Mei Wa or Grandma, the Skinsuit for Lilith After All | Her Spawn, Dr. Lee Hiding in Plain Sight as Owner of a Dry Cleaners | His Other Job Was Sinister & Involved a Mega Facility Taken Out by the Enforcer | China’s Dream for World Domination Dashed Again! | What Will the Generals Loyal to Dr. Lee Do Now? | What Was the Orion Nebula? | How Does it Relate to Lilith & the Fall of Atlantis?
This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 25, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this report we revisit Mae Wa and find out she really was the skinsuit for Lilith and some of her spawns were still walking around the planet. Not only that, they were running an enormous operation tied […]