Nesara-Gesara Rumors Prompt Kim To Explain: 1. Why Trustee System Was Created 2. Who Created It & 3. How Much Control Did They Really Have? | ‘Bunkers’ Holding Gold, Not What The Deep State Thinks | As Administrator of Alpha-Omega System Kim Had the Authorization to Access the Gold In the ‘Bunkers’ | Non-Authorized Parties Would Be Killed By A Force Field Upon Entry, Hence Why No Asian Elder Can Access & Black Sun Is Wasting Their Time | Lies Told To Generals If Trump Won Changes Would Come Conflict With Orders From Same Promise Makers, Hence Mutiny Is Starting | Kim Sees Opportunity & Makes Them An Enticing Offer For All To Hear | Offer Is Rejected By Heads Of Both Orders Promoting More Mutiny | Per Kim… “Sometimes You Have to Start a War to End a War.” | Part 2 of 2
This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 20-NOV-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. The confusion about the financial system and control continues as deep state members go on a wild goose chase. Who were the Chinese Elders, the Rothschilds, the Black Sun, the Trustees and why was the system setup in the first place? […]