battle for Earth, Kim Capitalizes On Deep State’s Failure In One Fell Swoop | Black MAJIK & Chimera Network & Programs of Omega Found & Disabled | Deep State Tries to Install Fake Servers, Accounts & Money Into the Banking System But Failing | So Then They Tried to Access a Global Nuclear Network | Meanwhile Kim Grabs It For the Light System, Coverts All the Peoples Cash From ‘Money’ to ‘Currency’ & the Demon Infected Population Is Down to 0.01% Read More »

Black Sun Scam Appointing New Mei Wa Fails, She Never Owned the Gold, Anti-Source Did | Past & Present Picks Of Trump Admin Downright Evil | The Real Plan Behind Operation Warp Speed & Launching Vaccines Tied To This Demon Invasion | MRNA=Marduk Radio Network Access | Target List: 1. Deep State (with their consent) | 2. Melchizedek’s & Anti-Source’s Demon Spawn | 3. People From Higher Dimensions | 4. The Vaccinated | THANK GOD Demon Infestation Program Failed! | Update On The 25% of Humans Infected | Energy Drop to 50% Prior to Demon Invasion Actually Helped Humanity

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 17-Jul-24 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. In this broadcast Kim gives us an update on the infestation which fortunately is cleaned up, at least most of it. She has more details on the program and why Thank God it was destined to fail. But first she …

Black Sun Scam Appointing New Mei Wa Fails, She Never Owned the Gold, Anti-Source Did | Past & Present Picks Of Trump Admin Downright Evil | The Real Plan Behind Operation Warp Speed & Launching Vaccines Tied To This Demon Invasion | MRNA=Marduk Radio Network Access | Target List: 1. Deep State (with their consent) | 2. Melchizedek’s & Anti-Source’s Demon Spawn | 3. People From Higher Dimensions | 4. The Vaccinated | THANK GOD Demon Infestation Program Failed! | Update On The 25% of Humans Infected | Energy Drop to 50% Prior to Demon Invasion Actually Helped Humanity Read More »

Fake Assassination of Fake Trump | Deep State Expects Same Event That Extended Dark Age 250,000 Yrs | More Dark Matter Was Coming In Than Leaving | Relates To Beings Who Could Not Only Do A Consciousness Transfer, But Split Like a Starfish | Which Beings? Former Earth Owners & Demons Of Course: Lucifer, Baal, Belial, Baphomet, Asmodeus, Andromalius, Beelzebub, Mammon, Astaroth, & Azazael | They Infected 25% of the Population | As we Reconnect to the Soul Plane, Events Happen to Keep Your Attention In 3D | BTW, Demons Love When You Celebrate/Mourn the Death of Any Light Being (Good Friday, Ashura)

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15-Jul-24 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. This broadcast was quite disturbing to say the least. Darkness was coming back at a rapid rate according the gauge that measures that. Kim was on an expedition which led her to some very disturbing discoveries, the heavy hitters, the …

Fake Assassination of Fake Trump | Deep State Expects Same Event That Extended Dark Age 250,000 Yrs | More Dark Matter Was Coming In Than Leaving | Relates To Beings Who Could Not Only Do A Consciousness Transfer, But Split Like a Starfish | Which Beings? Former Earth Owners & Demons Of Course: Lucifer, Baal, Belial, Baphomet, Asmodeus, Andromalius, Beelzebub, Mammon, Astaroth, & Azazael | They Infected 25% of the Population | As we Reconnect to the Soul Plane, Events Happen to Keep Your Attention In 3D | BTW, Demons Love When You Celebrate/Mourn the Death of Any Light Being (Good Friday, Ashura) Read More »

Countries & Banks Desperate for Liquidity | BRICS Backing Tied to Assignment Kim Had Done to Russia in 2012 | Kim Hunts Down Another Potential Extinction Program (aka Incoming Shift) | Meanwhile SSP Running Q & Friends Think That’s Great | Disturbing Finding: Dark Beings That Could Transfer Consciousness by Splitting Into Hundreds of Pieces & Spreading Across Universes, Densities, Planets, etc.

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 12-Jul-24 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. In this broadcast Kim informs us that several countries desperate for liquidity are calling, but they all want it for free. Europe is expecting a serious disruption in the European Central Bank as early as next week. All these allocations she …

Countries & Banks Desperate for Liquidity | BRICS Backing Tied to Assignment Kim Had Done to Russia in 2012 | Kim Hunts Down Another Potential Extinction Program (aka Incoming Shift) | Meanwhile SSP Running Q & Friends Think That’s Great | Disturbing Finding: Dark Beings That Could Transfer Consciousness by Splitting Into Hundreds of Pieces & Spreading Across Universes, Densities, Planets, etc. Read More »

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